Eating Disorders

Did you know that there are about 8 million people in the United States that suffer from eating disorders? Yep. And that nearly 20 percent of this 8 million are teens and young adults? Yep, again. Let’s see, what is 20 percent of 8 million—that’s one million, six hundred young people. These problems are not fad diseases; they are very real and very dangerous to your long-term good health. Eating disorders include anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and binge eating, and all are potentially fatal. The most important thing for you to remember is that an eating disorder is not about food. Therefore, encouraging your friend to eat or not eat is not going to solve the problem. According to doctors and other informed health personnel, eating disorders afflict a wide variety of people with all sorts of personality types. They stem from complex social, psychological, physical, and emotional roots. People who use drugs to stimulate vomiting, bowel movements, or urination are in the most danger because these practices increase the risk of heart failure.8

Have I scared you enough yet?

Hope so.

When the American Anorexia/Bulimia Association canvassed their members, they found that most felt their eating disorder was a way to express their feelings because they didn’t know what else to do. These people talked about self-doubts, shame, rage, grief, and feelings that they weren’t good enough. Many said that they felt like they were glued to the wall, that no one noticed them. Most of these people are extremely sensitive and have trouble telling others how they really feel.9 Even when they are desperate for help and are feeling sick, they may not ask for assistance. This could be because they are in denial, or because they feel that they don’t deserve the help.

There are a variety of symptoms to look for, the most basic being tingling in hands and feet, fatigue, dizziness, lightheadedness, feeling faint (all caused by malnutrition), slowed heart rate, joint pain, muscle soreness, tendency to be too hot or too cold, depression, and stressed-out behavior. A person with anorexia will not eat enough because they tell people they don’t want to get fat. They will eat tiny amounts, filling their limited diet with lowfat, low-calorie foods, then overexercise and vomit. Someone suffering from bulimia eats unusually large amounts of food in short time periods, then purges using fasting, laxatives, diet pills, or overexercise. They may have an unusual swelling around the jaw. Binge eaters usually eat alone, spend a lot of money on food, and many times eat continuously. There’s more, but you get the idea.

What to Do

If you think a friend is having this kind of problem, the experts say that you should express your concerns, point out the facts, and suggest that your friend visit a doctor. This isn’t easy and your friend may laugh you off; however, most people will respond to concerns about their physical health, even if they deny that there’s an eating problem.10 Suggesting that they see a physician who can recommend “safe foods” (especially if they are on a diet) is reasonable, and your friend probably won’t think you are out of line.

What if I’ve just described you? Is there a spell you can do? Yeah, pick up the phone and make an appointment with the doctor. Now, there is no spell in the world that can replace adequate health care. You are not a bad Witch because you have an eating disorder, but you will be a sick one if you don’t do something about it. Yes, there is a lot of spellwork and ritual work that you can do to support medical treatment, especially those magickal workings designed to help you with your self-esteem and goal planning for the future, but they cannot replace medical help. There are lots of great spells in this book. Just pick the ones you like—after you talk to the doctor.

Whether you are having the problem, or you are concerned about a friend or family member, visit these websites for more information:

The American Anorexia/Bulimia Association:

Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention:

Mirror Mirror:

About Face:

Something Fishy:

You might also want to pick up The Unofficial Guide to Managing Eating Disorders by Sara Dulaney Gilbert and Mary C. Commerford, Ph.D. at your local bookstore.