The Core

It can take a whole lifetime to become yourself —

years of feeling adrift and alone

acting in a role you were never meant to play

stammering in a language you weren’t meant to speak

wearing clothes that don’t fit

trying to pass yourself off as normal

but always feeling clumsy and unnatural

like a stranger pretending to be at home

knowing that everyone can sense your strangeness

and resents you because they know you don’t belong.

But slowly, through years of exploration,

you see landmarks that you recognize

hear vague whispers that seem to make sense

strangely familiar words, as if you had spoken them yourself,

and ideas that resonate deep down, as if you already knew them.

And slowly your confidence grows

and you walk faster, sensing the right direction,

feeling the magnetic pull of home.

And now you begin to excavate

to peel away the layers of conditioning

to shed the skins of your flimsy false self

to discard those habits and desires that you absorbed

until you reach the solid rock beneath

the shining molten core of you.

And now there’s no more uncertainty —

your path is clear, your course is fixed.

This bedrock of your being is so firm and stable

that there’s no need for acceptance

no fear of exclusion or ridicule.

Everything you do is right and true

deep and whole with authenticity.

But don’t stop. This is only the halfway point —

maybe even just the beginning.

Once you’ve reached the core

keep exploring but more subtly

keep excavating but more delicately

and you’ll keep unearthing new layers, finding new depths,

until you reach the point that is no point

where the core dissolves

and the solid rock melts like ice

and the self loses its boundary

and expands to encompass the whole.

A self even stronger and truer

because it’s no self at all.

A self you had to find

so that you could lose it.