Time to Stop Striving

It’s time to stop striving

to stop hurtling forward like a blinkered horse.

It’s time to stop pushing,

like a mad-eyed explorer who won’t admit defeat

convinced the only reason he can’t forge ahead

is that he’s not trying hard enough.

It’s time to give up

the endless struggle to become

and accept that this is all there is

that there’s nothing more to gain or lose

that if this moment isn’t good enough

then no moment ever will be

that if you can’t make peace with this moment now

then you’ll always be at war.

It’s time to stop trying

to bend the world to your will

to twist destiny to your own desires

but to allow life to unfold

with slow natural grace, like spring.

It’s time to stop swimming

and let the river carry you.

Why strive so hard

when you can flow so easily?