Part 1. Person to Person

Chapter 1. Sympathy and Condolences

Expression of sympathy to friend

Dear Anne,

I was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of your mother.

I spent many hours with her as a volunteer at the elementary school and the food bank. She was a warm and caring woman, and we are all diminished without her.

I know this is a difficult time for you and your family, but I want you to know that you are in our thoughts.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Your mother was an exceptional woman and we will all miss her.


Karen Jenkins

Expression of sympathy for death of child

Dear Natalie,

I can hardly imagine the depth of your loss.

Losing a child is not something any of us can prepare for.

Frank and I and all of your friends are thankful for the brief time we had with Patty. She was an extraordinary young person who carried a little ray of sunshine with her everywhere she went. We will never forget her.

I wanted you to know you and your family are in our thoughts. Please let me know if there is anything we can do to assist you in these difficult times.


Joan Holly

Thanks for expression of sympathy

Dear Caroline,

Thank you for your kind words about Susan. I know the two of you were really close and had a great friendship.

It helps to know that her memory will be kept alive through the special people who knew and loved her.

I promise to keep in touch after I take a few weeks off to clear my head.



Making contribution in memory of friend

Dear Susan,

I want to extend my most heartfelt sympathies to you and your family.

The entire community of Rolling Meadow will mourn Don. He was a most generous and giving man, donating his time and support to so many of our important organizations.

Knowing of his special affection for the Junior Little League of Rolling Meadow, I have a set up a memorial fund in his name and made the first contribution; I will be encouraging others to add to the endowment, which will be used to pay for equipment for youngsters in need.

Please do not hesitate to let me know if there is anything I can do for you. I hope when the time is right for you, you will call me and we can get together.



Thanks for support in time of mourning

Dear Sarah,

Thank you for your very kind expressions of sympathy after Jim’s death.

It is so very difficult to lose a loved one, but when it happens so suddenly and unexpectedly the loss is almost too much to bear. I do know that I could not have gotten through these past few weeks without the help and support of all of my wonderful friends.

I am in the healing stage of grief, but you have all given me the confidence I need to continue living my life the way Jim would have wanted.



Sympathy for death of pet

Dear Ray,

I just learned of the death of your beloved Irish setter, Wilson.

I am so sorry for your loss. Wilson was an extraordinary companion. He was highly intelligent and very protective of you and your family, and his love was unconditional.

It was always a pleasure to meet you when you were out for a walk with him. I join you in missing him.



Support for ill former friend

Dear Monica,

I’m sorry we haven’t seen each other in such a long time, and even sorrier to hear from a mutual friend that you are battling some health issues.

Please know that my thoughts and prayers will always be with you. If there is anything I can do to help or if it would be a comfort for you to talk—about anything—please call me.



Best wishes on return from hospitalization

Dear Lori,

I just heard the great news that you’re finally out of the hospital.

We’re so happy you are home and on the mend.

We hope you will be ready soon for the company of some of your friends. Please let me know when you’d like us to come over, and I hope you will allow us to bring a meal or some snacks or a movie; just let us know.



Saying goodbye to neighbor who is moving

Stacy and Martin Goodwin

Rolling Meadow

Dear Stacy and Martin,

As you prepare to complete the sale of your home and begin the next phase of your life in the south of France, I wanted to wish you the very best.

As far as Anne and I are concerned, we could not have had better neighbors for the past twenty years. We’ve never had reason to complain, and we’ve very much enjoyed having you as friends.

We wish you the best of luck in the sunshine. We’ll think of you all the time, but especially when we are shoveling out the driveway after another snowstorm.

Please keep in touch.



Announcing death of executive

To the staff of Rolling Meadow Building Supply,

It is with great sadness that I report the passing of our longtime human resources director, Jim Pierce.

For more than sixteen years we have been so very fortunate to have someone as capable and knowledgeable as Jim working on behalf of our family of employees. His door was always open to any staffer who had a question or a problem, and he always seemed to come up with the right decision.

He leaves a devoted wife, Nora, and four children, Peter, Sam, Allison, and Jean.

We express our deepest sympathies to his family and offer our full support at this difficult time.

Roger Gibson


Rolling Meadow Building Supply

Notice of death of employee

To All Employees,

From Human Resources Department

We are deeply saddened to report that Jim Hapner, our senior night watchman and one of our longest-serving employees, passed away at Rolling Meadow Memorial Hospital early this morning.

Jim, known to all of us as “Chief,” was stricken while on duty. Emergency aid was performed at the company, and he was quickly removed to the hospital where he died soon after arrival.

He is survived by his wife Barbara and his two sons, James Jr., and Emilio.

Chief began work at Rolling Meadow Lumber Company as a salesman in 1989, moving to the security department five years later. He was a model employee and a good friend to most of us, and he will be greatly missed.

We will pass along details about funeral arrangements as soon as they are available. We will also inform you of plans for a special company observance in his honor.

Condolences to spouse of employee

Dear Nora,

On behalf of all of us at Rolling Meadow Building Supply, I want to express our deep sadness at Jim’s passing.

Jim was such an important part of our company; it is hard to imagine the coming years without him.

On a personal note, I was privileged to call him a friend. I will never forget how generous and helpful he was to me and my family when we came to Rolling Meadow three years ago. He was always willing to extend a helping hand to all who needed his help. He will be greatly missed.

If there is anything we can do to be of assistance to you and your family at this time, please do not hesitate to ask. It would be our privilege to help.


Roger Gibson, President

Rolling Meadow Building Supply

Sympathy to company on death of executive

Charles Fuller, President

Rolling Meadow Bank

Dear Charlie,

I was shocked to hear about the tragic death of your executive vice president, Ron Wheeler.

Please accept my personal condolences and those of all of us at Rolling Meadow Cable Company. We dealt with Ron on a number of issues, and I always came away impressed by his knowledge and willingness to help solve any problem that came his way; he will not be easily replaced.

Please keep me informed of any tribute or memorials you will hold. I would like to attend as a friend and to pay my respects to his family.


Alan Tierney, President

Rolling Meadow Cable Company