Part 5. Community Organizations

Chapter 17. Membership Matters and Events

Inviting new members for civic organization

Dear Neighbors,

We are all very privileged to live in a place like Rolling Meadow. But in the words of the great Massachusetts orator Wendell Phillips, “eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”

Citizens for Government Accountability is a nonpartisan civic organization that is dedicated to providing just that sort of vigilance here on the local level. Our focus is on encouraging and assisting the best candidates, of any political persuasion, to run for office. And then once they are elected, we do our best to hold them to their promises and the highest level of ethics.

We are writing to invite you to join our organization. Enclosed is an invitation to attend our next open house, scheduled for September 12.

Please read the information in the pamphlet with this letter, and if you agree that good government is ours for the asking . . . please join us.

We look forward to seeing you.

Harold Eckersley, President

Accepting invitation to join club

Bruce Chao, Membership Director

Rolling Meadow Citizens for Government Accountability

Dear Mr. Chao,

Thank you for your invitation to join RMCGA.

From everything I have heard about the organization and the information you provided, I am honored to be asked and happy to accept the invitation.

We chose Rolling Meadow as the place we wanted to live in retirement, and having lived here for just a few months we are quite convinced we made the right decision. I agree completely with your philosophy about the need for eternal vigilance of the actions of our elected officials, and I want to enlist.

I will be attending the meeting on August 1 and look forward to meeting you then.


Ron Harris

Accepting nomination to executive board

Jerry Orsillo, Chairman of the Board

Rolling Meadow Citizens for Government Accountability

Dear Jerry,

Thank you so much for your asking me to join the executive board of Rolling Meadow Citizens for Government Accountability. I am pleased to accept.

My wife and I have lived many places and been involved in many organizations in our working careers. But from the time we moved to Rolling Meadow to retire, we knew we were in a very special place.

I look forward to working with you and the other distinguished members of the board to give back to the community and to insist on the highest level of responsibility by our government officials.


Ron Harris

Asking suggestions for projects

To All Members,

As we are about to begin another school year, I’d like to call upon all members to look for worthy projects that our organization can support.

In the past, the Friends of Rolling Meadow Schools has funded special projects, purchased laboratory and supplies and athletic equipment, and even made our members available as volunteers for school events.

We are also always looking for new ways to raise money to support our activities.

I look forward to hearing your suggestions at our annual kickoff meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, August 29, at 7 p.m. in the elementary school library.

John Howard, President

Declining offer of chairmanship

Scott Ray, Chairman

Rolling Meadow Citizens Action Committee

Dear Scott,

I am truly honored that the Rolling Meadow Citizens Action Committee would consider asking me to succeed you as chairman.

You have done such a tremendous job for the past two years, and all of us who live here are in your debt. I would like nothing more than to work toward continuing your efforts to improve the quality of life in Rolling Meadow.

However, I regret that I must decline the offer.

The next year is going to be a difficult one for my wife, Priscilla. She has some health challenges we must deal with and that is our first priority.

I wish you and the committee the best; I will try to help in any way I can.


J. R. Reed

Resignation from community group for political position

Dear Mr. Chairman,

I am writing to inform you that I have decided I must resign my membership in the Lumbertown Chamber of Business Executives.

I was unhappy to see the chamber vote to become involved in a highly partisan political issue related to the upcoming national presidential election. While I fully support the rights of individuals to express any reasonable political position, I do not feel that our local business group should do so on behalf of its members.

I want to pass along my personal regards to the members of the Chamber of Business Executives and reassure all of you that I intend to continue to seek the growth of the Rolling Meadow economy and the success of our local citizens and government.


Elaine Martin

Resigning from community board

Diana Sayles, Executive Director

Rolling Meadow Youth Group

Rolling Meadow

Dear Diana,

I have been honored to serve on the board of directors of the Rolling Meadow Youth Group for the past three years.

During my time on the board I have been amazed at the dedication and commitment of everyone involved in the organization. You truly make a difference in the lives of Rolling Meadow youth.

It is with regret, though, that I must resign from the board. My duties at work have increased to the point where I do not have the time to adequately assist the board in its important tasks.

I do intend to give my full and enthusiastic support to the organization in years to come.


Alastair Patten

Resigning as club president because of family obligations

Dear Joe,

I am sorry to say that I must resign immediately from my post as president of the Mirror Pond Homeowners Association. It has been my honor to serve in the position.

Unfortunately, I am going to have to be spending a great deal of time assisting my elderly parents in Florida. I will be leaving to be with them immediately and have no idea how long I will be gone.

I am certain that as vice president you will do a fine job in my place. I think that all of the association files are in good order, and you should be able to jump right in on all of our projects. The one big job, of course, is the fundraising for legal costs to fight the proposed bar and nightclub on Highway 61. That file is right on top of the desk at the office.

Please feel free to call me on my cell phone if there is anything I can do to help you get up to speed.


Richard Thomas

Apology for missing meeting

Anne Gordon, Chairman

Rolling Meadow Historical Society

Dear Anne,

Please accept my apologies for missing the board of directors meeting yesterday.

I should have been there. My only excuse is that some of my coworkers did not recognize the importance of the meeting and I ended up with a conflict on my schedule.

When I was appointed to the board I pledged to be hands on and involved with the terrific work you do. I realize this was not an impressive start, but I will do better.

I will review the minutes and promise I will be present and up to speed for the next meeting.

Please extend my apologies to the other members.


Jim Paterson

Resigning as association officer because of illness

Dear Phil,

I have been honored to serve as the president of the Rolling Meadow Action Committee for Fair Housing for the past two years.

I am sorry to say that I must resign my position immediately because of a medical condition I recently became aware of. My doctors are hopeful, and so am I, but fighting this will require my full attention for months to come.

I am proud of what we have been able to accomplish in the years I’ve been associated with RMACFH and know that this fine work will continue. And we are very lucky to have so many other qualified and dedicated individuals who are available to take over.

As always, I wish everyone in our community the very best.


Brenda Temple

Withdrawing from committee because of workload

Frances Murphy, Superintendent

Rolling Meadow School Board

Rolling Meadow

Dear Ms. Murphy,

For the past eighteen months I have had the honor of serving on the parents’ advisory committee to the Rolling Meadow School Board.

When I was asked to join the committee, I promised that I would bring a fair and reasoned approach to this very important position. There is nothing more essential to our success as a community and nation than the education of our young people.

I hope I have succeeded in making progress toward improving the educational system.

However, I must inform you that I have accepted a new job with a local company. As a result I will not have the necessary time to devote to the advisory committee.

Therefore, it is with regret that I must resign the parents’ advisory committee. I wish the board and the community the best, and I do hope to be able to become involved with smaller projects from time to time.


Elaine Martin

Resigning from volunteer position

Evan Corn, Director

Rolling Meadow Museum

Dear Evan,

I have greatly enjoyed my time as a full-time volunteer at the Rolling Meadow Historical Museum. It was truly a delight to be a part of such an intelligent and creative group of people.

I realize that funding and sustaining a community organization is a very difficult task. I only wish the museum had been more successful in generating income and that I could earn a living from my work there.

Unfortunately, though, a volunteer job does not pay the bills.

Effective January 1, I will no longer be able to volunteer my time. I have accepted a full-time paid position as an information technology manager at the high school.

I wish everyone at the museum the best.


Francine Stevens

Canceling engagement of speaker

Erica Denton

Rolling Meadow

Dear Erica,

We spoke several weeks ago about the possibility of engaging you as a guest speaker for the annual dinner of the Rolling Meadow Camera Club.

Although we would love to have you come to the dinner, I am sorry to say that we now find we do not have the resources to cover your speaking fee.

We continue to be admirers of your work and hope that sometime in the future we will be able to pay you to share your expertise and artistic vision with our members.

My apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you.


Herb Saul, President

Rolling Meadow Camera Club

Declining invitation to speak at event

Robert Gray, Events Chairperson

Dear Mr. Gray,

Thank you for the invitation to speak at an upcoming gathering of the Rolling Meadow Conservative League.

I regret that I must decline. Although I may personally be in agreement with some of your group’s positions, company policy does not permit executives to become involved in partisan politics. It is one of our core values to respect the diversity of opinion amongst our employees, suppliers, and customers.

Tim Orelly

Big Meadow Pet Food Company

Accepting invitation to speak in opposition

Eric Payne, Executive Director

Rolling Meadow Historical Association

Thank you for your invitation to speak at your weekly luncheon discussions. You asked if I would address the town’s proposal to put a bicycle path through the old cemetery of the congregational church.

I know the historical association is in favor of this idea and has made plans for restoration of the area after the path is installed.

I want you to be fully aware of my opposition to the bicycle path proposal. I intend to do whatever I can to defeat what I consider a desecration of sacred land.

If you truly are willing to allow me to speak at your luncheon and present my point of view, I would be happy to do so.


Ted Galvin

Pastor, Congregational Church

Calling on committee members to show more dedication

To Members of the Committee,

Six months ago when I accepted the chair of the Rolling Meadow Parks Advisory Committee I did so with great hope for change. At the first meeting I was very impressed with the enthusiasm and commitment from all those in attendance.

I am disappointed to report that I have seen very little of that energy since. There are many projects we all agreed to support, but at the most recent meeting I can’t say that any of our ideas have moved toward action.

At the top of the list when I first joined the committee was an effort to seek corporate sponsorship to provide funds for activities at our parks and the community pool this summer. With opening day just a month away, I am calling upon all interested members of the community to join us at our next committee meeting and work with us in contacting businesses and organizations to seek their participation.

As a reminder, our next meeting is Tuesday night at 7 p.m., in the library of the high school.

Wendy Fuller, Chairperson

Objecting to political actions by organization

Dear Veronica,

As a longtime member of the Rolling Meadow Civic Action Committee, I have been proud of our actions in support of our community. We have acted in a nonpartisan way on behalf of many important causes.

Recently, though, I believe that the committee has become too closely allied with state senator Richard Precedente. This is a politician with whom I have had a number of very serious disagreements over the years, and that is precisely why I am upset we should not do anything to compromise our impartial reputation.

I hope you will join with me in steering the committee back to its former nonpartisan role. I want to continue to work with you and the other members of the committee, but I can only do so if we steer away from political partisanship.


Rita Hull

Complaining about ticket price

Kerry Johnson, Director

Rolling Meadow Community Theatre

Dear Mr. Johnson,

I am writing to register my displeasure with the increase in ticket prices for the upcoming season.

I am well aware that in this difficult economy organizations such as the Rolling Meadow Community Theatre are facing fiscal difficulties.

But in my opinion, a 50 percent increase to the price of individual tickets, and a corresponding boost to the cost of a season subscription, is unreasonable.

In my situation—and I suspect there are many others like me—all this will mean is that I will attend three performances this season instead of six.

I think your group should spend more effort seeking sustaining donations and grants from major corporations and civic groups instead of pricing tickets out of the range of local residents, something that will hurt the organization in years to come.

I have been a regular patron of the community theatre for many years, and I hope you are able to continue your valuable contribution to Rolling Meadow.


Lorna Vogt

Requesting newspaper coverage of show

Maryanne Jaune, Editor

Rolling Meadow Times

Dear Ms. Jaune,

The Rolling Meadow Art Museum will be opening an exciting new exhibit in our main gallery on Thursday, July 6.

“Rolling Meadow, The Pioneers of Photography” will include some of the oldest known images of our town, taken by early residents and by itinerant photographs who headed west in the 1870s.

Many of the images come from the private collections of the original residents of Rolling Meadow and are shown here for the first time. Perhaps the treasure of the show is a photo of Chester A. Arthur on the courthouse steps making an appearance in his successful campaign for the presidency in 1880. He is the only president (or presidential candidate) ever to visit Rolling Meadow; the small park across from the courthouse, Arthur Park, is named in commemoration of his visit.

I am enclosing information about this exhibit and the membership reception scheduled for the evening before its official opening.

We would appreciate coverage of the event in the Times. Our curator, Joan Gordon, is available to meet with a reporter any time in the next two weeks to give a tour of the exhibit and explain the background of the photos on display.


Samantha Gris, Curator

Complaining about factual errors in newspaper coverage

Maryanne Jaune, Editor

Rolling Meadow Times

Dear Ms. Jaune,

The article in this week’s Times about our new photography exhibit contains at least four significant errors of fact.

As director of public relations for the Rolling Meadow Art Museum, I provided the newspaper with a press release including the opening date and other information about the exhibit. I also invited you to send a reporter to speak with our curator.

Unfortunately, the article that appeared was based entirely on the release—no one at the museum was called—and it included incorrect information.

Our official opening has come and gone, but I would greatly appreciate it if you would assign a reporter to do a story about the exhibit itself. We will cooperate in every way to provide information and images from the exhibition that you can use.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Robert Vinton, Director of Public Relations