MacArthur, Douglas, 53
McCoy, Alfred, 134–35
MacDill Air Force Base (Florida), 129, 223, 237, 249
Macedonia, 300
McGovern, Ray, 305
McKinley, William, 41, 43, 44, 45
McMaster,H.R., 61
McSally, Martha, 241
Madison, James, 44–45, 120, 292
Magsaysay, Ramón, 209
Mahathir, Mohamad, 273–74
Maine, USS, sinking of, 40, 192, 301
Makarios III, president of Cyprus, 206
Malaysia, 273–74
Mallaby, Sebastian, 71
Manama naval base (Bahrain), 220–21, 245, 248, 252
Manas International Airport (Kyrgyzstan), 183–84
Manchester, William, 59
manifest destiny, 51
Maoism, 9
Marashi, Ibrahim al-, 304
Marcos, Ferdinand, 89, 207, 210–13, 273
Marine Corps, 7, 41, 103, 105, 109, 201.See also Special Forces
defense budget and, 62
number of, 78
Marine Corps Reserve, 102
“Market as God, The” (Cox), 261
“market democracy,” 21
markets, “free,” 262, 263, 265, 273, 308–9.See also globalization; neoliberalism
Markle, Kenneth, 92
Marshall, Andrew W., 82–83
Marshall, George C, 53–54
Martin, Patrick, 176
Matar, Mohammed, 230
Matlock, Jack F, 69
Mauritius, 221
Maury, John, 205
Mazar-i-Sharif base (Afghanistan), 182
Mead, Walter Russell, 68
media.See news media
Meltzer Report (2000), 275–76
Menem, Carlos, 274
mercantilism, 30–31
Metcalf, Joseph W., III, 114
Mexican War of 1846–48, 52, 191
Mexico, 2, 121, 169, 190, 192, 274
revolution of 1910, 47–49
Michener, James, 58
Microsoft, 166
Middle East Media Research Institute (Memri), 235
Middle East Review of International Affairs, 304
Middle East.See also CENTCOM; Persian Gulf; and specific countries, military bases, and wars
mercenaries in, 135
NSS of 1990 and, 21
permanent deployment of soldiers in, 253
Miles, Manuel, 15
all-volunteer army and, 102
causes of, 64–65
CINCs and foreign policy and, 124–26
“civilian,” 60–62
civilian casualties and, 28
Cold War and, 55–58
defense spending and, 56–58
defined, vs. “military,” 23–24
democracy undermined by, 13
domestic policing and, 119–23
economic effect of, 257
economic globalism vs., 272
growth of, as irreversible, 11–12
Hawaii and, 42n
imperialism inseparable from, 30
institutions of, 97–130
intelligence and, 11, 126–29, 167
Korean War and, 58–59
military as priority of state and, 63–64
military bases and, 152
military evasion of congressional restrictions and, 138
military officers in government positions and, 62–63
Panama and, 42n
professional military class and, 58–62
Reagan and, 61–62
sorrows of, post Iraq, 284–85
space and, 79–83
Spanish-American War and, 39–46
standing army and, 44–45
Vietnam War and, 59–61
Wilson and, 46–52
WW II, 52–55
Militarism, U.S.A. (Donovan), 187
military.See also armed forces; Defense, Department of
defined, vs. militarism, 23–24
displaces resources from free market, 308–9
domestic policing and, 119–23
growth of role of, 3, 22, 123–25
high-ranking, as modern-day proconsuls, 5, 8
overstretched, 256
personnel, deployment of, 154–55, 156–60
political power of, 53–54
presence, number of nations in, 288
Military Assistance Pact (1947), 207, 209
Military Bases Agreement (1957), 207
military bases overseas, 64.See also specific bases and host countries
Afghanistan and, 181–82
CINCs and, 124
Cold War and, 32–33
construction and maintenance of, 26, 142–44
crime and racism in, 6–8, 36–37, 107–8
disguised, 4
expulsion of, 213–14
financing of, 24–25
history of acquisition of, 188–214
indigenous people displaced by, 34, 221
Monroe Doctrine and, 2, 189–92
number and value of, 4–5, 153–54, 189–90
oil and, 167–80
Persian Gulf, 226–27, 233, 237–53
post-Cold War era acquisition of, 214–15
post-Vietnam reduction in, 203–4
rationale for, 188
recreation spots for, 5
reluctance to give up, 25–26, 34–35, 152, 310
surveillance and, 161–167
after WWII, 193–203
military-industrial complex, 26, 32–33, 39, 57–58, 142–43, 152, 214, 277, 309
military officers
number of, in foreign countries, 5
as professional military class, 55, 58–63
retired, in arms industry, 61, 135, 141
military participation ratio (MPR), 52, 59
Military Professional Resources, Inc. (MPRI), 140, 141, 142
Miller, Stuart Creighton, 43
Milosevic, Slobodan, 74
Mindanao, Muslim secessionists in, 210
Misawa Air Force Base (Japan), 162, 164
Missile Defense Agency, 309
“mission myopia,” 300
Moberg, David, 74
Mobil Oil, 218
Mongol empire, 257
Monroe, James, 191
Monsanto, 271
Montagnards, 131
Montana National Guard, 175
Monteith, Jimmy W., Jr., 143
Moore, Demi, 112
“moral hazard,” 266
moral truth, Bush II and, 286–87
Moran, Michael, 155
Morón Air Base (Spain), 204
Moro National Liberation Front (Philippines), 210
Morris, Roger, 223
Mossadeq, Mohammad, 220
Mosul, National Museum looted (Iraq), 234
Mount Pinatubo volcano, 209, 213
MSNBC, 113
multilateral development banks, 63
multilateralism, 80
multinational corporations, 26, 30–31, 219, 267, 271, 277
Munnich, Eric, 92
Murray, Patty, 57
Murtopo, Ali, 76
mutual defense treaties, 31
Mutual Defense Treaty (U.S. Philippines), 209
“Mutual Logistics Support Agreement” (Philippines), 213–14
Nader, Ralph, 145
Nagorno-Karabakh, 174
Nagy, Imre, 19
National Defense University (Washington, DC), 136
national energy policy (Cheney Report, 2001), 169
National Geographic (TV show), 113
number of, 102
National Hot Rod Association, 98
National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA), 117, 127
National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), 79, 80, 117, 118, 127, 155, 162, 311
National Security Agency (NSA), 36, 117–18, 127, 155, 161–62
computer failure, 288
U.S. citizens and, 165, 166, 296
National Security Council, 20, 173, 179, 181, 223, 228
National Security Decision Directive 114, 224
National Security Strategy (NSS) (1990), 20–21 (2002), 33–34, 90, 151, 286–88
National Space Symposium, 79–80, 311
National System of Political Economy, The (List), 262
Native Americans, 2, 43, 103, 190
NATO, 80, 140, 154, 164, 194, 204
Bush II and, 83
formation of, 222
Serbia and, 75
Naval Reserve, 102
Naval Special Warfare Center, 136
navy, 7, 63, 103, 105, 112–13, 129
black programs, 118
defense budget and, 62
number in, 78
Navy SeaBees, 245
Nazarbayev, Nursultan, 172
Nea Makri Communications Station (Greece), 205
Nellis Air Force Base (Nevada), 119
neoclassical economics, 260
neoconservatives, 70–71
neofascists, 204
neoliberalism, 257, 259–61, 267–77
Netanyahu, Benjamin, 235
neutron bombs, 290
Nevatim Airfield (Israel), 153
“new economy,” 260
newly industrialized countries (NICs), 262
New People’s Army (NPA) (Philippines), 210
news media (press)
Afghan war and, 115
antiglobalization protests and, 275
China spy plane collision and, 88
deception operations and, 299
Grenada and, 114–15
Iraq war and, 115–16, 231, 249, 303–4
manipulation of, 13, 80–81, 114–17
military recruitment and, 112–15
sanitized expressions used by, 4
on SOA, 136
Spanish-American War and, 39, 40
special forces and, 128
Taliban and, 180
WW II and, 52
New Yorker, 305
New York Journal, 40
New York magazine, 249
New York Times, 20, 85, 127, 184, 217, 242, 273, 275
New York World, 40
Nicaragua, 11, 17, 34, 75, 128, 192, 193
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 309
Niger uranium claim, 304–5
Nixon, Richard M., 59, 205–6, 223, 236, 265, 284, 295
Nixon Doctrine, 135
Nobel, Alfred, Robert, and Ludwig, 168
No Child Left Behind Act (2001), 111
nonaligned countries, 258
Noriega, Manuel, 69
North, Oliver, 130
North Africa, 15
Northern Alliance (Afghanistan), 177, 180, 181, 182–83, 229
Northern Command, 121–22
North Korea, 20, 31, 58, 64, 77, 88–95, 202, 288, 290, 310
Northrop Grumman, 57, 63, 135, 240
North Vietnam, 134
Novartis, 271
Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (1970), 73, 77, 90, 290–91
Nuclear Posture Review (2002), 290
nuclear weapons, 64, 77, 94, 97, 124, 163, 291
Bush II and “low yield” or “mini,” 290–91
North Korea and, 94
Philippines and, 212–13
special operations and, 129–30
Oakley, Robert, 178
Obrenovic, Dragan, 75
Occidental Petroleum, 311
Office for Global Communications, 299
Office of Defense Trade Controls, 133
Office of National Estimates, 9–10
Office of Strategic Influence, 298–99
Office of Strategic Services, 10, 204, 218
Africa and, 311
Central Asia and Iraq and, 145–46, 215, 226–28, 233–34
imported, 307–8
military bases and, 151–52, 155, 167–80, 189
Oman and, 250–51
oil crises of 1970s, 259
oil pipelines
Afghanistan and, 176–79
Central Asia and, 167, 170, 172–76, 226
Okinawa, 6–8, 24, 35, 91, 152, 198–201, 208, 215
North Korea and, 94
Vietnam War and, 202
Oklahoma City bombing, 121
military bases in, 24, 215, 250–52
Omar, Mohammed, 231
O’Meara, Kelly, 58
101st Airborne Division, 24
160th Special Operations Air Regiment, 119, 129
1660th Tactical Airlift Wing, 252
Operation Anaconda, 289
Operation Desert Shield, 100
Operation Desert Storm, 80, 100, 147, 198, 225
Operation Enduring Freedom, 113
Operation Just Cause, 69
Operation Northwoods, 301
Operation Urgent Fury, 114
opium trade. See also drug trafficking
Afghanistan and, 177, 180, 181
Indochina and, 134–35
Opium War of 1839–42, 35
Oregon Territory, 191
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 62, 219, 250–51
Origins of Totalitarianism, The (Arendt), 283
Orwell, George, 141
Osan Air Base (South Korea), 91
Osirak reactor raid (Iraq), 70
Oslo Accords, 235
Ota, Masahide, 6
Outer Space Treaty (1967), 81
“overloans,” 266
Owen, Glen, 110
Owens, Arne, 136
Pacific Command (PACOM), 93, 124–25
Pacific Fleet, civilian visitors to, 117
Pacific Islanders, 103
Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza, shah of Iran, 220
military bases in, 173, 182–83, 214, 215, 242
oil pipeline and, 173, 176–79, 182–83
Paladin artillery pieces, 142, 242–243
Palestinians, 71, 72, 133. See also Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Panama, 3, 62, 69–70, 128, 192
Panama Canal Zone, 42, 69, 136, 192–93
Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK), 206–7
Papadopoulos, George, 206
Papandreou, Andreas, 206–7, 211
Paraguay, 75
Parameters, 288
Pasni military base (Pakistan), 182
patents, agriculture, 271–72. See also intellectual property rights
Pathet Lao, 134
Patriot Act, USA, (2001), 296–98
Patterns of Global Terrorism (State Department), 227
Patton (film), 112
Pearl Harbor attack, 113, 189, 300
Pearl Harbor (film), 112–13
“Pentagon Papers, The,” 10
People’s War, 9
Percy, Lindis, 164–65
perestroika, 18
Perle, Richard, 126, 228, 234, 235
Pershing, John J., 47
Persian Gulf, 216, 217–23, 242
Carter Doctrine and, 223
democracy and, 233
Iranian revolution and, 222–23
military bases in, 8, 24, 148, 155, 168, 190, 198, 214, 220–21, 226–27, 233, 237–53, 258
Persian Gulf War (1991, Gulf War I), 3, 21, 100, 141, 144, 219, 221, 225–26, 229. See also Iraq; Iraq war of 2003
cost of, 307
four classes of casualties, 100
MPR, 52
Oman and, 252
payments from foreign governments for, 25
Pentagon desire to finish, 227–28
propaganda and, 230–31
reporters and, 116
Saudi Arabia and, 135, 219, 238–40
troops in, 107
Peru, 263–64
Peterson Air Force Base (Colorado Springs), 121
Pfaff, William, 51
pharmaceutical companies, 256, 271
Philadelphia Inquirer, 128
Philby, H. St. John, 218
Philby, Kim, 218
Philippines, 29, 31, 41–44, 50, 89, 192, 203, 268–69
military bases and, 2, 8, 152, 189, 193, 207–14, 288
Philippines Freedom from Nuclear Weapons Act (1988), 212–13
Picasso, Pablo, 299
Pine Gap (Australia), 162–63
Pinochet, Augusto, 267
“plant replacement value” (PRV), 154, 189–90, 221
Platt Amendment (1901), 41–42
Polk, James K., 191
Polo, Marco, 168
Pomeroy, William J., 208
Poole, Patrick S., 296–97
“Population Representation in the Military Services” (DOD report, 1999), 102
Portuguese colonies, 190
Posse Comitatus Act (1878), 120–22
Postal Service, U.S., 295
Pouliot, Michael R., 148
Powell, Colin, 53, 62, 213–14, 227, 228, 236, 247, 289
UN Security Council and, 301–5
Present Dangers (Kagan and Kristol), 228, 235
expanded power of, 47, 285, 292–96
“illegal belligerents” and, 78–79
intelligence budgets and, 117
military vs. authority of, 53, 125
promises to end wars and, 59
Roman emperors and, 15
Bush II doctrine of, 256, 285–87
cost of, 307
defense intellectuals and, 70–71
Iraq and, 284
North Korea and, 90
Rumsfeld vs. CIA and, 128
Prince Sultan Air Base (Saudi Arabia), 226, 238–42
private military companies, 134, 135, 140–49, 184
privatization, 259
“Proactive Preemptive Operations Group,” 129
professional military class, 55, 58–61
Project for the New American Century (PNAC), 228, 229, 230, 234, 235
Iraq and, 229–31
protectionism, 263
Pulitzer, Joseph, 40
Punjabis, 70
military bases in, 24, 215, 241, 242, 244, 246–49
racial minorities, in armed forces, 104–5, 110
racism, 25
“extraterritoriality” and, 35
imperialism and, 29, 47, 50, 51
liberalism and, 261
Philippines and, 43–44
Wen-ho Lee case and, 87
RAF Chicksands Priory (Britain), 162, 164
RAF Croughton (Britain), 164
RAF Menwith Hill (Britain), 161, 162, 164, 165
RAF Morwenstow (Britain), 162
Ramstein Air Force Base (Germany), 154, 194
Rand Corporation, 82
Rapid Deployment Force, 223
“rapid dominance,” 290
Rashid, Ahmed, 179
Reagan, Ronald, 16–17, 126, 178, 228, 235, 259, 298
defense spending and, 56
El Salvador and, 126
Grenada and, 114
neocons and, 70
Philippines and, 212
special forces and, 128
star wars and, 84
Vietnam and, 60
“realists,” 19
Rebuilding America’s Defenses (PNAC report of September 2000), 228, 229, 230
Regal Entertainment Group, 114
“Regional Counter-Terrorism Defense Fellowship Program,” 138
Rehnquist, William, 298
Reischauer, Edwin O., 201
Remington, Frederic, 40
Republican Party, 46, 51, 80, 88, 191, 192
Clinton defense spending and, 56
convention of 2000, 120
Kazakhstan pipeline and, 173–74
Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), 141–42
Junior, 111
Rhineland-Palatinate, 195
Ricardo, David, 260
Rice, Condoleezza, 33–34, 173–74, 179, 227, 229, 233
RiceTec, Inc., 271
Rickover, Hyman, 40
Rivero, Oswaldo de, 261, 262, 263–64, 274
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
attacks of 1995 in, 237
attacks of 2003 in, 148–49, 241–42
Riyadh Air Force Base, 239
Rocca, Christina, 181
Rogers, Paul, 162
“rogue states,” 21, 77, 84, 291
Roh Moo-hyun, 93
Rokke, Doug, 100–102
Bush II and, 256
hate and fear slogan and, 285
Krauthammer on, 68
Legionnaires, troops in Germany as, 196
military bases and, 24, 25, 188
North Korea and, 88
proconsuls, CINCs as, 87, 121, 126
rise and fall of, 15–16
slaughter of civilians by, 28
Roman senate and, 15–16, 37, 312
sorrows of, 285
Romero, Oscar, 136
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 2, 33, 52, 191, 192, 218, 286
Roosevelt, Theodore, 29, 40, 41, 42n, 45, 46, 48, 51, 70, 80, 192
Root, Elihu, 45–46, 48, 51, 192
Rose, M. Franklin, 27
Rota Naval Base (Spain), 163, 204
Rothschild family, 168
Rough Riders (Rocky Mountain), 41, 45
Rove, Karl, 236
Royal Air Force (RAF) stations, Sigint bases and, 164
Rubin, Robert, 256
Ruby Ridge attacks, 121
“Rule of Power or the Rule of Law, The” (IEER and LCNP study), 73
Rumsfeld, Donald, 6, 11, 123, 126–30, 172, 181, 215, 241, 248, 298–300
Iraq and, 224–25, 227, 228, 230–32, 236
space and, 82–85
Russia. See also Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Russia, post-Cold War, 83, 183, 290
economic crisis in, 263, 267, 275
military expenditures of, 306–7
nuclear weapons and, 291
North Korea and, 94
oil and, 169, 170, 172, 173, 174, 176, 179
weapons sales by, 133
Russia, pre-Soviet, 42–43, 131
Rwanda, 72
Sabana Seca (Puerto Rico), 162
Saint, Crosbie E., 141
Sakharov, Andrei, 17–18
Salinas, Raul, 274
Sampson, Anthony, 234
San Diego Unified School District, 110–11
San Joaquin County, USS, 201
San Vito dei Normanni (Italy), 162
Sao Tomé, 311
“Sarge, The” (Army dragster), 98
Sasebo naval base (Japan), 201
satellite nations, 31, 35, 41–42
satellites (space), 79, 81, 83
spy, 81, 161–63, 165–66, 224, 311
Saud, Khalid Al, 237
Saudi Arabia, 144, 166, 182, 233
anti-American incidents in, 139, 148–49, 237–38, 241–42
BBC and, 247
Israel and, 235
military bases in, 24, 139, 215, 226, 237–42
9/11 attacks and, 227
oil and, 179, 217–19, 308, 311
U.S. announces withdrawal from, 241–42
Saudi Aramco, 219
Saudi Ministry of Defense and Aviation, 240
Saudi National Guard, 135, 148–49, 242
Schell, Jonathan, 290
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 6, 286
School of the Americas (SOA), 68, 136–37
Schröder, Gerhard, 198
Schwarzkopf, Norman, 80, 100, 113, 226, 237
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), 140
scientific research institutes, 32
Scott, Bruce R., 260
Seattle, USS (cruiser), 109
Seberg, Jean, 295
Second Infantry Division, 92, 93
secrecy, 1, 10–12, 57, 60, 68, 117–20
espionage bases and, 161
FISC and, 295
Japan nuclear agreement and, 201–2
military bases and, 152–53, 155
private military companies and, 135
SOFAs and, 36
Secrets (Ellsberg), 97
secret treaties, China and, 50
Sembach airfield (Germany), 194
Sepoy Mutiny (1857), 134, 138–39
September 11, 2001 attacks, 310
al-Jazeera on, 247
Central Asian oil and, 175–76, 181–83, 226–27
CIA and, 139
consequences of path taken after, 284–85
“defense intellectuals” and, 81, 84
globalization ended by, 257
globalization protestors compared to, 275
high-tech warfare invites, 291
Indonesian military training after, 138
Iraq war pushed after, 126–27, 229
military imperialism after, 3–4, 11–13, 67–68, 214–15, 277, 280
military in domestic policy after, 120–21
military recruitment and, 113
preventive war and, 285–86
Saudi bases and, 241–42
Schlesinger on aftermath of, 6
special intelligence after, 126–27
threats to constitutional rights after, 297–98
unilateralism after, 72–73, 76–78
weapons sales and profits after, 280
Serbia, 3, 20, 72, 75, 79, 145
Seven Sisters, The (Sampson), 234
Seventh Air Force, 91
Seventh Army, 196
Seventh Fleet, 109, 201, 208–9
763rd Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron, 250
sex industry, military bases and, 211
sexual assaults and rapes
military bases and, 6–7, 37, 92–93, 108, 198
private military companies and, 140
U.S.-trained troops and, 136
of women in armed forces, 105–6, 108
Seychelles, 221
shah of Iran. See Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza, shah of Iran
Shaikh Isa Air Base (Bahrain), 245–46
Shakespeare, William, 16
Shimkus, John, 111
Shining Path, 264
Shughart, Randy, 133
Sierra Leone, 135
Sigint (signals intelligence) bases, 164–65
Sikorsky, 279
Simbulan, Roland G., 213
Sin, Jaime, 212
Singapore, 263
Sites 51, 53, 54 (Israel), 153
614th Space Intelligence Squadron, 83
Sixteenth Amendment, 46
Slate, 309
Slipchenko, Vladimir, 288
Slovakia, 300
Slovenia, 300
Smith, Adam, 260
SoCal. See Standard Oil Company of California
Socony-Vacuum (Mobil), 218
“Soldiers Should Not Be Spying” (Korb and Tepperman), 130
Souda Bay base (Greece), 205
South America, 190.See Latin America; and specific countries
South Carolina, elections of 1876, 120
Southeast Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO), 209
South Korea, 31, 34, 68, 179, 215, 255
democracy in, 89
economy of, 263, 267, 273, 278
Gulf War I and, 307
military bases in, 8, 56, 92–93, 107–8, 202–3
U.S.-North Korea tensions and, 89–95
weapons sales to, 279
South Ossetia (Georgia), 176
Southwestern Asia, 168
sovereignty, 284
Soviet Union and the Czechoslovak Army,1948–1983 (Rice), 173
Soviet Union.See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Soyster, Harry E., 141
intelligence and, 81, 161–63, 165–66, 224
Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS), 162
Space Command, U.S., 79, 81, 122
Space Systems Company (Lockheed), 80
Civil War in, 203–4
empire of, 24, 40, 42, 43, 190, 257
Spangdahlem airfield (Germany), 194
Spanish-American War, 2, 39–45, 52, 67
military bases and, 189, 192–93, 207
Spartacist revolt, 139
Special Access Programs (SAPs), 118–19
Special Forces (special operations)
allies and, 130
Baku-Ceyhan pipeline and, 175–76
CIA displaced by, 126–30
CINCs and, 124
Djibouti and, 252
El Salvador and, 126
Indonesia and, 137–38
Iraq war and, 242
military training and, 132, 135
number of, 129
Philippines and, 213-14
as president’s private army, 12
roots of, 123-24
secret budget for, 118
spouse murders by, 108
SWAT team, proposed, 129–30
“Special Operations and Joint Forces in Countering Terrorism” (Defense Science Board), 129
Special Operations Command, 129
Sperry, 224
Srebrenica, 75
“stability,” intervention to achieve, 70
stagflation, 259
Standard Oil, 169
Standard Oil of California (SoCal), 217–18
Standard Oil of New Jersey (Exxon), 218
standing army in peacetime, 24, 44-45, 78, 120, 188-89
Star Chamber, 295
Starr, Kenneth, 75
star wars, 61. See also strategic defense initiative
State, Department of, 4-6, 64, 74, 227
Afghanistan and, 178
declining influence of, 62
foreign military training and, 132, 137, 140
Greece and, 206
intelligence and, 9
military officials in, 53-54, 62
Pentagon usurps functions of, 123-26
state terrorism, 68, 72, 121, 124, 133
status of forces agreements (SOFA), 5, 7, 35-36, 93
Steger, Manfred, 260
Stettinius, Edward, 218
Stevens, Ted, 57
Stevenson, Adlai, 302
Stiglitz, Joseph E., 256, 262, 270
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), 63
Stover, Steve, 149
Strait of Hormuz, 249, 250, 251
Strategic Air Command, 219
Strategic Assessment 1999 (JCOS), 226
strategic defense initiative (SDI), 17, 18, 56, 84
“structural adjustment loans,” 266-69, 275, 278
Subic Bay Naval Base (Philippines), 193, 208-9, 211, 212
submarines, spy, 163
Sudan, 81
Suetonius, 37
Suez Canal crisis of 1956, 219
Suharto, president of Indonesia, 75–76
Suid, Lawrence H., 112
Sultan bin Abdul Aziz, prince of Saudi Arabia, 240, 241
“Summit Communications” (Taiwan), 162
Sun Fun Products, 2
Sun Tzu, 255
Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), 194
Sweden, 263
Taft, William Howard, 192
Taiwan, 31, 86–88, 203, 208, 263, 281
military bases and, 152
Talbot, Karen, 281
Taliban, 26–27, 72, 79, 80, 177–83, 189, 229, 233
Iraq and, 231
U.S. support for, 226
Tallil Air Base (Iraq), 234
Tammany Hall, 44
Tanzania, embassy attack (1998), 139, 178, 180
Tapestry Solutions Corporation, 148
“targeted killings,” 291
Halliburton and, 145
telecommunications, interception of, 161–64
Tengiz oil field, 173
Tenth Mountain Division, 175, 184
Tepperman, Jonathan D., 130
terrorism, 20–21. See also “war on terrorism”
domestic policing and, 120–21
nuclear proliferation and, 291
as sorrow of empire, 285
special operations and, 129–30
U.S. and, in Nicaragua, 75
Tessier, Marie, 105
Texaco, 218
Thatcher, Margaret, 165, 225, 259
“theater engagement plans,” 124
think tanks, 26
Third Infantry Division, 24, 242
globalization and, 256, 258, 261–62, 264, 266–76
366th Air Expeditionary Wing, 245
379th Air Expeditionary Wing, 248
Thule Air Force Base (Greenland), 34
Thumrait Air Base (Oman), 252
Tibetans, 72
Tierney, John, 84
Tillman, Benjamin, “Pitchfork Ben,” 43–44
Time, 116
Torrejón Air Base (Spain), 204
Torricelli, Robert, 12
trade, 31, 68, 208, 256, 258–73
commercial espionage and, 166
national security exceptions and, 278
Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement, 269, 270–72
trade unions, 274
trans-Afghan pipeline, 175, 176–80, 226
trans-Balkan pipeline, 145–46
Treasury, Department of, 122, 264, 275
Treaty of Paris (1898), 41, 42
Treaty of Rome(1998), 74
Treaty of Versailles (1918), 50–51
trucial states, 217
Truman Doctrine, 204
truth, replaced by propaganda, 285, 298–306
Tupac Amaru guerrilas, 264
Turkey, 70, 137, 173, 205, 206, 278
Iraq war and, 252
military bases in, 144, 215, 240, 242, 252
Turkmenistan, 169, 170, 172, 176, 178, 179, 185
Turley, Jonathan, 310
Turner, Frederick Jackson, 191
Tuvalu, 133
Twenty-eighth Air Expeditionary Group, 252
Tyranny’s Ally (Feith), 235
Udorn, Thailand (air base), 134, 162
UKUSA signals intelligence alliance, 165
Ullman, Harlan, 289–90
economic effect of, 256, 272, 281, 307
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR, Soviet Union), 34
Afghanistan and, 139, 177, 222
atomic bomb and, 222
collapse of, 3, 6, 13, 16–21, 62, 169
combat aircraft, 119
containment of, 2, 6, 193, 194
East Asia and, 50
end of empire, 19, 20, 22–23, 189, 310
“evil empire” label and, 2–3, 67
oil and, 168–69
U.S. surveillance of, 162, 163
weapons sales, 214
Union Oil Company of California (Unocal), 172, 176–80, 228
Unisys, 224
United Arab Emirates, 179, 222, 233, 307
military bases in, 24, 215, 242, 244, 249–50
United Nations (UN), 63, 68, 69, 76–78, 80
Afghanistan and, 180
East Timor and, 125
imperialism and, 283–84
Iraq and, 225, 229–30, 232–33, 236, 302–5
war crimes tribunal, 74
UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, 290–91
UN Security Council, 72, 73, 77–78, 299
Powell presentation to, 301–4
resolution 1441, 224
U.S. Congress, 9, 68, 74, 84, 117, 129, 163, 199, 275, 284, 296, 306
Budget Office, 307
covert operations and, 117–19, 128
defense spending and, 56–58, 248, 306, 309
Gulf War I and, 230–31
Indonesia and, 125
Iraq and, 292
military circumvents, 125, 128, 130, 133, 136–38, 142
need for reform of, 312
Roman senate compared with, 16
Spanish-American War and, 40, 41, 43–45
WW II and, 52
U.S. Export Import Bank, 278–79
U.S. House of Representatives, 56, 86–87, 111, 297
United States Information Agency, 64
U.S. News & World Report, 108, 127
U.S. Senate, 51, 111, 127, 205–6
Appropriations Committee, 57
Foreign Relations Committee, 152
Intelligence Committee, 295, 305
Judiciary Committee, 297
U.S. Supreme Court, 120, 174, 294, 296, 298
universities, 26, 32, 111–12, 141–42, 272, 278
University of Michigan Law School, 104
Uruguay, 75
“Uruguay Round,” 269
Uzbekistan, 137, 172, 175, 178
military bases in, 5, 144, 170, 173, 181, 183, 184, 203, 214, 215, 226, 242
Vang Pao, 134
Venezuela, 267
Veracruz occupation, 47
Veterans Administration (VA), 100–101
“Victory Changes Everything” (Krauthammer), 67–68
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (1969), 74
Vieques Island base controversy, 152
Vietcong, 131
“Vietnamization,” 135–36
Vietnam War, 3, 6, 9, 10, 31, 33, 34, 82, 112, 239
armed forces demographics, 102, 104
Bush II and, 287
“credibility gap” and, 114
domestic politics and, 236
economic impact of, 56, 259, 265
foreign troops in, 131–32, 134–36, 208, 209
Gulf of Tonkin and, 301
medical effects of, 100
military bases and, 35, 189, 200, 202–4, 207, 209–11
racism and, 109
special forces in, 128
Vietnam War Memorial, 59
Villa, Francisco “Pancho,” 47
Vilnius Ten, 300
Vinnell Corporation, 135, 140, 148–49, 237–38, 242
“Vision for 2020” (Space Command policy statement), 81
Vuono, Carl E., 141
VX nerve agent, 302
Waco, Texas, assault of 1993, 121
Waddle, Scott D., 116
Waldron, Michael, 107
Wallerstein, Immanuel, 287
Wall Street Journal, 163
Wal-Mart, 144
Walsh, Jim, 85
war. See also “preventive war”
citizens in armed forces, 64
movies about, 112–13
perpetual or permanent, 285, 291, 309
space and, 27–28
“total,” 28
“war on terrorism,” 2, 4, 21, 68
assassinations and, 291
cost of, 306
globalization and, 272
military bases and, 215
preventive war and, 286
training of foreign troops and, 132, 133
unilateralism and, 77
warrior culture, 26–27, 61, 188
Washington, George, 39, 44, 46, 48
“Washington Consensus,” 260, 268–69, 276
Washington Post, 67, 172, 201, 292, 304
Watson, Roland, 110
Wayne, John, 58–59
“weapons of mass destruction,” 20, 22, 188
Cold War and, 258
secret funds and, 117
weapons sales, 124, 132, 135, 137, 251
subsidized, 278–81
Weaver, Randy, 121
Weekly Standard, 228
Weiner, Tim, 128
Wells, Andrew, 36
Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHISC), 136–37
Wheeler, Winslow T, 292
White, Thomas E., 63
White Beach (Okinawa), 163
“white man’s burden,” 261
whites, racial gangs and, 110
Whitlam, Gough, 162–63
Willard, Robert, 109
Wilsonian idealism, 70–71, 189
Wings (film), 112
Wolff, Michael, 249
Wolfowitz, Paul, 85–86, 126–27, 178, 183, 228, 234, 279, 295, 305
women, 214
in armed forces, 99, 104–6, 241
Taliban and, 72, 178, 180, 233
World Bank, 71, 256, 262, 264–69, 273–76, 278
World Court, 75
world summit on sustainable development (South Africa), 257
world systems theory, 287
World Trade Center bombing of 1993, 121, 139. See also September 11, 2001 attacks
World Trade Organization (WTO), 256, 259, 261–62, 269–75, 277
World War I, 36, 47–52, 70, 189
World War II, 2, 10, 37, 58–59, 121, 164, 252
defense budget secrecy and, 12, 117
demographics of armed forces, 102, 188
economic imperialism after, 257–58
military bases and, 35, 189, 190, 193–203
militarism unleashed by, 52–55
Worldwide Manpower Distribution by Geographical Area (Manpower Report), 153–54
Wurmser, Meyrav, 235
Yalta agreement, 33
Yokosuka naval base (Japan), 201
Yongbyon nuclear plant (North Korea), 94
Yongsan Army Garrison (South Korea), 92
Yoon, Kum E., 92
Youssef, Fayeza, 230
Yugoslavia, 143, 155.See also Balkans; Serbia
Z (film), 205
Zahir Shah, king of Afghanistan, 178
Zaire, 144
Zapata Company, 233
Zoellick, Robert, 275
Zubok, Vladislav, 19
Zulus, 82
Zweibrüchen Airfield (Germany), 195