Stacey woke to Cord kissing her on the neck.
“I’ll be right back,” he told her as he eased from the bed. After filling the huge black whirlpool tub, Cord lifted her gently and carried her into the bathroom.
She couldn’t believe how gentle this rugged man could be as he lowered her into the hot water with him and reached to turn on the jets. Stacey sighed in pleasure as the hot water swirled over her sore body. He soaped her tenderly and massaged her aching muscles. When the water began to cool, he helped her out and dried her off. They went back to bed and snuggled until she fell asleep.
Cord listened to her breathing then slept for a couple of hours. He woke up wanting her again, but slid from the bed instead. He pulled on jogging shorts and walked quietly to the living room to stare out the huge window. She reacted so passionately he wasn’t as careful as he should have been for her first time. She needed time to get over the soreness he undoubtedly caused. Stacey Parker did not do anything by halves it seemed. His control flew into pieces when she responded so ardently. Just thinking of her shortened his breath and fully aroused him.
“Cord, is something wrong?” Stacey wore one of his tee shirts and stood in the edge of the living room.
“No, sweetheart. I just thought you needed to rest.”
“I’d love some coffee. And maybe some of the snacks Stanley made. I’ll go start the coffeemaker,” she said softly and padded barefoot toward the kitchen.
“Stacey,” his voice stopped her and she turned back toward him. “Did I hurt you?”
She smiled and shook her head. “No. There was a little discomfort, but you didn’t hurt me. It was more wonderful than I ever imagined, Cord. Thank you,” she added and went on to the other room.
Cord rubbed a hand through his short hair. She gave him her most precious gift and she thanked him. He had believed that finally having her would lessen this intense desire for her. But instead, a possessiveness he had never felt before seized him. Hoping it would fade with time, he moved to the sofa and sat, then leaned back into the corner.
Stacey brought coffee and snacks on a tray. She poured his coffee and then hers. “If you need to be alone, I’ll take mine to bed,” she offered as she added cream and sugar to her cup.
“Stay—please,” he added when he realized the single word sounded like an order.
She took a chocolate cheesecake square from the snack tray and curled up in the middle of the sofa. Nibbling daintily between sips of coffee, she savored the rich dessert. Stanley is definitely a treasure. “How did you ever find Stanley?” she asked.
“I stayed in a hotel where he worked, before I bought this apartment. He was polite, efficient, and quiet. I offered him a job and he accepted,” Cord told her briefly.
Stacey reached for a cookie. She closed her eyes and chewed, “Mmmm, chocolate, coconut, and nuts. Wonderful,” she mumbled and licked her lips.
“Come here, Stacey.” Cord couldn’t watch her and not touch her.
She scooted nearer and leaned against him, more than willing to cuddle.
Lowering his mouth to hers, he tasted cookie and coffee on her tongue.
Stacey reached behind him, set her cup on the end table then slid on top of him. Before long they were both naked and very excited.
“Wait, sweetheart,” he breathed into her mouth as she moved against him. “We have to go in the bedroom.”
“Please don’t stop, Cord,” she whispered back.
“The protection is in there. I don’t want you to get pregnant,” he insisted as he pulled back and held her away.
Stacey stared into his warm brown eyes with passion-glazed blue ones, “Would that be so bad?” She took his hand and placed it over her flat stomach. “To watch your child growing here? To have the family you’ve always wanted? I would love to carry your baby,” she realized how much she really wanted that as the words sprang from her lips.
His fingers stroked and smoothed the soft skin. “Someday maybe, but right now I’m not ready to take that step. I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready, Stacey.” He paused and cupped her face in his hands. “Do you still want me to make love to you even if I won’t give you a baby?” Cord looked deep into her eyes and waited for her answer.
“Of course. Or better yet, teach me to make love to you.” She jumped up and tugged at him until he stood. “Why, McConnell,” she drew in a deep breath at the sight of him standing nude before her, “I do believe you’re excited at the idea.” Giggling delightedly, she led him into the bedroom and this time, she closed the door.
* * * * *
The next morning, Stacey called her parents and told them about shopping, the show, and the restaurant where they ate. They shared news from the lodge and told her they missed her, but were getting by without her.
“How are Lucy and Sam, and things back home?” Cord wanted to know after she hung up.
“Good. Things are hectic as usual for this time of year, but they’re handling it. Dad still has to find a new recreation coordinator and ski instructor, but he says it’s under control.” She frowned at the problem she unwittingly created for her father.
“It will work out, sweetheart.” He put his arms around her. “You shouldn’t worry about it.”
“But it’s my fault. I should have realized what was happening. Derek wanted the lodge and he was going to marry me to get it. Can you imagine what life would have been like if I had fallen for him? Everyone involved would have been miserable eventually.”
“It didn’t happen. He’s gone now and your dad can take care of things.” Cord reassured her. He was learning that Stacey Parker took family and obligation very seriously.
“I know. Dad’s taken care of the lodge and mom for years now.” Stacey laid her head on his chest and listened to the steady sound of his heart beating.
“We should visit them pretty soon, I guess” Cord said into her hair.
“I need to go back soon, anyway. I’m sure you’ll have to go on a job and I need to work, too. I have a week-long guide job the end of the month.”
Cord’s stomach knotted painfully when he thought of her leaving. He pushed it away. “If we’re going shopping, we should get started. I like the idea of a quiet dinner and television this evening.”
Stacey smiled and let him get away with changing the subject. Talking about leaving him was not exactly her favorite topic of conversation either. “Let me get my bag and I’m ready.” Her jeans, white tank top and red, white, and blue shirt would do for shopping. Her hair was pulled back into its usual curly ponytail and she added her white baseball cap and sunglasses as she checked herself in the mirror.
The phone buzzed in the other room and she heard the low murmur of Cord’s voice when he answered. When she entered the living room, he was at the entrance accepting a long white box from Ben.
Cord handed the package to her and watched her face light up. She quickly slid the ribbon off and exclaimed in delight at the beautiful white roses. Unable to leave without putting them in water, she kissed him several times before searching through the apartment for a vase, adding water, and finding the perfect spot for them.
Finally, Cord got her out of the apartment. They caught a cab and headed for a popular electronics chain store that should have everything Cord needed to create an entertainment center. He chose a thirty-five-inch plasma set with all the extras, a DVD player guaranteed to practically program itself, and a stereo that promised to have the neighbors complaining about the noise. By the time he was finished in the movies and CD section of the store, he carried a basket full. He allowed Stacey to choose the entertainment cabinet to hold his new treasures.
A black oriental style cabinet with small chrome fittings and areas of mother-of-pearl inlay in the doors caught her eye right away. It was expensive, but perfect for his living room. After signing the check, Cord arranged to have it all delivered and installed that afternoon. He called Stanley to tell him to accept delivery then they moved on to visit another small art dealer nearby.
They searched through several stacks of paintings leaned against walls before Stacey found one she liked. The painting she chose to hang over the entertainment center was of a family of four having a picnic by a lake. Huge trees hung over the lake on one side and flowering blackberry bushes were on the other. In the foreground, wildflowers bloomed among the tall grass. A man stretched out on a plaid blanket while a woman in a long yellow summer dress and white wide-brimmed hat unpacked a basket. A small boy in knickers and cap and a young girl in a flowing pink sundress played near the blanket. Tall, snow-covered mountains were in the distance and the theme and colors would complement his redesigned living area.
“You’re sure?” he asked.
Stacey watched as he looked at the painting oddly. Cord’s jaw clenched and the smile left his eyes. “Not if you don’t like it. We should look for something else. Maybe a seascape,” she assured him wanting to see a smile back on his face.
“No, it’s perfect. Just—it’s not what I would have picked out. It—bothers me, somehow,” Cord admitted slowly, still staring at the painting by a new artist.
“Really, Cord, if you’d rather have...”
“Stacey, this is the right one. I’ll find someone to help us.” Cord left her to find the shop owner and pay for the painting. They carried it with them after the dealer carefully wrapped it.
On a small side street, Stacey insisted the driver pull over to a florist’s shop with a display of live plants hanging in the window. Having the cab to wait and over Cord’s continued protest, she returned quickly with two boxes of plants. Several large pots would be delivered to the apartment, but Stacey wanted to take these with them.
Cord grinned as the doorman helped them get everything into the building. “She doesn’t do anything by halves, Wilkes.”
“No sir, I can see that. She does seem to be an all or nothing type of lady,” Wilkes agreed with a broad smile.
Cord’s mind jumped to her offer to have his child. No mention of marriage, no request for promises, just her desire to carry his baby. When she gave in physically, she also made an emotional and mental commitment. For her, it really was all or nothing.
“Cord, are you ready to go up?” Stacey drew his attention back to where she stood holding a box of plants in her arms.
“Yeah, I’m coming.” He picked up the painting and Ben carried the other box of plants.
Stanley met them at the apartment door and took the second box of plants from the security guard.
Stacey directed hanging the painting and scattered the potted plants throughout the rooms of the apartment. Stanley assisted her when Cord refused to help with the plants.
The houseman was ecstatic over the additions to be looked after and oohed and aahed as they found a place for each one.
“I have to check my messages. I’ll be out in a few minutes and we’ll leave.” Cord went into his office and closed the door.
Stacey went into the bathroom to freshen up. Cord had promised they would take a long walk and eat lunch in the Park. She wasn’t sure what she would do if he got called away on a job, but it would happen eventually. She couldn’t help thinking she might be giving up her long time vision of happy-ever-after for this man. But without Cord in her life would there be that possibility anyway? In her heart, mind, and soul she already belonged to him. There would never be anyone else. She decided to take what he offered for now and give back whatever he wanted from her, for however long it lasted. He had definitely already given her some very special moments to remember. She blushed hotly thinking about their time together.
Gentle and demanding, passionate and solicitous, Cord loved her with his body so tenderly she knew he cared for her. Stacey also knew it would take time for him to love her in every way. Deciding once again not to worry about it and spoil their time together, she went back to the living room. She heard male voices coming from the kitchen.
Looking around at the changes as she waited for Cord, she felt they were definitely for the better. Knowing Cord would be more comfortable while he was here made her happy. The room looked inviting and more like a home instead of a stark, cold magazine layout. She tried to be careful not to make it too feminine or too much hers. The white, black, and teals worked well together. The ceramics provided a counterbalance for the sculptures and the plants added life and color. Some books for the coffee table, a whimsical lamp and antique ice bucket for the bar, and a large recliner or rocker and the room would be complete.
Cord came in from the kitchen. “Ready?”
“Yes,” she answered and knew right away something was wrong. The lines were back in his face and he wore his soldier look as she was coming to call it. “What happened?”
“I have to leave early in the morning. A woman and her daughter have been taken hostage. Her husband needs me to get them out,” he explained quietly.
“Where?” Stacey’s heart felt as if it dropped into her stomach. She had expected it but not this soon.
“South America. The kidnappers are holding them to exchange for their brother who is in a Miami prison for drug-running.”
“It sounds complicated. What can I do to help?” She offered immediately.
“Spend the day with me. Sleep with me tonight. Then you can help me pack and see me off in the morning,” he drew her into his arms slowly and kissed her. “Are you hungry?” he asked between kisses.
“No, not yet.”
“Good. There’s something I want to show you in the bedroom,” he led her to his room. At the thought of leaving her, desire overcame him so swift and strong, he needed her now. He closed and locked the door behind them.
* * * * *
Very content and satisfied, Stacey lay draped across his chest. The more he made love to her, the more she desired him. She lazily stroked his chest as he breathed in the scent of her hair. There were questions hanging between them, but she didn’t want to bring them up.
Finally, Cord asked, “Will you be here when I get back?” He leisurely rubbed the curve of her back just above her hips.
“Do you want me to be here?” She turned the question back on him as she so often did.
“Yes. I want you here. I may be gone from several days to a couple of weeks, but I want to be with you as soon as I can get back.”
“I have to leave on the twenty-fourth. My group leaves on the twenty-sixth and I need a day to get things together. But I could stay until then.”
“Can you cancel or get someone else to take the job?” It suddenly became imperative that he not let her leave. He felt he might never see her again.
“I made promises. These people booked this trip when they were at the lodge in the winter. It wouldn’t be fair to them.”
“Then, this trip is more important than being with me?” he asked in a tense, quiet voice.
Stacey jerked up as what he said hit her the wrong way. “Don’t you dare do this to me, McConnell. No, the stupid job is not more important than you, but I don’t see you canceling your work to be with me. We each need to accept what the other does and work around it if we want to be together. I can’t be the only one willing to wait while you go off and do your job. There are times you have to be willing to wait for me too.” She slid to a sitting position on the side of the bed and took several deep breaths. After a minute, in a calmer tone, she added, “I love you, Cord. I hope I’ve shown you how much. I want to be with you more than you could ever know, but tell me this. If I give up my work for you and then you get tired of me, what will I have then?”
Cord watched without a word as she grabbed up her clothes and disappeared into the bathroom. He heard the shower running. He realized what he asked of her was wrong. It wasn’t fair to ask her to stay while he worked, regardless of his personal fears. And he couldn’t ask her to give up her job. She was good at it and it was important to her, particularly the search and rescue part of it. He pulled on his jeans then lay back on the bed.
She came out of the bathroom fully dressed and he immediately noticed her red-rimmed eyes. “Stacey, I’m sorry.” He got up and moved to stand in front of her. “It is selfish to want you to stay. I know how important your work is to you. I’ve gotten very attached to you, Parker. I want you with me and I want to know you’re safe and taken care of.”
Sliding her arms around his waist, she looked up into his soft brown eyes, almost like a doe’s eyes when he wasn’t upset. “I know. Maybe at some point we’ll work things out and decide together that I won’t work for a while. You asked me to accept the here and now and I’m trying to do that, but you have to do it too. In the here and now, I’m a working girl. Now, I’m hungry, McConnell. Is there still time to eat in the Park?”
Kissing her tenderly, he grinned, “I think so. The weirdoes don’t come out until dark. Go see if Stanley has the sandwiches ready while I get dressed, okay?”
“Duh, as the twins would say. Since we were originally going to eat just after twelve and it’s past two, I would think they’re ready.”
“Then go get them, woman, before I drag you back to bed and teach you who’s boss,” Cord growled threateningly. He needed to get back to an emotional level he could deal with. Lovingly playful should work.
“I’ll go get the food if you promise to teach me that later,” she giggled and left the room.
There were two men, several boxes, and all kinds of wire spread out in the living room as she passed through. They were busily setting up the entertainment equipment and routing wires through the back of the new cabinet. It looks good under the new painting. She carefully edged around their things scattered about and continued on to the kitchen.
“Stanley, we’re ready to go. Where’s the food?” she couldn’t prevent a blush from staining her cheeks and hoped he wouldn’t mention how late they were.
“Here, Miss Parker. I will plan on serving dinner late. Will that be acceptable?” Stanley handed her a basket and turned back to the dishwasher he was unloading.
“I think so. Did Cord mention he’s leaving in the morning?”
“Yes, Miss. He said I should come each day to take care of your meals and be sure you are fine.”
“That won’t be necessary, Stanley. I think I’ll visit my parents while he’s gone. You will take care of the plants?”
“Yes, Miss.” Stanley looked as if he would cry. “But I know he wishes you to stay.”
“I know. He told me. But I prefer to go home and come back when he returns. I have things I need to do and my parents can use the help.” Stacey picked up the basket. “We should be back before long.”
Cord showed her around Central Park and they ate their lunch under a large oak. They were both fairly quiet except for casual comments about their surroundings.
“I think I’ll go home tomorrow. I know mom and dad could use my help. You could call me when you get back,” Stacey told him, as they walked a little later.
“That’s probably a good idea, after all. I’d worry about you wandering around New York if I left you here alone,” Cord agreed.
“I could manage, but I’d rather take the time to visit my folks and maybe spend time with the twins if they’re back. Besides, at the lodge I can stay busy and the time will pass faster. Will you call as soon as you can, so I’ll know you’re safe?”
They walked past the playground. “Stacey, do you intend to come back?” Cord asked as if the question were forcefully drawn from his mouth.
“If you still want me, I’ll come as soon as I can,” she promised.
“Are you afraid I won’t?” he couldn’t believe the thought even crossed her mind.
“Of course I am. Once we’re apart you might discover you don’t need me anymore or you might meet someone else. I’m not experienced and I have a terrible temper. I don’t really fit in that well—here.” Stacey gestured around her and stopped walking as she listed her concerns.
“That works both ways. You might decide you don’t really want me, Stacey. Or that you don’t want to deal with all of this,” Cord told her quietly.
“You’re kidding, right? I want you so much I could die of it. I never want any other man to touch me again. When you call, I will come as soon as I can—probably for the rest of my life. I can’t see myself ever refusing a chance to be with you.”
“I hesitate to bring this up, but you already have,” he quietly argued.
“No, Cord, that’s not true. I refused the chance to stay with your apartment and Stanley. You won’t be there or this whole conversation would never have come up. Ask me to go to South America with you and see what happens,” she told him firmly and began walking once more.
“Okay, I’ll give you that one and you know I can’t take you with me. It’s hard enough for me to get in and out safely.” Cord caught her arm, stopped her, and carried her small but capable hand to his lips. “I apologize, again. I don’t want to fight, especially not today. I’ll call you as soon as I can and we’ll see each other as soon as we can. We’ll make this work, somehow.”
“I’m sorry, too,” she admitted. “I’ve been defensive and insecure and it’s not like me. I’m afraid of losing you, I guess and I don’t like the feeling.” She pressed his hand against the soft skin of her cheek.
“Truce?” he asked hoarsely.
She nodded.
He kissed her, then put his arm around her waist and urged her toward the apartment building.
Swinging the empty picnic basket in her hand, Stacey tried to match his long strides. Laughing when she failed, she pulled away and ran.
Cord chased and quickly caught her, scooping her into his arms then carried her across the street accompanied by horns and whistles from drivers passing them.
Wilkes grinned as he unlocked the door for them to enter the building. “Having a good day, Miss Parker?” he asked as he touched the brim of his cap.
“Yes, thank you, Wilkes. Do you ski?” she laughed.
“Forget she asked that. She’s trying to steal all the good help to take to Idaho,” Cord told the doorman as he toted her past. Shifting her to drape her over his shoulder, he signed for their cards and moved on toward the elevators.
Stacey braced one hand against Cord’s back to lean up and look back at Wilkes. “We’ll talk about this tomorrow—ouch!” she yelped as Cord smacked her bottom. It surprised her rather than hurt. Then she giggled, “Or maybe not.”
In the elevator, Cord rubbed the area he smacked. By the time they reached the apartment door, she was moaning gently and clutching at his shirt. He carried her straight through to his bedroom, closed and locked the door, and tossed her in the middle of his bed. “I believe there was the matter of teaching you who the boss is, Parker,” he growled as he followed her down.
* * * * *
Afterward, Cord taught her the joys of showering together. As he dried her off, he taught her to make love standing against the wall. He couldn’t get enough of her. Carrying her to the bed, he tucked her in and stroked her damp hair as she drifted off to sleep.
Once he was sure she was sleeping, he slid off the bed. Seeing the condom box on the nightstand beside the bed, he realized he didn’t use any protection in the bathroom. Too late to worry about it now. Hopefully as many times as they already made love, his count should be at rock bottom. But, God, I’m going to have to be more careful. He needed to see that she visited a doctor for some form of protection such as the Pill or an implant.
Cord pulled on sweats and a tee shirt before going into the other room and getting her gray shorts she usually slept in. He placed them on the foot of the bed along with her white tank top and picked up the rest of their clothes to stuff in the hamper. They didn’t need to dress to stay in for dinner and to watch TV. As a matter of fact, he was going to tell Stanley to go on home once everything was prepared for their dinner. He needed Stacey all to himself tonight.
“Is it true Miss Parker is leaving?” Stanley asked as soon as Cord entered the kitchen.
“Yes, but—”
Stanley interrupted, “You must tell her not to go. She is happy, you are happy. She has made it better.”
Cord couldn’t help smiling at how upset the slim man sounded. “She’s coming back, Stanley. I’ll call her when I start home or when I get in and she’ll come. You’re right. She makes me happy. I’m not about to let her leave for good.”
“If she does not come back, I will leave,” Stanley threatened.
“Then I’ll make sure she comes back, even if I have to go to Idaho to get her. Okay?”
“Okay, Mr. McConnell.” Stanley offered a big smile. “The men are finished with the entertainment equipment. What time do you wish dinner? Miss Parker agreed it should be late,” Stanley was much calmer after Cord’s reassurances.
“Why don’t you just prepare everything by eight then you can leave. I need you to come early in the morning in case Stacey needs anything. I would like for you to make sure she gets safely to the airport and on her plane. Will you do that for me, Stanley?” He watched the Turkish man efficiently dice an onion.
“I will be sure she is safe. She is one special lady. The food will be ready at eight and I will leave you to your television,” Stanley smiled slightly. “I laundered your work clothes and returned them to your room. I will be here at seven o’clock if that is agreeable?”
“That should be fine. I have to leave at six. I’ll leave a note if you need to wake Stacey. She loved those chocolate cheesecake things and the cookies last night. Are there anymore?”
“I have more. You wish me to prepare a plate of late night snacks?”
Cord grinned, “Yeah and there’s no use to make dessert. She’d rather snack later instead.” He reached for a slice of raw potato that Stanley just peeled. It was odd, but he and Stanley never actually talked this much before. Stacey was having a profound effect on his entire life.
“And drink coffee in the night, strange habits for one so young. You love her?” Stanley looked down at what he was doing as he waited for an answer.
“Maybe. I’ll let you know,” Cord answered thoughtfully and went into the living room to play with his new electronic gizmos.
The sun was about to set when Stacey wandered into the living room. She assumed from the clothes Cord left on the foot of the bed they weren’t going out again. After slipping into the tank top and shorts with no undies, which should please Cord, she went in search of him. She couldn’t help smiling when she found him asleep on the sofa with the new TV on and the remote on his chest in stereotypical fashion.
Going to the glass, she stared out at the skyline and watched the sun disappear with a red-orange glow between the buildings. She needed to contact the airlines and call her mom and dad. They would be glad to see her. There were several things she still wanted to see, but maybe next time. Believing she would be back helped hold her together when she thought about leaving. Stretching gracefully to ease her sore muscles, Stacey smiled as she remembered the details of her newest form of exercise.
Arms slid around her waist and she gave a squeak of surprise. The strong firm body that she leaned against shook as Cord laughed.
“I didn’t mean to scare you,” he whispered in her ear.
“You sound really sorry,” she scolded. Putting her hands over his arms, she hugged them tighter to her. “I love you so much, Cord. I’m going to miss you.”
“I’m going to miss you too, sweetheart. It won’t be for long. I’ll get the job done as quickly as I can, then I’ll fly back and we’ll be together. I promised Stanley that if you refuse to come back, I’ll kidnap you from Idaho. It was the only thing that kept him from quitting.” He kissed her neck and shoulder.
“You didn’t?” she laughed delightedly. “Stanley is definitely a keeper.”
“Stanley will help you with your things and see you to the airport when you get ready to leave. Have you made the arrangements?”
“No, but I have to. I’ve put it off longer than I should have already.”
“Would you like me to take care of it?” Cord offered.
“That’s okay. But I would love some coffee,” she turned her head and kissed beneath his chin.
“I’ll be right back,” he told her as he let go and went to the kitchen.
Stacey found the phonebook and turned on one of the new lamps before sitting on the sofa. She was able to get a flight non-stop to Denver and then catch a flight from Denver to Helena. Mr. Harper, her dad’s friend, once again agreed to have the chopper pick her up and fly her home.
Cord brought in a tray and handed Stacey a cup of Stanley’s special Turkish coffee. “What time is your flight?”
“Ten in the morning. I fly to Denver. What about you?”
“A car is picking me up at six. A private jet will be waiting at the airport to fly me straight there.” He dropped down on the sofa near her.
“This man you’ll be working for is wealthy?” she guessed.
“Usually they are. He’s wealthy and powerful. Ordinary citizens aren’t usually worth enough to warrant kidnappings.”
“Thank goodness. It must be awful to have to worry about what we went through with Marcus all of the time. Always worried someone will use your own family against you.”
“I think the worst would be trying to live with yourself afterward if you couldn’t save them, especially your child. They don’t deserve to be pawns in adult games.”
“And that’s why you have to go?” Stacey asked softly.
“Partly,” Cord answered and pulled her into his arms. “The other reason is that kids deserve to be with their family. If I can make that happen, I have to go when I’m called. But right now I hate that it’s interfering with our time together.” He kissed her neck and she could hear the sincerity in his voice.
“It will be okay, Cord. We just have to make the best of the time we do have, right?”
“Right. How about if I draw the blinds, turn out the lights, and we neck through a movie before dinner?”
“Sounds perfect,” she agreed. Using the pillows and cushions from the sofa, she made a cozy resting-place on the floor in front of the entertainment cabinet.
Cord closed the vertical blinds, selected a movie then switched off the lights before joining her. They settled down in each other’s arms on the cushions and enjoyed being together.
At just after eight, Stanley interrupted to tell them dinner was prepared, he would return at seven, and he was leaving. They both called goodnight and Cord added a thank you after Stacey elbowed him in the ribs.
Once Stanley closed the door, Cord made her pay for the elbow. Holding her down, he tickled her until she cried ‘uncle’ then he rewarded her with a kiss that rapidly led to other things. They missed the end of the movie and restarted it to watch again as they ate their dinner. Sitting on the cushions and feeding bites to each other, they consumed the delicious ham and potato casserole Stanley prepared.
After dinner, they filled the huge whirlpool tub and played in peach scented bubbles Stacey teasingly added. Like two large kids they blew bubbles, ducked each other, and generally made a mess. When they grew tired and their fingers and toes shriveled like prunes, they returned to the living room to sleep in front of the TV.
In the middle of the night, Cord brought her coffee and snacks then helped eat them. He put in another movie and they kissed and necked through it. As the credits rolled after the hero got the girl, Cord stripped off Stacey’s tank top and shorts and carried her to the king size bed to have his way with her once again.
She lay sleeping peacefully in his arms afterward. Cord discovered that instead of lessening with time, his need grew every hour. He wanted to lock her in and never let her out. Finally, he understood the kind of passion that made a man do crazy, irrational things. If anyone hurt this woman, they would answer to him. He loved her. His eyes opened wide as he realized what just went through his mind.
No, it can’t be, he argued with himself while fighting back a sense of panic. I don’t know what love is. I refuse to get that attached to anyone. But his heart ached at the thought of losing her, of going even one day without seeing her pert sexy face, of never being able to hold her again. He needed this time apart from her so maybe he could get everything back into perspective.
Carefully Cord eased away from Stacey, got up and packed his gear. The car would arrive for him in a few hours. He kept glancing at the woman sleeping in his bed. She looked young and beautiful and, oh, so desirable. She couldn’t love him. His experience and her desires obviously overwhelmed her good sense. No denying she was eager, passionate, and extremely responsive. But this was her first affair where he already knew the ropes.
Cord continued thinking of excuses for how she felt. Lust and proximity from the days spent together in the wilderness, plus the danger that threw them together definitely played a part in what she was feeling. He knew some women were drawn to dangerous types like him. He knew what she felt wasn’t love, though she was convinced it was. Their time apart would give her some time to think too. If she decided she didn’t want to come back, well, it might be for the best.
Stacey rolled over and whispered his name.
He moved to sit by her on the bed. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I still have a couple of hours. I’m just getting my gear together.”
“Good. Come back to bed,” she whispered drowsily and slid her hands down his back and over his chest.
Unable to refuse, he took a long time loving and touching her. This would have to last him a while. Maybe a very long while if she came to her senses and didn’t come back. With their passion finally spent she cried in his arms, but she never said a word. Cord held her and soothed her until she drifted back to sleep. He left her to shower and dress and without waking her, he left. She would probably be angry, but he hoped she would understand. He didn’t want to face saying goodbye.
Stacey heard the door close behind him and sat up. She knew he already said goodbye in his own way, with loving touches and warm tender kisses when they made love. Cord had proven to be a man of action and not words ever since she first met him at the site of the plane crash. Every action of the last few hours told her he loved her, whether he accepted it or not.
She took a long hot shower to ease the aches and pains caused by her unaccustomed activities. Standing in front of the mirror as she dried, she couldn’t miss seeing the marks on her neck and body. They didn’t hurt, but she wouldn’t be able to wear tank tops for several days. She blushed to think someone might see the love marks.
After dressing with her blouse buttoned to the top this time, she went to the kitchen for coffee. She straightened the living room and went to strip the bed before Stanley arrived. Being a naturally modest person, she didn’t want to leave beacons as to what took place the night before. In the hall past the kitchen, she tossed the bedclothes in the washer and started it.
Stacey was in the bedroom packing, trying not to cry, when she heard Stanley arrive. She heard him gathering the dishes in the living room as he began his morning routine. Carrying her bags to the living room, she placed them in the small foyer then went to have coffee with Stanley.
He removed a pan of sweet rolls from the toaster oven and the kitchen smelled delicious from the mix of sugar and cinnamon.
“I’ll have some clothes in the laundry, Stanley. I think some of my stuff got mixed in with Cord’s. I should have washed them last night...”
“No, Miss Parker. That is my job,” he told her, but he didn’t say anything about the washer being on. “I will launder them and they will be ready when you come back. You will come back?” Stanley asked as he slid a hot roll onto a small plate for her.
“As long as Cord wants me to, I’ll come back. I’ve loved my time here, Stanley,” she admitted.
“I have never seen Mr. McConnell as he is with you. The change to the room, it is much more a home. I will be very caring of the plants until you come back,” he promised.
“Speaking of plants, we still need to put the large pots where they go. Will you help me?”
“Yes, Miss. I am anxious to see the results,” Stanley agreed.
They finished their rolls and coffee then went to arrange the very large plants delivered the afternoon before. After placing one tall, large leafed plant in the foyer and another outside the apartment door, they placed bushier, smaller leafed plants at each end of the glass wall. A smaller corn-plant was put in Cord’s bathroom near the large tub and some type of fichus was put in a corner of the smaller bedroom that she used.
Stacey and Stanley were satisfied with the results as they walked back through the rooms. In the living room the vase of white roses caught Stacey’s eyes. She took three of the long stemmed beauties, now fully opened, from the bouquet.
Following Stanley to the kitchen, she asked for a plastic bag and a pair of shears. He handed them to her and watched as she snipped the stems on two of them so the flowers would fit into the bag. The other stem she trimmed very short and then held the rose to the front of her vest.
Stanley found a pin and she fastened it in place. “I couldn’t leave without taking a few with me,” Stacey smiled at the houseman.
“I understand, Miss Parker. We should leave soon. The traffic will be bad. Shall I ring for a cab?”
“Yes, please. Thank you, Stanley, for all the things you do for Cord and for being a friend.” Stacey gave him a quick peck on the cheek and hurriedly left the kitchen.
Stanley put his hand to his cheek. “If the boss does not marry her, I will ask her,” he mumbled. Then he grinned, “He may be slow, but he is not so stupid.”
Ben buzzed them when the cab arrived and Stanley carried her luggage down. She said goodbye to Ben, Fred, and Wilkes as she turned in her keycard.
Traffic moved slowly and Stanley pointed out various shops and buildings and told her amusing tales of how he first learned to survive in New York City. At the airport he made sure she had her ticket and that her luggage was headed to the same destination. Waiting with her, Stanley asked about the lodge and her family. She talked about them until her flight was announced. Stanley then walked her to the gate and shook her hand. He could assure Mr. McConnell he saw her safely off as promised.