Chapter 7

Vegan Yogurt Drinks

Digestive Health in a Glass

Have you ever heard the saying “health begins in the gut”? Well, it is absolutely true. The practitioners of both traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine always stress that in order to attain wellness, you must first address the health of the digestive system.

Basic, Unflavored, Vegan Almond Yogurt Drink, Strawberry Yogurt Drink, and Chai-Chi Yogurt Drink

It doesn’t matter that you may be consuming the best diet in the world; if you don’t digest your food properly, then you don’t transform those nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, etc.) into the chemical substances that make up the body’s tissues. What you don’t digest, you don’t assimilate; therefore, the food you just ate won’t nourish, energize, or promote health, well-being, or beauty. It just makes sense. A fully functioning digestive system is vital for preventing disease and maintaining energy levels.

Welcome Your Little Friends Found in Yogurt

In terms of encouraging good digestive, as well as overall health, I can’t emphasize enough the importance of consuming foods that provide probiotics, also known as “good” bacteria. Bacteria are a necessary, natural part of life, and most do not harm you. Many are benign strains that actually protect you from disease by devouring or crowding out harmful invaders and controlling the overgrowth of malicious cohorts such as harmful bacteria, yeasts, and other fungi. Beneficial intestinal microbes help synthesize B vitamins and increase the absorption of nutrients such as calcium and iron. Given the importance of these inhabitants, perhaps the growth and strength of probiotic populations in your bowel deserves more attention.

Peachy Banana Yogurt Drink

The classic source of probiotics is dairy-based yogurt: sour, fermented milk that has been curdled to a consistency similar to custard by the introduction of lactobacillus bacteria, which produces lactic acid from the carbohydrates or sugars contained within. But traditional, sour-tasting fermented foods such as miso, kimchi, tempeh, and sauerkraut, though less obvious choices by those who are unaccustomed to such fare, are all rich sources, and they also tend to contain high levels of food enzymes. Both probiotics and enzymes act as little personal assistants for the digestive system that work to give you better access to the nutrients in the food you eat. Now, with the recipes in this chapter, you can add raw vegan yogurt drinks to your list of probiotic and enzyme-rich food sources!

Benefits of Live Active Cultures in Yogurt

Vegan Yogurt 101: What It Is and How to Make It

The information in this chapter introduces the relatively new process of making a creamy, pourable, raw vegan yogurt (similar to kefir, but a tad thinner and a wee bit more tart), made from fresh almond milk. The first recipe, a basic, unflavored yogurt drink, is the base for 10 additional recipes that feature spices, natural flavorings, and fruits in luscious, healthful variations that will please even the most discriminating palates. These drinks really satiate my appetite for hours and simply make me feel good all over!

This is a specialty drink and requires the purchase of nondairy yogurt starter. The particular yogurt starter I have found that works best with freshly made raw almond milk is the Yolife Yogurt Starter — Extra Super Concentrated Formula (to purchase, see the resource section under Tribest Corporation). It is a dairy-free mix of dextrose and lactic acid bacteria including bifidobacterium longum, lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus bulgaricus, and streptococcus thermophilus. This particular yogurt culture will maintain effective activity for 1 year if stored in the freezer or remain effective for approximately 4 months if stored in the refrigerator. It is recommended that you do not store it at room temperature for more than 2 months. Note: Please feel free to experiment with other brands of nondairy yogurt starters, as you might find one that you like better than Yolife.

The directions on the package, which require heating either dairy milk or soymilk to just shy of boiling, then cooling the milk to 104 to 113°F before adding the yogurt starter, are to be ignored. Please follow my exact directions given in Basic, Unflavored, Vegan Almond Yogurt Drink, the first recipe in this chapter.


Basic, Unflavored, Vegan Almond Yogurt Drink

Yield: About 4 cups or 2 to 4 servings

Many years ago, when I used to consume dairy yogurt, I preferred it plain, creamy, and smooth. This recipe tastes quite similar to plain yogurt, but has a much thinner consistency, similar to half-and-half. Enjoy this recipe as it is, simple, tangy-tart, and luscious, or as the base for all of the other yogurt drink recipes in this chapter. I particularly like it poured over raw muesli and sliced bananas or with a bowl of berries topped with raw honey or maple syrup.


Note: Do not use the instructions on the Yolife Yogurt Starter package.


  1. 1. Soak the nuts in a medium bowl covered by at least 1 inch of purified water for 8 hours or overnight. Drain and rinse.
  2. 2. Place the nuts in a blender along with the water. Blend on high for a full 2 minutes.
  3. 3. Strain the milk through a nut milk bag into a medium bowl. I do this in the kitchen sink. Using two hands, wring out the bag so that you extract every last drop of precious milk. This procedure may take a minute or two depending upon how thoroughly your blender pulverized the nuts.
  4. 4. Transfer the nut milk to a 2-quart saucepan and warm over low heat until it reaches a temperature between 104 and 113°F. Use a yogurt or candy thermometer while heating the liquid so that you don’t overheat it and destroy the vital nutrients and live enzymes.
  5. 5. Remove pan from heat and sprinkle the yogurt starter atop the warmed nut milk. Gently stir for 15 seconds to thoroughly incorporate it into the milk.
  6. 6. Pour the warm milk into a clean, quart-size canning jar, top with a piece of plastic wrap, then screw on the lid. The plastic wrap prevents the liquid contents from coming into contact with the metal lid, which may introduce an unpleasant metallic taste.
  7. 7. Wrap the jar with a kitchen towel secured with a large rubber band, then place in a warm location such as in a sunny window, on a sunny deck, or, if your kitchen is particularly warm, on the kitchen counter. If it’s wintertime, I place my jar atop my metal heat grate on the floor. If you have a woodstove, you can set the jar several feet away, or at a distance that will ensure that the milk won’t get warmer than 113°F.
  8. 8. Check on your yogurt every few hours. You may notice that the nut milk has separated, with a white, thick, curdled portion near the top, and a thin, clearish “almond whey” portion closer to the middle or bottom of the jar. That’s to be expected. Just give the jar a few shakes to blend, then rewrap, and set it back in its warm location. Don’t worry that the nighttime temperature will naturally drop and the jar will get cooler (unless it is sitting by a woodstove). Allow 12 to 24 hours for the nut milk to ferment and form a rather thin yogurt. You will know that it is ready when it has thickened a bit and tastes pleasantly sour.
  9. 9. You can store the yogurt drink in the same canning jar or transfer it to another clean glass or plastic container. It will keep refrigerated for up to 3 days.

A good source of: vitamins B and E, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, other trace minerals, tryptophan, healthy fat, protein, and slow-release carbohydrates


Strawberry Yogurt Drink

Yield: About 5 cups or 3 to 5 servings

This oh-so-energizing smoothie is light, yet filling, and full of deliciously creamy, sweet-tart, strawberry flavor. Makes a wonderful breakfast drink or afternoon pick-me-up treat. Try it poured over a bowl of summer-ripe fresh peach or nectarine slices — now that’s heaven!



  1. 1. Put the plain yogurt drink, strawberries, honey, and vanilla in a blender and blend on high until smooth, 20 to 30 seconds.
  2. 2. Pour into glasses or insulated mugs. This blend has a moderate amount of natural sugars, plus lots of enzymes and probiotics, so sip slowly — no gulping. Please “chew” each sip, mixing well with your saliva so that it digests with ease.

A good source of: antioxidants, enzymes, probiotics, vitamins B, C and E, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, other trace minerals, tryptophan, healthy fat, protein, natural sugars, and fiber


Vanilla-Date Yogurt Drink

Yield: About 5 cups or 3 to 5 servings

Delicate flavors of vanilla and sweet dates permeate this yogurt drink. I like to enjoy this soothing, yet gently energizing beverage in the late afternoons when I’ve had a particularly stressful day. It’s quite delicious when poured over raw muesli topped with sliced banana or blueberries.



  1. 1. Put the plain yogurt drink, dates, and vanilla in a blender and blend on high until smooth and frothy, 30 to 45 seconds.
  2. 2. Pour into glasses or insulated mugs. This blend is high in natural sugars and moderate in fiber, plus lots of enzymes and probiotics, so sip slowly — no gulping. Please “chew” each sip, mixing well with your saliva so that it digests with ease.

A good source of: antioxidants, vitamins B and E, enzymes, probiotics, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese, iron, zinc, other trace minerals, tryptophan, healthy fat, protein, natural sugars, and fiber


Mango-Blueberry Yogurt Drink

Yield: About 5 cups or 3 to 5 servings

Sweet-tart mangoes and blueberries combine blissfully well with the tang of yogurt, resulting in a silky-textured beverage that can be enjoyed whenever you need a delicious, fruity pick-me-up. I’ll sometimes drink the entire recipe and call it lunch. It’s quite filling and incredibly energizing, and it provides an explosion of antioxidants.



  1. 1. Put the plain yogurt drink, mango, blueberries, honey, and vanilla in a blender and blend on high until smooth, about 30 seconds.
  2. 2. Pour into glasses or insulated mugs. This blend has a moderate amount of natural sugars and fiber, plus lots of enzymes and probiotics, so sip slowly — no gulping. Please “chew” each sip, mixing well with your saliva so that it digests with ease.

A good source of: antioxidants, vitamins B, C, and E, enzymes, probiotics, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, other trace minerals, tryptophan, healthy fat, protein, natural sugars, and fiber


Monkey Spice Yogurt Drink

Yield: About 5 cups or 3 to 5 servings

The combination of banana, cinnamon, and almond yogurt makes a truly luscious drink. It’s quite filling and energizing with a nice, warming, spicy bite — perfect for breakfast, lunch, or afternoon snack.



  1. 1. Put the plain yogurt drink, banana, cinnamon, honey, and vanilla in a blender and blend on high until smooth, about 30 seconds.
  2. 2. Pour into glasses or insulated mugs. This blend is moderate in natural sugars, plus lots of enzymes and probiotics, so sip slowly — no gulping. Please “chew” each sip, mixing well with your saliva so that it digests with ease.

A good source of: antioxidants, vitamins B and E, enzymes, probiotics, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, other trace minerals, tryptophan, healthy fat, protein, and natural sugars


Herbal Restorative Yogurt Drink

Yield: About 5 cups or 3 to 5 servings

Feeling stressed out, dried, fried, frazzled, and fatigued? Then this herbal remedy is for you. I’ve added Solomon’s seal root and astragalus root powders, two rejuvenating herbs that when combined will promote relaxation of the nervous system, plus provide demulcent and anti-inflammatory properties to soothe an irritated digestive tract. This banana-flavored beverage will help enhance overall well-being and vitality and gently energize without over-stimulating.



  1. 1. Put the plain yogurt drink, banana, honey, Solomon’s seal root powder, astragalus root powder, and vanilla in a blender and blend on high until smooth, about 30 seconds.
  2. 2. Pour into glasses or insulated mugs. This blend is moderate in natural sugars, plus lots of enzymes and probiotics, so sip slowly — no gulping. Please “chew” each sip, mixing well with your saliva so that it digests with ease.

A good source of: antioxidants, vitamins B and E, enzymes, probiotics, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, other trace minerals, tryptophan, healthy fat, protein, and natural sugars


Raspberry Fool Yogurt Drink

Yield: About 6 cups or 3 to 6 servings

Long ago the word “fool” was used as a term of endearment. A fruit “fool” is an old-fashioned, simple yet elegant recipe combining fruit, often berries, with confectioners’ sugar, whipping cream, and a few tablespoons of kirsch, port, or Madeira wine. This yogurt drink is a sweet-tart, alcohol-free, vegan take on the raspberry fool dessert. It’s thinner, but full of sweet, creamy raspberry yogurt flavor, and it makes a wonderful meal-in-a-glass or dessert drink. I find this blend to be quite an energizing and restorative beverage, especially after a heavy, sweaty workout or time spent digging and weeding in the garden.



  1. 1. Put the plain yogurt drink, raspberries, honey, and vanilla in a blender and blend on high until smooth, about 30 seconds.
  2. 2. Pour into glasses or insulated mugs. This blend is high in fiber, moderate in natural sugars, plus contains lots of enzymes and probiotics, so sip slowly — no gulping. Please “chew” each sip, mixing well with your saliva so that it digests with ease.

A good source of: bountiful antioxidants, vitamins B, C, E, and K, enzymes, probiotics, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, other trace minerals, tryptophan, healthy fat, protein, natural sugars, and fiber


Chai-Chi Yogurt Drink

Yield: About 4 cups or 2 to 3 servings

The tartness of plain almond yogurt combined with the flavor of a traditional, spicy-sweet chai blend results in a unique, warming, circulatory-stimulating, energizing beverage that promotes healthy digestion. I find this a most comforting, nourishing drink when I’m stressed and my stomach is on edge.



  1. 1. Put the plain yogurt drink, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, cayenne, honey, and vanilla in a blender and blend on high until smooth and frothy, about 20 seconds.
  2. 2. Pour into glasses or insulated mugs. This blend is moderate in natural sugars, plus contains lots of enzymes and probiotics, so sip slowly — no gulping. Please “chew” each sip, mixing well with your saliva so that it digests with ease.

A good source of: antioxidants, vitamins B and E, enzymes, probiotics, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, other trace minerals, tryptophan, healthy fat, protein, and natural sugars


Peachy Banana Yogurt Drink

Yield: About 6 cups or 3 to 6 servings

The flavor combination of peaches, bananas, and tart yogurt makes an oh-so-wonderful blend that’s a gorgeous pale shade of orange sherbet. I enjoy this creamy drink for breakfast on hot summer mornings when I need something cool and light, yet deeply nourishing and energizing.



  1. 1. Put the plain yogurt drink, banana, peaches, honey, and vanilla in a blender and blend on high until smooth and creamy, 20 to 30 seconds.
  2. 2. Pour into glasses or insulated mugs. This blend is moderate in natural sugars, plus contains lots of enzymes and probiotics, so sip slowly — no gulping. Please “chew” each sip, mixing well with your saliva so that it digests with ease.

A good source of: antioxidants, vitamins B, C, and E, enzymes, probiotics, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, other trace minerals, tryptophan, healthy fat, protein, and natural sugars


Carob-Banana Yogurt Drink

Yield: About 6 cups or 3 to 6 servings

Creamy, decadently delicious with a hint of yogurt’s tartness. This healthful mineral-rich drink is perfect for any time of day when you crave something tasty that’ll deliver a boost of balanced energy.



  1. 1. Put the plain yogurt drink, banana, honey, carob powder, vanilla, and cinnamon in a blender and blend on high until smooth and frothy, 20 to 30 seconds.
  2. 2. Pour into glasses or insulated mugs. This blend is moderate in natural sugars and fiber, plus contains lots of enzymes and probiotics, so sip slowly — no gulping. Please “chew” each sip, mixing well with your saliva so that it digests with ease.

A good source of: antioxidants, vitamins B and E, enzymes, probiotics, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, other trace minerals, tryptophan, healthy fat, protein, natural sugars, and fiber


Bountiful Berry Yogurt Drink

Yield: About 5 to 6 cups or 3 to 6 servings

This sweet-tart, berry-licious, reddish-purple yogurt drink is loaded with anti-inflammatory and anti-aging antioxidant compounds. It’s wonderful for promoting clear vision, gorgeous skin, healthy joints and bones, regularity, balanced blood pressure, and cardiovascular wellness. It’s also fiber-rich with ample complex carbohydrates, protein, and fat — giving you hours of sustained energy.

Most grocery stores sell bags of mixed frozen fruit, and this recipe calls for a medley of strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries. If you can’t find this particular mix, just use something similar or invent your own blend.



  1. 1. Put the plain yogurt drink, berry mixture, honey, and vanilla in a blender and blend on high until smooth, about 30 seconds.
  2. 2. Pour into glasses or insulated mugs. This blend is high in fiber, moderate in natural sugars, plus contains lots of enzymes and probiotics, so sip slowly — no gulping. Please “chew” each sip, mixing well with your saliva so that it digests with ease.

A good source of: bountiful antioxidants, vitamins B, C, E, and K, enzymes, probiotics, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, other trace minerals, tryptophan, healthy fat, protein, natural sugars, and fiber