Dear Reader,

The publication of Scaling Up Excellence is a major milestone on our learning journey, but not the end. We invite you to join us as we continue to learn about the challenges of spreading constructive beliefs and behavior in organizations. Please visit our website at scalingupexcellence.com to read about what we’ve learned and been fretting over lately, see comments and stories from readers, and add your own ideas. Given the interactive process that we used to learn about spreading excellence, we would especially appreciate if you e-mailed us your scaling stories and questions to my​story@​scaling​up​excellence.​com. Please note that by sending us your story, comment, or observation, you are giving us permission to use it in the things we write and say. But we promise not to use your name unless you give us explicit permission.

You can follow Sutton (twitter.com/work_matters) and Rao (twitter.com/huggyrao) on Twitter. And we encourage you to connect with each of us on LinkedIn.

Thanks so much, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Robert I. Sutton

Huggy Rao

Stanford University