Leading Business Change For Dummies®
Leading Business Change For Dummies®
Leading Business Change For Dummies®
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 111 River St. Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774 www.wiley.com
Copyright © 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey
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About the Authors
Dr. Christina Schlachter is the creator of The Leading Change Guide, a real-world road map for leaders who are tired of too much firefighting and are ready to create meaningful, positive, and lasting change. As CEO and founder of She Leads, Christina’s matter-of-fact 12-week transformation process has helped thousands of leaders around the globe reinvent both themselves and their companies. In addition to Leading Business Change For Dummies, Christina contributes to numerous business and communication journals and blogs and is a sought-after keynote speaker globally. Christina has been recognized as an American Express Small Business Award winner and is a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt.
Christina holds a PhD in human and organizational systems, MAs in education and in organizational studies, and a BBA in international finance and marketing. She is a frequent speaker and lecturer at top-ranked universities, including Stanford, where she received her first master’s degree. When not coaching, writing, or speaking with clients about leading change, Christina, also a two-time Ironman triathlete, alternates between swimming, biking, running, and skiing around the mountains of Colorado with her husband, two sons, and their Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. Christina loves to hear from her readers. She can be found on her bike or in the pool at the crack of dawn, at christinas@sheleadstheway.com, and at www.sheleadstheway.com
Terry Hildebrandt, MA, MA, PCC, works with business leaders and their teams to align their organizational culture with new business strategies. Terry is an expert in the principles of evidence-based coaching, contributes to blogs on emotional and social intelligence, and has spoken at business conferences worldwide. Terry holds the Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential from the International Coach Federation (ICF).
Terry holds a BS in materials science from Rice University and MAs in organizational design and effectiveness and in human development, both from Fielding Graduate University. When not working with his clients, Terry is skiing on the slopes of the Rocky Mountains or traveling with his partner. Terry can be reached at terry@terryhildebrandt.com or www.terryhildebrandt.com
For all the business leaders, managers, and employees who want to create meaningful, positive, and lasting change.
Authors’ Acknowledgments
Our sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone who had a part in putting this book together. We are grateful for the wonderful opportunity.
We want to specifically thank the great minds at John Wiley & Sons, Inc., especially the Project Editor, Heike Baird; our Acquisitions Editor, Tracy Boggier; our Technical Editor, Myra Cocca; and our brilliant Copy Editor, Caitlin Copple. To the graphics and layout team at Wiley, you made this book come to life. Thanks to Corbin Collins for stepping in and not missing a step. And a special thanks to Matt Wagner at FreshBooks; without your belief in the project and in us, this book would not have been possible. Also, thanks to Dave Crenshaw for kindly introducing us to Matt Wagner.
To our change management clients who have contributed examples, experiences, and successes, thank you for being such a significant part of the book. Thanks to our executive leaders we coach; your insights and triumphs are a pleasure to share.
Thank you to our great friends and family who stuck by our sides when we were working like crazy to balance writing, family, life, and clients.
And to Christina’s husband and brain trust, Michael, thank you for all your ideas, recommendations, and suggestions every step along the way. Your content, commentary, and subject-verb agreement editing make you as much the author of this book as anyone on the cover.
Publisher’s Acknowledgments
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. For other comments, please contact our Customer Care Department within the U.S. at 877-762-2974, outside the U.S. at 317-572-3993, or fax 317-572-4002.
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Cartoons: Rich Tennant (www.the5thwave.com
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