Hikers can get quite creative in putting good, simple, and quick meals together. We’ve listed below some of the foods we have enjoyed during our years of backpacking. With a few exceptions, most of them keep indefinitely. Add fresh vegetables or meat to the mix if the circumstances allow.
Breakfasts are easier to choose than lunches since there are so many breakfast products on the market. Most are vitamin-fortified, a gimmick to make mothers feel that they are providing a healthy breakfast for their child even when the product is stuffed-full of sugar. However, the extra carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals are an added boon for hikers!
Cold cereal with powdered milk
Oatmeal (there are dozens of quick oatmeals now on the market)
Toaster pastries (such as Pop Tarts)
Eggs (will keep for several days)
Canned bacon
Bread with peanut butter
Bagels with cream cheese (cheese also keeps for several days)
Snickers or other candy bars
Granola bars
Gorp in powdered milk
Pancakes (bring the dry mix, add powdered milk and water)
Granola in powdered milk
Instant hash browns
Instant grits
Cream of Wheat
Bacon bars
English muffins
Breakfast bars (such as Nutrigrain Breakfast Bars)
Raisin bread
Lunches are always a problem for us, both at home and on the trail. Unless it is really cold, we never feel like taking the time to cook a lunch; but on the trail, there are only so many things you can do to improvise a cold lunch. We recommend that you do what suits you best. Some people hike better after a big, hot meal, but most do fine with a simple repast. How hot or cold it is may also determine your midday meal. When it is cold, we often choose to keep moving, eating snack foods while we hike, rather than stopping to prepare a meal.
Complex-protein bars
Crackers (a number of varieties can be purchased spread with cheese or peanut butter)
Beef jerky
Peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches
Dried soups
Candy bars
Graham or other type cracker and peanut butter
Sausage (hard types like salami, summer sausage, etc.)
Apples, oranges, and other fresh fruit
Lipton noodles and sauce
English muffins
Peanut butter
Foil-pouched meats, such as tuna
Corned beef or spam
Hard-boiled eggs
Dried fruit (including rolls, bars, etc.—raisins are a good choice)
Cheese sandwiches (pita and tortilla wraps are great hiking breads—stuff them with salami and cheese for a calorie-packed sandwich)
Granola bars
Snack foods (Little Debbie, Hostess, etc.)
Gorp (a mixture of dried fruit, nuts, M&Ms, sunflower seeds, etc.)
Vienna sausages
Fruit cake
Supper will probably be your most time-consuming meal of the day. It is time to relax, settle down for the night, and enjoy the great outdoors. You no longer have to worry about whether or not you’ll reach your goal for the day. Your camp is set. Dinner is your only concern. Despite the fact that many backpackers eat macaroni and cheese night after night, there are many alternatives when choosing dinner on the trail.
Instant rice dishes (instant gravies and cheese sauces can be added)
Macaroni and cheese (add canned or dry meat or dried soup)
Lipton noodle dinners
Instant mashed potatoes
Stove Top or other stuffings
Chef Boyardee spaghetti
Instant soup
Ramen noodles
Pasta salads
Pilafs (such as lentil, wheat, and rice)
Instant potato dinners (au gratin, etc.)
Tuna and other foil-pouched meats
Pepperoni, dried beef, sausages
Specialty dehydrated meals
Not everyone uses spices, and no one carries all of those indicated below; but those who bring spices tend to use a variety. For their weight, spices and condiments can add a lot to a meal. Single serving packs are available in stores and in even more variety when you shop online.
Special containers to carry spices can be purchased through outdoor retailers and even at discount stores such as Wal-Mart. Don’t use film containers, which contain harmful chemicals that might leach into your spices.
Garlic (dried or powdered)
Italian seasoning
Seasoned butter
Red pepper
Curry powder
Chili powder
Onion powder
Squeeze margarine (lasts approximately one week in hot weather and almost indefinitely in cold weather)
Keeping hydrated is a very important part of hiking. Becoming dehydrated will seriously impair your body’s ability to perform normal functions. The best thing to drink is water, but powdered drink mixes are a good way to add variety. The next-best thing to water is an electrolyte solution such as Gatorade or Gookinaid ERG. These help replace the electrolytes as well as the water that you lose while hiking. Some physiologists debate this claim and believe that electrolyte solutions do more harm than good. Other powder drinks, like Kool-Aid or Lipton Iced Tea mix, simply add variety.
There are very few of us willing to give up our morning cup of coffee when we hit the trail. If you do drink coffee or cocoa (unless decaffeinated), keep in mind that they are diuretics and you will need to drink more water to compensate.
Powdered fruit drinks
Powdered iced tea
Powdered fruit teas
Jell-O mix (used as a tasty, hot drink that also supplies extra calories)
Instant coffee
Non-dairy creamer (for tea or coffee)
Powdered spiced cider
Powdered eggnog
Gatorade (powdered)
Gookinaid E.R.G.
Spiced cider
Hot tea
Cocoa/hot chocolate
Desserts are a nice way to finish your evening meal. They supply you with a few extra calories and help fill that last empty spot in your belly. They also make dinner special. Although pudding is a favorite, there are a number of easy-to-make desserts on the market.
Instant puddings
Instant cheesecakes
Instant mousse
Jell-O or other flavored gelatins
Powdered milk (mostly used to add to other foods)
Snack cakes
Easy-bake cakes
Specialty dehydrated desserts
We’re not snackers at home, but we find snacking important when hiking. Because you don’t want to stuff yourself at meals—for comfort’s sake as well as due to the fact that a too-full stomach can make you drowsy—it is a good idea to snack on high-energy food during breaks and while hiking. One of the most popular trail snacks is gorp, a mixture of nuts, dried fruit, and M&Ms. Actually, gorp can consist of anything you like, but the following is a list of some popular ingredients. Mix and match your favorites: peanuts, almonds, pecans, walnuts, filberts, cashews, M&Ms, Reese’s pieces, shredded coconut, chopped dates, raisins, banana chips, dried pineapple, figs, prunes, sunflower seeds, and cereals like Cheerios.
Other trail snacks include: hard candy, Skittles, semisweet chocolate, mixed nuts, fruit bars and rolls. There are many packaged snack bars on the market these days. Use your imagination. As long as it is within easy reach and will keep in the outdoors for more than a day, it will make a good snack. Remember too that “snacks” can round out dinners and often make up your entire lunch.
If you are hiking for more than a week, it’s doubtful that you will be able to or want to carry enough food to last you. You will need to find another way to supply your nutritional needs. There are two basic solutions: buy your food along the way or send provisions ahead. Much of this depends on where you are hiking along the Trail. These days hikers tend to purchase their food as they hike. The number of stores and hostels carrying food has increased in recent years, and food is particularly available during the months when northbounders (those hiking from Georgia to Maine) are on the Trail—usually spring through summer.
Check the A.T. Companion, a guide published annually by the Appalachian Long-Distance Hikers Association and the ATC, for updates on resupply options. Since 2000, a handful of supermarkets with wide selections have sprung up close to the A.T. On the other hand, smaller stores sometimes have high turnover and may go out of business. In general, resupply points are more frequent in the mid-Atlantic, less frequent in the far-northern and far-southern states. On average, hikers resupply every three to seven days.
The option to purchase food along the way eliminates the need to time your arrival in town to coincide with the hours of a post office. (It’s nice not to have to depend on the U.S. Postal Service for food.) It also allows you to satisfy any sudden food cravings you may have! But for those who wish to send food ahead, a number of hostels and businesses in addition to post offices accept mail drops for hikers. A hiker can retrieve a package any day of the week and the establishment is usually open longer than the post office. Businesses, as opposed to the Postal Service, can accept packages shipped via UPS or other commercial carrier.
One more option involves shipping food ahead to yourself on the Trail. When you find yourself in a grocery store with a great selection and you know that paltrier choices lay ahead, you can buy some extra food to ship a bit farther up the Trail. Shipping costs are lower for the short Parcel Post trip, and the food should be waiting on you within three days. This offers a way to get around the problem of planning well in advance without having to depend on using only what is available trailside at the time you need it.
Burying caches of food is not an acceptable way to resupply yourself with food, as it is ecologically unsound.
Most gastrointestinal ailments do not come from waterborne problems. The more prevalent cause of sickness stems from not washing hands after going to the rest room and then handling food. An alcohol hand gel, such as Purel, used after going to the bathroom will eliminate this problem.