Hypothermia is a killer and claims a number of lives each year, even in the middle of summer. The first signs of hypothermia—shivering, numbness, drowsiness, and marked muscular weakness—are followed by mental confusion and impairment of judgment, slurred speech, failing eyesight, and, eventually, unconsciousness.
Be aware of the most serious warning sign in an untreated hypothermia victim: when the shivering stops, the victim is close to death.
You are most likely to become hypothermic when you have stopped hiking, and especially if you are tired, which is likely if you have hiked more than a few miles that day. Movement keeps you warm, but when it is chilly outside and you are wet, your body’s core temperature can drop once you become still.
Fortunately, hypothermia is easy to combat. If you arrive at your campsite or shelter on a cold, wet day and are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, drop everything and make yourself warm. Strip yourself of your wet clothes and put on dry clothes, if possible. Crawl into your sleeping bag, and if you’re able, heat something hot to drink—tea, soup, hot chocolate—anything hot will help raise your internal temperature. Drinks with a high sugar content are best. You may want to carry a pack of fruit gelatin. It tastes great when heated and contains a lot of sugar.
Once again, remember to take hypothermia seriously. Most hypothermia victims die in 40- to 50-degree weather.
Frostbite occurs when crystals begin to form either superficially or in the soft tissues of the skin. The effects of frostbite will be more severe if the affected area is thawed and then refrozen. Fortunately, the areas affected by frostbite are usually small. The nose, cheeks, ears, fingers, and toes are the most common areas.
Before frostbite occurs, the area will look flushed, then turning white or grayish yellow. Pain is often felt early but usually subsides—if you feel any pain at all.
If frostbite occurs, first cover the frozen area and provide the victim with extra clothing and blankets or double-wrap in sleeping bags. If possible, bring the victim indoors (a tent will do if nothing else is available) and provide him with a warm drink. Rewarm the frozen part quickly by immersing it in lukewarm water. Continue to keep the water warm. If warm water is not practical or available, wrap the affected part gently in warm blankets, clothes, etc.
Handle the frostbitten area gently. Do not massage it. Once thawed, the area will flush with blood and swell severely. At this point, discontinue warming it and have the victim exercise the part if possible. Severe pain will result as well.
Cleanse the frostbite area with water and soap and rinse it thoroughly before blotting it dry with clean towels or whatever you have handy that is clean and dry. If blisters have formed, do not break them.
If fingers or toes are involved, place gauze between them to keep them separated. Do not apply any other dressings unless you intend to transport the victim to medical aid. Also, elevate the frostbitten parts and protect them from contact with bedclothes. If toes are involved, the victim should not walk and additional heat should not be applied once the part is thawed. When you are alone and your feet and toes are frozen, do not attempt to thaw them out if you intend to walk to medical assistance.
If you decide to transport the victim, cover the affected areas with a clean cloth, apply temporary dressings, keep affected parts elevated, and continue to give victim fluids.
A note on windchill: When the wind starts to blow, even temperatures in the 50s can be dangerous. The lower the temperature and the greater the wind speed, the more hazardous the conditions. As I sit here writing this, an air temperature in the teens has the feel of below 0 degrees because of the 10-to-20-mile-per-hour winds.