While you have basically the same concerns while backpacking with a toddler as you do with an infant, there is one major difference—toddlers can walk.
Unfortunately, hiking for a toddler means two entirely different methods of movement: 1) Running, which usually ends up with the child on his face, especially on unlevel trails; and 2) Walking a few steps and then stopping to explore, walking a few steps then stopping to explore, walking a few &.
Both of these styles can result in frustration for the parent but are absolutely necessary for the sanity of your child. As much as your child may love riding on your back in a backpack carrier, they still need to get out of it every once in awhile to stretch their legs.
This means that they’ll be eager to escape from your pack and hit the ground running. Once toddlers are out of the pack, they demand at least one set of eyes on them constantly. The outdoors is great for growing minds, but also poses certain dangers, especially if the child is still teething; everything she picks up is likely to end up in her mouth. She needs you to keep her from eating poison ivy, snails, deer droppings, etc.
Most packs for child carrying will hold your toddler until he reaches 35 to 40 pounds. After that, you will begin backpacking with &