To my husband who puts up with the stream of expletives that often come from my office as I try to get the hang of this whole writing thing. He has always supported my dreams and I couldn’t be a writer without him.
Joanne Machin and Marlene Roberts Vitale, thank you for the fantastic edits and proofreading job, you made this book shine.
My sisters in words. Carmen Cook, Anne Turner, Aliyah Burke, and Dahlia Rose. Once again you’ve offered encouragement, a shoulder to cry on, and words of wisdom. Your friendship keeps me going when I get discouraged and your unfailing support is a gift I will always treasure.
To my readers. What an honor it is to say that! I hope you enjoy reading about Noelle, Holly and Joy as much as I’ve enjoyed writing them.
Reviews are essential for authors. So if you have time, please consider leaving a review on your favorite platform. Sometimes, when I’m struggling my husband will read me a review and it always gives me the confidence to keep going. I value every review good or bad and I am grateful for all of you for taking the time to read my books.