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Just before disappearing, it would be beneficial to create a new identity and name. If you do this discreetly, it will make it even harder for anyone to track you down, especially if you decide to stay in your country of origin. Remember, there are many factors that will aid anyone trying to locate you: your Social Security number, credit cards, driver’s license, passport, marriage certificate, and the fact that you had an official name change can all be found, as they will be on record. With or without a name change, if you decide to remain in your country of origin, the chances of you being discovered are much greater. There are many ways to change your identity or create a new one: You can change your name, your appearance, remain in isolation, or go somewhere where no one will ever know your true identity. To start a new or second identity, it is possible in most countries to change your name, but all the rules that govern this vary dramatically. For example, in the United Kingdom, it is possible to change your name or any part of your name by deed poll, while in America, the laws on changing your name vary from state to state and require some kind of public announcement.

If you intend to change your name, it is best to do this as discreetly as possible and not broadcast the fact. Many people have changed their name simply because they’re in the theater, are a movie star, or are involved in the entertainment industry. Their pseudonym soon becomes accepted and is used to relate to that person. However, when you intend to use a different name in order disappear there are several factors that must be taken into account. If you are a normal person, then simply change your name without too many people knowing about it. On the other hand, if you are famous, just changing your name will not be enough as your face will also be well-known.


Barry Davies

If you change your name to blend in with local people, many countries have mixed races such as Thailand and Malaysia.

It is for each individual to decide if a name change is going to help once they have disappeared. In some cases, when you intend to disappear to a foreign land, it might be advisable to make your new name so that is in keeping with that country. For example, if you aim to travel to Malaysia and live in that country, you might call yourself Daniel Fuad or Ryan Chong. This way your new name will fit in with the community, just in case someone is looking for you by your old name.

Identity Theft

I shouldn’t say this, but it’s easier to steal someone’s identity rather than to create a new one. While this is totally illegal, I write it here because it’s an option that some people have used. Most people steal someone’s identity to get access to their bank accounts, but what I am suggesting is stealing an identity to aid your disappearance. This means you are using their name to get false documents and travel under their identity.

An estimated nine million Americans were victims of identity theft last year, and the culprits were not your normal villains. The majority were opportunists who worked in mailrooms, hotels, and personnel offices—all places where you need to give specific information about yourself. Therein lies the key to all identity theft: information about the victim—it’s everywhere: the social network, Internet, on bank statements, utility bills, etc., most of which ends up in the trash. A brief look at how many people live their lives is the best start to stealing someone’s identity. At least 90 percent of people living in the Western world use a computer, laptop, iPad, or iPhone at work or in the home. On one of these devices will be enough information to help you copy the identity of someone.

If you choose someone of the same sex, physical build, looks, hair color, etc., it will make things even easier. All you have to do is step into his or her shoes. After all, you don’t want to steal their money, just their identity.

How Do Thieves Steal Your Identity?

There are many ways to steal someone’s identity: it could be by knowledge of the person, through work, a friend of a friend who talks too much, or a professional thief. Let’s take a look at all the possibilities where information about you might be gleaned.

• Garbology (dumpster diving to you Americans).

• Personal information put up on social networks.

• Stealing your credit card details.

• Stealing your mail.

• By sending you a false email.

• Stealing your wallet.

• Going out with you on a date.

Usernames and Passwords

When using the Internet, no matter what you are trying to achieve, you will usually need a username and a password to log onto a site. True, some banks have a much more complicated system, but they are in the minority. Getting someone’s username is fairly simple; it’s the password that’s takes a bit more effort.

Even so, getting someone’s password is easy in most cases. I know that most of you by now have a whole list of passwords for a wide variety of Internet access points, such as your bank accounts, email, social networking, and so on. I would put money on it that you have a list of these passwords either on your computer or laptop, or that you use a similar password for everything? Am I right?

Now most modern day online facilities require a username and password, it’s that simple; only a few of the larger banks have a more sophisticated login system. Barclays Bank in the UK, for example, has a series of checks that involve your credit card and a small handheld device, that together produces a different eight–digit entry code each time you log in. However, it is true to say that most logins are fairly standard, and once you know the target individual, the username and password are easy to guess.

The first thing you can do is to simply Google the target and get as much background intel as possible: parents, grandparents, children, hometown, pets, email address, and so on. Next, go to their address and steal the garbage. Quickly sift through the bin and take anything that looks relevant, such as scrap paper, utility bills, etc. Take them home and analyze their contents— you might need to do this more than once. If you work in the same office or can gain access, check out their desk and waste bin.


Barry Davies

Sorting through garbage reveals so much information about a person.

When in position to observe a target’s house to collect information, don’t forget to look at their clothesline. Almost all households —including flats—hang out some washing during the week, and almost certainly on the same day every week. Observation of the clothesline over the period of a month can provide the following information: the number of people living at the address, their rough age, and their gender.

Try to gain access to the victim’s email; you will need this when you want to get a new passport or driving license in their name. In order to gain access you will need to go online as if you were the target and ask to change the password.

The best way to learn about gaining access to other people’s email and websites is to try it out on your own, i.e. do a self-check. To start, go to Facebook and try to reset your password. It’s easy; all you need is your original password to get in, find where you change it, and then type in a new one twice. You can also access and change the email address and the name, etc.

Many log-in pages will also ask about personal details, such as your mother’s maiden name or the name of your pet. If you have done your research on the target well enough, the answer to these questions can be provided in seconds. Even official information like a Social Security number can appear on many documents. A quick look at your personnel file at work will show you just how much information can be gleaned that could help anyone trying to steal your identity.

Receipts and invoices can provide so much information about your bank and your credit card. We all save our receipts for accounting purposes, or if not we put them in the trash, which means you are either hoarding information or disposing of it. Either way, it could be accessible to someone wanting you steal your identity. How many times have you been in a restaurant and seen people waiting to pay the bill, their credit card being waved around or placed on the table? How often does the waiter take your credit card away to scan it? Running your card takes time enough to snap a quick picture of both sides with the waiter’s iPhone. Then, they not only have your card number and a copy of your signature, but also the three digit security number on the back.


Barry Davies

Getting someone’s signature and address is fairly simple using garbology.

Then there are the “skimming” devices, which will not only register your card details, but also the pin code when it’s entered. Always be careful at ATMs, automated petrol services, etc., where there is a chance that a skimmer has been put in place. Check out the card slot with your hand, i.e. shake it and see if its moves or is loose. Check to see if there is a pinhole camera hidden at the top of the ATM catching your every move. Always cover the keyboard when you are entering your pin and always immediately report any suspicious withdrawal from your credit card.

Author’s Note: I have several bank accounts that have issued me credit cards. On each one, I insist they send me a text the moment I make a withdrawal.

Financial Resources

Financial resources will also play a big part in your plan to disappear. Not having enough money will limit your options, while having too much will bring you to prominence. If you are poor or of moderate means and have few assets that can be converted into cash, then your options to disappear are fairly limited. On the upside, very few people will miss your departure when compared to someone famous or extremely wealthy. Likewise, if you’re poor and have not committed any major crime, there will be fewer resources spent on trying to locate you or to find the reason for your disappearance. This does not mean that you can’t disappear; you could always go on the road and become a hobo or drifter, as this costs nothing.

If the police want you for a crime in your country or you are indicted on a crime and out on bail, the chances are that you will have surrendered your passport and your bank accounts will be frozen to stop you from disappearing. It makes no matter if you’re innocent or guilty, the courts order these things done even in some divorce cases. So unless you saw this coming and made alternative arrangements, i.e. moved the bulk of you money into accessible cash and usefully applied for a second passport, your only option is to disappear as a hobo .

Good Financial Resources

If you are rich and intend to disappear to start a new life, then it will be considerably more difficult. You will have to be careful how you transfer your wealth so you can access it under a new identity. When you disappear there will be questions asked, and the amount of wealth you leave behind will determine the amount of trouble people will go through to establish if you are dead or alive. A wealthy person who has disappeared and leaves behind someone who will benefit from his or her wealth is asking for trouble. The beneficiary will do everything within their power to get you legally declared dead so they can get ahold of your money. That means you could lose all your money; on the other hand, if you transferred it overseas, it would merely indicate you intended to disappear. Transposing of your wealth will require some delicate planning.

If you are rich and want to disappear, the chances are that you have done something against the law! In such a case, you need to make sure you go to a country that is a tax haven, and one that does not have extradition treaties with your native country. This way you are fairly safe, but it can become expensive, especially in some of the more corrupt countries. You are best off buying yourself a new identity and foreign passport in a new name. Then travel as far away as you can.


If you are famous, your face will be public knowledge, especially if you have lived in the limelight of the media. If your face has been plastered all over the tabloids or on television for a number of years, then you will be easily recognized anywhere in the world. An example of this would be David Beckham, the British soccer star who has played for England, Spain, and America. His face is known worldwide. Without major surgery to alter facial features, it would be difficult for a famous person to completely disappear and never be found.


Amelia Earhart is a perfect example of someone famous disappearing.

How a Change of Name Works in Law

In the United Kingdom, it is possible for anyone to change their name, although those under the age of sixteen will require their parents consent. In the United States, people can also easily change their name, but it should be noted that each state has a different law in regard to doing so. One of the best sites to download the forms is uslegalforms.com. Here, you will find the relevant forms for legally changing your name for most of the states in America.

Basically, it is possible for anyone to change his or her name, and in doing so obtain new documentation, such as a passport and driver’s license, with a new name. By law, your name is legally established by usage, meaning that you have the right to call yourself whatever you want. Gradually, by usage and reputation, you become known by your new name. However, if you remain in your country of residence, many organizations will require you to produce some official documentation showing evidence of your new name and, moreover, that you plan to continue with it and not revert back to your old one.

You also need to know there are certain names that, while not breaking the law, will not be allowed. These include names that are:

• unpronounceable or incomprehensible

• extremely long

• containing numbers, e.g. Super8 or 4Real

• vulgar, offensive, or blasphemous

• chosen for purely commercial reasons

• chosen for a bet or frivolous purpose

• trademarked or subject to copyright, e.g. Coca–Cola or Asda a combination of names that make up a phrase or saying not normally considered to be a name, e.g. Happy Birthday or See You Later

• a presumed title—that is, a first name giving the impression that you have a title, such as Lord, Baron, or Princess giving the impression that you have honors, for example, surnames ending with OBE or VC

• a single name only—that is, a surname only, with no forenames

You might also find that some government departments have their own policy in changing of names, and this is also worth checking. To be on the safe side, it is always best to change your name to something normal. If you are changing your name and intend on remaining in the country, you will have to inform a lot of other people, such as the Inland Revenue or IRS, your doctor, and so on. However, as you are intending to disappear, it is best not to tell anyone else that you are applying for a passport in your new name.

Changing your name in America is just as simple as in the UK, but the laws do vary from state to state. I am sure I am correct in saying that in some circumstances, changing your name in some states can be kept secret if it is done to avoid further abuse by a pursuing partner. As in the UK, it is a felony to change your name to avoid debt, plus you cannot call yourself Prince Charles, Elvis Presley, or anything else to copy someone famous. Some people think that a stage name is real and legal: it is not. A person’s name is the name given to them at birth until changed legally within the rules.

Finally, be sure to give some real thought to your new name. For example, if you intend to go and live in another country, such as South America or Malaysia, search for a list of common names from that country. Once you’ve made your disappearance and arrived in your new place of residence, that will make it harder for anyone trying to find you.

Driver’s License

In America, driver’s licenses are issued under different criteria depending upon the state you are living in; I would suggest you apply for an International Driver’s License or an Inter-American Driving Permit. The process is very similar; you will need to supply two passport-sized pictures of yourself, a photocopy of the front and back of your driver’s license, plus fill in the relevant forms and add the required fee. These additional licenses are good to have if you intend to disappear overseas or down to South America.

International Driving Permit details can be obtained from the following website: aaasouth.com/Travel/travel-drivers.aspx?nvbar=Travel:IntlDrivingPermit.

Inter-American Driving Permit can be found at: aaasouth.com/documents/idp-app.pdf.


Courtesy of IDLservice.com

An International Driver’s Licence is fairly easy to get.

Changing Your Appearance

I think most of us would agree that unless we had a face that is wellknown worldwide, there is no reason for anyone to undergo plastic surgery to change their appearance. This drastic step would be painful and expensive. That said, there are numerous surgical procedures that can alter the basic way you look. For example, a facelift can make you look younger and even change the physical features of your face. While many people undergo plastic surgery to fix a physical defect or often to make them look younger, this kind of procedure is not recommended if you simply want to disappear.

However, should you want to go down this road, one of the best hospitals for plastic surgery at a reasonable price can be found in Bangkok, Thailand and is called Bumrungrad. This hospital offers a wide range of surgical procedures including plastic surgery and reconstruction. The standards of this hospital are really world–class and on a par with any hospital in the West. In addition, they are quick and discreet. Visit http://www.bumrungrad.com/en/plasticsurgery-thailand-bangkok for more information.

Remember, if you change your facial appearance, you should also change your main means of identification, especially your passport. For example, if you grow a beard and a beard does not show on your passport photograph, you will not be allowed to enter the country unless you either remove the beard or get an updated photograph. This also applies for any major facial changes, piercings, or tattoos.

Disguising your face is quite easy if you wish not to be discovered in public: you can wear a wig, put on a pair of glasses, or use makeup to alter your face. There are benefits to carrying some extra clothing to disguise yourself too, especially when you think you’re being followed.

False Documents

Disclaimer: The information in this book relating to gaining a new passport by deception or by stealing is purely for information. I do not advocate stealing or obtaining a passport or any other legal document, and mention it here purely in context with the what–if scenario within the parameters of this book. All of the information below can be freely obtained from the public domain.

There are lots of ways to get false documents, but I have to warn you that it’s getting more difficult to fool the system. In this modern age, it is extremely difficult to make a false document that will pass the sophisticated scanning devices used by the authorities, especially when it comes to identification documentation. Also, if your document does show up as false, you are in for a lot of trouble— particularly at airports, where you can get both fingerprinted and have an iris scan. Spies and agents engaged in subversive operations are often obliged to use false documents, including passports and identity papers, but these are normally produced by government agencies by simply modifying a real passport under a different name .

False documents that are not used as a means of identification are easier to produce, and the chances of being found out less likely; for example, driver’s licenses or birth and marriage certificates. For what it’s worth, my advice would be to get hold of a genuine document and either convert it or pretend to be that person.


The ID card used by Michael Newitt that even fooled the police.

With good documentation and a strong cover story, it is possible to get away with just about anything. An English man named Michael Newitt lived a fantasy life; he called himself Commander Newitt and posed as a senior police officer. He pretended he was an undercover officer mainly to stave off companies to which he owed money. His identity was backed up by a series of impressive items, such as an ID card and police wallet. He not only fooled civilians, but also the police for several years.

Counterfeit money is also produced in large quantities and used by many government agents or counterfeit organizations, often as a means of subversion or to weaken an economy. Most intelligence agencies refer to this type of forgery as “repro,” with the person who makes the forgeries known as an “artist.” Most agencies have their own artist department responsible for acquiring documents and tailoring them to fit the agent for any special operation. Of these, by far the most important document is the passport. However, unless you work for a government agency or know some very smart people, I would not even bother to try and forge a passport in this digital age. Even the experts sometimes get caught trying to enter a country on a forged or false passport.

In March of 2004, two Mossad agents, Uriel Kelman, 30, and Eli Cara, 50, were jailed for six months in New Zealand for trying to obtain false passports. The plot was discovered when a passport officer noticed that a passport applicant was speaking with a Canadian or American accent. The clue led to an investigation that uncovered a complex conspiracy involving up to four Israeli agents. Using a fraudulent birth certificate, they were attempting to create a false identity for thirty-six-year-old Zev Barkan, another suspected Israeli spy. Officers planned to arrest the spies as they picked up the completed passport. However, Cara had preempted this by having it sent by courier to an apartment block, where it was to be collected by a taxi driver and taken to a rendezvous with Kelman. Police surveillance caught Cara acting suspiciously, close to the central Auckland apartment block while Kelman was arrested after fleeing the other rendezvous and throwing his mobile phone into a hedge. Both were sentenced to six months in prison for their involvement in the plot.

A New Passport

The secret to making a new identity is to steal one from someone else or someone who is dead; the more recent the death, the better your chances of accomplishing this. You will need to scour the obituaries and look for someone of the same race, age, and gender as yourself. It is best to look in a large city where the death rate is higher than in a country village. Once you have located a match, you will need to gather information about the deceased and obtain a photograph if possible. Normally, the deceased’s address can be gleaned from the newspaper, and if the death is very recent, there is nothing to stop you from going along to the house and pretending to be an old friend. Once there, you can simply ask for a recent photograph as a keepsake. If you discover that the deceased lived alone, you might try a little burglary. If you are lucky, you might even turn up a passport or birth certificate (relatives normally dig these out when someone has died). Be careful not to steal anything else.

Another scam used by people trying to obtain a new identity is to pretend to be a representative of the local coroner’s office (have a fake ID), and make an appointment to visit the bereaved family. They usually make sure their telephone call is just after closing time for the coroner’s office, so there can be no back check by the family. They simply state that they will need to see some relevant documents the family can easily find, such as the Social Security number, passport, birth certificate, etc. As most people rarely deal with the coroner’s office, they will think this is a normal procedure.

If neither a burglary nor a scam manages to produce a birth certificate or passport, then you will have to think about making and obtaining false documents. This is not as big a problem as it might seem; once you have established the deceased’s details it is a fairly simple matter, but one with risks. You will need to obtain a legitimate copy of the deceased’s birth certificate, and then apply for a new passport —this time using your own photographs.

In many cases, the deceased may look nothing like you, but this is not a real problem, as others have shown in the past. Most people have used a computer morphing program to scan a facial picture of them and that of the deceased, then the program merges them halfway. Many examples of this practice can be found on the Internet. The final result should look something like you, but it could also be the deceased. They then print out four good passport photographs using photographic quality paper from any computer shop and include these with their new passport application.

When in possession of the deceased’s passport, some people have changed their identity by requesting a second one from the passport office. While many countries will issue a second for business purposes, the applicant will need to prove this in the form of a supporting letter from his or her company or organization. In order to age a new passport, people have used lots of fake travel visas. They easily copy foreign visa stamps from one passport to another. They do this by using a flat tray filled with a half inch of set gelatin. They then place a page of the well-used passport onto the gelatin, pressing it down hard, which will leave an impression. This impression is transferred to the new passport pages. They simply repeat the process using a clear area of gelatin each time to copy and transfer old visas.

They will end up taking over the identity of the deceased person who, although dead, did exist. Providing they use their new identity in a foreign country, the chances of discovery are minimal. They will be able to open bank accounts, buy a home, and do very much as they like.

There are many other ways of obtaining a false passport; stealing one while abroad is the easiest, although this will be reported and canceled. Another way is to purchase a flight ticket under a false name using some form of ID (but not a passport); this is best done through a travel agent. Some people claim to have had their passport and wallet stolen and go to the local Embassy with four photographs of themselves to ask for a new one. They state that they are leaving the country the next day, explaining their flight ticket is all the proof they have. With a little luck most will get a new passport without too much hassle. However, in some cases, especially the European Union, you may only be issued with an Embassy paper that will allow you exit into your own country.

Although any passport will do, it is generally best to get one from your own country or a close neighbor that speaks the same language (an Irish man using a British passport would be a good example). This will forestall any problems at the embassy if they ask you any questions.

Getting a Passport Illegally

If you wanted to get a spare passport with someone else’s name but your picture on it, you would either have to buy a passport off some shady character or steal one. People lose or have their passports stolen every day; while some are recovered quickly, others find their way into the hands of criminals. It could be long and drawn–out process of getting ahold of a stolen passport this way, and it could cost you a lot of money and lead to other problems that I will not go into. Most people who are desperate for a passport generally steal one or, better still, have someone else steal it for them. This is a little like identity theft mentioned earlier, but a much easier.


Having your passport stolen causes a lot of problems. Make sure its kept in a safe place when not in use.

People have deliberately stolen passports in any number of circumstances. Airports are very popular, but there are many other venues such as any holiday destination where young men and women let their hair down (get drunk) and have fun. For example, in Greece or on the island of Ibiza, it would be easy to target a male or female and steal their passport, which is a daily occurrence. These holiday destinations are renowned for wanton revelry where being drunk and picking up strangers to have sex is the norm.

Would-be passport thieves simply pick a target; someone who looks like the right age, build, looks, sex, and nationality. They venture out around 2:00 a.m. to see which of the revelers are hardened drinkers, then watch and follow them as they stagger home to their apartments or hotel rooms. In Thailand, it would be a simple matter to employ a street girl to do the job. These are girls who are at the bottom of the sex industry—they do not work in bars but ploy their wares openly on the street. Many of the older, wiser women will wait for a drunken guy to come along and pick them up; they then take the man to his hotel or room. While he is asleep they rob him of everything they can.

Author’s Note: I know a British man who has worked in Bangkok for many years. Each Saturday will find him drinking in the bars up Soi 5 of Sukhumvit in central Bangkok. While he starts the day off with his friends, toward late evening he is alone and very drunk. On many occasions he has been picked up by street girls who have taken him back to his apartment. Several times he has woken in the morning to find half his apartment missing, including the furniture. To my knowledge, he has applied for at least four new passports.

The passport thief would then point out his or her target to the woman and get her to pick them up once they have had enough to drink. Of course, the thief would have to pay the woman something in advance—she works better that way. They would specifically ask her to get the man’s passport and any other documents, such as a driver’s license. With the promise of a lot more money if she is successful, you can bet she will fulfill her mission.

Once you have a passport, use some sandpaper to disfigure the picture; enough so that water can penetrate the actual photo in the passport. Then put it in the pocket of an old pair of trousers and wash them in a machine. Check the state of the passport; the aim is to keep as much of the writing legible while destroying the picture. Once this is done, simply take the passport to the local Embassy and ask for a new one, explaining you accidentally put it in the washing machine. If the passport was stolen in Thailand, then take a quick flight down to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia and request a new passport there. This is because at some stage the person you stole it from will be reporting this to the Embassy in Bangkok, which could start alarm bells ringing.

An alternative would be to find a look–alike and use his or her passport without changing anything. In essence, you would become that person by using his or her name. Again, some background information on the passport holder is always very useful.

ID Cards

Identity cards—such as a driver’s license—do not pose a serious problem as they are much easier to forge. There are many Internet sites offering a whole range of identity cards; however, few of these are any good. Many people prefer to make their own, and all they require is a modern computer set up and a scanner, which will help them make a fake copy of just about any paper object.


This is a fake ID as the United Kingdom does not have a national ID system (yet).

They simply scan a similar legal document using a high resolution scanner (at least 600 DPI, or dots per inch) and always use color. This will create a large file, so they will need a good computer and graphics package to handle it. Once they have a copy, they simply manipulate it to suit their needs. This might mean removing another person’s photograph, name and address, and replacing it with their own. Most good graphics software will allow them to do this with ease.

Next they will choose the correct type of paper to print on. ID cards are normally printed on thick card, whereas birth certificates are on fine paper. Ideally, the paper should be the correct weight and color, with no watermarks and as close as possible to the original. They then simply print out their fake, back and front if required.

If their fake copy needs a watermark, they will need to prepare the paper by embedding a watermark picture to the same density as that of the original. Most modern graphics programs allow them to do this. Simply chose the correct design, select the density and size, and print. They then use the watermarked paper to print their fake copies .

The problem now is to process their new fake so that it looks original. If it is an ID card it will need trimming with a scalpel and sealing in a plastic protective jacket. Most forgers will use machines that can be found in most major office supply stores. A simple visual check of the original against the fake is all that’s needed to complete the forgery.

* * *

Older documents are aged by putting a damp (not wet) cloth over the paper and placing a household iron over it several times. They then place the document in the sun for several days until it has faded to their satisfaction; folding it several times before dusting the document with a little cigarette ash over the surface to add that final authentic touch.

If you think the above method will not work, I can sure you it does (most times). I had a dispute over land I own in Spain, and before I went to court, I had to prove something that had happened five years previously. My Spanish solicitor typed out the document, back-dated it, and had me sign it. He then crumpled it up and put it outside in the hot sun for several days, resulting in a document that he could use in court to prove my case (I was legally in the right, but this practice, I was assured, is normal).

Looking Like Someone Else

If you have resorted to stealing an identity, you might as well do it properly. The key thing when stealing someone else’s document is to make sure they have very similar facial features. If you can get a fairly close match, then you don’t need to change or adjust anything; just be sure that the person’s name appears on either the passport or driver’s license.

Warning: Do not try to go through an automated passport control where the machine takes your picture and matches it to the one on your passport, as this will raise an alarm. It is best go through the manned system. Providing your face is a close enough resemblance, you should have no problems.

It is because pieces of paper or plastic are relatively easy to counterfeit that governments have introduced more secure methods. Not all countries have an e-passport or “chipped” passport system, and many still have the older bar–coded method. However, all the chip actually does is verify that the picture and information on the ID page is the same data that is stored on the chip. Some people refer to this as a biometric passport, but they are wrong—a biometric passport can also hold things such as your fingerprints.