What’s the Problem?
Ryan sat with Kyle and Mia during lunch the next day.
“How are the mice doing?” Kyle asked.
“Fine,” Ryan said. “They’re eating and drinking and using the wheel. But I don’t think they like the orange pieces in their food. They keep dropping them outside the cage.”
“What did you name them?” Mia asked.
“Classical, Heavy Metal, and Mouse,” Ryan said. “That way I can keep track of which one is which during the experiment. Mouse is the one that won’t listen to any music.”
“Are you going to change their names afterward?” Kyle asked. “My mom always says that pets should have real names that fit their personalities.”
“I bet we could come up with some good ones,” Ryan said. “They do some really weird stuff.”
“Like what?” Mia asked.
“They’re just really hyper,” Ryan said. “Classical likes to run in and out of a toilet-paper roll, and Mouse wiggles and squeaks when I put food in the dish.”
“That’s cute,” Mia said.
“I guess so,” Ryan said. “Heavy Metal is eating the house I made out of an empty oatmeal box. It’s going to be gone before I can eat enough oatmeal to make him another one. You guys should come see them after school.”
“I want to, but I haven’t finished my experiment yet,” Kyle said.
“Me neither,” Mia said. “I set up my bean seeds last night. I’m going to see if they’ll grow using anything other than water. I just hope they sprout in time. The science fair is next week!”
“I hope my mice can learn the maze by then,” Ryan said.
“Did you start training them?” Kyle asked.
Ryan shook his head. “No, the maze won’t be done until tomorrow. You should see it. It’s really cool.”
“I can stop by tomorrow,” Kyle offered.
“Oh. Okay.” Ryan looked disappointed. He turned to Mia. “Did you ask your mom about the CD player?”
Mia nodded. “Yeah. She said you could borrow it.”
“Great, thanks,” Ryan said. “Can you bring it over today with the CD from your dad?”
“Why do you need it today?” Mia asked. “Don’t the mice have to learn the maze before they listen to the music?”
“Yeah, but . . .” Ryan thought for a second. “My mom is baking chocolate chip cookies today.”
Mia’s face immediately brightened. “I love chocolate chip cookies!” she exclaimed. “Save me one, okay?”
“Okay, great, ” Ryan said, letting out a sigh of relief.
Ryan called right after Kyle got home from school that afternoon.
“I think there’s something wrong with Heavy Metal,” Ryan said, sounding nervous. “He’s lying on his on his back, and his legs keep twitching.”
“He’s probably just sleeping,” Kyle said. “Mice take naps during the day and play at night.”
“I know you’re busy, but can you come over to check?” Ryan asked. “I’m really worried.”
Kyle sighed. He really needed to work on his own experiment. Otherwise it’d never get done. But Ryan seemed upset. “I’ll be right there,” he said.
As soon as Ryan hung up, Kyle called Mia. “I’m pretty sure everything is fine with the mouse,” he said, “but Ryan seems really worried.”
Mia hurried next door to Kyle’s house and they headed to Ryan’s together.
“Have you decided how to do your experiment?” Mia asked as they walked.
Kyle nodded. “I need to find a home-run hitter, someone who’s an average hitter, and somebody who’s not very good,” he said. “Then I’ll have them all hit with a wooden bat and a metal bat and measure how far the ball goes. Do they make super-long measuring tapes?”
“I don’t know,” Mia said. “Why don’t you use the football field at school? It already has ten-yard lines marked off.”
“That’s a great idea!” Kyle said with a grin.
When they got to Ryan’s house, his mom let them in and sent them to Ryan’s room. Ryan was sitting at his desk, staring into the mouse cage. All three mice were awake and busy.
“They look fine to me,” Kyle said.
“They are,” Ryan admitted, looking a little embarrassed.
“So what’s the problem?” Mia asked.
Ryan sighed. “I’m afraid to pick them up,” he said quietly.