- To access GeoNames web services, you need to create a user at http://www.geonames.org/login. The user we created for this recipe is postgis; you will need to change it with your username whenever you query the GeoNames web service URL.
- If you are using Windows, be sure to have OSGeo4W installed as suggested in the initial instructions of this chapter.
- If you are using Linux, follow the initial instructions for this chapter, create a Python virtualenv in order to keep a Python-isolated environment to be used for all the Python recipes in this book, and activate it:
$ source postgis-cb-env/bin/activate
- Once activated, if you still haven't done so, you have to install the gdal and simplejson Python packages needed for this recipe:
(postgis-cb-env)$ pip install gdal (postgis-cb-env)$ pip install simplejson