
A – Arabic; B – Bama; C – Chinese; D – Dutch; I – Indonesian; J – Javanese; Jp – Japanese; M – Malay; P – Portuguese; S – Spanish; Sk – Sanskrit; Tag – Tagalog; Th – Thai; V – Vietnamese.

áo dài (V)
modernized (1920s) form of Vietnamese female dress
bangsa (M/I)
modern race or nation, from older descent or caste
bangsawan (M)
modern staged theater in Malay, on Indian model
belacan (M)
garnish of fermented shrimp or other seafood
bissu (Bugis)
transsexual shamanic priest
blijver (D)
stayer (migrants), as opposed to transient sojourners
bungkus (M)
lit. “bundle”; home-made cigarettes with maize-leaf wrapper
casado (P)
locally domiciled [Portuguese with family]
base Chinese-style coin with square hole for stringing. Anglicization of Portuguese caixa
chao (Th)
lord of a muang
chat (Th)
race or nation
cultuurstelsel (D)
[forced] cultivation system, of export crops primarily in Java
dalang (J)
Ðàng Trong (V)
“the inner region”; Cochin-China or southern Viet Nam
dharma (Sk/Pali)
cosmic law or order; in Buddhism, the teaching, way, or duty
Đôi Mới (V)
“new change”, Viet Nam reform program from 1986
Han (C/V)
common self-identification of Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese having adopted “civilized” norms (of the Han and other dynasties)
hát bội (V)
Chinese-derived classical Viet Nam theater
hui (C)
(Chinese) association or society
ilustrado (S)
enlightened, in particular of elite Spanish-educated Filipinos
Indië (D)
India (the Indies, Indonesia)
Jawi (A)
Southeast Asian Muslim
kadi (M/I)
Islamic judge
kaum muda (M/I)
young group
kebaya (M)
light female upper garment; blouse
keroncong (I)
hybrid musical style featuring a ukelele-like instrument
kiwi (M)
traveling merchant, or crew with share in cargo
komedi (M)
commercial popular performance (from French comédie)
kongsi (C/M)
a partnership or cooperative association, particularly for business or mutual support (pinyin gongsi)
kretek (I)
clove cigarette (onomatopoeic)
kris (M/J)
wavy-bladed dagger
lingga (Sk)
symbolic male phallus, particularly emblematic of Shiva, often paired with female yoni
lukjin (Th)
Sino-Thai, typically with Chinese father and Thai or local mother
mestizo (S)
mixed, creole, particularly of Chinese-Filipino hybridity
Minh Hương (V)
“Ming exiles”; long-settled or hybridized Chinese in Viet Nam
muang (Th)
autonomous polity based on a single irrigated rice area
nagara (Sk)
town, city, Indic-style state
nakhoda (M)
supercargo or commander of a ship
Nanyang (C)
South Seas; Southeast Asia
nat (B)
unseen spirits, ubiquitous in Burma
negeri (M)
settlement, trade center, river-mouth state
nôm (V)
hybrid Viet-Chinese script (from chữ nôm = southern characters)
Nusantara (M)
The island world comprising today’s Indonesia and Malaysia (from Malay nusa = islands; antara = between)
orang laut (M)
sea people
orangkaya (M)
merchant aristocrat (lit. rich person)
padi (M/I)
bunded rice field, flooded during growing season
parian (Tag)
Chinese quarter (of Manila)
peranakan (M)
local-born (of foreign fathers), particularly of hybridized Chinese Indonesians
pongyi (B)
(Theravada Buddhist) monk
raja (M/Sk)
king, ruler
rantau (M)
migrate, frontier of migration
romusha (Jp)
volunteer, the term used for forced laborers deployed by the Japanese
sangha (Pali)
the brotherhood of monks in Hinayana Buddhism
sarsuela (Tag)
light opera, musical romance (from Spanish zarzuela)
sarung (M)
wrap-around lower garment
sawah (M/I)
bunded and flooded rice field
sawbwa (B)
Shan hereditary chiefs of muang (from Shan Saopha)
seishin (Jap)
shari’a (A)
Islamic law
siwilai (Th)
civilized, or civilization
tarekat (M/I)
a mystical order with similar ritual practice, from Tariqah (A: way, method)
Tatmadaw (B)
National Armed Forces
totok (C)
China-born, or by extension Europe-born for Europeans
trepang (M/I)
sea-cucumber or bêche de mer, an echinoderm living on the sea floor.
ulama (A/M)
scholar and teacher of Islamic texts (plural of ‘alim, though used also as singular in Southeast Asia)
uleebalang (Aceh)
hereditary territorial chief in Aceh
Volksraad (D)
“People’s Council,” legislative assembly of Netherlands India, 1918–41
wayang (J/M)
wayang kulit (J/M)
“leather theater”; Javanese shadow puppet theater
wujuddiyah (A)
a monist strain of Sufi mystical belief
yoni (Sk)
symbolic vagina, representing female procreative energy and matching male lingga
zhang (C)
miasma; diseases attributed to dangerous atmosphere of tropics