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- Aaron, Christopher; in drone program
- Abbott, Greg
- Abramson, Marc
- Abu Ghraib
- Achilles
- Achilles in Vietnam (Shay)
- Acosta, Alex
- Afghanistan
- African Americans; incarceration of; inequality and; as prison guards; as slaughterhouse workers
- African Resources Watch
- Agamemnon
- Age of Surveillance Capitalism, The (Zuboff)
- ag-gag laws
- Air Force, U.S.
- Airman Ministry Center
- Ai Weiwei
- Alexander, Michelle
- al-Qaeda
- Alston, Philip
- Amazon
- American colonies
- American Energy, Imperiled Coast (Theriot)
- American exceptionalism
- American Meat Institute
- American Medical Association (AMA)
- American Notes (Dickens)
- American Psychiatric Association (APA)
- Amnesty International
- Anderson, Martin
- Angelle, Scott
- Anglos and Mexicans in the Making of Texas (Montejano)
- Antal, Chris
- Appelbaum, Kenneth
- Apple
- Araujo, Michael
- Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
- Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
- artificial intelligence (AI); Google’s principles for
- Asian immigrants
- assassinations; see also drone program
- asylums
- Asylums (Goffman)
- AT&T
- Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The
- Attica Correctional Facility
- At Work in the Iron Cage (Britton)
- Auburn State Prison
- Azar, Alex
- Bacevich, Andrew
- Backing Hitler (Gellately)
- Bailey, Beth
- Bakken Formation
- banking industry
- batteries, cobalt for
- Bauman, Zygmunt
- Beale Air Force Base
- Beall, Pat
- Beck, Roy
- Beneze, Tom
- Benko, Jessica
- Berkowitz, Deborah
- Biden, Joe
- bin Laden, Osama
- Black History Month
- Black Lives Matter
- Black people, see African Americans
- Blackwell’s Island
- “black world”
- Blank Spots on the Map (Paglen)
- Blee, Richard
- Blomé, Toby
- Bon Pasteur
- Border Patrol agents; Cantú; Clinton administration and; Latinos as; morale among
- Boudreau, Tyler
- BP; Deepwater Horizon oil spill
- Brandeis, Louis
- Breach of Trust (Bacevich)
- Brexit
- Bright, Jeff
- Brin, Sergey
- Britton, Dana
- Bronstein, Scott
- Brown, Julie
- Brown, Margaret
- Bryan, Texas
- Bureau of Correctional Health Services, New York
- Bureau of Investigative Journalism
- Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE)
- Burkeen, Aaron Dale
- Burroughs, Hilary
- Bush, George W.
- Bush, Jeb
- Butts, Lampkin
- California: offshore drilling and; prisons in
- Callamard, Agnes
- Cambridge Analytica
- Camus, Albert
- Cantú, Francisco
- Carnegie, Andrew
- Cassidy, John
- Castañeda, Dulce
- Cato Institute
- Cawley, Randi
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Central America
- Centro de Derechos Laborales (Center for Labor Rights)
- Centurion of Florida
- Chapman, Andre
- Chappelle, Wayne
- Charlotte Correctional Institution (CCI); Walker’s death at
- Chengangu, Bienvenue
- Chicago Defender
- Chicago school of sociology
- child labor
- Chiles, Lawton
- China; Google’s Dragonfly project in
- chlorine
- Christians, and moneylending
- Church Committee
- civilization
- Civilization and Its Discontents (Freud)
- civilized punishment
- Civilizing Process, The (Elias)
- Civil War
- Clark, Donald
- Clarke, Roland
- climate change; Paris Agreement and
- Clinical Psychology Review
- Clinton, Bill
- coal mining
- cobalt mining
- Cobb, Jonathan
- Cockburn, Andrew
- Cockrell, Mike
- Code Pink
- Cold War
- colonial era
- Columbia/HCA
- Columbia Law School Human Rights Clinic
- Community Mental Health Act
- Congo, cobalt mining in
- Congo Dongfang Mining International
- conscience
- Consequence (Fair)
- Conservation and Reinvestment Act
- Contract with America
- Corizon
- corporal punishment
- Correctional Medical Authority
- correctional psychology
- corrections officers, see prison guards
- Counterterrorism Airborne Analysis Center
- COVID-19 pandemic; “essential workers” designation during; medical workers and; in New York City; oil industry and; OSHA and; prisons and; slaughterhouse workers and
- Creech Air Force Base
- crime; 1994 bill on; war on drugs and
- criminal justice system: mentally ill in; sentencing laws in; shift from rehabilitative ideal to punitive approach in; see also prisons
- Crosby, James V. “Jimmy”
- Crusius, Patrick
- Cummings, Jerry
- Curtis, Bill
- Dade Correctional Institution
- Dade Correctional Institution, Transitional Care Unit (TCU) of; article on abuse of prisoners at; Corizon’s contract with; Cummings as warden at; empty meal trays at; filth and run-down conditions at; guards at; Hempstead at; Krzykowski at; lawsuit against Florida DOC for abuse at; Mair at; Mallinckrodt at; Morris as assistant warden at; Perez at; Rainey’s murder at; recreation yard access at; Richardson at; shower abuse at; solitary confinement at; Wexford’s contract with
- data collection
- Datta Khel
- Dauphin Island
- Dean, Jeff
- Dean, Wendy
- Deepwater Horizon; Horizon oil spill
- Defense, U.S. Department of; Project Maven with Google
- Defense Production Act
- Deitch, Michele
- Dell
- democracy
- democrats, passive
- Desert Rock Airport
- Desert Waters Correctional Outreach
- Devereaux, Ryan
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
- Dickens, Charles
- dirt
- Dirty Jobs
- dirty work: automation of; essential features of; “good people” and; as hidden and isolated; Hughes’s essay on; inevitability of; invisible contract in; least resistant personalities and; passive democrats and; scandals and
- dirty work, use of term: familiar meaning; by Hughes; in this book
- dirty workers; moral burden of
- disability benefits
- Disability Rights Florida
- Discipline and Punish (Foucault)
- Dix, Dorothea
- Dodd-Frank Act
- Donahue, John
- Donaldson, Kenneth
- DoorDash
- Douglas, Mary
- draft
- Dragonfly project
- drone program; Aaron in; burnout rate in; as “civilized”; at Creech Air Force Base; diffusion of responsibility in; emotional effects of; Human Performance Team and; in Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Wing; lack of debate on; language used in; Linebaugh in; Living Under Drones report on; medal for operators in; moral injury to operators in; number of civilian deaths from; Obama and; Paglen’s photos of; peace demonstrations and; secrecy surrounding; tribal elders attacked in; Trump and; warrior ethic and
- drugs, war on
- DuPont
- Eason, John
- Eastern State Penitentiary
- Eating Animals (Foer)
- economic inequality
- Eisenhower era
- Eisnitz, Gail
- Elias, Norbert
- empathy
- energy sector, see fossil fuel industry; oil industry
- England
- England, Lynndie
- Environmental Integrity Project
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Environment Texas
- ergonomics
- Espinoza-Gala, Lillian
- Essential Worker Immigration Coalition
- Estelle v. Gamble
- Evers, Greg
- Every Twelve Seconds (Pachirat)
- Evil Hours, The (Morris)
- executions
- “exit”
- Exit, Voice, and Loyalty (Hirschman)
- Exxon Valdez oil spill
- Facebook
- facial recognition software
- Fair, Eric
- Farmer, Rick
- farmworkers
- Fassin, Didier
- Federal Trade Commission
- Fellner, Jamie
- Fernandez, Manny
- financial crisis of 2008
- financial industry
- Financial Times
- Fisher, James
- Florida; mentally ill people in; murders in; prisons in; Republican Party in; Senate of
- Florida City, Fla.
- Florida Department of Corrections (DOC); Corizon and Wexford contracts of; lawsuit against
- Floyd, George
- Foer, Jonathan Safran
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
- Forgotten Majority
- Forman, James
- Fort Meade
- Fortune
- fossil fuel industry; coal mining; fracking in; government revenue from; see also oil industry
- Foster, Damien
- Foucault, Michel
- fracking
- France
- Frankfurt
- Franklin, Ursula
- FreshDirect
- Freud, Sigmund
- Freudenburg, William
- Friedman, Milton
- Frumin, Eric
- Gallagher, Ryan
- Garland, David
- Geiger, Daniel
- Geiger, Debra
- Gellately, Robert
- Germany: Frankfurt; Nazi; slaughterhouses in
- Gertler, Dan
- Getting Away with Murder (Mallinckrodt)
- Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher
- gig workers
- Gingrich, Newt
- Gizmodo
- Glencore
- Global Justice Clinic
- GlobalSantaFe
- Global Witness
- Glore Psychiatric Museum
- God Save Texas (Wright)
- Goffman, Erving
- Goldman Sachs
- “good food” movement
- “good people”: dirty work and; war and
- “Good People and Dirty Work” (Hughes)
- Google; AI principles of; Cloud; data collection by; “Don’t be evil” motto of; Dragonfly project of; Gmail; Nolan at; Poulson at; Project Maven of
- Gore, Al
- government regulations
- Gramling, Robert
- Graner, Charles
- Gray, Margaret
- “Gray Zone, The” (Levi)
- Great Invisible, The
- Green, Kelly
- Greene, Diane
- Greifinger, Bob
- Grimes, Milton
- Grossman, Dave
- Guantánamo Bay detention camp
- Guardian, The; Linebaugh’s op-ed in
- Gudmestad, Robert
- Gulf of Mexico; Deepwater Horizon oil spill in
- Gulf Restoration Network
- H1N1 pandemic
- Halden Fengsel
- Halliburton
- Harbin, Martha
- Hartford Seminary
- Harvard University
- Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system
- Heil, Hubertus
- Hempstead, Harold
- Heyman, Josiah
- Hickel, Walter
- Hidden Injuries of Class, The (Sennett and Cobb)
- Hirschman, Albert
- Hitchens, Christopher
- Hitler, Adolf
- Hochschild, Arlie Russell
- holistic technologies
- Holocaust
- Home from the War (Lifton)
- Homeland Security, U.S. Department of
- Homeless, The (Jencks)
- homelessness
- Homer, Iliad
- Hospital of Salpêtrière
- Hotard, James
- How Google Works (Schmidt and Rosenberg)
- Huayou Cobalt
- Hughes, Everett; “Good People and Dirty Work”
- human ecology
- “human materials”
- Human Performance Team
- Human Rights in China
- Human Rights Watch
- Hundley, Daniel
- Idaho
- IED explosions
- Iliad (Homer)
- immigrants, migrants; Asian; Clinton administration and; deaths of; family separation policy and; farmworkers; and immigration officers of Mexican ancestry; niche labor markets and; Obama and; sanctuary cities for; sexual harassment and; slaughterhouse workers; slaughterhouse workers, raids on; in Texas, as “shadow people”; Trump and; see also Border Patrol agents
- Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
- Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
- income inequality
- independent contractors
- India
- Indiana
- inequality
- Instacart
- Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Wing (I.S.R.)
- Intercept, The
- internet
- interrogation and torture
- Invisible (Paglen and Solnit)
- Iowa Beef Packers (IBP)
- Iraq
- Jacksonian era
- Jacobs, James
- Jaffer, Jameel
- Japan
- Jencks, Christopher
- Jews; moneylending and; Nazis and
- Johnson, Calvin B.
- Johnson, Matthew
- Johnson, Walter
- Joiner, Mark
- Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure
- Jones, Chris
- Jones, Gordon
- Jones, Julie
- JPMorgan Chase
- Jungle, The (Sinclair)
- Justice (Sandel)
- Justice at Work
- Justice Department, U.S.
- Kauffman, Kelsey
- Kennedy, David M.
- Kennedy, John F.
- Kesey, Ken
- Khan, Khalil
- Kill Chain (Cockburn)
- killing, emotional toll of; drone program and
- killing of animals; emotional toll of; Americans’ remove from; see also slaughterhouses
- Killing Without Heart (Riza)
- Kind and Usual Punishment (Mitford)
- Kipling, Rudyard
- Korean War
- Kraft, Lawrence
- Kriner, Douglas L.
- Krzykowski, Harriet; childhood of; children counseled by; at Dade; Dade left by; as Dade staff counselor; emotional stress experienced by; psychology degree of
- Krzykowski, Steven
- Ku Klux Klan
- Labor, U.S. Department of
- Labor and the Locavore (Gray)
- labor unions
- Lake Correctional Institution
- Landay, Jonathan
- Landrieu, Mary
- Langley Air Force Base
- Larson, James
- Latinos; attack on
- Lebanon bologna
- Leifman, Steve
- Leonard, Christopher
- Leopold II, King
- Letters of Travel (Kipling)
- Levi, Primo
- Lew, Emma
- Lifton, Robert Jay
- Linebaugh, Heather; in drone program; Guardian op-ed of
- Line Becomes a River, The (Cantú)
- Link, Bruce
- Litz, Brett
- Living Under Drones
- Lloyd’s Register
- locavores
- Locke, John
- Loflin, Matthew
- Los Angeles County Jail
- Los Angeles Times
- Louisiana: Cancer Alley in; Morgan City; New Orleans; offshore drilling and
- Lowell Correctional Institution
- Macondo Prospect
- Madison, James
- Madness and Civilization (Foucault)
- Maguen, Shira
- Maid-Rite
- Mair, Richard
- Mallinckrodt, George
- Manning, Chelsea
- Marshall Project
- Martin, Philip
- Martin, Steve J.
- Martinez, Flor; breast cancer of; COVID infection of; poultry slaughterhouse work of
- Massachusetts prison system
- Mazzetti, Mark
- McAndrew, Ron
- McClatchy
- McDonough, James
- McGill University
- Meadows, Joe
- Meat Inspection Act
- Meat Racket, The (Leonard)
- medical workers, in COVID-19 pandemic
- mênis
- mental illness; Community Mental Health Act and; criminal justice system and; deinstitutionalization and; disability benefits and; Florida and; homelessness and; state budgets for services for; see also prison psychiatric wards; psychiatric institutions
- meritocracy and meritocratic hubris
- Merrill, Bryce
- #MeToo movement
- Mexican immigrants: farmworkers; immigration officers; poultry plant workers; see also immigrants, migrants
- Mexican Revolution
- Mexico
- Miami Herald
- Michaels, David
- Microsoft
- military service; draft; “other 1 percent” in; paid substitutes in; shared sacrifice and; socioeconomic status and; see also drone program; veterans
- Mills, Charles
- Minerals Management Service (MMS)
- Mitford, Jessica
- moneylending
- Montejano, David
- Mooney, Chris
- moral burden of dirty workers
- moral careers
- moral inequality
- moral injury; drone operators and; meaning and magnitude of; PTSD and
- Morgan, J. P.
- Morgan, Matthew
- Morgan City, La.
- Morgan Stanley
- Morris, David
- Morris, Glenn
- Moyn, Samuel
- Mutindi, Catherine
- Myanmar
- National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals
- National Association of Manufacturers
- National Coalition on Ergonomics
- National Commission on Correctional Health Care
- National Employment Law Project
- National Environmental Policy Act
- National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
- National Security Agency
- National Sheriffs’ Association
- Natural Resources Defense Council
- Nazi Germany
- NDAs (nondisclosure agreements)
- New Jim Crow, The (Alexander)
- New Orleans, La.
- New York, N.Y.; COVID-19 pandemic in
- New York City Council
- New Yorker, The
- New York Times, The
- New York University
- Nicholas V, Pope
- 9/11 attacks
- 1984 (Orwell)
- Nixon, Richard
- Noem, Kristi
- Nolan, Laura
- nondisclosure agreements
- Norway
- Nowell, Jackie
- NumbersUSA
- Obama, Barack; drone program and; immigration and; oil industry and
- O’Brien, Tim
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
- Oceaneering
- O’Connor v. Donaldson
- Ogle, Alan
- oil industry; BP; California and; COVID-19 pandemic and; government revenue from; Louisiana and; OPEC embargo and; regulations and; Trump and
- Oil in Troubled Waters (Freudenburg and Gramling)
- oil rig workers; accidents and; process safety and; roustabouts; Stone; whistleblower protections for
- oil spills: Deepwater Horizon; environmental groups and; Exxon Valdez; The Great Invisible film on; pelicans and; in Santa Barbara Channel
- Omega Institute
- Omnivore’s Dilemma, The (Pollan)
- One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Kesey)
- one percent; “other one percent”
- On Killing (Grossman)
- Orlando Sentinel
- Orwell, George; 1984; The Road to Wigan Pier
- Oxfam America
- Oxycontin
- Pachirat, Timothy
- Page, Larry
- Paglen, Trevor
- Paine, Thomas
- Pakistan
- Palm Beach Post, The
- Panetta, Leon
- Paris Agreement
- Park, Robert
- passive democrats
- Patterson, Robert
- Patterson’s Axiom
- Patton, George
- Pence, Mike
- people of color; see also African Americans; immigrants, migrants; Latinos
- “people work”
- peracetic acid (PAA)
- Perez, Cristina
- PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)
- Phelan, Jo
- Pichai, Sundar
- Piketty, Thomas
- Pilgrim’s Pride
- Piper Alpha
- Pizzella, Patrick
- police officers
- Pollan, Michael
- “polluting persons”
- Poulson, Jack
- poultry plants, see slaughterhouses
- poverty
- Powell, Colin
- power
- Pratt, John
- prescriptive technologies
- presidential elections
- Prince, Lillian
- Prince William Sound
- prisoners of war
- prison guards (corrections officers); African American; COVID-19 pandemic and; Curtis; at Dade; in France; as invisible population; life expectancy of; as “the other prisoners”; PTSD among; reasons for becoming; at Rikers; shame felt by; suicide among; wages, benefits, and hours of; women as
- Prison Officers and Their World (Kauffman)
- Prison Policy Initiative
- prison psychiatric wards; culture of violence at; “dual loyalty” felt by psychiatrists at; jobs at; privatization and; survey of practices at; see also Dade Correctional Institution, Transitional Care Unit of
- prisons; Africa Americans in; building of; “civilized punishment” and; COVID-19 pandemic and; in Florida; geographic isolation of; Halden Fengsel; humane; mass incarceration in; in nineteenth century; population surges in; privatization of health care services at; Progressive Era and; racism and; recidivism rate and; Rikers; in rural areas; sentencing laws and; solitary confinement in; transparency lacking in; in United Kingdom
- Prison World (Fassin)
- Privatization Decision, The (Donahue)
- process safety
- Progressive Era
- Project Maven
- Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The
- psychiatric institutions; asylums; prison, see prison psychiatric wards; social control and
- psychologists, elite
- PTSD; in corrections officers; moral injury and; in veterans
- Pugh, Charles
- punishment: “civilized”; corporal; technologies of
- Punishment and Modern Society (Garland)
- Purdue Pharma
- Pure Food and Drug Act
- Purity and Danger (Douglas)
- racial contract
- racial violence
- racism; crime and; prisons and; see also African Americans; immigrants, migrants
- Radack, Jesselyn
- Rainey, Darren; murder of
- Randolph, John
- Rangel, Charles
- Reagan, Ronald
- Redfield, Robert
- “Regulation by Shaming” (Johnson)
- Renault
- Republican National Convention
- Republican Party
- Resource Matters
- Responsible Raw Materials Initiative
- restaurants
- Richardson, Lovita
- Ricketts, Pete
- Rig Museum
- Rikers Island
- Riza, M. Shane
- Road to Wigan Pier, The (Orwell)
- Rohingya
- Rojo, Libia
- Roosevelt, Theodore
- Rose, Arnold
- Rosenberg, Jonathan
- Roshto, Natalie
- Roshto, Shane
- Rothman, David
- Roulet, Thomas
- roustabouts
- Rundle, Katherine Fernandez
- rural areas: ghettos; prisons in; slaughterhouses in
- Russell, Bertrand
- Ryan, Jill Hunsaker
- Saez, Emmanuel
- Safe Streets program
- Salesforce
- Salpêtrière
- Samsung
- Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies
- Sandel, Michael
- Sanderson Farms
- San Mateo, Calif.
- Santa Barbara Channel
- Sarthou, Cynthia
- Scalia, Antonin
- Scalia, Eugene
- scandals
- Schama, Simon
- Schmidt, Eric
- School of Aerospace Medicine
- Scientific American
- Scott, Rick
- Scratching Out a Living (Stuesse)
- secrecy; drone program and
- Securities and Exchange Commission
- Sennett, Richard
- sentencing laws
- September 11 attacks
- Sessions, Jeff
- “shadow people”
- Shay, Jonathan
- Shell
- Shen, Francis X.
- Sierra Leone
- Simpson, Quinsey
- Sinclair, Upton
- Slaughterhouse (Eisnitz)
- slaughterhouses; African American workers at; ag-gag laws and; and Americans’ remove from killing; bathroom breaks at; chemicals sprayed in; in Chicago; COVID-19 pandemic and; cows in; cruelty to animals at; division of labor in; Foer’s book and; in Germany; “good food” movement and; government regulation and; and hidden costs of meat; immigrant workers at; immigrant workers at, raids on; injuries at; inspections of; labor unions and; locavores and; Martinez’s work at; OSHA and; pigs in; “plantation capitalism” and; pollution from; poultry; rights violations at; in rural areas; Sanderson Farms; sexual harassment at; Sinclair’s book and; Trump and; unions and; U.S. animal protein consumption; virtuous consumption and; wages at; white workers at
- slavery
- slave traders
- Sleasman, Peter
- smartphone batteries, cobalt for
- Smith, Michael Patrick F.
- Smithfield Foods
- Snowden, Edward
- social control
- social media
- Social Problems
- Social Relations in Our Southern States (Hundley)
- Society of Captives, The (Sykes)
- Soleimani, Qassem
- solitary confinement
- Solnit, Rebecca
- Somalia
- Some Thoughts Concerning Education (Locke)
- Soul by Soul (Johnson)
- Southern Poverty Law Center
- Soviet Union
- Spiegel, Der
- Spinaris, Caterina
- spoiled identity
- Stanford International Human Rights and Conflict Resolution Clinic
- Stanford University
- stigma
- Stigma (Goffman)
- Stone, Sara Lattis; filmmaking of; paintings of
- Stone, Stephen
- Stuesse, Angela
- Sullivan, Kenneth
- Supreme Court, U.S.: Estelle v. Gamble; O’Connor v. Donaldson
- surveillance; Project Maven
- Sweatt, Loren
- Sykes, Gresham M.
- Taliban
- Tannenbaum, Frank
- targeted assassinations; see also drone program
- Teamsters
- Tea Party
- technologies, holistic versus prescriptive
- tech sector; Apple; cobalt mining for batteries in; corruption in; diffusion of responsibility in; Google, see Google; nondisclosure agreements in; supply chains in
- 10-20-Life law
- terrorism: September 11 attacks; war on; see also drone program
- Texas; Bryan; migrant farmworkers in; “shadow people” in
- Texas Education Agency
- Theriot, Jason
- Things They Carried, The (O’Brien)
- This American Life
- Thompson, Chris
- Thompson, Judy
- Thurman, Cameron
- Tönnies
- torture and interrogation
- total institutions
- Transocean
- Treatment Advocacy Center
- Trumka, Richard
- Trump, Donald; drone program and; immigrants and; meatpacking plants and; oil industry and; Scalia and
- 20/20
- Twitter
- Tyson, John
- Tyson Foods
- Uber
- Union of Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile Employees
- United Food and Commercial Workers International (UFCW)
- United Kingdom
- United Nations (UN)
- United Packinghouse Workers of America (UPWA)
- University of Chicago
- untouchables
- USA Today
- U.S. Chamber of Commerce
- U.S. Chemical Safety Board
- U.S. Customs and Border Protection
- U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
- U.S. Geological Survey
- U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS)
- Valdes, Frank
- Vargas, Tony
- veterans; recognition of service of; retreat for; wives of
- Veterans for Peace
- Vietnam veterans; prisoners of war and; in rap groups
- Vietnam Veterans Against the War
- Vietnam War; opposition to
- virtuous consumption
- “voice”
- voting
- Walker, Matthew
- Wall Shadows (Tannenbaum)
- Walmart
- Warren, Wilson J.
- warrior ethic
- wars; drone warfare in, see drone program; “moral sheen” and; protests against; public disengagement from; see also military service
- Washington, Booker T.
- Washington Post, The
- Way of the Knife, The (Mazzetti)
- Weimar, Cheryl
- Weinstein, Harvey
- Weld, Theodore Dwight
- Western, Bruce
- West Point
- Wexford
- What Have We Done (Wood)
- Whole Foods
- Wilkerson, Lawrence
- Williston Basin
- “will to know, the”
- Wood, David
- World War II
- Wright, Lawrence
- Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
- Zuboff, Shoshana
- Zucman, Gabriel