WHILE WRITING IS often seen as a solitary endeavor, it takes a community to bring a book into the world. I’m so immensely grateful for the team of friends, family, and colleagues who have helped The Booklover’s Library become what it is today. Thank you to the stellar team at Hanover Square Press: to Peter Joseph and Grace Towery for your diligent edits to make my novel shine, to Leah Morse and Dayna Boyer for your immense marketing and publicity efforts to help spread the word about The Booklover’s Library, and to Eden Railsback for always being so helpful with everything I need—no matter how big or small. Thank you also to the cover design team for yet another gorgeous cover and for always being so patient with me. And a huge thank you to Kathleen Carter for loving this book so much and for putting the publicity behind that passion to help launch The Booklover’s Library out into the world. It is such a pleasure to work with every one of you.
None of this would be at all possible without my agent—the incomparable Kevan Lyon. Thank you for always believing in me and for your constant diligence and support with this book and all my books. I’m grateful for you every day.
Thank you to Felicity Whittle for taking time out of your day to join me in Nottingham and chat about The Booklover’s Library. I’m also so grateful to the kind and generous staff at Bromley House Library who gave me a tour of their gorgeous lending library and allowed me to work there for the day.
I’m so fortunate to be surrounded with love and support from my family and friends. Thank you to my parents for always being so proud of me and for reading my books, and to my mother, who is always one of the last people to read my books before they go to print. Thank you to my husband, who helps with my plot for every story and is thus subjected to more history than he ever thought he’d hear in one lifetime—you truly are my very own Mr. Fisk and I’m forever grateful to have you in my life. And thank you to my sweet girls, who were such an inspiration for this story as well as being such an integral part of the creation of Olivia’s character as she is made up of so many memories from both your childhoods. Thank you to my bestie, Eliza Knight, for being my sounding board, lifeline, and constant companion through our careers. Thank you to my dear friend Tracy Emro, who is the first person to read every one of my books as I’m writing them—your suggestions and ideas are always so helpful, as is your endless support. And thank you to Susan Seligman for taking the time to read through this book when it was in a rough state and provide such helpful feedback.
Thank you to the Lyonesses—my agent sisters—who are as close to real sisters as I’ve ever had and whose counsel and support are always so welcome. To my reader group, thank you for always being so excited along with me as I share details of my book ideas and for always being my best cheerleaders.
Thank you to the librarians and booksellers who carry my books and recommend them to their patrons. Additionally, thank you for all the years you have fed my love of reading by supplying me with endless amounts of books to love.
To all the book bloggers, reviewers, and bookstagrammers, thank you for your passion for books and your talent to share that passion with others. You are so integral to the book community and your efforts are so appreciated by readers and writers alike.
An enormous thank you to my readers. Thank you for always being so excited for the next book, for the power of your support, for all the time you have spent reading my books, sharing with friends, and writing reviews. You carry my characters in your hearts the same way I do and that means more to me than words could ever say. Thank you.