
Adelaer family 237, 239

Adorno, Gretel (née Karplus) vii;

on American clothes 4;

on antiSemitism 11;

birthdays 100, 139, 187, 223, 286, 327;

on California 69, 72, 745;

health of 51, 184, 212;

cold and conjunctivitis 273, 274;

dramatic improvement 21718;

gall bladder attack 967, 98;

lumbago 132;

migraines 10, 31, 47, 117, 340;

sciatica 160, 1612, 163, 164, 1667, 170, 172, 205;

naturalization process 141, 160;

working hard 37

Adorno, Joseph A. 7, 267, pl. 6

Adorno, Paola 23, pl. 2

Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund:

accompanies the violinist Lisa Minghetti 348, 352, 353, 356, 360, 363, 366;

on advertising 93;

advice on the New World 12;

affair with Charlotte Alexander 276, 2779, 2813, 349;

affair with Renée Nell 1235, 131, 1345;

‘Aldous Huxley and Utopia’ 338;

apartment-hunting for parents 81, 823;

on being an alien 54, 878, 97, 101, 104, 115, 2589, 352;

Benjamin and 348;

birthdays 109, 336, 337;

on California 6971, 75, 79, 3345;

CIO meeting 148, 149;

evicted 332, 336, 353;

health of 23, 24;

chronic cold 150;

diabetes 249, 250, 251, 268, 282;

headache cure 193;

heart problems 241, 2423, 247, 249, 251;

influenza 175;

neuralgia 191, 215, 221;

stomach ulcers 271, 273, 274, 276;

tonsillectomy 239, 247;

wisdom teeth pulled 2234, 226, 228;

at Lake Tahoe 2948;

Mann’s Doctor Faustus 327;

Mann’s The Genesis of a Novel 3289;

military status in USA 134;

money matters 601;

moves house 240, 3378;

name change 161, 163;

naturalization process 141, 143, 160;

nicknames 3, 6;

on philosophical language 174, 176;

on post-war antiSemitism 2489;

property in Frankfurt 337;

on psychoanalysis 189;

relationship with parents vi;

return to Frankfurt 3748;

speaking against fascism 51;

teaches music 289;

teaches psychoanalytical candidates 357, 3634;

teaches with Horkheimer 363, 364;

travel permit 136, 142;

wish to return to Germany 402;

works: address to JLC 166;

‘Aldous Huxley and Utopia’ 340;

Anti-Semitism: A Social Disease 271, 272;

‘Anti-Semitism and Fascist Propaganda’ 186, 1878;

anti-Semitism project 1011, 61, 128, 131, 132, 136, 142, 180, 204, 321, 348;

arts dictionary project 83;

The Authoritarian Personality (with Horkheimer) 129, 373;

Beethoven: The Philosophy of Music 56, 165;

on Benjamin 43, 98, 327, 329, 383;

Columbia lecture 75, 76;

Composing for the Films (with Eisler) 119, 121, 129, 170, 172, 224, 267, 277, 294;

‘Culture Industry’ 158;

‘Das Schema der Massenkultur’ 106, 108, 109;

‘Democratic Leadership and Mass Manipulation’ 339;

Dialectic of Enlightenment (with Horkheimer) 92, 95, 118, 120, 125, 274, 293, 317, 340;

dictionary of music 350;

the F-scale 206, 207;

on George 46;

Heine lecture 341, 342;

on Hofmannsthal 46;

on Kierkegaard 37, 57, 61, 292, 293;

‘Kulturkritik und Gesellschaft’ 340;

Minima Moralia 151, 212, 213, 235, 274;

music education project 43;

musical compositions 90, 91, 168, 169;

‘On a Social Critique of Radio Music’ 10, 1718, 23;

‘Philosophical Fragments’ (with Horkheimer) 184, 219;

on popular music 5, 93, 94, 101, 102;

‘Private Morale in Germany’ (with Marcuse) 88;

psychoanalysis lectures 254, 285, 326;

‘Reason and Survival’ (with Horkheimer) 86, 87;

‘Reflections upon the Theory of Class’ 108;

report for Washington 106;

response to Tillich 170, 171;

In Search of Wagner 345, 43;

on Simmel 45;

‘Spengler after the Decline’ 168, 169, 171, 172, 174;

study for US government 118;

‘The Musical Climate for Fascism in Germany’ 196;

‘The Radio Symphony’ 84, 86

Theory of Needs seminar 101, 102

‘Theses on Art and Religion’ 232

‘Träume in Amerika’ 110, 114

on Veblen 71, 72, 73

on Wagner 349, 354

‘Why Are We Still Barbarians?’ (with Horkheimer) 207

‘Zur Philosophie der neuen Musik’ 293, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 324, 326, 327, 349, 352, 365, 367, 371

Adorno family 23–4 see also under Calvelli-Adorno;


Alaska 10

Alcan, Felix 49

Alexander, Charlotte 212, 213, 214, 316, 327, 3334

affair with Adorno 274, 27783;

character of 345;

divorces Robert 301;

keeps married name 335;

letters and 300;

looking for security 348, 349

and Maria 329, 339, 342

marries Dr Violin 351, 352, 365

in Nevada 286, 297

Robert’s wedding and 312

Alexander, Robert 220, 226

and Anita Lothar 217, 219

car accident 310

divorces Charlotte 277, 278, 281, 283

marries Anita 312, 316

medical advice 204, 212, 213, 214, 221, 231, 237

uncertainty about remarriage 301, 304

Allmeier 43

American Jewish Committee (AJC) 128, 129, 193, 286

Adorno’s role with 229, 323

childhood antiSemitism study 220

effect of war’s end 236

hires Horkheimer as consultant 1978, 199

Jewish Record 234

post-war antiSemitism 2489

Anders (Stern), Günther 101, 102

Andor, Paul (Wolfgang Zilzer) 107

Andor-Palfi, Lotte 107

Andreae, Norah (née Hahn) 108, 125, 150

character of 723, 81, 89

Christmas with 345, 346

comforts Adornos 259

with daughter in Mexico 167, 299, 319

death of 350

Gretel’s birthday 100, 223

help for ailing Gretel 162

husband 73, 236

Levi and 73, 21415, 317

makes Adorno executor 136, 139

and Mietze Seligmann 159, 300

music and 111

New Year’s day 347

news from Germany 245

parents 90, 326

separated from children 118, 1289

visits Europe 285, 290

visits New York 3389

Annachen (Wiesengrunds’ maid) 9, 375, 377

Antheil, George 3734

Asch, Scholem 175, 177

Attlee, Clement 227

Auber, Stefan 21

Auchinleck, General Claude 103

Bacon, Lloyd 57

Badarzewska-Baranowska, Tekla 212

Barrault, Jean-Louis 370

Bartók, Béla 236

Contrasts for Benny Goodman 94

personality of 47, 51, 52

Bary, Helene de 293, 294, 300

Baudelaire, Charles 43, 234, 235

Baum, Vicki 351

Beck, Maximilian 7

Beethoven, Ludwig van 56

Adorno and Minghetti play 348, 352, 353, 356, 360, 363

Beit, Elisabeth 128, 129

Benjamin, Dora (sister of Walter) 245, 246

Benjamin, Dora (wife of Walter) 246

Benjamin, Walter 12, 97, 348, 376

Adorno’s work on 383

in danger 51, 53

essay on Baudelaire 43

in Lourdes 62

peculiarity 137

Wiesengrund family connection 355

Bentley, Eric 285

Berg, Alban 54

Berlau, Ruth 205, 206

Berlin, Isaiah 656

Bernekker, Frau 265

Bernfeld, Siegfried 186, 188, 189

Beroldingen, Count Egon von 139, 140

Beuschel (childhood friend) 325

Beutler, Ernst 222, 223

Bissing, Hans-Ulrich von 262

Bloch, Ernst 119, 121

Bloch, Trude 37, 39, 98

Bloom, Leonard 324

Bodenhausen, Christa von 318, 319

Bodenhausen, Julie von see Kollsman, Luli

Bohm, Gertrud (daughter) 244

Bohm, Gertrud (née Pie) 239, 243, 244

Bohm, Hans 244

Böker, Alexander 30, 312

Bolongaro-Crevenna, Alfred 319

Borchardt, Rudolf 138

Borodin, Alexander 355

Boyer, Charles 186

Brecht, Bertolt 78, 80, 108, 139, 143, 150, 187

affair with Ruth Berlau 205, 206

ignores wife 1756

poem ‘Hollywood’ 106

Theory of Needs seminar 101, 102

visited by FBI 97

Brecht (Weigel), Helene 135, 1756

help for ailing Gretel 162

Brentano, Baroness 310, 318

Briggs, Laura 78

Britain: appeasing Hitler 58

postwar 226, 227, 299

wartime 17, 48, 63, 99, 100

Bruck, Kurt 375, 376, 377

Bruckner-Karplus, Susi 115

Bruckner-Karplus, Wilhelm 115

Brunswik, Egon 2012

Bührer, Berthold 380, 382

Burkharth maidens 380, 382

Busch, Adolf 1314

Cahn, Rosa 107

Calvelli-Adorno, Agathe 42, 296, 375, 376

Calvelli-Adorno, Anton 18, 19

Calvelli-Adorno, Elisabeth (née Henning) 78, 80

Calvelli-Adorno, Franz 18, 110, 274, 276

Adorno’s stay with 375

children of 346

German property and 255, 256

on property claims 316

on Reparations Committee 233

Calvelli-Adorno, Helene (Franz’s wife, née Mommsen) 110, 244, 276, 288, 362

disappoints Adorno 316

Calvelli-Adorno, Helene (Louis’s wife, née Katz) 225

death of 244

Calvelli-Adorno, Louis Prosper 16, 18

criticism of vi; death of wife 244

family of 1819, 211, 237

grandchildren of 346

hell of Germany 252

later years 375

Calvelli-Adorno, Ludwig 109, 110

Chamberlain, Neville 27, 58, 59

Chaplin, Charlie 310

private showing of Mr Verdoux 279, 280

Chart, Frederick G. 215

Child Welfare Institute 220, 226

Christ, Joseph 376

Christians, Mady 167, 169, 170, 173

Churchill, Winston S. 63

speeches of 26, 29, 176, 177

succeeds Chamberlain 59

Colonna family 229, 231

Columbia Broadcasting System 17

Columbus, Christopher 36, 38

Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO) 148, 149

Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 53

Coolidge Quartet 52, 53

Copland, Aaron 94

Coryan, Irina 134

Coughlin, Father Charles 58, 60

Crevenna, Hilda (née Plieninger) 31819

Cuba: Adorno’s parents leave 26

radio 17

Dahl, Ingolf 342, 343

Damrosch, Walter J. 28, 29

Darrieux, Danielle 186

Debussy, Claude 48

Deste, Luli see Kollsman, Luli

Deufel, Nikolaus 381

Deutsch, Monroe E. 203, 204

Dewey, Thomas E. 341

Dieterle, William and Charlotte 81, 83, 93, 95, 139, 143, 299, 344

big shot gathering 141

social life 200

Drescher, Otto 377, 378

Drescher, Sanna 377, 378

Drevermann, Ria 327

Drevermann, Wolf 327

Dreyer, Carl 106

Dreyfuss, Carl 119, 120

Dreyfuss, Willi 326

Eden, Anthony 220

Eisler, Gerhart 269

Eisler, Hanns 93, 94, 100, 288

Composing for the Films (with Adorno) 119, 121, 129, 170, 172, 224, 267, 277, 294

family in the news 268, 269

housewarming party 128

as neighbour 108

social visits 111, 114, 134, 143, 1445, 208

Theory of Needs seminar 101, 102

Virgil Thomson reviews book 306

threat of deportation 310

at victory party 228

Eisler, Lou 125, 1867, 306

Epstein, Alice (née Wiesengrund) 159, 232

Epstein, Fritz T. 232

Epstein, Paul 159, 232

Epstein, Peter 158, 159

Everett-Lehner, Martha 147, 150, 358

Farrow, John: The Hitler Gang 152 fascism: hope for collapse of 401

speaking against 502

Feiss, Gertrud 49, 50

Fenichel, Otto 169, 186, 189, 204

Ferrier, Kathleen 314

Feuchtwanger, Lion and Marta 175, 315

Fischer, Josef 380

Fischer, Ruth (née Eisler) 269

Flesch, Carl 120

Föh, Frau 160

France 17, 56, 58, 59

Frank, Liesel 325

Frankfurt University 360

Adorno returns to 268, 269, 371, 3745, 3767

Franz Joseph, Kaiser 184

Franzos, Karl Emil: Der Pojaz 125, 126

Frenkel, Frau 369

Frenkel, George: personality 40

Frenkel, Hilde 119

Frenkel, Leo 1, 3, 24, 75, 91, 159, 161, 358

and emigrating Adornos 27, 33

job with Voice of America 356

and Julie Rautenberg 37

legal adviser 200

money matters 434, 48

personality 40

Frenkel-Brunswik, Else 180, 200

Friedberg, Carl 329, 330

Friedgood, Harry 245, 246, 359, 361

Fritz, Hanna (née Hofer) 143, 162, 288

Froeschel, Georg 211, 212

Fromm, Erich 623

Fürth, Lore 1023

Gadamer, Hans-Georg 375, 376, 377

Galsworthy, John 302

Gans, Elisabeth von (née Keller) 8990

Gans, Ludwig von 237, 238

Garbo, Greta 170

George, Stefan 10, 46, 257

Germany: Allied invasion 187

antiHitler groups within 165, 190

attack on Britain 63

bombardment of 99, 100

citizenship of refugees 26

death of Hitler 21617

expected fall of 401, 156

internal wartime situation 956, 130

invades the Low Countries 55

occupation of 222

pact with Soviet Union 16, 17

post-war offers to Jews 249

post-war partying 245

property of emigrants 1956, 199200, 202, 255, 262

war damage 221

wishing revenge against 149 see also Hitler

Goebbels, Josef 151, 152

Goerdeler, Carl Friedrich 100

Goerz, Countess see Kollsman, Luli

Goldbeck, Céline 329, 330

Goldbeck, Fred 63, 64, 329

Goodman, Benny 94

Gould, Mr 1289, 136

Grab, Blanche (née Smullyan) 127, 128

Grab, Hermann 63, 64, 127, 128, 156, 181, 182, 255, 365

Grable, Betty 157, 158

Graf, Dr Herbert 1, 3

Gräfenberg, Ernst 69, 72

Graham, Raymond 54

Granach, Alexander 125, 126, 182, 196, 267

autobiographical novel 265, 266

death of 21314

Grau family 333, 376, 377

Greissle, Felix 99

Grünebaum 28, 30

Guilbert, Yvette 316

Gumperz, Julian 127

Gumperz, Lotte 125

Günther, Alois 219, 220, 377

Gurland, A. R. L. 76

Habsburg, Rudolf von 186

Hacker, Frederick J. 370

Haggin, B. H. 100, 104

Hahn, Albert 34, 35

Hahn, Anna Gertrude 89, 90

Hahn, Ludwig Arnold 89, 90, 150, 154, 159, 181

German property 248

longevity of 183

looks after Hermann Levi 21415

music and 111

Hahn family 237

Hallstein, Walter 269, 360, 361, 362, 363

Hartmann, Johann Georg 223

Hartner, Willy 377, 378

Haskin, Byron 57

Hawkins, Richard Laurin 7

Hebbel, Friedrich 50, 52

Herbert, Walter 153

Herlé, Frau 160

Hermann, Eva 235, 315

Herz, Frau 236

Herzberger, Alfons 28, 2930

Herzberger, Else 28, 2930, 34, 37, 206, 207, 266, 344

Adorno’s second letter to 357

disappointment revealed 348

friendship with Maria Wiesengrund 310, 312

and Grünebaum 74

old sourpuss letter to 3301, 333

unresponsive 317, 320, 335, 363, 364

Herzberger, Gretel 317, 318

Herzberger, Julius 194, 195

Herzog, Herta 6

Heymann/Heimann family 14, 15, 245

Heyneman, Anne 173, pl. 3

Hindemith, Paul 94, 309

Hirsch, Donald von 63, 64

Hitler, Adolf: agreement with Chamberlain 27

assassination attempt 190

death of 21617

facing defeat 7980

invades Poland 1617

pact with USSR 16

pocketing Europe 56

Hoare, Viscount Samuel 329, 330

Hobson, Wilder 7

Hofer, Johanna 205, 206

Hoffmann, Heinrich 100

Der Struwwelpeter 193

Hoffmann von Fallersleben, Heinrich 227

Hofmannsthal, Hugo von 10, 46, 138

Hölderlin, J. C. F. 261

Horenstein, Jascha 115

Horkheimer, Maidon 14, 49

admires blanket 116

attends Heine lecture 342

birthday of 172

bursitis 309, 313

farewell dinner 200

Gretel’s birthday 223

help for ailing Gretel 162

holidays with 17

learning bridge 162

Lix’s birthday party 315

Max misses 208

New York and California 199

social time 5, 6, 109, 134, 286

special occasions 68, 89, 100, 269, 271

visits the parents 214

Horkheimer, Max: and Adorno’s parents 112, 313

burden of work 143, 21011, 231, 236, 286, 320

in California 6971, 188, 343, 344

comforts Adornos 259

as ‘enemy alien’ 88

‘exploratory tour’ 60

farewell dinner 200

Granach’s party 125

health of 172, 173, 219, 243

gout 178, 183, 288

improves in Europe 3345

helps Adorno’s emigration 2

learning bridge 162

military status in USA 134

misses wife 208

in New York 233

reads Hugo 139

The Revolt of Nature (lectures) 173, 174

social times 5, 6, 14, 17, 56, 286

special occasions 68, 89, 100, 117, 269, 271, 315

surviving the war 54

view of war 144

working with Adorno 62, 79, 136, 150

works and roles: on anti-Semitism 11, 46, 180, 186, 1878, 204, 348

The Authoritarian Personality (with Adorno) 129, 373

‘Authoritarian State’ 37, 38

‘Betrachtung zum curfew’ 110

CIO meeting 148, 149

consultant for AJC 1978, 199

‘Culture Industry’ 158

Dialectic of Enlightenment (with Adorno) 92, 95, 118, 120, 125, 274, 293, 317, 340

‘Die Juden und Europa’ 5, 7

Eclipse of Reason 167, 169

at Frankfurt University 356, 357, 358, 383

lectures in New York 193

music education project 43

‘Philosophical Fragments’ (with Adorno) 184, 219

‘Reason and Survival’ (with Adorno) 86, 87

report for Washington 106

in Simmel’s Anti-Semitism 272

speaking against fascism 51

speech on Simmel 308, 309

teaches at La Habra 289

teaches with Adorno 363, 364

‘The End of Reason’ 71, 72

‘Why Are We Still Barbarians?’ (with Adorno) 207

works with Adorno 49

Hugo, Victor 139

Hüpeden, Frau 218, 219

Husserl, Edmund 176

Huxley, Aldous 158, 338

Institute of Social Research: Columbia lectures 76

post-war revival 356, 357, 358, 383

‘Walter Rosenthal’ figure 16, 19

Italy 144

Japan 228

Jaspers, Karl 250

Jewish College 363

Jewish Labor Committee (JLC) 129, 169

Adorno’s address to 166, 168

Jewish people: Alaska as refuge 10

‘country’ Germans 36, 38, 47

dangers in Nazi Germany 20

fascism and anti-Semitism 401

Madagascar plan 12

refuges for 1112

territorial problem 58

Jochman, Carl Gustav 43

Johnson, Osa 170, 172

Jones, Harold E. 222, 287

Kagan, Pesha 329, 330

Kahn, Salomon 194, 195

Kainz, Josef 316

Kaltenborn, Hans von 17

Kant, Immanuel 125

Kappel, Hugh 173, pl. 3

Karplus, Albert 21

Karplus, Amalia (Melly, née Jacak) 20, 21, 22, 45, 328

missing 196, 221

property in Germany 1956

silence from 200

survives 239, 243

in touch with Adornos 255

Karplus, Gretel see Adorno, Gretel

Karplus, Liselotte see Wissing, Liselotte

Karplus and Herzberger company 284, 285

Kaschnitz, Marie Luise 250

Kaus, Regina Wiener 115, 116, 125, 128

Khuner, Felix 21

Klein, Bertha 170

Klemperer, Otto 48, 52, 53

Klemperer, Victor 88

Knöll, Dr 284

Kolisch, Lorna 290, 295

Kolisch, Rudolf 6, 7, 43, 127, 128, 244, 289, 291

at Lake Tahoe 295

performs Bartók 47

Kolisch Quartet 52

Kollsman, Luli (Julie von Bodenhausen, then Deste) 143, 162

Adornos’ affection for 247

character of 1379, 140, 150, 187, 302

Come, Take my Hand 367

custody discussions 199, 203

divorce of 174, 176

and Dr Violin 365

health and emotional state of 148, 22930, 300, 304, 313

impostor princess and 310

Mann and 321, 322

marriage to Kollsman 194, 195, 267, 282

sister of 318

social time 144, 145, 348

takes the dog 226, 228, 230, 255, 290

visits with dog 282, 283, 347

Kollsman, Paul 194, 195, 313

Kömff, Otto 323, 324

Korngold, Erich Wolfgang 314

Kortner, Fritz 143, 162, 205, 288, 303, 305, 306

Kortner, Hanna (née Hofer) 306, 309

Kracauer, Elisabeth 64

Kracauer, Siegfried 63, 64, 147

From Caligari to Hitler 284, 285

Kramer, Beate 8, 9, 19, 91

Kramer, Ferdinand 18, 19, 91

Kramer & Rosenstein 215

Kraus, Karl 18

Kreisler, Fritz 10, 12, 157, 304, 321, 322

Krenek, Ernst 301, 306, 320, 323

The Life of Orestes 384

Krenek, Frau 342

Kullman, Charles 306, 307

Kuszowski, Wera von 317

La Habra College 289, 301, 302, 303

Adorno leaves 314, 317

money problems 308, 312

short of money 304

Laidlaw, Estella 6, 7, 8, 11, 22

Landshoff, Fritz H. 323

Lang, Frita: Secret Beyond the Doors 302

Lang, Fritz: Adorno on studio set 277

Christmases with 269, 271, 309, 310, 3456

Fury 279

guest Fritzi Massary 325

helps Adornos move 354

The House by the River 373

relationship with Lily Latté 298

social time 228, 306, 319, 321, 327, 336

stag invades garden 300

strained at work 364

visits Pioneer Town 318

Lanskoronski 234

Lascelles, George (earl of Harewood) 371, 372

Latté, Elisabeth Lily (née Schaul): angiospasms 371

appendectomy 321

attends Heine lecture 342

birthdays with 286, 336

Christmases with 269, 271, 276, 309, 310, 3456

close friendship of 2978

Gretel’s birthday 327

helps Adornos move 354

reports on Maria Wiesengrund 299300

social time 228, 256, 264, 319, 364

visits Pioneer Town 318

Lazarsfeld, Paul Felix 2, 5

Lefébure, Yvonne 329

Lehmann, Jules/Julius 1289, 136

Lehmann, Walter 316

Leibowitz, René 308, 309

Lenya, Lotte (Karoline Blamauer) 1415, 173

Lester, Conrad Henry 115, 116

Levi, Blanche 369

Levi, Herbert 319, 320, 361

Levi, Hermann 18, 21415, 317, 318, 319, 361

death of 3689

Levi, Samson 18

Levy-Ginsberg (Levilliers), Arnold 357

Lewis, Leon 145

Lewis, Sinclair: It Can’t Happen Here 41

Ley, Robert 237, 238

Liefmann, Dr Emil 271

background of 53

returns to Germany 337, 350

travel permit and 136, 142

treats Gretel Adorno 51

treats Maria Wiesengrund 174

treats Oscar Wiesengrund 1778, 257

Lind, Jenny 296

Lindbergh, Charles A. 58, 60, 190

Loeb, Anna 107, 112, 135, 151

London, Jack: Iron Heel 41

Lothar, Anita (née Seligmann, later Alexander) 34, 35, 146, 153, 167, 254, 301, 346

marriage to Robert Alexander 316

marries Alexander 217, 219, 301

Lothar, Corinna 347

Lothar, Hans 167, 169

Low, Sir David Alexander 104, 105

Löwenthal, Erman 103

Löwenthal, Golde 359, 365

Löwenthal, Leo 26, 28, 94, 100, 279

illness 136

in Jewish Record 234, 235

report on Oscar Wiesengrund’s funeral 261

Löwenthal, Rosie 98, 99

Löwenthal, Victor 98, 99

death of 100, 101

Lukács, Georg 268

Lynd, Helen Merrell: Middletown (with R. Lynd) 6

Lynd, Robert S.: Middletown (with H. Lynd) 5, 6

Maaskoff, Anton 114, 115, 123, 125, 291

illness 312, 321, 352

musical talent 157

separates from Lisa 368

Maaskoff, Liesel see Minghetti, Lisa

McCormick, Robert Rutherford 190

MacManus, George 224

Madariaga, Salvador de: Christopher

Columbus 36, 38

Mahler, Gustav 92

performance of 338

radio broadcasts of 97, 310, 312, 31314

recordings of 305, 306, 307

score gone astray 99, 103, 104

Maier, Ilse see Mayer, Ilse

Maier, Josef 38, 39

Mallarmé, Stéphane 123

Mann, Katia 330

Mann, Klaus 362, 363

Mann, Monika 341

Mann, Thomas: broken shoulder 318

chamber music evening 337

doesn’t warm to Luli Kollsman 321, 322

forms friendship with Adorno 153, 154

and Emil Liefmann 178

lung operation 2534, 260

and Minima Moralia 234, 313

music discussion 151, 152

Nietzsche lecture 279, 280

on post-war Germany 299

social time 131, 144, 185, 246, 315

support for Adorno’s book 371, 372

at victory party 228

Walter and 314

Warner premier 150

works: Adorno and Doctor Faustus 243, 257, 258, 274, 275, 323, 327

Der Zauberberg/The Magic Mountain 266, 268

Doctor Faustus 154, 155

Felix Krull 334

finishes Doctor Faustus 280

On the Genesis of a Novel 3289, 340, 344, 353, 355, 367, 371

publication of Doctor Faustus 304

reads from Doctor Faustus 165

Mannerheim, General C. G. E. F. 26

Mannheimer, Jakob 37, 98

Manuilski, Dimitri 220, 222

Marcuse, Herbert 75, 76, 102, 143, 144, 299

‘Private Morale in Germany’ (with Adorno) 88

work on German chauvinism 118, 120

Marcuse, Ludwig 111, 134

Theory of Needs seminar 101, 102

Massary, Fritzi 325

Matray, Ernst 316

Mayer, Ilse 37, 39, 989, 115, 116, 174, 175, 321, 334, 344

Mendelssohn, Felix Bartholdy 98

Mendelssohn, Margot von 97, 99, 160, 342, 354

Menuhin, Hephzibah 337

Meyerhof, Agnes 377

Michaelis, Karin 82, 181

Michaelis firm 215

Milhaud, Darius 94, 360, 361

Minghetti, Lisa 322, 343, 347

Adorno accompanies 123, 167, 348, 352, 353, 356, 360, 363

background 113, 11415, 312

chamber evening 366

Alexander Granach’s party 125

separates from Maaskoff 368

social time 281, 291, 316

Mitropoulos, Dimitri 307, 310

Moissi, Alexander 316

Molotoff, Vyacheslav 220

Mommsen, Helmut 244

Morgenstern, Soma 73, 74, 115

Mosbacher, Lotte 208 see Zilzer, Lotte

Moses, Paul J. 351

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 337, 360

Mussert, Anton A. 12

Mussolini, Benito 1867

death of 218, 219

dismissed from government 144, 145

National Broadcasting Company 17

National Centre for Jewish

Emigration 11

Nell, Renée 117, 204

Adorno’s affair with 1245, 131, 135

reconciliation party 1378

Neufville, Otto de 150, 157

Neufville, Robert de 26, 289, 30, 225

Neumann, Franz 40, 42, 76

Behemoth 92

Nietzsche, Friedrich 125

Nürnberg, Ralph: Theory of Needs seminar 101, 102

Odets, Clifford 280

Opie, Kathrin (née Taussig) 284, 285

Opie, Redvers 18, 19, 22, 284, 285

Oporto, Thora d’ (Countess Boxberg) 257, 258

Oppenheim, Paul 22, 23, 40, 120, 136, 139

Oppenheim-Errera, Gabrielle 22, 23

Oppenheimer family 11819, 120

Palfi, Victor 107, 143, 144, 208, 239, 309

at victory party 228

Pallenberg, Max 184, 316, 325

Pastern, Frau 315

Patti, Adelina 296

Patzak, Julius 314

Petacci, Clara 218, 219

Pfeiffer-Belli, Erich 270

Piper’s Opera House 296, pl. 8

Plaut, Clara (née Mayer) 334

Podszus, Friedrich 375, 376

Poland 1617

Pollock, Andrée (Dée) 5, 6, 8, 49

death of 14

Pollock, Carlota (née Bernekker) 247, 321, 323, 327

in Argentina 339, 345

mother of 309, 365

Pollock, Frederick (Fritz) 5, 6, 8, 14, 63, 188, 327

anti-Semitism project 204

apricot brandy and 85

in Argentina 339, 345

Columbia lecture 76

government consultation 135

Gretel’s birthday 223

holidays 17, 89

in Los Angeles 290

marries Carlota 246, 247

new house 308

new motherin-law 265

in New York 320

rebuilding institute in Frankfurt 356, 357, 358

social time 109, 118, 230

special occasions 100

visits California 75

working relations 79

Portugal 63

Pringsheim, Klaus 352

Psychoanalytical Society 186, 1878

Radbruch, Gustav 222, 223

Rainer, Luise 1934, 195, 280

Rath, Ännie 376

Rath, Erich 376, 378

Raudszus, Bruno 340

Rauschning, Hermann 306, 307, 308

Rautenberg, Julie 3, 33, 91, 182, 363

Adorno inheritance 339

emigrates to USA 25, 357, 40

home of her own 332, 333, 339, 363

and Horkheimers 49, 52

Maria Wiesengrund’s 81st birthday 264

money matters 48

social relationship 63

visits California 320, 3301

Ravel, Maurice 48

Rebner, Adolf 309

Rebner, Wolfgang Edward 308, 309, 318

Reichenbach, Hans 97, 99

Reinhardt, Gottfried 96

Reinhardt, Karl 377, 378

Reinhardt, Max 81, 96, 316

Reinheimer, Jane Constance 148, 149, 174, 175

Reis, Ludwig 173

Reynolds, Robert Rice 189, 190

Robinson, Edward G. 56, 57

Rocholl, Margot 270, 356

Rockefeller Foundation 21, 22, 37, 287

Roehn, Franz 256, 358

Roosevelt, Eleanor 349

Roosevelt, Franklin D. 205

Rorty, James 232, 233

Rosanska (Kolisch), Josefa 6, 7, 44, 329, 330

Rosay, Françoise 370

Rossmann, Loisl 381

Rossmann, Max 381, 382

Rottenberg, Ludwig 78, 80

Rumpf, Josefine (Juliette) 270

Runes, Dagobert David 83, 85

Sade, Marquis de 125

Sadie (maid) 1516

Salomon, Bernhard 270

Salomon, Mé 112, 113

Salomon-Delatour, Gottfried 28, 30

Sanford, R. Nevitt 133

Schildkraut, Joseph 303, 304, 306

Schildkraut, Rudolf 303

Schneider, Mischa 125

Schoenberg, Arnold 73, 79, 100, 108, 151, 171, 309

Schoenberg, Gertrud (Mitzi, née Kolisch) 289, 290

Schröder, Alexander 138

Schröder Hanfstängel, Marie 170, 172

Schubert, Franz 261

Schwietering, Julius 377, 378

Scitovszky, Tibor 356

Seele, Frau 14, 15, 244, 269, 278

Seligmann, Maria (née Kolisch) 146

Seligmann, Marie (Mietze, née Gans) 146, 187, 3001, 346

Seligmann, Milton 35, 146, 154, 268, 271

death of 326

golden anniversary 277

in Switzerland 295

Seligmann, Walter Herbert 146

Serkin, Rudolf 1314

Sevilla, Emeranja 36

Siebeck (publisher) 292, 324

Simmel, Ernst 180, 1878, 204;

AntiSemitism: A Social Disease 272

Simmel, Georg 45

Simmel, Joseph 308, 309

Simpson, George 21, 34

Simpson, Wallis W. 59

Sinn, Carrie (née Frenkel) 1, 3, 26

Slawson, John 263

Smith, Gerald L. K. 190

Smith, ‘Whispering’ Jack 8, 9

Social Science Research Council 287

Sohn-Rethel, Alfred 63, 64

Solveg, Maria 316

Soviet Union: Hitler’s campaign in 80

pact with Hitler 16, 17, 267, 58

Spain 63

Speyer, Willi 318, 319

Spier, Julius 204

Spoerer family 380, 382

Stalin, Josef 26

Stein, Countess Marion Donata 371, 372

Stein, Erwin 371, 372

Steinberg, William 171, 172

Stern (Anders), Günther: Theory of Needs seminar 101, 102

Sternberger, Dolf 250

Steuermann, Augusta 78, 80, 86, 111, 125

election party 205

at the piano 115

social visits 134

Steuermann, Eduard 38, 39, 512, 108, 135, 300, 317, 336

comforts Adornos 259

daughter’s mental health 31516, 335

family of 78, 96

performs Bartók 47

teaching at Juilliard 369

Theory of Needs seminar 101, 102

Steuermann, Mausi 316, 317, 335

Steuermann, Salka see Viertel, Salomea

Stiedry, Fritz 115, 116, 373

Stiedry-Wagner, Erika 373

Stokowski, Leopold 173

Stoltze, Adolf 378

Stravinsky, Igor 320

‘Swabian Railway’ 1523, 154

Szell, George 115, 116

Taft, Robert A. 58, 60

Taubler, Frau 14

Taylor, Davidson 141, 143, 147

Theory of Needs seminar 101, 102

Thomas, Martin Luther 156, 158, 162, 165

Thomson, Virgil 84, 85, 86, 143, 155, 306, 307, 320

letter of advice 104

Tillich, Paul 170, 171

Torberg, Friedrich 284, 285

Toscanini, Arturo 48

Tracy, Spencer 279

Truman, Harry S. 341

Tucholsky, Kurt 3

Umberto II of Italy 226, 227

United States: Adorno on southern places 301

‘enemy aliens’ 878

enters the war 54, 7980

Japanese attack 84, 85

neutrality of 17

wartime immigrants and 97

wartime scarcities 1301

University of California, Los Angeles 354

University of Southern California 343

Vandenberg, Arthur 58, 60

Vercors (Jean Bruller) 155

Verlaine, Paul 257

Vetsera, Baroness Maria 186

Victor Emmanuel III, king of Italy 145

Viertel, Berthold 78, 80, 125, 126, 134

Viertel, Salomea (Salka, née Steuermann) 78, 79, 80, 96, 167, 208

election party 205

Garbo for tea 170

Villinger, Arnold 14, 15, 19, 218, 219

Villinger, Franz 18, 165, 218, 219, 231

Villinger, Jenny (née Wiesengrund) 14, 15, 19, 191, 192, 218, 219, 231

Villinger, Leonore A. 168, 169

Violin, Dr 351, 352, 365

Vittorio Emanuele of Italy 227

Vlissi, Jascha 21

Völckers, Mali 377, 378

Wagner, Richard 43, 349

Nibelungen 3545

Tristan und Isolde 281

Wallace, Henry A. 341

Walter, Bruno 97, 173, 306, 312

Adorno’s view of 31314, 315

Wamba, king of the Visigoths 94

Warburg, Anita 10, 11

Warburg, Max 10, 11

Watt, Ian 286

Weber, Alfred 250

Weber, Carl Maria von 337

Webern, Anton 54, 236

Weigel, Helene see Brecht, Helene Weil, Felix 112, 269

Adorno ‘looks after’ 233, 321

in Argentina 37

birthdays of 315, 352

character of 40, 109, 230, 275

divorces fourth wife 288, 336, 339

entertains rich Frankfurters 367

first wife, Katharina 64

fourth wife, Helen 90, 275, 276

has puppies 361

helps Adornos move 354

helps with The Authoritarian Personality 365, 373

more zeal than understanding 232

as neighbour 104

new girlfriend 342

in New York 108

re-establishing institute 52

social time 306, 346

Weil, Helen (née Knopping) 90, 91, 275, 276

Weil, Katharina (née Bachert) 64

Weil, Lucille (née Jakobowitz) 90, 91

Weil, Margot (Motte) 34

death of 1256

Weill, Kurt 489, 173

Weinberg, Arthur 112, 113

Weinberg, May (née Forbes) 118

Wertheimber, Maus 234

Wertheimber family 215

Weygand, General Maxime 53, 55

Wheeler, Burton Kendall 189, 190

Wiesengrund, Bernhard (Bernard Wingfield) 220, 243

Wiesengrund, Maria Calvelli-Adorno: Adorno inheritance 339

Adorno visits en route to Paris 374

birthdays 21, 110, 11213, 1978, 2334, 262, 381

Borodin and 355

emigrates to Cuba vi, 12, 24

emigrates to USA 33

health of 130

eye problems 276, 281, 284, 3012, 351, 3589, 366

gastric troubles 206, 208

stomach cramp 3623

housing problem 332

Lily’s report on 299300, 301

makes blanket 116

and Mann 355, 372

responds to photos 3601

singing career 80, 86, 87, 296

US citizenship 216

worries about post-war anti-Semitism 344

Wiesengrund, Oscar: birthdays 645, 67, 1056, 1445, 190, 2257;

death of 25861, 288;

emigrates to Cuba vi, 12, 24

emigrates to USA 33;

father’s firm 220

health of 109

eye troubles 235

final illness 2503, 256, 257;

heart attack and recovery 17786, 195, 2023;

nose 15960

thrombosis 192

money matters 434, 48

nicknames 9

on post-war anti-Semitism 2489

Wilkie, Wendell 58, 60

Windsor, Duke of 58

Wingfield, Alexander Louis 18, 19

Wingfield, Bernard Theodore 18, 19

Wingfield, Lina 152

Wissing, Dr Egon 167, 169, 379

in Chicago 67

first wife 49

marries Lotte 45, 46, 55

related to Benjamin 355

travelling home 244

wartime travels 148, 149, 239

Wissing, Liselotte (Lotte, née Karplus) 45, 46, 49, 55

in Chicago 67

visits Adornos in Los Angeles 289, 291, 292

Wittfogel, Karl August 51, 53

Wohlauer, Eric J. 84, 85, 90

Wolf, Max 11

Zickel, Lenore 138, 140

Zickel, Reinhold 140

Zilzer, Lotte (née Mosbacher) 107, 112, 134, 141, 143, 151

Zilzer, Wolfgang (Paul Andor) 107