Sometimes writing a book turns out to be almost as much of a journey for the author as the characters. When I started the series, I’d no idea where it would lead me. I have to thank Elley Westbrook and Elaine Lawson of the charity, People in Motion, for giving me insight into the possible journey of Esme and her family. I genuinely could not have written this novel without their advice. Hazel Shaw, event florist extraordinaire, Poldark superfan and creative director of Eden Blooms has also been an invaluable source of advice, not only on flowers but on the planning of a wedding in general.
I’ve been lucky enough to have not one, but three fantastic Avon editors helping me in the production of this book at various stages. So I want to thank Eloise Wood, Natasha Harding and Rachel Faulkner-Willcocks for all their expert help across the whole Cornish Cafe series. It’s been a privilege and a pleasure to work with them and the entire Avon team, including Helen Huthwaite, Helena Sheffield, Louis Patel, Phoebe Morgan and Joanne Gledhill.
My agent, Broo Doherty, has been an inspiration and support for over ten years now and we’re still going strong. Thank you, dear Broo.
I also couldn’t have got where I have or stayed the course this long without my author friends Nell Dixon and Liz Hanbury, and my best mate, Janice Hume, who also happens to be a fantastic bookseller.
My family have been my rock, sharing in my triumphs and disasters, so much love goes to my parents, to Charles and to The Youths, Charlotte and James.
Finally, this book is dedicated to my husband, John. We celebrated thirty years of marriage in April and he’s still in the acknowledgements. I think that’s a pretty good achievement. In the words of Steve Ovett, ILY xx