For years, God has brought me back to Psalm 139, particularly verse 16, about Him writing all of the days of our lives in a book. That has often brought me to my knees. God loves me—and you—so much that He doesn’t just think about our lives... He writes them down. How intimate and personal!
With Rich and Dana’s story, I wanted to deal with the hard truth that sometimes, horrible and unspeakable things happen. We wrestle with why. Why didn’t God stop it? I’ve had many of those moments. Psalm 139 brings me comfort. He saw it all coming. He set people and circumstances in my path to get me through and to take care of me. I can say with confidence that some of the greatest suffering I have faced has led to my greatest joys in Him. I hope you can say the same.
My prayer is that you can see God in the hard times. That you can feel Him in the darkness. That you can feel His unfathomable love for you and see His hand at work. Oh, how badly I want that for you!
Thank you for coming on Rich and Dana’s journey with me. I’d love to hear from you! You can drop by and see what’s new, share your story or simply say hi.
Jodie Bailey