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Suzanne came back from lunch just after two-thirty.
“I had the best time, Mads,” she gushed, her blue eyes sparkling. “We went to that little bistro you and Luke visited. Oh, it was divine! We had red wine and beef olives, and dessert was raspberry panna cotta. And we talked.”
“That’s wonderful.” Maddie smiled at her friend.
“Mrrow!” Trixie seemed to agree.
“Oh, Trixie, Ramon is just the best.” Suzanne blushed, a big grin on her face. Then she sobered. “You don’t think – Trix, you wouldn’t be able to tell me, would you – oh, I’m being silly.” She looked embarrassed.
“What is it?” Maddie peeked through the serving hatch. No customers. In fact, nobody in sight.
“Ramon seems – I don’t know.” She sighed. “Too perfect. He’s never been married. I mean, are the women mad in Spain? He’s been in the US for a while, but why wasn’t he snapped up in Spain? He’s gorgeous, and interesting, and well mannered, and—"
“Stop.” Maddie held up her hand. “I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with Ramon.” She hadn’t received the slightest whisper of intuition that there had been anything “off” with the Spaniard. These days, a thirteen-year difference or so between a couple seemed to be common. The most important thing was that Ramon was a good guy who treated Suzanne well.
“Trixie?” Suzanne turned to the Persian.
“You don’t believe me?” Maddie asked.
“It’s not that, Mads.” Suzanne looked discomfited. “You know I totally believe in your witchy powers and always have, ever since we met in middle school.”
“When I could only do the Coffee Vision spell,” Maddie said ruefully.
“I always wished I could do something cool like that,” Suzanne replied with a smile. “I just thought maybe Trixie could give me a second opinion – on Ramon.”
“Okay,” Maddie said. “But what if Trixie disagrees with me? Whose opinion will you prefer?”
“I’m hoping she’s going to say the same thing you are,” Suzanne said.
“Mrrow!” Trixie seemed to agree.
“Was that a yes, Trix?” Suzanne scrutinized the cat. “Do you agree with Maddie? That I’m just being silly and there’s nothing wrong with Ramon?” She held her breath.
“Mrrow!” Trixie said definitively, appearing to nod her head.
“Phew!” Suzanne let out a whoosh of relief.
“See?” Maddie said, secretly glad that her familiar had in fact agreed with her.
“I’m sorry I doubted you, Mads.” Suzanne gave her a hug. “But oh, I’ve never felt like this before. My feelings have been building ever since we met him, and now that he stops by a few times per week at the truck, plus the massages, I don’t know ... I’m really smitten!”
“I’m happy for you,” Maddie said, smiling.
“Mrrow!” Trixie added.
“Thanks, you two. I just hope he feels the same about me.”
“He asked you out, didn’t he?” Maddie said. It wasn’t like her bestie to show self-doubt.
“Yes, but what if he realizes it was a mistake?”
“Did he seem to have a good time?”
“Yes.” Suzanne blushed.
“I don’t think he would have asked you out if he thought it would only be a one time date,” Maddie said, feeling her way. She wasn’t the most experienced dater, that was for sure. “Because it would be a bit awkward for you two if he came by the truck again for a coffee, wouldn’t it?”
“Yeah.” Suzanne nodded. “That’s what I’ve been thinking, all last night and this morning. I guess that’s one of the reasons why I was so nervous getting ready today.”
“You were? I hadn’t noticed,” Maddie teased.
Suzanne punched her lightly on the arm.
Before they could continue their bantering, clanging sounded from near the truck. Maddie and Suzanne looked at each other.
“Oh no!” Suzanne peered out of the serving hatch. “It’s Veronica!”
“Let me see!” Maddie joined her at the counter.
Veronica was assembling the same collapsible table Claudine had used the other day.
“She’s not allowed to do that!” Suzanne glowered.
“Then we better tell her – I guess,” Maddie said, not wanting to have another confrontation with the woman.
“You bet we will.” Suzanne wrenched open the rear door of the truck and marched out.
“Mrrow?” Trixie furrowed her brow at Suzanne departing.
“Stay here, Trix,” Maddie said. “We’ll be back in a minute.”
Trixie sighed and stayed on the stool.
“You can’t do that!” Maddie heard Suzanne’s raised voice.
“Uh oh.” Maddie grimaced at Trixie and jumped out of the truck. She knew Claudine rubbed her friend the wrong way – she just hoped Veronica’s presence didn’t make matters even worse.
“Yes, I can.” Veronica stood, feet apart, hands on her hips. Her table was erected right next to Brewed from the Bean.
“Do you have permission?” Maddie asked politely, joining them.
Veronica scowled. “I don’t need permission. It’s a free country. I can do whatever I like.”
“Not in the town square you can’t,” Suzanne informed her. She reached into her pocket. “Why don’t I call the mayor and ask him if you’re allowed to set up here?”
Veronica’s eyes narrowed. “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”
“But you don’t have a problem hurting our business?” Maddie asked.
“Like I said, I can do whatever I want, coffee girl.” Veronica’s scowl deepened. “You might have run off Claudine the other day but I don’t scare so easily. Since everyone’s buying iced coffee from you, setting up here is an ideal location. And I’m going to keep the profits.”
Suzanne snorted. “Good luck making any if your cousin made the coffee.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Veronica demanded.
“Just that there’s a reason everyone comes to us for their coffee,” Suzanne told her.
“Because you’ve badmouthed Claudine to everyone,” Veronica returned.
“We have not!” Maddie drew herself up to her full height of five foot five. She didn’t like Claudine, or her coffee, but she didn’t think she’d ever said a negative thing about the other woman’s coffee to anyone – apart from Suzanne – and Trixie. And maybe Luke. But no one else.
“Broomf!” Trixie peered out of the serving hatch. She looked very cross.
“I don’t know how you’re allowed to have a cat inside a food prep area,” Veronica continued. “Maybe I should complain to the mayor about that!”
“We have permission,” Suzanne said loftily. “In fact, the mayor is one of Trixie’s favorite customers.”
“Is everything okay, girls?” A woman in her early fifties hurried over to them. “Are you closing early today? I thought I’d try one of your iced coffees – oh!” The woman stood stock still as she caught a glimpse of Veronica.
“Look who it is! Grace.” A smirk snaked around Veronica’s lips.
The woman called Grace flushed slightly, but stood her ground.
“Veronica. I’d heard you were back.”
“Not for good, though. Because who would want to live here?” Veronica replied. “Just visiting Claudine and seeing what I can do to help her.”
“Let me make you a coffee.” Maddie gently touched Grace’s arm. She looked a little upset.
“I’m calling the mayor right now.” Suzanne pressed some buttons on her phone.
Grace followed Maddie back to the truck.
“Veronica! What are you doing?” Claudine’s nasal screech stopped them in their tracks. Claudine rushed over to Veronica. “I told you not to set up here!”
“You can’t tell me what to do, little cousin.”
“Yes, I can.” Now it was Claudine’s turn to put her hands on her hips as she glared at Veronica. “Take that table down right now! You can help me in the shop.”
She stalked off to her café, ignoring everyone else.
Maddie continued to her truck, not wanting to make eye contact with Veronica. She tapped Suzanne on the arm and gestured toward Trixie still peering out of the serving hatch.
“Come on,” she murmured to her friend.
Grace followed them to Brewed from the Bean, seemingly escaping Veronica as well.
“I can’t believe I’ve run into her,” Grace said, standing on the customer side of the counter.
“Do you know her?” Suzanne asked curiously.
“Suzanne!” Maddie hissed.
“I did – sort of.” Grace sighed. “I think you’d better put a double shot of espresso in my iced coffee, Maddie.”
“Of course.” Maddie set to work, grinding and hissing ensuing from the machine.
“Mrrow?” Trixie had left the serving hatch and had settled back on her stool. She looked enquiringly at Grace.
“You are such a sweet thing, Trixie,” she told the Persian.
“Mrrow.” Trixie sounded as if she said, “Yes, I know.”
“I don’t really want to talk about it, girls. It happened a long time ago.” Grace sounded sad.
“We understand,” Maddie said, sending Suzanne a warning glance.
“Yes,” Suzanne added, a tad reluctantly.
“All I’ll say is that she stole the man I was in love with. And I’ve never met anyone else.”