


The whole town of Estherville tsked and looked shocked when they found out that Grace had killed Veronica.

Grace’s friends volunteered to help look after her garden, and there was talk of renting the house to a tenant who was an enthusiastic gardener, if Grace agreed. The rental income would help pay her legal fees, although according to the rumor mill, Grace was comfortably off.

Maddie was glad that the glorious garden wouldn’t be neglected.

When their customers found out that Trixie had accompanied Maddie and Suzanne to Grace’s house that fateful day, they made an even bigger fuss of her than usual.

Suzanne used the attention to their advantage – she created a new topping for their hot coffees – chocolate powder sprinkled on top of whipped cream, and called it The Trixie Special. It was even more popular than their iced coffee and mocha beverages!

“I still can’t believe Grace murdered Veronica.” Suzanne shuddered. It was eleven o’clock the following Tuesday, and they’d just run out of cream.

“I know.” Maddie nodded.

“Mrrow.” Trixie sounded a little sad.

They’d been busy all morning but for a few seconds there weren’t any customers.

“I’ll have to go to the grocery store and buy some more cream.” Suzanne sank on a stool. “In a minute. My feet need a little rest.”

“So do mine.” Maddie sat down as well. Business had been great yesterday, too, although the reason why was distressing.

Attempting to lighten the mood, she teased, “You’re not taking a detour to Ramon’s salon, are you?”

“What gave you that idea?” Suzanne blushed.

“You were!” Maddie smiled.

“Oh, Mads, when Ramon found out what happened with Grace, he came over to check that I was okay. And he made me an espresso in my little machine while suggesting I go and sit on the sofa in the living room to relax. And then we talked – and talked.”

“Is that all?” Maddie eyed her friend’s faraway expression.

“Yes! Although, I was hoping he would kiss me again. And he did!  Last night after dinner at the little bistro.”

“I’m so happy for you.” Maddie grinned.

“Mrrow!” Trixie sounded pleased.

“What about you and Luke?”

“He was glad we weren’t hurt,” Maddie replied.

“Uh-huh.” Suzanne nodded. “I called him on Saturday to tell him we’d solved the murder.” She bit her lip. “He was a bit concerned.”

“I hear you.” Maddie had been frazzled in the kitchen that night, attempting to cook dinner, until Luke had put his hand over hers and suggested they get take out instead – and he was paying.

He’d also given her shoulders a massage that evening while she told him what had transpired that afternoon. She guiltily left out the part about Trixie making smoke appear in Grace’s hall – which had made her tenser for a few minutes, until his gentle touch had soothed her.

She wanted to tell Luke the truth about her and Trixie, but was unsure what his reaction would be. Would he be cool about it, or would he freak out? Maybe she should talk it over with Trixie first, then trust in the strength of her and Luke’s connection when she finally told him she was a witch.

After all, there was magic all around them – her relationship with Luke was proof of that.


A list of the previous books on the next page as well as a recipe for Iced Coffee!