Humans have been playing cards, dice, and board games for thousands of years. Tabletop games are more popular than ever—despite digital alternatives, such as video games. Every once in a while, a game changer comes along and creates a whole new type of tabletop game, such as CCG or RPG. But we still play board and card games.
Yet, in the future, we may see digital technology and games influencing the way we play tabletop ones. What’s going to happen as smart homes become more common? How will the ever-increasing role of technology in our daily lives affect our game playing? And what’s next in terms of imagination? Where will our brainstorming take us?
What kind of virtual reality game would you like to design?
digital: involving the use of computer technology.
smart home: a house in which all electric devices are monitored or controlled by a computer.
technology: the tools, methods, and systems used to solve a problem or do work.
virtual reality game: a game designed for a wearable screen that makes players feel as though they are inside the game itself.
legacy: something that happened or comes from someone in the past.
In most video games, as well as in role-playing games, you can progress through many levels until you get to the end of the game. When you log off, the game saves your place. Later, you can pick up right where you left off. Legacy games bring this idea to the board game.
In 2011, designer Rob Daviau (1970– ) created Risk Legacy. Similar to the original game of Risk, the legacy version involves players battling for world domination. But Risk Legacy changes each time it’s played. Players’ decisions in the first game affect the game the next time they play it! Those decisions also physically change the game board. Players place stickers and write on the board with permanent markers. They open sealed packets when certain conditions are met, such as the first battle with three missiles or the construction of the last city. The game changes through 15 play sessions.
Pandemic Legacy
credit: Yoppy (CC BY 2.0)
novelty: something that is new or unusual, also something that’s popular for a short period of time.
interactive: having a two-way flow of information.
This legacy concept didn’t catch on until a few years later. In 2015, with Pandemic designer Matt Leacock, Rob Daviau released Pandemic Legacy: Season 1. Players progress through levels of the game, changing the board or other components as they go. The game evolves, just as the viruses do! Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 was released in 2017.
Why might a game that works this way be so much fun? For one thing, it’s almost as though players are getting to play a new game every time. This increases the challenge along with the novelty of the play. Players don’t get bored the 10th or 11th time through.
The interactivity of these legacy games is another reason for their popularity.
Notable Legacy Games
›Android: Netrunner (2017)
›Charterstone (2017)
›First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet (2016)
›Gloomhaven (2015)
›Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 (2015)
›Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 (2017)
›Risk Legacy (2011)
›SeaFall (2016)
›Ultimate Werewolf Legacy (2018)
Not only is the game changing and challenging you to make decisions, but the players are changing the game! This dynamic creativity is a pleasure for players to experience.
Following Pandemic Legacy ’s success, several other legacy games were released, including Gloomhaven. It’s been described as Dungeons & Dragons in a box—a really big, 20-pound box.
Gloomhaven is a series of Dungeons & Dragons-like campaigns that players work through. The game itself acts as the dungeon master. As with other legacy games, as you play Gloomhaven, you make choices and change the game. Each dungeon takes about two to three hours to play, with the whole box taking 150 hours to complete.
In 2015, XCOM: The Board Game was one of the first to use a digital app. As players work together to repel alien invaders, the app coordinates the aliens’ plans to enslave the planet. The app is necessary to play the game.
Today, a handful of board games use a digital app as part of game play.
More often, games include optional apps. The One Night series of games, for example, includes an app to help time players and lead them through each round. Other games use apps to keep track of certain cards or hit points or to make the setup easier.
Using an app with a board game
credit: Celeste Lindell (CC BY 2.0)
3-D printer: a machine that makes a physical object from a three-dimensional model by laying down many thin layers of a material.
three-dimensional (3-D): something that appears solid and can be measured in three directions, length, width, and depth.
What if you could make the game table smart? A few companies are proposing to build smart game tables. For example, PlayTable, which is still in development, is a 24-inch touchscreen table that acts as a digital game board. It can interact with physical game pieces, cards, and even smartphones. Players can play face-to-face as well as against others around the world.
Avid gamers, particularly of Dungeons & Dragons and other games that use maps, have already built DIY smart tables. These are typically made of a large, flat-screen TV embedded in a large wooden gaming table. The screen displays maps or other graphics from an attached laptop or tablet.
What sorts of possibilities do smart game tables open up for players? What kinds of games might they be able to play that they can’t play now?
Gen Con
Gen Con is the biggest and longest-running tabletop game convention in North America. The show includes board, card, roleplaying, and war games as well as video games and science fiction and fantasy authors. Gen Con was founded in 1968 by Gary Gygax, one of the creators of Dungeons & Dragons. Gen Con gets its name from its original location, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. In 2018, more than 60,000 people attended Gen Con, which was held in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Instead of buying a game at a store, what if you could download and print the board game and its pieces at home? A 3-D printer can use plastic and other materials to create three-dimensional (3-D) objects, such as game pieces. As 3-D printers become more affordable, hobbyists have already started making their own games and components.
On sites such as MyMiniFactory, people design and share their 3-D designs for game pieces as well as many other objects. Game pieces range from miniatures for wargaming to fantasy chess pieces to goblins for Dungeons & Dragons to themed Settlers of Catan pieces.
You can see how a game maker used a 3-D printer to enhance his Dungeons & Dragons game in this article and video. What else might you be able to do with a 3-D printer?
Spark Fun 3-D D&D
A 3-D printer at work
augmented reality (AR): a game that inserts real-world images into the game environment or interacts with real-world objects.
holograph: a special kind of picture that is produced by a laser and looks three-dimensional.
startup company: of or relating to the starting of a new business or company.
Augmented Reality (AR) is an interactive experience that blends the real and digital worlds. Pokémon GO is one of the best-known AR mobile games. Players use the app on their smartphones to battle monsters at real locations. The real world and virtual worlds blend together as you travel to different places, look at your device, and manipulate the app to interact with the characters.
AR goggles or helmets let you play even more games. Imagine being able to play a board game using AR technology! Recently, an iOS game called Star Wars: Jedi Challenges was introduced, which does just this. It lets you play holographic chess just as it’s played in the Star Wars universe. Using either an iPhone with an AR kit or an AR headset, the game is projected in front of the player!
AR might be a natural next step for some tabletop games. An AR version of Clue, for example, might appear in front of you on a tabletop just like a cardboard version. But you could play the game with friends and family who are far away. Distance would no longer keep you from playing with people in other parts of the world, just as you can with online video games.
credit: A1C Christopher R. Morales
This kind of display might not be too far in the future!
Star Wars holochess was actually called “dejarik.”
So far, a few startup companies and Kickstarter campaigns are working on this type of AR game. One of those is Hologrid: Monster Battles by Tippet Studios. An animator for Industrial Light and Magic as well as for his own studio, Phil Tippet (1951– ) designed the 3-D animated aliens for the real Star Wars holochess scene! Inspired by that scene, Hologrid combines a collectible card game, tactical strategy, and AR. Players collect monster cards and fight them on the holochess-like board.
escape room: a physical adventure game in which players solve puzzles and figure out clues in order to escape a room.
adventure game: a video game in which players participate in an interactive story driven by exploration and puzzle-solving.
Escape Room Board Games
In the last few years, escape rooms have become popular. An escape room is a physical adventure game. Players have to solve a mystery or a series of puzzles in order to get out of an actual room. Usually, you visit the escape room with a group of friends, for a fee of about $20 to $40 each. Then, you spend a fun hour solving the puzzles together. Now, several game companies are making escape board and card games! These let you set up your own escape room at home. As with physical escape rooms, these board games usually have a theme. For instance, when playing Escape Room in a Box, you solve hidden clues in a mad scientist’s lair to prevent him from turning everyone into werewolves!
In general, most new tabletop games don’t rely heavily on digital technology at this time—and perhaps they won’t in the future, either. After all, tabletop games are thrilling to play just as they are today. And the future of the industry is brighter than ever. Sales of tabletop games keep rising. Every year, more than 60,000 people flock to Gen Con, and twice that many gather at Spiel in Essen, Germany, to check out new games! We are in a golden age of board games.
This golden age may in part be due to technology—but not in the way you might think. Board and card games might be booming because we need a break from technology! Video and mobile games are fun. But many of us stare at screens all day. We’re playing games, watching TV or videos, looking at social media, doing homework, and so on.
Humans are social creatures. We need to spend time face-to-face. Playing a new board game makes that interaction fresh and positive. What do you think?
What kind of virtual reality game would you like to design?
A legacy board game changes through time. The outcome of each game changes the starting point of the next game. For instance, in Risk Legacy, a player might conquer Asia the first time playing the game. The next time, they start the game with Asia already under their control. Some legacy games let the players change or mark the board and other game components. In this activity, you’re going to make your own version of a legacy game.
›Pick a classic game you might have around the house. Classic games include checkers, Scrabble, or Monopoly.
›Think about how you might make the game into a legacy one. For instance, in legacy Monopoly, would you start each game with the properties you bought during the last game? Jot down your ideas in your design notebook.
›Write a paragraph describing how your legacy game would work. Does the goal of the game change? How do you win? How do the other elements, such as the rules, change?
›Playtest your idea!
Every box of Risk Legacy is sealed with a sticker that says: “What’s done can never be undone.”
Try This!
Make a legacy version of the game you designed in the last chapter!
Several board games today include an app that plays some part in the game. The app might simply help you keep track of scoring or time the rounds, or the app might play an essential role in the game. Think about how you might use an app in one of your favorite games.
›Do a little research on games that have companion apps. With permission, search online for examples. This article is a good starting place. What cool things can these apps do?
›Pick one of your favorite board, card, or role-playing games. It should be one that doesn’t already have an app.
›Think about how you might add an app to the game. For instance, does Settlers of Catan need a Robber app? Could you add a narrator app to your favorite RPG?
›Draw a diagram or write a paragraph showing how your companion app would work.
Try This!
Design an app for the game you designed in the last chapter!
Edible Games
Game designer Jenn Sandercock has been developing her own line of edible games. She’s putting them in a cookbook called the Edible Games Cookbook: Play With Your Food.
You can watch a fun trailer for one of the games, The Order of the Oven Mitt.
Order of the Oven Mitt
A few serious tabletop gamers have designed their own digital game tables. Some players have sunk a big, flat-screen TV into a table. Others, such as the designers behind PlayTable, imagine a truly digital experience. What type of digital game table would you make?
›Do a little research on digital game tables. With permission, search online for examples. These are good starting places. What cool things can these tables do?
›Think about what you’d love a game table to be able to do. Jot these ideas down in your design notebook.
›Draw a diagram or write a paragraph showing how your game table would work.
Try This!
Design an ad to sell your new digital game table!
Choose-Your-Own-Adventure-Style Games
Remember the Choose Your Own Adventure books? In these, the reader gets to pick what the hero does at key points in the book. Every time you read the story, it can come out differently. A game called the 7th Continent bills itself as one of those books in the form of a board game. Players progress through the story and pull out cards at key moments to determine what happens next. In 2018, the official Choose Your Own Adventure: House of Danger game debuted.
Every year, game designers exhibit new games at big trade shows such as Spiel and Gen Con. Hundreds of new games are also posted on Kickstarter in search of funding. In this activity, you’re going to research new games!
›With permission, research the new games exhibited at the major trade shows and on Kickstarter. Start with these. Often, online magazines will do “best of” articles each year following the shows.
•Gen Con
›What are some of the hot new games of the year? Jot those down in your design notebook. Which ones sound like fun? Why?
›Did you spot any new trends? Is there a certain kind of game that’s really popular this year? Jot those down.
›Do these new trends or games give you any ideas for games of your own? Definitely jot those down!
3-D Printing
One possible future trend might be 3-D printing your own games. A 3-D printer deposits layers of plastic or another material to make a 3-D object—such as a game piece. With permission, do a little research on 3-D printing. How does it work? Think about what kind of game and/or game pieces you could design to print in 3-D. Sketch your ideas in your design notebook. You can try making your 3-D game component using clay or playdough!
Try This!
Based on your research, what’s the trend or hot new game going to be next year?