My dear Volnay,

I was delighted to have news of you from our beloved mutual friend, and I am comforted to learn that you are in good health. We are fortunate indeed that after impaling yourself so unfortunately on my sword, the comte and your monk came so speedily to your aid and administered such exceptional care. They are both remarkable men, in very many ways, as you well know.

As for me, as you have doubtless learnt, I was forced to leave France in some haste. Twenty girls, each prettier than the last, were employed in my workshop making painted fabrics. A modest, and most charming seraglio. I became curious to know my worthy workforce better, but they—and my curiosity—exacted a high price. Indeed, I ‘knew’ them all, wonderfully well, and when I tired of one, I was obliged to assuage another’s jealousy (I cannot bear jealousy, as you know), while at the same time sparing her predecessor’s pains, by continuing to pay her a wage!

My fortune was lost—indeed, I was ruined by my own workforce! And so, I was forced to sell shares in my workshop to a swindler who took me to court and ordered the seizure of my business. People will attack a man when he’s down! The wrath of a great many bad people was unleashed against me, all of them determined to see me brought low, and accusing me of every misdemeanour: forged signatures, abduction… I was even accused of fornication with a number of holy sisters. I, a respecter of religion, and its practitioners, to the very highest degree!

In short, I decided to liquidate my remaining assets and repair to Holland. My health is good, never better. When I have a little time, I shall write the Story of My Life. A tale worth the telling!

What of our delightful Italian friend? She loves you, you may be sure of that, though she has returned to the country of her birth. But beware, when the pearl of great price is located, the guardian dragon is never far away.

Take good care of yourself and be attentive when destiny calls. Sometimes, the gods intervene in the affairs of men in strange, even indecipherable ways. They bring many, seemingly irresolvable matters to their proper conclusion. And things often turn out not at all as expected…

Your devoted friend,

Giacomo Casanova  
Chevalier de Seingalt