Finn awoke the next morning thinking of Holly. They’d worked together until late the night before. She had truly impressed him—which wasn’t an easy feat. To top it off, she was efficient and organized. He knew she was good at her job, but he had no idea just how talented she was until last night.

They’d taken a long break for dinner with his associates. They updated them on all they’d accomplished and what Holly hoped to achieve over the next few days. The men promised to do their part to ensure the success of Project Santa, including putting out a call for volunteers to their employees and their families.

And to Finn’s shock the two men who weren’t active on social media were open to having Holly assist them with setting up a personal MyFace account. Everyone wanted to do their part to promote the project so that it was a success.

Finn slipped out of bed and quietly padded to the shower. With Project Santa underway, he had to concentrate on today’s business agenda. He had a business venture that he wanted to entice these men to invest in. And thanks to Holly, everyone appeared to be in fine spirits. He hoped to capitalize on it.

Today he’d switched from his dress shorts and polos to slacks and a dress shirt. He couldn’t help it. When he wanted to take charge of a business meeting, he wanted to look the part, too. He supposed that was something his father had taught him. Though his father had spiraled out of control after his brother’s death, before that he was a pretty good guy, just a bit driven. He supposed his father was no more a workaholic than himself.

Finn straightened the collar of his light blue shirt with vertical white stripes sans the tie. Then he turned up the cuffs. After placing his Rolex on his wrist, he was ready to get down to business. Now he just needed Holly to take some notes.

He headed down the passageway to her cabin and knocked. There was no answer.

“Holly, are you in there?”



That was strange. When they’d parted for the evening, they’d agreed to get together first thing in the morning to go over today’s agenda. And then he recalled her picking her way through her dinner. Maybe he should be sure she was okay.

He tried the doorknob. It wasn’t locked. He opened it a crack. “Holly, I’m coming in.”

No response.

He hesitantly opened the door, not sure what he expected to find. He breathed easier when he found her bed empty. Before he could react, the bathroom door swung open and she came rushing out.

Dressed in a short pink nightie, she was a bit hunched over. Her arm was clutched over her stomach.


She jumped. Her head swung around to face him. The color leached from her face. He wasn’t sure if the lack of coloring was the result of his startling her or if it was because she didn’t feel well.

“What are you doing here?”

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. I...uh, well, we were supposed to meet up this morning. And when you didn’t answer the door, I got worried. I came in to make sure you’re all right.”

Holly glanced down at herself as though realizing her lack of clothing. She moved to the bed and slid under the sheets. “I’m fine.”

“You don’t look fine.”

“Well, thanks. You sure know how to make a girl feel better.” She frowned at him.

“That’s not what I meant. I...uh, just meant you don’t look like yourself. What can I get for you?”


“Are you sure? Maybe some eggs?” Was it possible that her pale face just turned a ghastly shade of green? She vehemently shook her head. Okay. Definitely no eggs. “How about toast?”

Again she shook her head. “No food. Not now.”

“Are you sick?”

“No.” Her answer came too quickly.

“Something is wrong or you wouldn’t be curled up in bed.”

“It’s just the sway of the yacht. I’m not used to it.”

He planted his hands on his waist. He supposed that was a reasonable explanation. “You aren’t the only one with a bout of motion sickness. McMurray still isn’t well. I guess my sailing expedition wasn’t such a good idea.”

“It was a great idea. And I’ll be up on deck shortly.”

“Take the morning off and rest—”

“No. I’m already feeling better. Just give me a bit to get ready.”

“Why must you always be so stubborn?”

She sent him a scowl. “I’m not stubborn. It isn’t like you know me that well.”

“Since we started working together, I’ve learned a lot about you.”

“Like what?”

He sighed but then decided to be truthful with her. “I know that you’re honest. You’re a hard worker. And you go above and beyond what is asked of you in order to do a good job.”

A smile bloomed on her still-pale face. “Anything else?”

“I know you can be passionate—about causes you believe in. And sometimes you push too hard if you think it will help someone else.”

She eyed him up. “You really believe all of that nice stuff about me? You’re not saying it because you feel sorry for me, are you?”

Was she hunting for more compliments? He searched her eyes and found a gleam of uncertainty. He had to wonder, if only to himself, how someone so talented and sure of herself when it came to business could be so insecure behind closed doors.

“Yes, I meant everything I said. You’re very talented.”

Holly worried her bottom lip. When his gaze met hers, she glanced away. What did she have on her mind? Something told him whatever it was he wasn’t going to like it. But they might as well get it over with.

“What else do you have on your mind?”

She blinked as though considering her options. Then she sat up straight, letting the sheet pool around her waist. He inwardly groaned as her nightie was not exactly conservative, and that was not something he needed to be contemplating at this moment.

Stay focused on the conversation! Don’t let your eyes dip. Focus on her face.

Holly lifted her chin. “I would like to know if you’d write me a personal recommendation.”

“Recommendation? For what?”

She visibly swallowed. The muscles in her slender neck worked in unison. “I have an inside source who says a prime opportunity is about to open up and I’d like to apply for the position.”

“No problem. Just tell me what department it is and I’ll make it happen. But I thought you liked working in the legal department.”

“I did—I mean I do. But you don’t understand. This job isn’t within Lockwood.”

He had to admit that he hadn’t seen that one coming. And for a man that prided himself on being able to plan ahead, this was a bit much to swallow. “But I don’t understand. You like your job, so this has to be about us.”

Her slender shoulders rose and fell. “It’s too complicated for me to stay on at Lockwood.”

“You mean the kiss the other evening, don’t you?”

Her gaze didn’t quite meet his. “It would just be easier if I were to work elsewhere.”

“When would you be taking this new position?”

“At the beginning of the year. So you don’t have to worry about Project Santa. It will be completed before I leave and I’ll be out of Lockwood before you return to New York.”

“Sounds awfully convenient.” His voice took on a disgruntled tone.

He didn’t like the thought of Holly going to such lengths to keep her path from crossing his. Up until this trip, they’d done so well avoiding each other at the office. He had to admit a few times he’d hoped to bump into her in a hallway or the elevator, but that had never happened.

Holly was smart for wanting to get away from him. When his ex-fiancée hadn’t been able to deal with his moods and distance, she’d left. He’d never blamed her. It was what he’d deserved. He should be relieved that Holly wanted to move on, but he couldn’t work up the emotion.

He told himself that he didn’t want to see her go because she was a good worker. She was smart and a go-getter. She wasn’t afraid to think outside the box. His company needed more innovative people like her.

Holly smoothed the cream-colored sheet as though sorting her thoughts. “Listen, I know this comes as a surprise, but I really do think it would be for the best. It isn’t like either one of us wants a serious relationship. You have your company to focus on.”

“And what do you have?” He knew there was more to this request than she was saying, perhaps something even beyond what was going on between the two of them. Because if her reasons extended beyond the attraction between them, then he could fix it and she would stay, he hoped.

“I have my work, and this new position will help me to grow and to take on greater responsibility.”

“And you can’t do that at Lockwood?”

She shrugged, letting him know that she’d already dismissed that option.

Without Holly to liven things up, he would return to a downright boring existence. Before he handed over the golden ticket to another position, he needed more time to think this over. Surely there had to be a way to persuade her into staying.

“You’ve caught me off guard. Can I have some time to think over your request?”

“Of course. But don’t take too long. Once word gets out about the opening, the candidates will flood the office with résumés.”

He could see she’d given this a lot of thought and her mind was made up. “Just tell me one thing and be honest. Is this because you’re trying to get away from me?”

Her gaze met his. “Maybe. Partly. But it’s an amazing opportunity and I don’t want to miss out on it.”

“Would you be willing to tell me what the position is?”

“That would be telling you two things and you said you’d only ask one thing.”

“And so I did.” He sighed. “This isn’t over.”

“I didn’t think that it was.”

“I’ll go get you some ginger ale and crackers.”

“You don’t have to do that. You have a business meeting to attend.”

“Not before I see that you’re cared for.”

And with that he made a hasty exit from the cabin, still digesting the news. It left an uneasy feeling in his gut. And this was why he never got involved with employees of Lockwood. It made things sticky and awkward, not to mention he couldn’t afford to lose such talent.