
First, I would like to express my gratitude to my editor, Holly Ingraham, who never forgets where the bodies are buried. Your insightful comments always leave me asking, Now, why didn’t I think of that? I’m so lucky to have your eyes on my work.

Thank you, also, to everyone at St. Martin’s Press—Danielle Christopher and Monika Roe for my beautiful covers, Allison Ziegler for answering all my questions, Jennie Conway for her cheery emails that keep me on track, and Laura Jorstad for her detailed copy edits.

Many thanks, also, to my agent and dream-maker, Natalie Lakosil. Erica Bloom never would have found a home without you.

Thanks to my parents, friends, and extended family for their day-to-day support. I’m pretty sure you don’t have to keep buying every book of mine you see in stock, but I appreciate it nonetheless! Special thanks to Melanie for championing Otter Lake from the beginning and for leading me out into the world of social media.

As always, I need to send my undying gratitude to Andrea—because nothing much happens without Andrea—and to my husband and three children, who bring me coffee every morning. You guys make all the difference!

Finally, thank you to all the readers who have given me a shot to make them laugh. It would be pretty quiet without you.