Sunday morning, Lily was up early, excited about Kevin’s arrival. Mac had volunteered to drive Lily to meet Kevin’s plane, and Mel would make sure Wendy got to work on time. His plane arrived just before noon and once he had been hugged numerous times and Mac took charge of his luggage, they hit the road. Just past Tacoma, they got off the busy freeway and onto the quieter highway that would take them to the Kitsap Peninsula.

Forty-five minutes later, Mac pulled into a cafe promising the best views in Gig Harbor. Lily smiled at him as she grabbed her purse. “I take it you know this place, the way you drove straight to it?”

“I’ve been here a few times. Great food and service and they’re right about the view, especially in warmer weather when you can sit on the deck.”

Kevin followed them inside, holding the door for both of them. It wasn’t busy and they had their choice of tables next to the windows. Kevin’s eyes lit up when he saw they served breakfast all day. Lily didn’t even have time to give Kevin the latest update on Wendy before their platters of food arrived. An omelet, eggs benedict, and cinnamon raisin bread French toast covered the table and the enticing aroma made Lily’s stomach growl. She had been too excited to eat anything before they left and was starving.

Mac shared a bite of his decadent French toast with each of them, smiling as he watched them savor it. “I told ya, it’s the best thing ever.” He chuckled and dipped his bacon into the warm maple syrup on his plate.

“So, Wendy’s situation is up in the air, but you’re free to relax and take it easy. We don’t have anything planned until the day after Christmas when we go to Victoria. It will just be the three of us. Mel is working.”

Kevin nodded, as he scooped up another bite of his eggs benedict. “I’m looking forward to just hanging out with the dogs and you.”

“Your mom said you’re going to do some skiing up in New Hampshire. Do you do quite a bit of skiing?”

Kevin’s cheeks reddened and he glanced at his mom. “We went a few times when I was younger, but I’m not much of an expert. Brooke assures me it will be fine, but I’m sort of nervous about it. It sounds like they are a family of avid skiers.”

Mac nodded. “If you want to get in some practice, we could run over to Hurricane Ridge. It’s where you and your mom visited when you went to Olympic National Park.”

Kevin’s eyes brightened and he grinned. “That would be great. Are you sure you have time?”

Mac met Lily’s eyes. “I have plenty of time and I’m determined to use it for fun.” He turned his attention to Kevin. “As long as your mom trusts me with you. It’s been a long time since I’ve been skiing.”

Kevin laughed. “Good, then I won’t feel bad when I mess up.”

After finishing their wonderful meal, Mac and Lily leaned against the railing, admiring the waters of Gig Harbor while they waited for Kevin to use the restroom. “You’re sure you’re okay with me taking him up to Hurricane Ridge?” he asked.

“Of course,” she said, lacing her fingers through his. “I can’t tell you how much it means to me that you would take time off to spend with Kevin, especially when you’re already taking time off to drive us to Victoria.” Tears filled her eyes. “Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.”

He squeezed her hand and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “I’m happy to do it. It will give me some time to get to know him, just the two of us. I think you’ll both love Victoria.”

Moments later, Kevin emerged and they piled back into the car for the rest of the journey to Driftwood Bay.

As excited as Mel had been to make a special stocking for Wendy, her reaction to it was less than enthusiastic. Mel had presented it to her on Sunday night, when she got home from work. Kevin and Lily remarked on each of the little gifts, trying to elicit a response from her, but she just stuffed them all back into the stocking and went downstairs.

Kevin and Lily distracted Mel by letting her choose a Christmas movie and they played a board game while they watched it. The sound of them laughing made Lily’s heart swell. No matter Wendy’s attitude, it would be a wonderful Christmas, with Kevin home and Mel enjoying her first holiday in what Lily guessed was years.

Tuesday morning, Mel was already at work and Kevin still sleeping when Wendy came upstairs, looking happier than she had since she had arrived. “I just talked to Constance and she’s agreed to let me come and stay through the holidays so I can meet with Chad and will even pay for my ticket. I booked a flight for next Monday. I can’t wait to get out of here.” She grinned, looking quite satisfied with herself.

“Wow, that’s great news.” Lily didn’t bother to clarify if she meant about being able to stay with Constance or that she was leaving. “So, you won’t be here for Christmas?”

Her sister waved her hand in the air as she went to pour a cup of coffee. “No, I should leave even earlier, but figured I’d have to endure another lecture from you about leaving Poppy stranded.”

“Good for you. It wouldn’t be right when you committed to working for the season.” Maybe there was a glimmer of hope that Wendy would grow up one day soon.

“I’ve got to be at the airport super early Monday, so I reserved a spot on that shuttle again.” She rolled her eyes. “As horrible as it is.” She took a sip from her cup. “Constance is sending her car service to collect me, thank goodness.”

Lily ignored the jab. “Good plan on the shuttle. It’s what Kevin does when he’s got an early flight.” She checked her watch. “I’ve got to get the dogs loaded and go to training. I’ll see you when I get home.” She couldn’t stomach another minute of her sister’s attitude.

They were early for training, so she took a detour to the park, giving herself a pep talk while they strolled the pathways. She just had to get through the next five days with Wendy. She could do that; she’d survived much worse. But it pained her to see how selfish her sister was. Just as difficult, guilt nagged at Lily for not trying harder.

She hated being judgmental, of both Wendy and herself, but couldn’t seem to help it. She should be happy to have her sister with her for the holidays. They were all that was left of their small family, and yet she couldn’t deny the ripple of happiness she felt knowing Wendy would be back in Texas soon.

All she could do was maintain her patience and let Wendy know she always had a place to stay. Though she wanted her sister to be kinder, Wendy was the only one who could make that change, and Lily beating her head on that rock would only result in making her miserable.

Their mom would be so disappointed.

Lily spent the rest of the week working on her mosaics and planning the food for Christmas Eve. Instead of an elaborate dinner, she decided to make appetizers and scoured recipe groups she found online for ideas. Mac had taken a weekday off and picked up Kevin for a trip to Hurricane Ridge for some skiing. He then ended up working most of the weekend, since he was taking time off after Christmas, and she and Kevin lounged around the house for most of it.

Monday morning, Wendy left, without much fanfare. Lily made sure Wendy understood that she always had a place to stay, and asked her to let her know when she’d be coming back. She tried to hug her sister goodbye when she dropped her at the shuttle stop, but Wendy was in a hurry and offered her an air kiss instead. She then watched with dismay as Wendy instructed the driver how to place her luggage and warned him not to scratch it. Her recent experience had not humbled her in the least.

When Lily returned home, she saw the special stocking Mel had made for Wendy sitting on the counter, along with the wrapped gifts for her that had been under the tree. She had been in such a hurry to leave, she must have forgotten about them. Either that, or she didn’t care about them at all. Lily tucked them all back under the tree as far back as possible, so Mel wouldn’t notice. She’d save them for when Wendy came back from her visit.

She occupied herself with her mosaics, while Kevin spent most of his time sleeping or watching movies.

With all her presents wrapped and ready Wednesday afternoon, with Christmas music playing, Lily was puttering in the kitchen putting the last-minute touches on the charcuterie boards she had put together for Christmas Eve.

Kevin sat at the counter, sipping hot cocoa, the dogs at his feet. “Mac is pretty cool, Mom. We had so much fun skiing. He’s nice and funny. I’m glad you found him.”

She stopped fiddling with the garnish and looked up at her son. The boy she loved more than anything. “I’m so relieved you like him. I’ve been nervous wondering how you would feel about him.”

“He’s great. You’re so much happier now, which helps me not worry about you. I wasn’t sure about you moving so far away, on your own, not knowing anyone, but you’ve got some great friends.”

She smiled. “I feel the same way. I wasn’t too sure myself, but something, I like to think maybe it was a combination of your dad and Uncle Leo, pulled me here. I miss being closer to you, but I’m better here.”

“Well, I just wanted you to know, I think he’s great and I know Dad would have liked him.” He slid off the chair and hugged her in a tight embrace. “I’m going to go get changed.” His words were like a healing balm to her heart. Young men weren’t known for sharing their feelings, but in his few words and matter-of-fact way, he had succeeded in letting her know he supported her.

He made for the stairs and the dogs bounded after him. She checked her watch and finished the last of the garnish before changing her clothes, expecting Mel to be home in a few minutes. Then Cyndy and Mac would be arriving, along with Jeff and Donna, Nora and Bree. Andy had promised to stop by and visit before their family dinner.

When she emerged from her bedroom, she found Kevin entertaining Mac and Cyndy, who were in the kitchen nibbling on appetizers. Mel joined them, changed from her work clothes, and wearing a pretty new sweater Lily had urged her to buy. It wasn’t long before the others arrived and the house was filled with laughter and conversation.

Bree and Mel had their heads together laughing and snacking, while Andy and Kevin spent most of their time surrounded by the dogs while they chatted, with Andy teaching Kevin some sign language.

Lily stood against the wall, taking it all in, her thoughts drifting to Gary and her parents, wishing they were here. She didn’t linger long in the past, urging her mind to the present and the happiness right in front of her—the new memories she was making. Warmth flooded through her when she caught Mac’s eye and he winked at her, waving her over to join him and the others. The wise words of Margot and Jean echoed in her head. She would never replace Gary or forget him, but the man smiling at her, his eyes full of love and kindness, was here right now. She would be foolish to throw away a chance at happiness, a second chance at love.

After everyone had left, and Kevin and Mel took the dogs outside, Mac lingered and gave Lily his gift to her. She opened the card first and discovered a gift certificate for a complete spa day at the fancy hotel on Orcas Island that Izzy had mentioned when they had visited. “Oh, how thoughtful. I can’t wait to go.”

Next, she opened the beautiful foil-wrapped box. A small blue velvet box nestled inside of it. Her heart pounded and her fingers trembled as she lifted the lid. She breathed a sigh of relief when she discovered a gorgeous pair of earrings nestled against the satin lining.

“Do you like them?” Concern laced Mac’s voice.

“I love them.” She held the shimmering moonstone drop earrings out up to the light. “They’re lovely. I’ve never had any moonstone jewelry.”

“Something about them made me think of you and our walk in the moonlight. I wanted you to remember that special night.”

She took out the earrings she was wearing and put in the new ones, giving him a kiss. “I will never forget our night on that moonlit beach.”

Christmas morning, and the house was quiet, with Mel and Kevin both taking advantage of the holiday and sleeping in. It wasn’t like when Kevin had been a boy, charging through the house at dawn, looking for what Santa had left him under the tree. Memories were tricky and poured out at times like a sweet elixir, and other times, like today, a tart lemonade. Her mom always told her how precious time was, but she never understood it until it was too late.

She wanted to go back in time and relive those idyllic years, when she had been a child, surrounded by the love and affection of her parents and the magic and wonder of Christmas. She hadn’t appreciated it at the time, but longed for that bubble of security, when nothing tragic had touched her, she hadn’t experienced loss, and all she had known was happiness. She and Gary had done their best to create that type of childhood for Kevin, and as a mother, those loving memories of their early years, when Kevin’s eyes filled with the excitement of the holidays, brought her the most joy.

Two wet noses against her leg jogged her back into the present. After feeding the two pups, she opened the fridge and went about prepping a special holiday breakfast board she had planned for the three of them before they were due at Mac’s. By the time she had arranged the sliced fruit and mini muffins, plus the almond croissants she had picked up at the bakery yesterday, Kevin had ambled up the stairs.

“Merry Christmas, Mom,” he said, kissing her on the cheek. “Mel’s in the shower.” He eyed the spread. “Oh, that looks great. I’m starving.”

“Help yourself. We can open presents when Mel gets up here.” She filled the kettle and added a croissant and fruit to her own plate.

They were in the midst of eating when Mel came up the stairs. “Oh, fancy,” she said, surveying the selection and helping herself to a plate.

They weren’t due at Mac’s until two o’clock, so had plenty of time to relax and open their gifts. Lily delighted in watching Mel open the mosaic she had made her. It was in a square frame and depicted one of the cottages, along with Fritz and Bodie in front of it and the blue water behind it. Mel rushed to hug her as soon as she opened it. “I love it. I can’t believe you did this. It’s so pretty.”

“I wanted you to have something to always remember us by.” Like Kevin, Lily knew at some point Mel would find her own way and perhaps move or get married and have her own family. She hoped she would always remember she had a home here. “You don’t get much sunlight in your bedroom, but you can put it in the window downstairs and when you get a house of your own someday, you can take it with you so you always remember Glass Beach Cottage.”

“I could never forget you or Fritz and Bodie.” She lifted it toward the window to admire it again then opened her other boxes, revealing new clothes and a pretty bracelet that she promptly put on her wrist. “Thank you, Lily. I love everything.”

Kevin was excited to open his new tablet and the gift of a year’s worth of a movie streaming service, along with a subscription to a cookie club that would send him homemade cookies each month. He hugged his mom and went about plugging in the tablet so he could charge it up and test it out.

Lily loved the personalized mug Mel had given her that featured a woman, with hair the color of Lily’s and two goldens beside her, sitting on a dock, looking out over the water. All their names were painted on the mug. Lily embraced Mel. “Thank you. I’m going to have a hard time letting Bodie go when it’s time, so will cherish this.”

She opened the package from Kevin and found a beautiful silver necklace with charms on it, engraved with Bodie and Fritz’s names, along with a cute tiny paw print. It was perfect and she put it around her neck. Kevin smiled, and added, “I guess this is the year of dog themed gifts for you.”

“I love them, thank you both very much.” She handed each of them a stocking. “There are a few little gifts from Santa in your stockings.” They tore into them like excited kids, unwrapping candies, toothbrushes, pens, socks, and snacks.

After another helping of breakfast, Lily put the leftovers away and got ready, making sure she added her new earrings to her outfit. They were stunning with the black sweater she wore.

The dogs were excited to load into the car and when she mentioned they were going to see Sherlock, their tails swished even faster. She put Mel and Kevin in charge of holding onto the gifts for Mac and Cyndy and they headed down the road.

Mac met them as soon as they pulled into the driveway, Sherlock at his side. Kevin unloaded the dogs and let them run to greet their best furry friend. He studied the house and grounds while Lily gathered the gifts. Mac took Mel’s hand and said, “Close your eyes. I have a surprise for you.”

She giggled and complied, letting him lead her around the back of the house to the pasture. Kevin and Lily walked behind them, Lily depositing the gifts on the back deck on their way. Kevin’s eyes widened as he took in the huge deck and overlook. “Wow, this is some place. What a great view and it’s so nice and quiet.”

She nodded. “Wait until you see his llamas.” She watched as Mac positioned Mel at the fence. Two alpacas stood nearby with the larger llamas behind them.

“Open your eyes,” he said.

Mel squealed with delight. “Oh, you got them. I was hoping you would find some after seeing those photos you brought back.” She reached to pet them. “They are so cute and soft.”

“I thought you could do the honors and name them.”

Her eyes widened. “Really? Wow, I’ll have to give it some thought.”

“There are a few fruits and veggies I cut up for them, if you want to give them all a treat. Margo and Coco, too.” He pointed at a plastic container.

Kevin approached the fence line and petted the two new arrivals. “They are super cute.” He helped Mel feed them chunks of carrots and apples, while Mac and Lily made sure the dogs were secured before they headed back to the house.

He carried the bag of gifts inside, letting the delicious aroma of whatever Cyndy was cooking greet them. She hollered out a cheery “Hello, come on in. Merry Christmas, Lily.”

“Something smells beyond yummy,” said Lily, selecting a gift bag and putting it on the counter. “Here’s a bit of Christmas cheer for you.”

Cyndy turned away from the beautiful apple salad she was prepping and wiped her hands on a towel. She appeared unable to resist opening the bag and seemed to love the wine inspired gifts, including a set of wine infused salts for cooking. “I brought you a little something. It’s under the tree.”

Mac led Lily into the living area, where a huge tree stood, decked out with gorgeous ornaments and draped with sparkling ribbon. It had Cyndy’s fingerprints all over it. Mac handed her a gift.

“Before I open Cyndy’s, I want you to open mine.” She held out a gift bag.

He smiled as he took out the large bubble wrapped frame. Once he unwrapped it, he gasped. “Oh, it’s beautiful.” He hugged her close and kissed her cheek. “I love it.” He held it up to the window and the sunlight exposed the beautiful mosaic of Sherlock, his smiling face easy to recognize in the amber sea glass pieces. She had used the aqua and darker blue pieces in the background.

“I had to cheat and buy some darker glass for his nose and eyes and to define his jawline, plus the pink and red for his tongue, but I thought it captured him.” She smiled as Mac admired the piece.

“I’m going to hang it right by the back door, so I see it each time I leave and come home.”

“There’s one more treat in the bag,” she said, shaking it.

He dug into the bottom and brought out a card. Enclosed with the heartfelt message was a gift card for golf in the San Juan Islands. His eyes lit up when he saw it and he encircled her in a long embrace. “Great minds, huh? We both chose gifts focused on our next trip together. I find that to be a good sign.”

She laughed and nodded her head. “I’m so looking forward to it.”

Cyndy’s voice echoed through the house. “Tell the kids dinner’s about ready.”

She felt his lips against the side of her neck and it sent a thrill through her. “I see you’re wearing the earrings. They look gorgeous on you.”

He took her hand as they made their way back to the kitchen. “This has been my best Christmas in decades and it’s because of you.”

She rewarded him with a brush of her lips across his cheek. “I feel the same way.”

Kevin and Mel came through the door, smiling and laughing, talking about the alpacas. While they were all there, she opened Cyndy’s gift. Inside the beautifully wrapped box was a set of customized ornaments, three of them painted with the cottages, one of Fritz, and one of Bodie. “Oh, these are so cute. I love them. That’s so thoughtful of you.” She gave Cyndy a hug.

“I work with an artist through the shop and she does wonderful work. Mac helped me by taking some photos for me to share with her. I’m so pleased you like them.” She untied the strings from her apron. “Let’s eat while everything is hot.”

They gathered around the table, decorated like it had come straight from Cyndy’s shop, and enjoyed her delicious glazed ham, applesauce, buttery potatoes, and all the side dishes she had made. While they ate, Mac asked Mel if she had decided on names for the two new additions.

She smiled and glanced at Kevin. “We think Lucy and Ethel.” Mel loved watching the old episodes of I Love Lucy, so her choice wasn’t a surprise. Everyone laughed, agreeing it was an excellent choice. “This is the best Christmas I’ve ever had,” said Mel, her voice fading as tears filled her eyes. “Thank you for making it so special.”

Lily noticed there wasn’t a dry eye around the table and didn’t trust her own voice. She glanced at Cyndy, who raised her glass and said, “Here’s to remembering the joys of the season and carrying them with us throughout the coming year. Merry Christmas.”