Selected Bibliography

Alexander, Shelley, and Michael Quinn. “Coyote (Canis latrans) Interactions with Humans and Pets Reported in the Canadian Print Media, 1905–2010,” Human Dimensions of Wildlife 16 (2011): 345-359.

Almberg, Emily, et al. “Infectious Diseases in Yellowstone’s Canid Community,” Yellowstone Science 19 (Summer 2011): 16–24.

Audubon, John James. “Missouri River Journal,” in Audubon and His Journals, Maria Audubon and Elliott Coues, eds. (2 vols.; New York: Dover Press, 2nd edition, 1986): I.

Barrow, Mark. Nature’s Ghosts: Confronting Extinction from the Age of Jefferson to the Age of Ecology (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009).

Beeland, T. Delene. The Secret World of Red Wolves: The Fight to Save North America’s Other Wolf (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2013).

Bekoff, Marc, ed. Coyotes: Biology, Behavior, and Management (Caldwell, NJ: Blackburn Press, 1978).

———. The Emotional Lives of Animals (Novato, CA: New World Library, 2008).

Beuys, Joseph. “I Like America and America Likes Me,” performance art video, 1974,

Bird, Isabella. A Lady’s Life in the Rocky Mountains (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1975).

Blue Cloud, Peter. Elderberry Flute Song: Contemporary Coyote Tales (Buffalo, NY: White Pine Press, 2002 edition).

Breck, Stewart. Interview with the author, December 2014, disk copy in author’s possession.

Bright, William. A Coyote Reader (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993).

Budiansky, Stephen. The Covenant of the Wild: Why Animals Chose Domestication (New Haven,: Yale University Press, 1992).

Carhart, Arthur. “Poisons: The Creeping Killer,” Sports Afield (November 1959): 56–57, 127–129.

Carriker, Robert. Father Peter John DeSmet: Jesuit in the West (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1995).

Carson, Rachel. Silent Spring (New York: Houghton-Mifflin, 40th anniversary edition, 2002).

Chambers, Steven, et al., An Account of the Taxonomy of North American Wolves from Morphological and Genetic Analyses. North American Fauna 77 (Washington: United States Department of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service, 2012).

Clark, Ella. Indian Legends from the Northern Rockies (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1966).

Connolly, Guy. “The Effects of Control on Coyote Populations: Another Look,” Symposium ProceedingsCoyotes in the Southwest: A Compendium of Our Knowledge (Lincoln, NE: Wildlife Damage Management, 1995): 23–29.

Crabtree, Robert, and Jennifer Sheldon. “The Ecological Role of Coyotes on Yellowstone’s Northern Range,” Yellowstone Science 7 (Spring 1999): 15–23.

Davis, Mike. The Ecology of Fear: Los Angeles and the Imagination of Disaster (New York: Metropolitan Books, 1998).

Dawkins, Richard. The Selfish Gene (New York: Oxford University Press, 1989).

Dobie, J. Frank. The Voice of the Coyote (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1961).

Dorsey, George. The Mythology of the Wichita (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1995).

Dog Zombie. “Guest Blog: The Hearty Ingredients of Canis Soup,” Scientific American, December 27, 2011.

Dunlap, Thomas. Saving America’s Wildlife: Ecology and the American Mind, 1850–1990 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1988).

———. “‘The Coyote Itself’: Ecologists and the Value of Predators, 1900–1972,” Environmental Review 7 (Spring, 1983): 54–70.

Erdoes, Richard, and Alfonso Ortiz, eds. American Indian Trickster Tales (New York: Penguin Books, 1998).

“Family CANIDAE—Wolves, Coyote, Dogs, and Foxes,” in E. Raymond Hall and Keith Kelson, The Mammals of North America (2 vols.; New York: Ronald Press, 1959): II.

Flippen, Bruce. Nixon and the Environment (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2000).

Flores, Dan. American Serengeti: The Last Big Animals of the Great Plains (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2016).

Fox, Camilla. Interview with the author, November 2013, disk copy in author’s possession.

Frazier, Ian. “Coyote v. Acme,” The New Yorker, February 26, 1990.

Gabler, Neal. Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination (New York: Vintage Books, 2006).

Gehrt, Stanley. Interview with the author, December 2014, disk copy in author’s possession.

———. Urban Coyote Ecology and Management: The Cook County, Illinois, Coyote Project (Columbus: Ohio State University Extension Service Bulletin 929, nd).

Gehrt, Stanley, Seth Riley, and Brian Cypher, eds. Urban Carnivores: Ecology, Conflict, and Conservation (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010).

Gese, Eric. Interview with the author, November 2014, disk copy in author’s possession.

Glutton-Brock, Juliet. “Aristotle, the Scale of Nature, and Modern Attitudes to Animals,” Social Research 62 (Fall 1995): 421–440.

Goetzmann, William, et al. Karl Bodmer’s America (Lincoln: Joslyn Art Museum and University of Nebraska Press, 1984).

Gregg, Josiah. Commerce of the Prairies, Max Moorhead, ed. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1954).

Grimm, David. “In Dogs’ Play, Researchers See Honesty and Deceit, Perhaps Something Like Morality,” Washington Post, May 19, 2014.

Grinnell, Joseph, and Tracy Storer. “Animal Life as an Asset of National Parks,” Science XLIV (1916): 375–380.

High Plains Films and Fund for Animals, Killing Coyote (2000).

Hinton, Joseph, David Rabon, et al. “Red Wolf (Canis Rufus) Recovery: A Review, with Suggestions for Future Research,” Animals 3 (2013): 722–744.

Hurley, M. A., et al. “Demographic Response of Mule Deer to Experimental Reduction of Coyotes and Mountain Lions in Southeastern Idaho,” Wildlife Monographs 178 (August 2011): 1–33.

Hyde, Lewis. Trickster Makes This World: How Disruptive Imagination Creates Culture (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1998).

Jones, Chuck. Chuck Amuck: The Life and Times of an Animated Cartoonist (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1999).

Jones, Karen. Wolf Mountains: A History of Wolves Along the Great Divide (Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2002).

Kitchell, Webster. God’s Dog: Conversations with Coyote (Boston: Skinner Books, 1991).

Kluger, Jeffrey. “The Mystery of Animal Grief,” Time (April 15, 2013): 41–45.

Kruuk, Hans. Hunter and Hunted: Relationships Between Carnivores and People (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), UK.

Leopold, Aldo. A Sand County Almanac and Sketches Here and There (New York: Oxford University Press, 1949).

———. The River of the Mother of God and Other Essays, Susan Flader and J. Baird Callicott, eds. (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1991).

Lopez, Barry. Giving Birth to Thunder, Sleeping with His Daughter: Coyote Builds North America (New York: Harper-Perennial, 2001).

Lummis, Charles. Pueblo Indian Folk-Stories (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1992).

McIntyre, Rick. Interview with the author, September 2013, disk copy in author’s possession.

Marsh, George Perkins. Man and Nature, or The Earth as Modified by Human Action (New York: Arno and the New York Times, 1970).

Meachen, Julie, and Joshua Samuels. “Evolution of Coyotes (Canis latrans) in Response to the Megafaunal Extinctions,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (March 2012): 4191–4196.

Mead, James. Hunting and Trading on the Great Plains, 1859–1875, ed. Schuyler Jones (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1986).

Melendez, Theresa. “The Coyote,” in Angus Gillespie and Jay Mechling, eds., American Wildlife in Symbol and Story (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1987): 203–233.

Mighetto, Lisa. Wild Animals and American Environmental Ethics (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1991).

Mills, Enos. Wild Life on the Rockies (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1988).

Moulton, Gary, ed. The Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, Volume 3: August 25, 1804-April 6, 1805 (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1987).

———. The Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, Volume 4: April 7-July 27, 1805 (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1987).

Murie, Adolph. Ecology of the Coyote in Yellowstone. Fauna of the National Parks of the United States No. 4 (Washington: U.S. Department of Interior National Park Service, 1940).

Murie, Olaus. Food Habits of the Coyote In Jackson Hole, Wyo. (Washington: United States Department of Agriculture, Bulletin 362, 1935).

———. Papers. Conservation Collection, CONS90, Denver Public Library, Denver, Colorado.

Nature and PBS. Meet the Coywolf (2013).

Nixon, Richard. “Special Message to the Congress Outlining the 1972 Environmental Program,” February 8, 1972. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project.

Nowak, Ronald. North American Quaternary Canis (Lawrence: University of Kansas Museum of Natural History, 1979).

———. Walker’s Mammals of the World (2 vols.; Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, sixth edition, 1999).

Nuttall, Thomas. A Journal of Travels into the Arkansas Territory During the Year 1819, Savoie Lottinville, ed. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1979).

Osburn, Katherine. “The Navajo at Bosque Redondo: Cooperation, Resistance, and Initiative, 1864–1868,” New Mexico Historical Review 60 (October 1985): 399–413.

Parkman, Francis. The Oregon Trail (New York: New American Library, 1950).

Pavlik, Steve. “Will Big Trotter Reclaim His Place? The Role of the Wolf in Navajo Tradition,” American Indian Culture and Research Journal 24 (Fall 2000): 1–19.

Peterson, Shannon. Acting for Endangered Species: The Statutory Ark (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2002).

Pike, Albert. Journeys in the Prairie, 1831–1832 (Canyon, TX: Panhandle-Plains Historical Society, 1969).

Powell, John Wesley. Report on the Lands of the Arid Region of the United States, with a More Detailed Account of the Lands of Utah (Boston: Harvard Common Press, facsimile edition, 1983).

Robinson, Michael. Predatory Bureacracy: The Extermination of Wolves and the Transformation of the West (Boulder: University Press of Colorado, 2005).

Russell, Edmund. Evolutionary History: Uniting History and Biology to Understand Life on Earth (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011).

Ruxton, George Frederick. Life in the Far West, Leroy Hafen, ed. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1950).

Ryden, Hope. God’s Dog: Celebration of the North American Coyote (New York: Viking, 1979).

Salt Lake Weekly Tribune, “A Journey Through Western Utah and Nevada, South of Grantsville,” September 8, 1887.

Sandlos, John. “Savage Fields: Ideology and the War on the North American Coyote,” Capitalism, Nature, Socialism 9 (June 1998): 41–51.

Sankararaman, Sriram, et al. “The Date of Interbreeding Between Neandertals and Modern Humans,” PLoS Genetics 8 (October 2012): 1–9.

Schimmoeller-Peiffer, Katrina. Coyote At Large: Humor in American Nature Writing (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 2000).

Seton, Ernest Thompson. “Tito: The Story of the Coyote That Learned How,” Scribner’s 28 (August 1900): 1–25.

Sheldon, Jennifer. Wild Dogs: The Natural History of the Nondomestic Canidae (Caldwell, NJ: Blackburn Press, 1992).

Shepard, Paul. The Others: How Animals Made Us Human (Washington: Island/Shearwater, 1996).

Shivik, John. The Predator Paradox: Ending the War with Wolves, Bears, Cougars, and Coyotes (Boston: Beacon Press, 2014).

Smail, Daniel Lord. On Deep History and the Brain (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008).

Smith, Doug. Interview with the author, September 2013, disk copy in author’s possession.

———. “Ten Years of Yellowstone Wolves, 1995–2005,” Yellowstone Science 13 (Winter 2005): 7–33.

Snyder, Gary. “The Incredible Survival of Coyote,” in The Old Ways (San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1977): 67–93.

Spiro, Jonathan. Defending the Master Race: Conservation, Eugenics, and the Legacy of Madison Grant (Burlington: University Press of New England, 2009).

Stroud, Patricia. Thomas Say: New World Naturalist (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1992).

Tedford, Richard, Xiaoming Wang, and Beryl Taylor. Phylogenetic Systematics of the North American Fossil Caninae (Carnivora: Canidae) (New York: Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 2009).

Tomer, John S., and Michael J. Brodhead, eds. A Naturalist in the Indian Territory: The Journals of S. W. Woodhouse, 1849–50 (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992).

Townsend, John Kirk. Narrative of a Journey Across the Rocky Mountains to the Columbia River (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1978).

Twain, Mark. Roughing It (New York: Penguin American Library, 1982).

Tyler, Hamilton. Pueblo Gods and Myths (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1964).

Van Nuys, Frank. Varmints and Victims: Predator Control in the American West (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2015).

VonHoldt, Bridgett M., et al. “A Genome-Wide Perspective on the Evolutionary History of Enigmatic Wolf-Like Canids,” Genome Research (Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2011).

Walt Disney Presents. “The Coyote’s Lament,” 1961.

Wang, Xiaoming. Interview with the author, October 2013, notes in author’s possession.

Way, Jonathan. Suburban Howls: Tracking the Eastern Coyote in Urban Massachusetts (Indianapolis: Dog Ear Publishing, 2014).

Wayne, Robert. Interview with the author, September 2013, notes in author’s possession.

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Webb, Walter Prescott. The Great Plains (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1981).

Whittlesey, Lee, and Paul Schullery. “How Many Wolves Were in the Yellowstone Area in the 1870s?” Yellowstone Science 19 (Spring 2011): 23–28.

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Wise, Michael. “Killing Montana’s Wolves: Stockgrowers, Bounty Bills, and the Uncertain Distinction between Predators and Producers,” Montana, the Magazine of Western History 63 (Winter 2013): 51–66.

Worster, Donald. Nature’s Economy: A History of Ecological Ideas (New York: Cambridge University Press, second edition, 1994).

Young, Julie. Interview with the author, November 2014, disk copy in author’s possession.

Young, Stanley, and Harley Jackson. The Clever Coyote (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1978).