“The Generation of Hunters,” “An Opening Day,” “Flying Fish,” “Fulfilling Our Foray,” and “Mud Lake: If Any” in slightly different form, appeared originally in Saturday Night.
“The Way We Do It Here” was first printed, somewhat shortened in Ontario 67.
“The Hard-Headed Collector” appeared in The Tamarack Review initially.
Particular thanks must be directed to Kildare Dobbs, for it was he who admitted the bias in the average Canadian reader against stories of this breed of reality and yet not only invented the disguise under which many of them found their way into print but encouraged the creation and publication of the full work. The Canada Council kindly provided a short-term grant during the summer of 1967 when much of the final rewriting was completed. An unknown New York Times humourist unwittingly provided some of the phrases in the final story.