Writing this book has been a great adventure for me. Right from its beginning, five years ago, it has led me a merry dance. I know that many writers experience this same feeling of their book having a soul all of its own. The Gene Keys have overseen the creation of a rich new landscape all around me, weaving together the many multi-coloured strands of my life into a vast magic carpet of pure possibility.
Many people, both seen and unseen, have made this journey possible for me.
Sheila Buchanan and Neil Taylor have walked the path through the Gene Keys with me from the beginning and I will always feel indebted beyond words to the unending faith, love and wisdom they have both for me and for this work. That this book exists at all is due in no small part to the altruistic spirit in which they have supported me down the years.
More recently, my life has also been blessed with the presence of Teresa Collins and Marshall Lefferts, both of whom have imbibed the Gene Keys deeply into their being, thus empowering me to discover new levels of synthesis and integration in the living body of the text. Both Teresa and Marshall have given their love, time and copious gifts unconditionally to the Gene Keys and continue to do a great service to the work and our growing community. Their combined skills have overseen all aspects of the publication of this book. Once again, my gratitude towards them both is beyond words.
There have of course been many teachers who have influenced me down the years and many of their hearts beat within the living veins of this teaching. Above all, Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov has been a constant internal reference for me, guiding me from a plane beyond our own. It is his prophetic understanding of the notion of the Great White Brotherhood and the coming planetary synarchy that permeates much of the wisdom behind the Gene Keys. I feel personally enriched to be able to honour and bow to the purity and inner light of this great Rishi who has guided the upper reaches of my awareness for many years now.
On a more practical plane, the Gene Keys owe a great debt to Ra Uru Hu, the founder of the Human Design System. It was Ra who opened my eyes to the real nature of the I Ching, and it was Ra who also taught me how to read the codes hidden inside it. I will always feel a deep love and gratitude towards this man who guided me towards my higher nature, and whose genius ultimately paved the way towards the Gene Keys themselves.
Still on a practical level I am also exceedingly indebted to Barbara McKinley for her excellent editing and for reorganising the text and even adding to its fluidity and natural cadence. She is a woman of rare ability and great generosity of spirit. Also many thanks to Lynda Rae for laying out the book and Jackie Morris for her beautiful dragonfly. A special thanks too to Melanie Eclare and Tom Petherick (a pair of stars sent from heaven) for their part in helping to bring this book and the Gene Keys into the world.
The journey that has led to the existence of this book has been one of many twists and turns, and I would like to thank some of the heroes and heroines I have met along the way whose destinies and hearts are woven at some level into its story. My gratitude to the following: Werner Pitzal for his amazing brotherly love, Linda Lowrey for her trust and devotion, Peter Maxwell Evans for his totality, Marina Efraimoglou for her warmth and generosity, Chetan Parkyn for his endless enthusiasm, Sally Searle for her empathic friendship and Shofen Lee for her consistently pure heart. The profound love and recognition I have felt from all these people has greatly accelerated my own ability to dive into the higher frequencies of the transmission and pull down its most exquisite jewels and insights. Again, I feel gratitude beyond words.
My penultimate acknowledgment is towards all the students I have met and come to know down the years. Many of them have become my trusted friends, allies and in some cases co-teachers. None of this would be possible without the love, support and encouragement of the core community that has formed around these teachings. I know that great things lie ahead for us all, and I am excited to explore our deeper communion together as a single unified field of consciousness. I drink to you all!
Finally, I must honour my family, my parents and my beautiful children, who are a continual inspiration and delight to me. Above all I bow to Marian my beloved wife. Her strength, radiance and pure spirit have enabled me to bring a new higher teaching down to earth. So often it is we men who are afforded all the praise for our creations. Even though it was I who spoke the actual words, it is Marian who has provided the space for this magic to occur, and for that I will always hold her more precious within my heart than words can say. Both as a muse and a mother, and as a friend and wife, she has grounded my dreams and been the constant earth to my star-drawn heaven.