




(3, 20, 23, 24, 27, 42)



The 27th Gene Key is truly vast in its implications at a planetary level. It governs the structure of the food chain, the preservation of gene pools both human and animal, and is key to understanding the precise mathematical laws that maintain an overall balance between the different species on our planet. It even controls the subtle shifts and changes underlying global climate and the weather. The ancient Chinese called this 27th hexagram of the I Ching Nourishment with good reason. It represents a built-in planetary law that rules all sentient life — to give is to receive.

Seen from a higher level of frequency, the 27th Shadow of Selfishness is a distortion of this fundamental law. When we look at nature through a macrocosmic lens, we see that all the different systems on this planet are interconnected. All life forms and matter, both organic and inorganic, are essentially porous at the subatomic level. There is an entire mathematics of giving and receiving that unites all forms and is primarily based upon food. We are using the word food here in the broadest possible sense — if you are a bacteria for example, your definition of food might be anything from gasoline to wood. The point is that life is a living chain of birth and decay — of creatures living off each other and transforming one thing’s death into another thing’s birth. At the profoundest level, nothing exists unless it can be eaten by something else.

We might refer to this principle within the 27th Gene Key as hologenetic. It is present in all creatures at a genetic level, but can also be replicated as a set of laws governing any and every system of life. In humans, for example, this law forms the basic thread of our morality — of what we consider good and bad. This 27th Shadow of Selfishness in particular is labelled as morally bad or undesirable. Through the 64 Gene Keys, however, all morality can be understood as simply the movement of frequency through a certain archetype. Seen in this objective way, there is no moral agenda. The 64 Shadows are not bad, even though their external manifestations are usually labelled so. All forms on our planet are constantly evolving in frequency, so among humans we see higher frequencies dominating in some places and lower frequencies in others.

Selfishness is where this 27th Gene Key begins its evolutionary journey in humans. The so-called selfish gene has been a requirement for us to survive, particularly for blood ties and close genetic groupings. However, selfishness must be transcended in order for the next form to mutate out of this existing form of Homo sapiens. This is how the mathematics of nature works. As the frequency within a species reaches its zenith, it pushes and stretches that form to make a quantum leap. For some time, the new form needs the care of the old form, even though ironically, the new form will ultimately eradicate the old form. Selfishness then is a stage in our evolution that is in the process of being transcended at a collective level. If it weren’t, humans would die out. This is not a question of morality. It is a question of evolution.

When we look at our world today, particularly through the world media, we have a tendency to focus on the negative aspects of life. That is due to the general low frequency of mass consciousness. But as a collective body we humans have already ascended far beyond individual or tribal selfishness. The structures that we have built into our society create opportunities for so many more people to be fed and nourished than ever before. It is true that an enormous amount of the world population still lives in poverty and suffers from malnutrition, just as it is true that selfishness is primarily responsible for this. However, collectively we have moved a long way from being monkeys. Even so, the current human vehicle is still designed for selfishness and is not easily suited to the higher frequencies. It is still relatively rare for humans to raise the frequency of their genetics even to the Gift level, let alone the Siddhic level. Thus our species must prepare itself to make the genetic quantum leap, because that is the only way that it can truly transcend its built-in selfishness.

By viewing selfishness in this way, perhaps we humans can begin to see through to the higher frequencies of the 27th Gene Key. Selfish acts cause devolution whereas selfless acts cause evolution. If we add to this a further equation from nature’s mathematics, we will see that the 27th Shadow of Selfishness is equal to purposelessness. This equation is created out of the twin binary of the 27th Shadow and its programming partner the 28th Shadow of Purposelessness. This binary coding leads to a dead-end. Selfishness does not pay well since it makes us imporous rather than porous. In the long run it closes down the possibility of our being nourished, whether by food or love. Selfishness cuts us off from the collective. Even though it may ensure individual survival, in order for our species to take the next evolutionary leap survival must become absolutely communal.

As an aspect of the chemical family known as the Ring of Life and Death, the 27th Shadow reminds us of the cosmic forces of creation and destruction. Every Shadow is destructive and leads to death, whereas every Gift leads to life. It is only at the highest siddhic level that life and death are finally transcended. Each of the codon groups function collectively across the entire gene pool to establish a field of frequency that pervades and influences the whole planet. Because the 27th Shadow is bound to the other Gene Keys in this Codon Ring, it is easy to see the true nature of selfishness. Through the 24th Shadow we can see how addictive it is, through the 3rd Shadow how it sets up chaos and through the 20th Shadow how it requires an absence of basic human awareness. Through the 23rd Shadow we can see how complicated selfishness makes life and finally through the 42nd Shadow how it is rooted in the false expectation that it will bring an end to suffering.


The repressed nature of this Shadow manifests as self-sacrifice, in the sense of giving away your personal power rather than giving from your heart. You give to others but without any natural sense of boundary, which either leads to your being taken advantage of or to a feeling of resentment from the receiver. The laws of life state that there must be a mutually beneficial exchange in order for a relationship to remain healthy. The repressive nature is afraid of its own dark side and tries to gloss it over by expending all its energy on others. Such self sacrifice also contains a subtle trace of guilt. The frequency of the giving does not come from one’s true heart and can only be received in the manner in which it is given, without real gratitude. Giving in this way causes more harm than good, because you inevitably deplete your own resources and gradually wear down your own health.


The reactive side of this Shadow is about giving with an agenda and not about being purely selfish in the sense of holding back your energy. These people give to others in order to get something back for themselves. This kind of political giving creates its own aura of manipulation and encourages distrust. When such people give to others and do not get back what they expected, the latent anger of their reactive nature suddenly explodes to the surface. All reactive natures have this capacity to lash out at others, and the 27th Shadow can often seem the most shocking because in the beginning it appears to be so generous and giving. This kind of giving comes entirely from the mind rather than from the heart.



The 27th Gift can be understood most clearly by observing it in the animal kingdom. Among the 64 Gene Keys there are certain Gifts that have a close connection with other species. In the case of the 27th Gift, the connection is with other mammals. This Gift represents the communal bond that exists between members of a group or family of mammals. For example, in a pod of dolphins, the 27th Gift is seen reflected in the pod mind — the invisible psychic force that unites these creatures and keeps them together. The pod mind monitors the safety of the pod as a whole. It functions through each individual dolphin but is instantly communicated to all members of the pod. The nature of this pod mind is Altruism, in the sense that if an individual member the pod is in danger, all dolphins will turn to assist it. Sometimes in mammals, an older member will even sacrifice itself to save a younger member, thus ensuring the continuation of the lineage.

At a higher frequency, this communal altruism that exists between family groups extends to the species as a whole. In humans, altruism ensures our survival as a species. It ensures a happier, healthier life, even though it may not always be the life you were expecting. Giving from the heart can stir up unexpected cosmic forces that work to your favour. To give to others simply for the sake of giving activates healthy currents deep within your body. Through selfishness you may acquire much for yourself, but you will not acquire a true sense of higher purpose. Purpose flows from altruism like water from a spring — it bubbles up inside you making you feel warm as well as spreading this feeling to others.

Another aspect of altruism is its ability to be detached. We have already seen through the Ring of Life and Death how closely linked the 27th Gift is to the 42nd Gift of Detachment. The primary difference between the 27th Shadow and the 27th Gift is that altruism gives without expectation as well as giving to causes that it knows will be fertile. The repressive side of the 27th Shadow — self-sacrifice — is about giving to the wrong people, exemplified in Christ’s parable of the farmer whose seed falls on infertile ground. Altruism is actually a form of intelligence that knows, through its vital connection to the group mind, what is worth giving to whom. It does not feed victim consciousness. Essentially it supports the empowerment of individuals through a process of deep communal bonding.

The 27th Gift’s ability to give in a detached way also means that these people are willing to bend or even break laws or moral codes in order to give others the support that they need. When caring comes from the heart, it has no trace of morality. This kind of caring is akin to a parent looking after its child, and indeed this 27th Gift has much to do with the education and nurturing of children. Those who have children of their own understand this urge to protect their young at a genetic level. It is one of the strongest forces on our planet. Because it has such a close resonance with all life forms, this Gift also has much to do with natural seven year cycles. The seven year cycle is the foundation of the educational and nurturing process. In human beings, this Gift creates enormous genetic pressure to stay with your offspring for a minimum of seven years. If you have this Gift as a part of your hologenetic profile, as a parent you will actually cause yourself physical, emotional and mental damage if you are not an integral part of your child’s first seven years of life. This genetic pressure is inherently healthy for the family. Even if the mother and father are no longer intimate, the child must become the primary focus. Every child needs the balance of both the male and female aura consistently during that crucial first seven years of life.

Everything in the child’s psyche is forged in the first seven year cycle. Beyond these seven years, other cycles of imprinting do exist, but the stage is already set. Any child who receives true nurturing from both the male and female in their first seven years will have a strong physical, emotional and mental constitution. In effect, they will always have the capacity to find their own inner strength. Such a child is likely to grow up with an altruistic nature rather than a selfish one. Of course, destiny arranges all manner of events that may split a mother and father apart, but nothing is ever lost. The opportunity for healing a split in these first seven years will always recur in your life at a later date. You may indeed have to heal your own childhood wounds by becoming a parent yourself. All relationships give us the opportunity to heal old wounds through sustained nurturing. This is in fact the secret of a happy relationship. If you are not content in your relationships it may be because you have not nurtured yourself fully. Every relationship provides this mirror.

The true nature of the 27th Gift is generosity, which is primarily about caring for others and for nature in general. These people can also make wonderful gardeners since they have a natural connection to the cycles of life and the ebb and flow of nature’s rhythms. This Gift also has a particular soft spot for those who are weak or afflicted. It is quite natural for those with this Gift in their hologenetic profile to find themselves involved in the service professions where they can offer nurturing to others. At a very high frequency the 27th Gift gives off a powerful aura of trust, which is immediately felt by others. Such an aura of trust often allows others to let down their guard and open themselves up to nurturing, sometimes for the first time in their lives. At a deep genetic level, the presence of this 27th Gift engages a feeling of communal security through its strong resonance to the group mind. As such it is one of the most powerful healing Gifts in the whole genetic matrix.



The 27th Siddhi is about as mystical a Siddhi as you can get. It is very challenging to explain this archetype in our common language. The knowledge that comprises the 64 Gene Keys is reflected in the substructure of life at a genetic level. Until humans fully understand the science of fractals, we will not really grasp the nature of the universe. Everything we look at is a hologram containing the blueprints to everything else. The current evolution of humanity as a whole is set to make the transition from the frequency of the 64 Shadows to the 64 Gifts. The highest frequency of the 64 Siddhis does not really concern the current stage of our species and has more to do with our future as a consciousness. This is why in certain rare humans a siddhic state will spontaneously blossom but cannot yet blossom among the totality. Those people in whom the Siddhi is made manifest represent a state that is not really designed for the current version of Homo sapiens. In this sense, all siddhic states appear as anomalies rather than the norm.

It is extraordinary to reflect that incredible information about our future hides within certain places in our genes. The 27th Siddhi is one of these secret places. In its present cycle this part of our genome is dormant, waiting for its time. It is operating at a mere fraction of its full capacity. In our current cycle it manifests within us as a kind of deep unconscious yearning for harmony. The outer symbol of this yearning is food, which is why the original Chinese name for this archetype was nourishment. The fact that our current planetary evolution is built upon one creature having to physically consume another to survive shows our deep limitation. We are not a species that can survive without food, but in the future we will be. At that far off stage in our evolution the true nature of 27th Siddhi will become fully apparent.

However, there are stages in our evolution where our genetics mutate and each one of the 64 Siddhis subtly shifts its capacity. We stand at the cusp of one of the greatest of these changes now. In the next few hundred years, the Siddhi of Selflessness will become widespread across our planet. Eventually this Siddhi will take hold of all life on earth and bind it together as one creature, although our current carbon based life forms are not capable of sustaining such a high band frequency. This will presage the time of the ending of food and the dawn of what we now understand as immortality — the 28th Siddhi — the programming partner of the 27th Siddhi. From where we stand now on the evolutionary ladder, this future stage seems like science fiction. When humanity stands in its Truth, devoid of any sense of self, true planetary awareness will dawn. In ancient cultures such as the aboriginals of Australia, ancient tales exist of a time when the awareness in animals and humans was indistinguishable and we operated as a single unified field of consciousness. This is the direction in which our human species is headed. At a higher level of reality we will in essence become extinct. We will no longer experience ourselves as a separate species but will function more like the neurological network for Gaia — the earth.

By taking a walk through each of the 64 Siddhis you may see the pattern of humanity’s eternal quest to meet its divine nature. There have been many different paths towards God. One of the greatest of these paths is the path of service, known in India as Bhakti Yoga — the path of compassion. Also known as the doctrine of harmlessness, this 27th Siddhi of Selflessness has manifested in the lives of many saints throughout history. This is not really about being a dogooder. There are those who try to help others for the wrong reasons, out of the subtlest desire for recognition, or to cover up their own deep pain. Selflessness is an absolutely pure yearning to provide succour to others. There is no trace of self-consciousness in it. Such people have made a quantum leap, and the siddhic energy available to them is enormous. They can work in situations that normal people would find impossible. Despite endlessly giving themselves to others, they don’t become depleted but are continually nourished by the refined currents of the aura of love surrounding them.

The Mathematics of Love are built into the structure of all life, but only when we discover these laws will human beings realise their highest potential. Inherent in the 27th Siddhi is the realisation of the divine law of philanthropy — the love of humanity. Philanthropy unlocks the secret of free energy because it gives selflessly of itself, and it gives intelligently. To give without awareness is charity, but to give with awareness is philanthropy. The 27th Siddhi knows how to distinguish between that which is alive and that which is decaying, and it gives unremittingly to that which is alive. At the siddhic level the 27th Gene Key becomes capable of miraculous healing. As long as there is an ounce of life force within something, the vast love coming through the 27th Siddhi can revive it. Because this Siddhi draws upon the entire bio-energetic field of Gaia, it has the capacity to heal any disease or sickness, so long as the indwelling awareness is aligned more strongly with life than with death.

One other way of approaching this Siddhi is through the analogy of music. There are certain Siddhis that have a deep relationship to music as the binding force behind all life. This 27th Siddhi concerns the music of the elements as they combine and recombine, endlessly feeding off each other. There are indeed precise fractal mathematical laws that govern the cycles of the elements on our planet. The way in which water and air combine, both through the global weather patterns and within the digestive tracts and respiratory systems of all creatures, creates an exquisite harmonic if we could but hear it. To reverse an old metaphor, on our planet love is the food of music, and it can be found everywhere. To those listening through the ears of the 27th Siddhi, this love is all they hear. One day you too will hear this music.