The 64 Gene Key Shadows provide the grist for the mill of all human suffering. Each shadow provides a mythic challenge for humanity to move through which, at the individual level, is fought within the physical battlefield of the body. The 36th Shadow is an emotional battle that must be fought by every individual at certain points during his or her life. As a vibration felt across the length and breadth of our planet, this Shadow manifests as a collective emotional turbulence. This turbulence exists because uncertainty exists and every human being knows that disaster could strike at any moment. There is a great deal of heavy propaganda for this 36th Shadow, particularly through the modern mass media. The continual barrage of negative news via television and the media ensures that most human beings are programmed with an unconscious background field of nervousness and turbulence.
At a certain point in history, the 64 patterns or hexagrams of the Chinese I Ching were adapted for the purposes of divination and for predicting cycles within time. It is the modern use of the I Ching as an oracle that is so popular today. The ancient sages noticed that when certain hexagrams were drawn, they indicated periods of intense crisis or danger. The 36th hexagram was one such hexagram, and thus it was given the ominous name The Darkening of the Light. There is much truth within this name, although when understood at its most profound level, the 36th Shadow contains an enormous wealth of consciousness.
Extrapolated to our genetics, the 36th Gene Key represents a part of our chemistry that goads human beings to break through boundaries of experience. At a collective level this is a vital aspect of human survival — to learn what is dangerous and what is not. Evolution in this sense can be viewed in a much wider context. It uses us humans as experiential eyes to probe the outer limits of consciousness itself and demands that we look into the darkness, put our fears aside and plunge in regardless. Because of this Shadow, there can be no human life free of emotional turbulence. It is deeply engrained in our myths. The modern phenomenon of the television soap opera is a prime example of our collective recognition of the emotional turmoil all humans have to go through over the course of their lives. One of the greatest determinants of our frequency is how we deal with emotionally challenging situations.
Nowhere does the 36th Shadow wreak more destruction than in the field of human relationships. Keep in mind that the programming partner of this Gene Key is the 6th Gene Key whose Shadow is Conflict — the breakdown of communication between individuals or groups. One of the deepest human yearnings is for a perfect loving relationship. It is a yearning that has been with us since the beginning of time, and the journey towards this ultimate dream of ours begins here in the 36th Shadow. The journey begins, as do so many of our myths, with the challenges of our sexuality and with the guilt that follows it.
At a low level of frequency the 36th Shadow manifests most strongly through our sexuality where it becomes sexual lust. Sexual lust is simply a low frequency expression of the evolutionary urge to break through another boundary of experience. Lust itself is an incredible chemical turbulence felt within the body. When it presents itself, it can create all manner of emotional disturbance in your life. Seen without a moral connotation, lust is a very pure energy. Whether you try to resist it or yield to it, one thing it does is make your life more interesting in terms of your experience! This is exactly the purpose of the 36th Shadow — to create an interesting storyline to your life thereby pushing you forward. However, at the lower levels of this shadow frequency, human beings can go through suffering after suffering until they finally begin to evolve.
The problem at all low levels of frequency is that the patterns perpetuate themselves. With the 36th Shadow lust can be suppressed, causing illness, or it can be expressed, causing guilt and/or deception. Lust in itself is not a negative energy, but is dirtied through entanglement in human morality. Sooner or later, all human beings must raise their frequency in order to escape being victims of these Shadows. When this happens, problems such as sexual lust cease to be problems. They are dealt with cleanly and honestly, with openhearted communication and freedom from guilt. No feeling in us is ever wrong or bad. Every human being is innocent of their own chemistry and the way it makes them feel. Difficulties emerge when we react or repress our feelings out of fear or anger, creating enormous turbulence within our own lives and those closest to us.
Among mystics, the 36th Shadow has long been known as the Dark night of the Soul. It is an archetype within human beings that pulls us towards the unknown, and that draws the unknown towards us. In so doing, this Shadow tests your levels of frequency and offers you the opportunity to transcend your own suffering. It tends to draw crisis towards itself like a magnet. If you do not break out of your own victim patterns but continue to resist your true nature, you will keep being shown the same lessons again and again until you learn from them.
The potential suffering that exists on account of this Gene Key is part of a genetic family known as the Ring of Divinity. This is a quite beautiful revelation. Each of the four Gene Keys within this codon group has the capacity to awaken the highest consciousness inside you. Being allied to the Grace of the 22nd Gene Key, these four archetypes bring intense emotional experiences and challenges to your life. They also tend to plunge you into a deep dark night in which you are riddled with self-doubt (the 63rd Shadow). Ultimately however, the theme of this codon group is redemption. As you allow yourself to be purged by the power of your own suffering, you will realise the utter bliss of the higher states and will recognise your own huge good fortune. As we shall see, this codon group in many respects is deeply connected to the true meaning of the Christ consciousness. If you feel a strong connection to it, or have it as a key aspect of your hologenetic profile, you are indeed a fortunate human being and your journey will inevitably lead you to this realisation.
When emotional turbulence is resisted, it becomes nervousness that ripples through one’s entire body and aura. These are natures that are terrified of change and that attempt to maintain outer calm at all costs. The cost is that the turbulence becomes internalised and gets trapped in the nervous system. Such people are unable to relax and send nervous waves into their immediate environment as well as into others, destabilising the very things that they are trying to keep stable. These are also people who tend to repress their sexuality out of their deep-seated fear of change. They can be very hard to approach or get to know. Nevertheless, the terrific primal force of our sexuality cannot be indefinitely repressed, and the usual result is a nervous breakdown or cancerous disease of some kind.
When emotional turbulence is expressed without clarity or honesty, it results in repetitive destructive emotional situations. These are people whose lives run like the soap operas. The reactive nature is more likely to have sexual affairs and then conceal them through guilt. However, as with the repressive nature, non-acceptance of your true nature always comes back to haunt you, and thus life will always tend to draw an emotional crisis into such a person’s life from a different and usually unexpected direction. These people do not realise that their inability to deal with their emotions and sexuality cleanly and honestly creates further turmoil in other seemingly unrelated areas of their life.
When your struggles with sexuality and emotional turbulence are finally embraced openly and honestly, a remarkable Gift is born — you finally graduate as a human being! The 36th Gift is the Gift of Humanity, and this is what human suffering is really all about. It is our suffering that connects us all together. It opens up your eyes beyond your self-obsessions and forces you to evolve beyond your selfishness. To be a fully integrated human being means to begin to transform your own suffering and open your heart to life. A person with the Gift of Humanity is a person who truly understands human emotions and who consequently understands all people. You can see here how the programming partner of this gift, the 6th Gift of Diplomacy, matures simultaneously as this 36th Gift matures. The moment you let go of the notion that you are somehow a victim of the fates, you begin to finally communicate cleanly with others.
The Gift of Humanity is truly a Gift that can only be earned. These are people who have looked deeply into their own Shadows and who have grappled with the challenges of their sexuality and their emotions. These are people who are in the process of accepting their own suffering and thus experience it at a different level of frequency. Only at the highest levels is our suffering instantaneously transformed into rapture. At the Gift level however, suffering is still suffering, but it brings human beings together rather than pushing them apart. This Gift is about humaneness — it is about working from your heart. When you begin to live from your heart, you suddenly have an antidote to fear.
The 36th Gift is driven by the same urge as the 36th Shadow — the evolutionary impulse to experience new feelings and new situations in order to learn from them. Here, with an open heart, the 36th Gift can negotiate challenging and potentially turbulent emotional situations with maturity and diplomacy, taking one’s own and others’ feelings into consideration. People with the 36th Gift are thus the kind of people that others turn to when in distress, since their aura resonates strongly with the common human theme of suffering. At this level these people are no longer overwhelmed by emotions as they tend to be at the Shadow level, but have opened and expanded themselves to life through harsh experience. This makes them emotionally capable of handling all manner of traumatic experiences.
As a living transmission, the 36th Gift carries a great teaching into the world — the celebration of humanity. It contains a natural spirituality that is more humanist than Divine. In this sense it is one of the most grounded of all the Gene Keys. It is a bridge for the higher bodies of humanity to move down into the lower planes and transform them. It conveys the image of Christ descending into hell and absorbing its frequencies fully into his own being. All human beings partake of this Gene Key, whether it is prominent in your hologenetic profile or not. Every emotional struggle that comes your way talks directly to this aspect within your DNA. At the Gift level, the 36th Gene Key has learned to accept the pain rather than run from it. In embracing pain, you are actually trusting in your own strength and in life. If you are in pain, then that pain is there to teach you something. It is an invitation to accept your humanity in more depth and to feel the humility of living within a mortal form.
The presence of the 36th Gift in someone’s genetic makeup gives a deep insight into what kind of life they will live. People with the 36th Gift prominent in their hologenetic profile will have a strong theme of emotional healing running through their lives, and will tend to draw experiences and people into their lives who reflect this. The higher they are able to raise their frequency, the clearer and more profound their emotional experiences will become. The evolutionary urge to go on exploring new territory ensures that these people will never lead dull lives, and at the higher levels they can experience the most profound, heart-opening experiences. The 36th Gift is an archetype of the true purpose of all human suffering. These people are here to teach us that life is full of flavour and that pleasure and pain always come together. The deepest role of the 36th Gift is to help humans to become humane by respecting others and by embracing your own suffering whatever it looks like, rather than being dragged down into the depths of victimhood. It is this courage and deep acceptance of the life process that will eventually give rise to the highest of all human expression — the expression of compassion.
There is perhaps no better symbol for the entire journey from the 36th Shadow to the 36th Siddhi than the life of Christ. In examining the 64 Siddhis, one can see that certain Gene Keys appear to have very strong connections with certain mystical lineages or figures. The myth of Christ is one of these key repeating lineages, but the lineage does not so much concern the historical personage of Jesus himself as the frequency represented by him. The symbol of Christ on the cross is a powerful reminder of the truths inherent within this 36th Gene Key. It reminds us that we are each mortal and that there is great beauty in our humanity, echoed in Christ’s assertion that he was the son of man.
People who do not understand the true relevance of the symbol of Christ on the cross may see this as an inglorious representation of a god. In most religions, the prophets or gods are seen as powerful, beautiful or awesome, whereas the figure of a man dying helplessly on a cross appears to be a deep representation of a victim state of consciousness. However, it is this aspect of Christ that makes him such an approachable figure for so many people. The very fact that he is suffering makes him more human. This approachability is what sets the 36th Siddhi so far apart from many of the other manifestations of the siddhic level of consciousness. This is a Siddhi that spans the chasm between man and god, between being a victim and being enlightened. It speaks to every single human being, and it asks each of us to ask ourselves a single question: “Why must I suffer?”
The answer to the question of suffering lies here within the 36th Siddhi. It is the same answer given to us by the 25th Siddhi — it is all about Love. However, the Universal Love manifested through the 25th Siddhi is very different from the Compassion expressed through this 36th Siddhi. Universal Love almost has a distant quality to it, as though it came from the gods themselves. The 36th Siddhi, on the other hand, speaks in the language of man, since it can only flower through a journey of intense suffering. Such is the path of the 36th Gene Key. This is the flowering of suffering itself, and as such it can no longer be understood through the word suffering. It is the fragrance released after the storm is over, and just like the 36th Gift of Humanity, this is a Siddhi that has to be earned.
Beings like Jesus, who attain final liberation through this Siddhi, are salt of the earth people. They are burnished over and over again through the trials their life brings to them, and once they have made that magical step away from seeing suffering as negative, it stops being so. It actually becomes their muse. At the siddhic level, your own suffering becomes so universalised that it encompasses all humanity. All boundaries of self dissolve. Suffering and Compassion merge into one as your human heart explodes with the feelings of all human beings — their pleasures and their pain, their aches and longings, their vices and their virtues. At this siddhic level, as the programming partner of the 6th Siddhi testifies, Peace reigns supreme.
In every mythic journey there must always be a final trial — a moment of utter hopelessness and helplessness, like Jesus hanging bereft on the cross crying out in agony to his God for understanding. These moments — these darkenings of the light — come to us in life not so much to test us, but to cut us so deeply with our own humanity that we are reminded of the awesome power of our own compassion for all our fellow men. Such trials give us the opportunity to make huge evolutionary leaps out of our Shadow states and into the higher frequencies. There are many traditions which speak of this Siddhi in terms of miraculous transformations made by truly evil beings who in a moment of utter horror and complete surrender, make the leap straight from the shadow state into the siddhic state. This is one of the very few Gene Keys that allows such miraculous leaps of consciousness.
Those in whom this Siddhi has awakened tend to keep moving into those areas of life where the light is most darkened. They usually flourish during periods of crisis or war, or live and work among the poor and wretched. The 36th Siddhi goes on longing to explore the frontiers of consciousness within form, and after a certain point it ceases to care or identify with its own security at all. Anyone manifesting the 36th Siddhi has at some point sunk into such a dark space of helplessness themselves that it is impossible for them to experience anything as intense again. This has the effect of annihilating all fear from their system, so that true peace emanates from within them. The simple presence of such people and the look in their eyes or the softness of their voice can trigger all manner of so-called miracles in those whom they meet. These are the most heart-melting people ever to walk the face of the earth. Wherever they go, the true frequency latent within human suffering is immediately released and compassion tears open people’s chests and explodes inside their hearts. Even the darkest of natures can be instantaneously brought to tears through the presence of this 36th Siddhi.
With the above in mind and held softly in your heart, perhaps you may come to a deeper intuitive understanding of the true meaning of the Beatitudes, those famous words of Jesus uttered in the Sermon on the Mount:
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”