CODON RING: THE RING OF SEEKING (15, 39, 52, 53, 54, 58) |
Even though there are so many incredibly different flavours and possibilities within the human genetic matrix, there are relatively few themes governing humanity. The 21 Codon Rings program us collectively and individually to move along certain easily recognisable pathways. All the archetypes that appear on our television screens and in our novels and myths are therefore represented in our DNA. The 39th Gene Key and its programming partner the 38th Gene Key hold a truly unique place in our collective cosmology. Above all other archetypes, these two represent the myth of the warrior.
Legends and myths have extraordinary power over our different cultures. Even today, when campfire stories have been replaced by the silver screens in our living rooms, the myth of the warrior still holds us captive. We shall see in due course why we aspire so strongly to attain the highest frequencies of this 39th Gene Key. Meanwhile, the equally potent lower frequencies of the 39th Shadow are extremely sinister, as they currently hold the majority of humanity within their thrall. The 39th Shadow is responsible for maintaining a planetary vibration dominated by a single quality — violence.
Rooted in your adrenaline system, this 39th Gene Key is a highly dynamic code that is all about action. It has a gutsy, explosive and primal quality to it. People with these Gifts and Shadows are not led by their heads but by the primitive urge to act, whether wisely or foolishly. You can see from both the repressive and reactive sides of the spectrum, that this is a dangerous Shadow with which to cross paths. It is rooted in the fear of being trapped, which is essentially the fear of losing your individual freedom to act. We all know how dangerous animals become when trapped, and we humans carry that same fear in our ancestral DNA. There are many reasons why humans can be incited to violence but here we find one of the oldest reasons of all — the threat to individual freedom.
The 39th Shadow is like a cobra waiting to strike. This violence is personal, and when aimed precisely at its target seldom misses. We most often see its manifestation in our personal relationships. This is the Shadow of Provocation or, in everyday language, button-pushing. Have you ever wondered how it is that your partner, parent or child knows the precise code, tone and word that really provokes your anger? Violence comes in many forms, and it does not have to be physical. Emotional violence is acoustic, using intonation to achieve its result. It isn’t what they say — it’s in the tone they use! Tone never lies, although it is usually totally unconscious. Like a child whining at the exact pitch that irritates you, every provocation has its tone. When someone is trying to make you feel guilty for example, they unconsciously use a self-pitying tone that touches the exact location of your guilt. It’s all rooted in sound.
As we have seen throughout this book genes can be adapted, even though they cannot easily be altered. It is a matter of frequency, and frequency is about sound. As your attitude shifts, so your frequency shifts. If you focus only on the negative aspects of a situation, then your frequency drops. If you focus on the positive, then it lifts. It depends on which octave you are tuned to. Attitude in this sense is always acoustic. What kind of process does information go through as it enters your ears? How have you wired your own thinking and feeling to respond to the myriad intonations from the environment? Until you create an inner transformer to tune out lower frequencies and tune in higher ones, the lower frequencies will hit your DNA and bounce back as a reaction rooted in a similar low frequency.
The 39th Shadow has a single goal — to provoke you. If you are easily provoked by a person, any person, then you are under the influence of the lower frequency of this Shadow. You are trapped as soon as you react to the provocation. The provoker and the provoked are simply playing out an age-old chess game of abuser and victim. Most of us play both roles at different times and with different people. The programming partner of the 39th Shadow is the 38th Shadow of Struggle. It is a genetic law that the moment you react violently (emotionally or physically) to an emotional provocation, you are engaging with the energy of struggle and effort. In this instance the violence is aimed personally and directly at a single person. This is different from anger that is simply released in a more healthy way without being directed towards anyone in particular.
The power of the 39th Shadow over human beings lies in our tendency to take things personally. The astonishing reason for this is that we think we exist as individuals, whereas in fact we are quantum patterns in an ever-changing web of energy. The next time someone provokes you emotionally, try to understand what really just happened to you. If you reduce it down to essentials, all that happened was that someone resonated some speech codes by means of their vocal cords, and this simple collection of tones caused you to react in a violent unconscious emotional manner. In the old days they would have called that other person a wizard to exert such control over you.
In light of the above, all violence can be understood as an acoustic field in which individuals react automatically and personally to speech codes according to pre-conditioned patterns. In other words, violence is an addiction for most people on our planet, which is why we endlessly watch it on our television screens. Even so, most of us feel that we have very little to do with the world news or the many atrocities going on in the world around us. We tend to think that these situations are the fault of other people. However, the deepest and most shocking truth is that every time we either provoke or are provoked by someone else in an emotionally violent manner, we are propagating the world energy field of violence and co-creating these very news headlines.
All patterns held at a low frequency trap the human life force deep within your body. The 39th Shadow ensures that you do not breathe deeply. When you do not breathe fully, you deplete your energy and reduce your capacities. One of the sure signs of the 39th Shadow is fatigue. People who lack dynamism in life are people who have allowed themselves to feel trapped in some way. The irony is that the solution does not lie in changing their outer lives, but in changing their attitude. When your attitude changes, then your outer life begins to reflect this. If you just change your outer circumstances without changing your attitude, you will simply end up feeling trapped again.
One final intriguing insight about this 39th Shadow is that it influences the shape of the human body. The shape of your body is primarily determined by the way you metabolise the food you eat. When you operate at a low frequency you cannot metabolise your food properly, so you feel hungrier than you actually are. However, it is your spirit that is hungry rather than your body, and no matter how much food you eat, you will never quite feel sated. Your spirit is actually hungry for creativity — it has an urgent need to express its inner beauty. Thus the world reflects the 39th Shadow through global eating patterns. In the West, one of the great new health problems is obesity, whereas in the East it is malnutrition. These are both outward reflections of the power of the 39th Shadow operating at a collective genetic level. Until we humans release our own unique creativity into the world, we will be caught in one of these two uncomfortable extremes.
The foundation of each of the 64 Shadows is to be found in its repressive nature — the state of fear. Fear lies even deeper than anger, which lies at the source of the reactive nature. When fear is expressed it becomes anger. However, when fear is not expressed it traps us. All repression is rooted in being trapped. The most perfect trap is the one that we are unaware of and this is the case with the 39th Shadow. What is really trapped is our unlimited reservoir of life force and creativity. The majority of humanity is in fact trapped by the lowest frequencies of the 64 Gene Keys. It is fear that keeps us asleep. Those with the 39th Shadow in their nature are the ones whose life energy is often most frozen. Locked into habitual emotional patterns, their awesome human potential lies completely inert, as though asleep. This is why human awakening can be such a powerful event because as we awaken, our life force is released and our latent creativity is born.
The first stage in awakening is in fact to get angry! It takes the energy of anger to crack the layers and layers of inertia and repressed fear. As we begin to feel our fear, it transforms into anger and we begin to act it out or project it onto others. This is the energy of provocation. It is actually fear made dynamic, but there is not yet freedom within it. We are still trapped by our anger and by our need to externalise our fear through causing others pain. People who are provocative by nature are usually unconscious of the fact. By provoking others they are simply heaping misery back on themselves. Such people are really seeking love at a deep level but are doing so through negative attention, which is abusive. Most human beings are caught by the lower frequencies of this 39th Gene Key, witnessed by every time we speak words whose underlying intention is to cause pain to another.
As you activate the higher frequency of this Gene Key, you begin to have a notion of the nature of the energy that drives all children. As we know, children seem to have endless energy that just crackles in the very air around them. Many parents are literally dumbfounded by how active children are every moment they are awake. This is the raw energy of the 39th Gift — the Gift of Dynamism.
It is interesting to note how, as you make the transition from child to adult and your personal and cultural conditioning gradually take you over, you also experience a decline in your natural dynamism. By the age of seven years old, most of your inherent patterns are already set in stone. It is therefore essential that children be given enormous amounts of time and space within their first seven years, as their natural dynamism needs to flow in an unimpeded manner. Of course children need boundaries, but primarily, in their first seven years all they really need to do is play. Play is dynamism exemplified. It is the unbridled expression of the basic energy of life. Sadly, in many cultures, mostly western, children are sent to school at some point within their first seven years and their natural seven-year cycle of unstructured play is interrupted. This early emphasis on mental learning interferes with the child’s basic genetic need to express its dynamism through its body, rather than through its mind.
One of the reasons for modern society’s insistence on early learning is our misunderstanding of the difference between knowledge and genius. There is a collective belief that genius is something of a freak occurrence — that it is somehow not the norm. There is also a collective belief that genius has to do with knowledge, rather than intelligence. But true intelligence has nothing to do with the mind, even though it can manifest through the mind. Genius is simply the fruit of a natural intelligence that has not been interfered with. Whereas knowledge can be forced, genius needs to be given a great deal of time and space to develop organically. The first seven years of a child’s life is the natural seeding time of their later genius.
Having said all of that, the news is not all bad. No matter how good or bad your upbringing may have been, all conditioning can be reversed. However, this deconditioning usually involves a journey of awakening in which you have to raise your own frequency back to its original state. When this occurs, your natural dynamism returns, and it returns as creativity. The same energy that is play for the young child matures into creativity and genius in adults. One of the simplest and quickest ways to raise your frequency is to do what you love in life. If you do what you truly love you will unleash your creative dynamism, and the more creative you are the more energy becomes available to you. This is the simple equation that is missed by so many people. As with each of the Gene Keys that are a part of this Codon Ring — the Ring of Seeking — the 39th Gift creates enormous pressure in the individual and their immediate environment. It is this pressure that gives rise to so much creativity.
The same pressure that was provocative at a low frequency is also provocative at a higher frequency, but it is a matter of what you provoke. At the low frequency, fear provokes fear and anger provokes anger. At the higher frequency level of the 39th Gift, Dynamism can be contagious. Whenever you meet someone expressing their latent genius, it draws you in. In such a person’s presence you feel capable of so much more, and your horizons expand as you begin to breathe fully once again. You will be amazed at how prolific people of genius can be in terms of their creativity. They never seem to run out of energy, as though they are being driven by a force beyond themselves. This is the 39th Gift in action; it is about action and energy — it doesn’t wait but initiates, pushes, sparks and catalyses. A person living out the 39th Gift unleashes a tidal wave of creative activity wherever they go.
The other aspect of the 39th Gift is that it knows no fear. This is the true spirit of the warrior. There are many grades of warrior. There are those who simply fight unconsciously because they cannot help it — these are the people who cannot resist whatever it is that has provoked them to action. But there are higher types of warrior too, those who are provoked but who manage to control and direct their anger. Because these people are operating out of a higher frequency of awareness, they will defeat those who cannot control their anger. Beyond even this, at the siddhic level, are those rare warriors who cannot be provoked at all. They have seen the nature of reality: there are no individuals in the first place, which makes it impossible to play the game of conflict anymore.
In conclusion we can see that at the Gift level of frequency, the same energy that gives rise to violence becomes creative action. The provocative energy of this Gene Key is no longer used in reaction, but is now used in the service of provoking creativity and freedom in others. The energy of the 39th Gift is not afraid of hurting another person’s feelings if it means breaking them out of a lower frequency energy pattern. The pressure of Dynamism cannot help but create more dynamism. The real essence of this 39th Gift is thus to touch other people’s spirits in a way that helps them break out of their traps and into higher levels of freedom and energy.
Perhaps from reading and contemplating this 39th Gene Key, you can begin to have a sense of what happens as this same energy hits the highest planes of frequency. There is always a point where the Gift suddenly makes the quantum leap to the Siddhi and the blossom becomes the fruit. In the case of the 39th Gift, Dynamism becomes Liberation when it finally forgets itself entirely. The 39th Gene Key is highly individualistic — it has to be in order not to be taken in by the status quo. Unique creativity has to break out of all conditioned patterns in order to rise to the heights of genius. The Ring of Seeking provides the pressure that drives human beings to eventually transcend themselves.
At the siddhic level, an interesting thing occurs when all this genetic pressure breaks through to a higher dimension. Consciousness merges back into the totality, which means that it has to give up its greatest gift — individual freedom. There is a great irony here. Only in giving up the illusion of your individual freedom can you receive an even greater gift — the liberation of being. Few people are able to make the transition from creative genius to divinity because you must give up the very thing that appears to fuel your creativity — your individuality. To the genius, the giving up of one’s individuality seems akin to death. But in order to attain a siddhic state, you must pass through the Gift level of consciousness and give up your seeking. This means that with every one of the 64 Gene Keys, you will have to give up your hard-earned Gift in all its glory in order to make the leap to the final level.
Dynamism as we have seen, feeds upon itself. To be dynamic is to create more and more possibilities through action. The by-product of Dynamism is that it serves many people, which in turn raises its vibration. The more people you serve, the more rarefied your frequency becomes until one day you reach the crux point. The crux point is not easy to describe. It cannot be predicted and it cannot be prepared for. Mystics have usually described it as a death and a subsequent rebirth. In the case of the 39th Siddhi, it feels like a physical death because this is such a physical, dynamic Gene Key. You have to put your entire being on the line. All your plans, creativity, work, intent and service must be surrendered into a single vanishing point. When this event arrives, there is no mistaking it. It comes with the guarantee that you will transcend. There are no failures in this sense. You can only move through the tunnel of agony until it turns into ecstasy.
Liberation is one of the strangest of phenomena. It is perceived by the un-liberated as an experience, even though it is not an experience since there is no one to experience it. Even though liberation is often described as an event, it is not an event. Even though it appears to happen within time, it does not. It occurs outside of time. There are no sounds that can be vibrated that resonate with this phenomenon. There are no words to describe liberation because there is no process to describe. It is perhaps best understood as analogous to dying.
Liberation is beautifully represented through the metaphor of the warrior’s death. The warrior’s life is one of preparation, adversity, energy and finally, death. The perfect death for the warrior is to die in battle. In ancient society, it was a great honour for the warrior to die in battle (the 38th Siddhi is the Siddhi of Honour). All of this is a metaphor for something that exists at a much higher level than we generally realise. Of course, the warrior is you — the independent human being. Your battlefield is the world, and the war is life. The true warrior is the one who is willing to die for the highest cause, whether that is represented by your country, your cause, your brothers and sisters or your children. The important part of the metaphor is that the warrior has to give his or her life for another, just as Christ died for humanity upon the cross. As in all of the great legends and stories, there is always a rebirth that takes place after the warrior has given his life for a higher cause. This rebirth is liberation, and it occurs only after great effort and many trials. This is the way of the 39th Gene Key, and the reward is the annihilation of fear through the death of the smaller self. This is the true meaning and symbolism of the warrior and is why we all aspire to it.
Liberation may sound similar to freedom, but there are subtle and important differences. Freedom represents the 55th Gene Key. There is in fact a deep connection between the 55th and 39th Gene Keys. At the siddhic level, the resonance of each word is precise and specific. Liberation is a provocative energy — it tests and challenges those who are drawn to it. The person manifesting the Siddhi of Liberation is profoundly dangerous to be around — not in the sense of physical danger, but in the sense of the Shadow patterns. This is not a person that treads lightly around you. This is a force that bores right into the heart of your low frequency patterns and strips you down to the bones of your true being. These are the teachers who direct the force of their love right at the weakest chink in your armour. Just as the lower frequency of this Gene Key pushes your buttons out of reaction, the sage displaying the 39th Siddhi will use any technique at their disposal to test the limits of your surrender. If you take anything personally, then you still have limits to your surrender.
The 39th Gene Key is related to the 55th Gene Key in the same way in which a spring mechanism releases an explosive energy. When all human seeking has exhausted itself a great need to act arises, and this pressure is currently building within all human DNA. Life itself is struggling to transcend its struggle through human beings, and the 39th Shadow builds the tension for change until it is released through the human genome as the Siddhi of Liberation. Even before the mutation of the 55th Gene Key therefore, we will hear the dynamic explosion of this energy, which provokes the mutation itself. Thus we will see how the energy of liberation ultimately provokes the realisation of Freedom.