




(18, 46, 48, 57)  



There is no darker place represented anywhere within human DNA than the 48th Shadow. This Shadow gives rise to one of the deepest of human fears — the fear that we are inherently inadequate. Human beings as a rule have no idea of their true capabilities. We can look around and see individual examples of great men and women who have displayed remarkable gifts and who have sometimes achieved the miraculous. However, humanity as it is today has not waked from its dark dreams. We stand at the cusp of one of the greatest turning points in our evolutionary history, and each of us will have to look deeply into this primal fear if we are to make the great leap that now lies before us.

Only during times of great collective crisis is it possible to see the potential of the 48th Gene Key. It seems the medium of crisis is required to bind human beings together. We see this uniting power during times of war, which often activate the higher frequencies of this Gene Key and allow groups of people to operate as a single entity, overcoming great odds and performing incredible feats rarely seen in peacetime. This phenomenon says much about the nature of the 48th Gene Key, which at its source is a power rooted in communion and service. Because humanity is now facing its greatest ever crisis —namely the destruction of our own environment — the potential of this 48th Gene Key is urging us to dig deep into our souls for collective and practical resolutions. In the years ahead, we are going to have to understand this 48th Gene Key and the hold that its shadow frequency has over us.

Because of its role within the codon group known as the Ring of Matter, the 48th Gene Key is one of four Gene Keys that govern our developmental cycles as children. The 48th Gene Key imprints us throughout our second seven-year cycle from the age of seven to fourteen. This second cycle relates to our emotional development and explains exactly where our feelings of inadequacy come from. As we incarnate into our emotional or astral body, the prevalent emotional patterns of our parents and the world at large are imperceptibly imprinted within our aura. The 48th Shadow seeps into our genes to undermine us through a deep sense of emotional inadequacy. As we go through the tender time of puberty, society’s conditioning sends us very confusing and contradictory messages about how to handle our emotional and sexual nature. Most people have little idea how profound and delicate this developmental stage is for young people, and for the most part they are left to deal with it on their own. The result is that few emerge unscathed.

Until quite recently, emotions were generally seen as something that undermined intelligence, which was understood as being equated only with rational thinking. Thankfully, emotional intelligence — also known as EQ — is now increasingly recognised by more and more people. The fact is that your EQ is a perfect counterbalance to your IQ, and together they make up a well-rounded intelligent individual. Most people have never learned to take full responsibility for their emotions. They get caught in the drama of projecting their emotional states onto others. The 48th Shadow is responsible for creating these emotionally illiterate generations. If we don’t know how to handle emotional states with equanimity, integrity and clarity, we never fully enter adulthood, but remain at some level children.

The frequency that the 48th Shadow releases into the cells of your body emerges as a profound uncertainty about the future and your ability to handle it. When coupled with its programming partner, the 21st Shadow of Control, these two Shadows program human beings to try to stay in control of every area of our lives. We create a false reality of details, timelines and systems, all designed to make us feel more secure. The irony is that nothing external can take away our core fear of inadequacy. An even darker side to this Shadow concerns the manipulation of this fear as a means of controlling others. The feeling of emptiness experienced at the Shadow frequency drives human beings to try to fill this inner void through the acquisition of knowledge. But knowledge cannot take away the fear. Knowledge has both a dark side and a light side. Whereas the light side transforms knowledge into wisdom (its higher counterpart), the dark side becomes addicted to knowledge as a means of distraction and false security.

Human beings have become adept at selling the dream of security and the fear within the masses buys into it. All systems of knowledge based on logic promise security and the more complex the system the more people tend to believe it. This often happens with modern science. The problem is not science itself, which is a wonderful tool as long as it is used in the quest for the spirit of truth. The problem is often the scientists whose findings and theories are used to bolster their own personal agendas and emotional inadequacies. Such people proffer an illusory security screen that covers reality while purporting to explain the universe we live in.

The 48th Gene Key is quite simply beyond human understanding. It is a portal to the infinite, and there is nothing like infinity to raise the spectre of inadequacy in the human mind! The original Chinese name for this archetype is The Well. When you look down the well, you have no idea how deep it is or what lies at the bottom. The 48th Shadow is like a bottomless black hole. It is the primal fear of the feminine and was enacted in archetypal form during the great witch-hunts that took place across Europe during the Middle Ages. Out of the 48th Shadow humanity’s deep paranoia is born — these are the men in black, the aliens, gods or governments who seem to be manipulating our lives. It is the fear that someone else might be in possession of knowledge that can be used to control you. Of course, the true source of the fear is within, but that does not stop human beings from projecting it outside ourselves onto all manner of people and phenomena.

Modern science is only one arena that promises us security from our deepest fears. Systematised religion, economics and education all try to create the feeling of collective security for the people on our planet. So long as you keep people involved in some sort of system, the deep fear moves into the background. Another major manifestation of this 48th Shadow is the urge to create more and more wealth. This urge too is rooted in our fear of inadequacy. The Ring of Matter programs us to try to escape the fear through the material realm, rather than turning inward to the source of the discomfort itself. However, no amount of material wealth can make us feel secure, since the fear itself is rooted in the physical structure of our DNA.

Ultimately, we humans are a part of the mystery of the universe, and there are places where the mind is not destined to travel. Every human being must eventually turn inward and look into our deepest fear — the fear of the void. When we gather our courage and make that leap, we will discover something wonderful. The void is not empty and cold but warm, loving and bursting with light and wonder.


There are two types of people within the collective Shadow frequency — those who duck their heads and give in to their fears (repressive), and those who project their fears externally onto others (reactive). The repressive nature of the 48th Shadow forms the collective blandness of the mass consciousness. These are the sheep whose fears are buried beneath the surface by whatever the system tells them. The majority of people on our planet fall into this category. This consciousness is too afraid to look into the fear within its body, so it settles into the fixed patterns given to it by society. Of course, life arranges events in all people’s lives that force them to face their fears. However, unless such events precipitate a major awakening, the repressive nature tends to bury its head even deeper in the sand once such periods pass.


The other side of the 48th Shadow is seen in those who feed the general sense of inadequacy in others. These are people whose rage does not allow them to admit that they are also afraid and so they become victims of the system in a different way. These people use their knowledge to manipulate the fears of others while hiding behind the system. They keep their own fear at bay by externalising it, and they increase the general level of fear by their unscrupulous actions. Such behaviour greatly reinforces the Shadow frequency. It is because of these people that humanity feels a general paranoia. We know that there are people in positions of power throughout the system who do not care about others at all, but we cannot always see and identify them. This gives us the feeling that all of society is impersonal and beyond our control.



For all its darkness and fear, the 48th Gene Key holds great hope for humanity, and this hope mostly lies in the hands of parents. We have already seen that the 48th Gene Key governs our emotional developmental cycle in childhood. All human emotional issues are rooted in this phase, so it is extremely important that children between the ages of seven and fourteen are given a stable emotional environment in which to develop. Because the emotional or astral body is a subtle layer of the human aura, it learns primarily through the astral bodies of its parents. If a child’s parents have not raised the frequency of their DNA beyond the Shadow consciousness, their dysfunctional emotional patterns imprint the astral body of the child. Almost all teenagers are wounded by their parents’ subtle bodies well before they become teenagers. In psychology we tend to think of conditioning as behavioural, and it is, but it takes place at a far subtler level than most psychology acknowledges. When you emerge at the age of fourteen into your powerful teenage cycle, you either emerge whole, imbued with natural wisdom, emotional intelligence and internal stability, or you emerge with a profound sense of inadequacy that characterises your teenage years.

There is, however, light at the bottom of the well. As parents heal their own emotional issues and raise the frequency of their DNA, they pass on healthy emotional patterns to their children, who then pass these on to their children. In the last fifty years this pattern has brought more and more healthy adults into the world. There is no role of greater importance or service to humanity than that of being a parent. It is not only the fastest track to your own healing, but is also the fastest track to the healing of the whole world. Every healthy adult is a powerful resource for the healing of our planet, because such people are not afraid of their true feelings and fears. The astral body of our whole planet is in the process of being healed by the increasing waves of these people operating at the Gift frequency.

The secret of moving beyond the reach of the 48th Shadow can be found in a single word — trust. As you learn to trust life on a broader scale, the well begins to reveal some of its secrets. Life invites you to begin by trusting the Shadow frequency itself which means that you have to enter into your fears. Since the 48th Shadow is a very physical fear vibration deep within the body, this can be very uncomfortable. This fear does not come and go but is always there, fixed and focused inside you. By entering into this field of fear, you actually lessen your mental anxiety even though you cannot remove the fear. It is a process in which you slowly learn to stop being afraid of fear itself. Instead of hiding from the darkness inside you, it is as though you finally lower a bucket down the well and then pull it up to see what it contains. What you receive is a wonderful surprise. Out of the well come all manner of solutions to all manner of challenges in the world around you. You will be amazed that so much light can emerge from such a dark place. This is the essence of the Gift of Resourcefulness.

As you learn to trust that an answer will always emerge at the right moment in your life, your sense of fear and anxiety gradually begin to fade. The wonderful thing about the Gift of Resourcefulness is that it is self-fulfilling. Each time the bucket comes up out of the well, it contains exactly what is needed at that particular moment. In this way, trust leads to deeper trust, reinforcing inner security through repetition. Gradually your fear of inadequacy is proven to be an illusion. It doesn’t matter where your projected fear hides — it could be your fear of being alone, your fear of not having enough money or your fear of running out of time — deep within you lies a self-sustaining and unlimited resource that can always provide a solution to your imagined fear. These solutions come to you when you arrive at the moment of fear open, un-reactive, vulnerable and unknowing. It is through your unknowing that the pearl will be delivered to you, so you must neither repress nor react to your fear; you must simply sit with it.

This state of surrender into not knowing the answers is hugely powerful in its honesty. It is about trusting in the great force field that lies beyond your normal sentience. The force field is always there but your body usually reacts according to its conditioned programming coming through the collective fears of the Shadow frequency. As you learn to trust your not knowing, life resolves itself effortlessly and beautifully and a natural process of deconditioning takes place inside you. Generally speaking this process takes a minimum of seven years, since that is how long it takes for the body to learn or unlearn cellular patterns. Your real resources lie in your gifts and talents — the inherent gifts that are wired into your DNA. The icing on the cake is that your resourcefulness unleashes a great tide of inner creativity that provides extremely elegant solutions to all manner of questions and issues in your life. The force field of which we have spoken is nothing less than the pattern of life as a whole. As you begin to trust life and your place within the greater weave of this pattern, your natural gifts spontaneously emerge. You begin to realise that you are capable of far more than you ever dreamed possible. When you move in rhythm with life it reveals its own hidden timing which is always perfect. It may not always conform to your mental dreams of how your life might or might not work out, but it does leave you feeling deeply fulfilled.

Every human being is designed to prosper because life itself is prosperous. Prosperity is an entirely different phenomenon from wealth. To prosper, all a human being needs is a little more than enough, whereas to be wealthy means to have a lot more than enough. Wealth by this definition is formed out of the need for security, which has already been shown to be an illusion and is rooted in the fear of the Shadow frequency. Whatever your destiny, life will arrange for you to have a little more than you need. For some that means very little and for others it means a very large amount because different humans live out different human myths. One can tell when a person is fulfilled in life because they find exactly the support they need when they need it, rather than stockpiling in order to try to create false security.

Another vital aspect of the Gift of Resourcefulness is its integrative power. All of your inner talents and resources are ultimately designed with a built-in programming agenda — to offer service to the whole. In this sense all true talent is holistic. Your inner well exists only to serve others. It is they who come and throw the bucket down the well and draw out your resources. Metaphorically all human beings are designed to slake each other’s thirst, which means that you have to interact honestly and selflessly in order to prosper. In serving the whole you serve yourself in the most efficient way possible. This is why resourcefulness has the power to unite even the greatest enemies. When human beings pool their resources they become truly powerful. We saw this at the Shadow frequency in the case of human beings uniting during common crises or wars. As the frequency of the mass consciousness gradually rises, we will begin to create new ways of doing business in the world. In the future we will see the growth of a service-based human culture rather than a greed-based culture and as this culture emerges, humanity will begin to operate as a single entity in perfect harmony with a higher universal rhythm.

One final insight that emerges from this 48th Gift concerns the way in which human beings currently understand energy. We have created a modern world based on the dynamics of explosion. The internal combustion engine is the invention responsible for the greatest growth curve in human history. We now face an energy crisis as we pass the threshold of Peak Oil and our oil reserves and fossil fuels begin to dwindle. As the 48th Gift awakens throughout humanity, another breakthrough will become possible — the harnessing of energy through the dynamics of implosion. We have seen that the archetypal nature of this 48th Gene Key is feminine and inward, rather than masculine and outward. There is a whole new field of understanding waiting to dawn in physics, and as we come to look differently at the world we will find ways of unlocking energy without the need for ignition. It is most likely that such a breakthrough will come through a new understanding of the force of gravity. When we learn to see through the eyes of the 48th Gift, we will unlock the secret of free energy — the infinite resource at the core of creation. This is the breakthrough that will truly herald a new global age, as it will resolve all our energy needs simply and quickly, and will make every home or community clean and self-sufficient.



The 48th Siddhi of Wisdom is one of the truly great Siddhis. Wisdom has been revered and sought by all cultures since the beginning of time. There are many definitions of wisdom, most of them based on the notion of some kind of inner knowledge that allows you to see beyond the confines of what is considered normal awareness. Collectively, the 64 Gene Keys represent an encyclopaedia of the 64 archetypes or codes within the human continuum. At the siddhic level, however, this differentiated continuum ceases to exist. Each Siddhi uses its own paradoxical language to address that which lies beyond words. In this context, the 48th Siddhi is the great archetype of the beyond itself. It is something all human beings aspire to, and at the same time it is something that terrifies us. The 48th Siddhi opens up the void inside you. In a human being, it is the primal state of not knowing.

It is a most delightful and infuriating paradox that wisdom arrives through not knowing rather than through knowing. Knowing (i.e., knowledge) is something we can always gather from life and experience. To know takes great effort and exertion, whereas not knowing is already there inside you. Everything about wisdom is about being unsafe and unsecure. There is a great difference between being insecure and being unsecure. To be insecure is to be kidnapped by fear and taken on an illusory journey that promises final redemption but can never deliver it. That journey is the human journey, and it is ultimately discovered as meaningless. There are simply no solutions because there is no problem in the first place. To be unsecure on the other hand is to have embraced your urge to escape fear in every way possible. It is to realise that your body itself is not afraid to die. It is absolutely natural for your body to die. Neither is the mind really afraid to die, since the mind is just an aspect of the functioning of your body. What then is it inside us human beings that is afraid to die?

The answer to this question is the source of true wisdom. It is the ultimate solution to all our human questions and problems. Only life can answer this question. No words can point to the grand illusion of our existence. When the body dies, its constituent elements will return to the great web of life and continue to be endlessly recycled throughout the universe. What then remains of you? The answer to all such questions is another single question, and no matter what the question, the return question is always the same: which us? which you? which me? There is no me, you or us. To be unsecure is to be more secure than is possibly imaginable. To be unsecure is to surrender all your inner questions back into the infinite. There is a wonderful story about the great Indian sage Bodhidharma arriving before the Chinese Emperor with a shoe on his head. When the emperor asked him the meaning of the shoe, he replied that he wanted the emperor to know right away what kind of a man he was dealing with. This story is symbolic of the unsecure nature of true wisdom. It will not and cannot be comprehended with the mind.

From time immemorial, humans have intuitively grasped that wisdom is feminine in essence. The great Goddesses of many cultures are representations of this understanding. But wisdom itself is beyond opposites. The nature of the feminine simply points the way towards this embodiment. The images that have been used to describe wisdom are thus feminine in nature — water, wells, springs, valleys and darkness are all examples. Water is one of the greatest symbols for the nature of wisdom because its nature is paradoxical — it is empty yet full, weak yet strong, resistant yet yielding. Ultimately, it shapes itself to the vessel it is held in, and when the vessel has gone, it dissipates yet lives on. One who is truly wise is like water in all these ways — you are wise because you do not know you are wise, you are powerful because you do not care about power, you are fearless because you do not really exist.

The question of all seekers of wisdom is how to attain it. This is the question at the heart of all the mysteries and of all the great religions and sciences. Modern science continues to try and find the single unified theory that will resolve all questions about the universe. Humanity does not yet realise that the answer to this question will not resolve the universe — it will dissolve the universe! The answer lies within the question itself, just as it lies within the individual. The only true manifestation of wisdom is complete ordinariness. When this Siddhi dawns within an individual (a paradoxical sentence in itself) that individual ceases to exist but becomes an aspect of the whole, functioning spontaneously and innocently. The irony is that this is exactly what the individual was before wisdom occurred. In other words, wisdom changes nothing inside us. It is this realisation that brings about wisdom!

There is nothing wiser in all of humanity than the physical body. When a human being discovers this secret they begin to tap the source of universal wisdom. Wisdom is rooted in utter trust of your body. Through the eyes of wisdom, everything within the sphere of human experience can be reduced to simple physical sensation — even thinking. The body must be allowed to feel the way it feels, it must be allowed to think the way it thinks, it must be allowed to act the way it acts. Nothing the body does can ever be wrong. It is the false concept that there is a way to be harmonious and a way to be inharmonious that is the root of all human dilemmas. There is nothing but harmony, and there is nothing but wisdom. You must come to realise, through whatever experiences the body follows, that your acts, thoughts and movements emerge from the totality rather than having an independent source. Not only is there no individual choice in our lives, there is no chooser, so the whole concept of freedom or determinism goes out the window.

We began this 48th Gift by seeing how inadequate human beings can feel when faced with the many challenges we each have in life. We are designed to feel this inadequacy because it is the beginning of our journey. There is wisdom even within this inadequacy because it is felt by the body. Your mental anxiety is also an aspect of your bodily wisdom, as are your desires, fantasies, anger, contempt and lust. Everything begins with the body and ends with the body. If every feeling is allowed and lived out fully and in trust, then this deep inner vibration of fear within you must eventually fizzle out. The fear is really the fear of fear itself, and when it is looked squarely in the face then all other fears are simply reduced to bodily sensations that continually arise and disappear again. At this stage of deep wisdom, you can no longer discriminate between physical sensations. The feeling of intense bliss for example is no different from the feeling of lust or even physical pain. The body simply follows its own wisdom and this wisdom dissolves that which identifies with the sensations. As we said earlier, what the 48th Siddhi leaves behind is an absolutely ordinary human being.