




(15, 39, 52, 53, 54, 58)  



There is an old folk saying that most of us have heard many times before — “Begin as you mean to go on” — and although a cliché it is a piece of wisdom very appropriate to the 53rd Shadow, which concerns the energy inherent in all beginnings. Before you begin anything new in your life you need to ask yourself “What is the true essence of this beginning?” The majority of people don’t realise that most beginnings contain subtle traces of fear. If these grains of fear are present at the very source of your endeavour, you will have unwittingly planted the seeds of its eventual demise. At the shadow frequency, fear is an inner yoke inextricably bound to human intention, and intention is like the arrow that you load into the bow of your actions. No matter how much work you put into something, if the arrow is bent it will never quite hit the mark you were intending. In the context of this Gene Key, what we call immaturity is really nothing more than the human tendency to keep loading bent arrows into your bow. Because of this, no matter how well meaning, your actions at a low frequency can only lead to further disharmony.

Since the 53rd Shadow is so closely linked to its programming partner the 54th Shadow of Greed, the most common expression of immaturity often involves power and money. Thus in the world of commerce we find fear to be at the root of almost all businesses, even those that claim to be service-based. The world has not yet really seen what can happen when a business puts service before survival, even though there are a few early examples surfacing in the world today. In human business at the Shadow frequency, growth is praised above all else, even though too much growth is unsustainable and damaging to the environment. However, the 53rd Shadow does not only concern business. It is a genetic reflex at the root of our whole civilisation. Because of this fear reflex within us, we cannot comprehend the great laws of nature, the prime law being that of abundance. When nature is left to her own devices, she flourishes while at the same time never losing touch with the overall picture. In nature, if one species becomes too prolific, then a counteracting force responds to the imbalance and restores equilibrium. Man, too, is a part of nature and is subject to these same laws, although we behave as if we are outside of them.

As one of six internal pressures forming the Codon Ring of Seeking, the 53rd Gene Key is responsible for creating a great deal of stress at the Shadow frequency. The stress it causes in our modern world is directly reflected in the desire to become materially rich. Great individual wealth is unsustainable unless you have a higher purpose that requires it. Keep in mind that there is a vast difference between prosperity and wealth. Wealth is a stockpiling of money based upon fear and greed, whereas prosperity is a flow that expands and contracts with universal rhythms. Prosperity adjusts itself automatically to the needs of your higher purpose. Wealth is in no way equivalent to fulfilment. In fact, it most commonly leads to the opposite. The essence of the Ring of Seeking is to lead you out of your immaturity by showing you the true nature of your desire, greed and fear. Thus we learn in time that the fulfilment we seek is within us rather than outside.

The Shadow of Immaturity is rooted in the human tendency to see ourselves as separate from nature. The human mind has enormous difficulty seeing itself as a collective organism that is deeply embedded in nature and the earth. If one of us commits a selfish act or an act rooted in fear, it reinforces that act throughout the totality, which in turn strengthens its vibration in the world. This is what immaturity is — an aspect of the whole that does not yet realise that it is the whole. However, human beings have always sensed the inherent balancing force woven into creation. It is reflected for instance in the Buddhist and Hindu doctrine of karma — the law that every cause results in an effect that directly influences our own future. A common oversight here is that it is not only we as individuals who affect our future, but we as a collective.

In order for human beings to evolve, we have to pass through the phase of our development in which we learn that we are a single unified organism by witnessing the damage we inflict on that organism. We are like a child who pushes the mother until the mother disciplines the child. We must drop our primal fear of death above all else. Even our spiritual yearning to mentally project ourselves beyond this lifetime in the form of a reincarnating soul or a separate spiritual being is subtly rooted in our fear of dissolving back into pure consciousness. It is the fractal pattern of evolution that moves onwards — not our attachment to it. Death cleanly severs our attachment to our individuality, and yet for millennia humanity has been too afraid to really see this. We do indeed sense the continuity of life, but we also insist on projecting our individuality into it. We have created a great cult based on the individual, even though the individual is itself an illusion.

Why is it that we human beings cannot accept our mortality? The answer is simple — life would appear too frightening. Life has no morals. Life has no concept of individual justice. At the level of the absolute there is no individual soul that survives death, even though the existence of a reincarnating higher causal body has relative truth to it within the framework of the maya (see the 22nd Gene Key). Any mystical experience we have that falls short of an immersion in pure consciousness is a subtle projection of our individual need to go on existing. The fact is that the 53rd Shadow of Immaturity builds all these illusions into our minds. Life is simple and pure and doesn’t require our projections. There is only the continuity of consciousness following its bloodlines, its fractal lines and its collective evolutionary mythology. These truths are often shocking to the mind and its complex system of beliefs and projections based on fear.

It is through these two Shadows of Greed and Immaturity that humanity must finally awaken to its nature as a single organism. Like a child, we must eventually grow out of our self-obsession and reach maturity. The original Chinese name of this 53rd hexagram in the I Ching is Development and so it is. Just like a young child, humanity is an organism that is too self-obsessed to be aware of the consequences of its actions. Although we are still immature, it is written into our DNA that we will gradually discover our actions do carry consequences, even though those consequences may only be realised by future generations. As such, individuals who are judged as evil need to be understood as aspects of the totality displaying its immaturity. Our desire to punish any individual may seem natural at the Shadow frequency, but it represents a level of self-delusion when seen from a collective level. Instead of punishing itself, our organism has to learn to understand itself better.

What then does the 53rd Shadow mean for you as an individual? It means that what the Buddha said is absolutely true — everything is constantly passing away and beginning again. You display your immaturity when you try to impose an external view or doctrine on life. Everything you do from the Shadow frequency is rooted in the fear of non-existence. Like a weed burrowing deep into your psyche this fear prevents consciousness from fully penetrating your form. The grace of the 53rd Shadow is in showing you that you are immature until you begin to understand how deeply your actions, thoughts and words are rooted in this fear. As you come to understand this vast and sweeping insight, your heart begins once again to open and trust in life just as it is — with no opinion, no judgement, no attachment and above all, no fear.


When the incredible vital energy to begin new things is repressed, it creates a very solemn human being. These people usually become fixed into a single activity their whole lives. There is a deep sense of sadness in such people, as though they might implode at any moment. It takes an enormous pressure to be serious in life, and it betrays a vast unconscious reservoir of fear. These people also find it near impossible to embrace new things in life. They try to hang on to control by keeping everything exactly as it is. Such people do not cope at all well with change and it tends to drive them even deeper inside themselves where they wall themselves off from the world. These people often end their lives with a great sorrow surrounding them.


The reactive side of this 53rd Shadow never sits still long enough to allow a person to evolve. Instead they move from one thing to the next without following through with anything. These people are always beginning new things but without any sense of commitment in developing them further. The only reason such people begin something new is to escape their greatest fear — of being trapped in a cycle in which they might have to face themselves. Ironically, they do remain trapped in a repetitive cycle of beginnings that lead nowhere. The lives of such people may look exciting at times but they lack any real depth or fulfilment. The reactive nature is about the unconscious expression of one’s fear as anger. Because these people are not honest in who they are, they trigger angry reactions wherever they go, further justifying their urge to be fickle.



From reading and contemplating the 53rd Shadow perhaps you can sense how spiritual this Gene Key actually is. It really does represent the driving force of evolution as consciousness burrows deeper and deeper into the material life. Life itself knows only expansion. Even when it chooses to contract, it does so only in order to expand further in a new or different direction. From the point of view of the frequency of the 53rd Gift, all that exists is this perpetual evolutionary impulse to expand. Consequently, humanity is eventually destined to expand beyond itself. Of course, it is possible that humanity could destroy itself, but even if it did so, it would happen in order for life to expand even further in a new direction. Everything that comes before sources what is to come — that is the law of this 53rd Gift and is the basis of the law of cause and effect.

True expansion always involves evolution. To the person who has embraced the high frequency of the 53rd Gift, expansion is all you know. Your endeavours regularly outgrow their own forms, just as life regularly outgrows the forms that it inhabits. In the business world, there are organisations that simply expand and there are organisations that expand and evolve. Over-expansion in business is a sign of the Shadow consciousness at work. When you expand too much in a single direction, universal principles will cause the opposite effect of contraction. This is why empires and monopolies ultimately crumble. True expansion also embraces the notion of fractal growth. Fractal growth in business only occurs when the people within the business — who represent the consciousness of the organisation — also evolve. True growth expands beyond its comfort zone — it is continually transcending its last level. When this is allowed to happen, the business grows in many directions simultaneously rather than in a single direction.

Evolution follows what modern science terms Complexity Theory — the theory that as living systems evolve, they become more and more complex. It is indeed true that the more elements you integrate into a system, the more complex it appears to become. However, just because it seems complex to the mind does not mean that it becomes less efficient. In fact, evolution demands that systems become more efficient and efficiency is based on simplicity rather than complexity. Synthesis only appears to be complex when you remain stuck at a low level of frequency and try to understand it intellectually. The Gift of Expansion demands that individuals transcend their personal opinions, views and attempts to understand what is going on. It takes enormous trust to allow your life to truly expand because it appears to the mind to become more complex, whereas in fact it is moving into greater and greater synthesis. At certain points within your expansion, your awareness itself takes leaps that allow you to grasp the synthesis. Until these leaps come, you simply have to hold on and trust in the process.

On the other hand, the Shadow frequency, driven by greed, wants expansion without having to expand itself, which is why true expansion is actually relatively rare. Expansion is a process of transcending and including. The wonder of expansion is that each new level of integration is built upon the levels that came before, which are thus included in the synthesis itself. This can be applied to any aspect of life, from computer science to business to spirituality. Expansion happens when consciousness is permitted to penetrate form in greater depth. It is about penetration — the more you expand, the looser the form becomes so that you begin to glimpse the consciousness hovering behind it. Of course, the ultimate expansion is the expansion of human awareness itself, which underlies all other forms of expansion.

In a human being, the expansion of frequency can only occur in one way — through the heart. This 53rd Gift can be beautifully explained through the Indian concept of bhakti or devotional energy. This bhakti at the heart of evolution is continually outgrowing its own forms. The Gift frequency gives rise to the beginning of the transcendence of the mind. As you allow your awareness to expand, it opens your heart. From the Gift level of awareness all you see is the evolutionary impulse being born, living and appearing to die. There is no difference between the consciousness that inhabits a tree and the consciousness that exists in a human being. The only difference is the awareness operating system within each. The tree experiences life through its sap, its roots and its leaves, whereas we humans experience life through our bodies and our minds. Seen in this way, all life is following the same path towards a higher evolution. Death is not a contraction, as we might perceive it to be, but simply another expansion inwards.

All you might therefore say about the 53rd Shadow of Immaturity is that it isn’t yet aware of its environment. Like a child who is not yet self-aware, it doesn’t know how it affects the world. Self-awareness is maturity, and only when humanity is self-aware as a unified organism will it have grown up. The secret to this 53rd Gift is thus to give way to the bhakti — the ever-expanding-transcending-and-including energy of life itself. It requires that you allow yourself to be swept aside by life, letting go of all definitions of who you are and where you think you are going. Once you make this shift into your heart, you will find your life to be much simpler. You activate the frequencies of real prosperity by aligning yourself with the universal evolutionary impulse, and by surrendering in this way you are continually replenished and expanded. This is nature’s Simplicity Theory, except that unlike Complexity Theory, it is no theory at all but a self-proving universal law.



The 53rd Siddhi has given rise to one of the greatest misunderstandings in the history of spirituality — that of rebirth and karma. It is widely held among eastern mystical traditions that the soul is born, dies and then is reborn in another body over and over again. Through accumulated good deeds, the individual soul eventually attains transcendence of karma and becomes liberated or enlightened, at which point it cannot take another incarnation but returns to its limitless source. This is the basic dogma of reincarnation or the transmigration of the soul. In the Buddha’s words:

“As there is no self, there is no transmigration of a self;

but there are deeds and the continued effect of deeds.

There is rebirth of karma; there is reincarnation.

This rebirth, this reincarnation, this reappearance of the conformations

is continuous and depends on the law of cause and effect.”

From the Buddha’s words, it is quite clear that he has been greatly misrepresented down the centuries. He states clearly here that there is no individual self or soul to be reborn, but that what reincarnates is the karma of your actions. This means there is no such thing as individual karma. Your actions go into the collective unconscious where they stir up mirror counter-effects. All deeds of a selfish nature reinforce the collective Shadow frequency and all deeds that bring about synthesis strengthen the collective higher frequencies. This process of reincarnation is explored in some depth in the 24th Siddhi of Silence. The great truth that comes through the 53rd Siddhi is that life consists of endless beginnings but no endings. This is the true meaning of Superabundance. Life goes on creating new forms whose actions determine the nature and destiny of future forms. There is no continuity between the forms themselves other than the genetic mechanism creating them. What continues, and what is superabundant, is consciousness itself as it endlessly penetrates the collective and writes the story of evolution.

In this context, the Siddhi of Superabundance is perhaps not quite as glamorous as it sounds. Material abundance is far more likely to occur at the Gift frequency, as at that level there is still a basic interest in your personal destiny and the destiny of others. The energy of bhakti — of giving to others — creates a huge upsurge in the collective energy field, which stirs all sorts of beneficent energies to return to you. In this respect you could say that the 53rd Gift conceals the ultimate secret of material abundance. However, at the siddhic level your identification with your body, destiny and self totally dissolves, leaving you in a mystical state of pure emptiness and availability. In fact, superabundance in many ways is closer to the concept of emptiness. It is a place where there is no further expansion because there is no evolution. If you are identified with the form of the world, you are identified with change, because all life is programmed to evolve.

To one who has awakened through the eyes of the 53rd Siddhi, humankind is both a being and a becoming. The form endlessly evolves and expands, but the consciousness never changes. And here we humans have made a basic error — we have identified with the instrument of our awareness, which expands according to the laws of evolution. We are indeed entering a new evolutionary phase right now in which human awareness seems ready to make a great quantum leap in terms of its expansion. But even though awareness may expand, consciousness does not and cannot expand since it is already everywhere and everything and even everywhen. This is the crucial truth to understand. Beneath the form, consciousness never changes or evolves or expands or contracts. It simply is.

Superabundance refers to the concept beyond abundance — a space in which life is witnessed impassively by life. At the Gift level one rides the currents of evolution, which is always exciting and thrilling because you are at the cutting edge of awareness. At the siddhic level however, all excitement and all responsibility are gone. There is no longer an edge since all is experienced as a game in time and space. There is no personal comment anymore; there is no interest in destiny or evolution or expansion since all such concepts are seen for what they are — places of identification which conceal the truth. It is here in the 53rd Siddhi that we find the allegorical meaning of rebirth. You cannot take another birth because you realise that you have never been born! The mind is no longer following the arc of evolution but finally rests in its true nature as superabundant being.

People born into the 53rd Siddhi kill beginnings, or they kill endings. Whichever way you look at it, they bring an end to the paradox of human cycles. Superabundance is a space beyond frequency but we can only describe it as a very high frequency at which there is nothing left to do in the world. The 53rd Siddhi represents the state beyond and behind awareness known as pure consciousness. Therefore it can be said that consciousness in action manifests as expansion and evolution whereas consciousness at rest is the true underlying nature of everything. These people of the 53rd Siddhi were once undoubtedly seekers themselves since this Gene Key involves the gradual expansion of human awareness. However, at a certain point you have to let go of your seeking as the awareness inside expands outside the form. Up to this point, expansion has been gradual, although it often makes small leaps and forays into higher states. At this final stage, the stage known as realisation or enlightenment, the great and final leap occurs — it is the shocking leap into pure consciousness and the end of evolution itself.