(15, 39, 52, 53, 54, 58) |
The 54th Shadow is one of the great pressures that drive humanity. It is the drive to want more and at its shadow frequency this Gene Key becomes blind greed. It’s important to remember at this point that none of these shadow frequencies are really negative. There is nothing wrong or bad with greed. It is simply an aspect of human nature and as such it has an evolutionary purpose. The purpose of greed is to pressure human tribal groupings and individuals to be materially successful. If you look at any modern first world country, you can see how far greed has advanced our civilisation. The primal energy behind the 54th Shadow was essential for the survival of early human tribal cultures, and indeed we can still see it operating in the developing world, where survival is often based directly upon where you are within the material hierarchy. Obviously you can also see how greed has a tendency to focus on a single individual, community or race to the detriment of all others. This means that at a certain evolutionary point, greed will have served its purpose and will need to be transcended. This is precisely what happens at the Gift level of frequency — when greed becomes aspiration. Greed in this sense refers to the desire to accumulate more material, whereas aspiration refers to the desire to attain something of a more spiritual nature.
If greed is pursued to its furthest limits without transcendence, it becomes self-destructive. We see this happening in the modern world today. When greed reaches its zenith it either becomes destructive, both to individuals and to the planet, or it gives individuals a new perspective. When people have acquired genuine wealth and stability, they often turn to more spiritual arenas for sustenance. This is how these two genetic programming partners - the 54th Gene Key and the 53rd Gene Key - operate together. If a society doesn’t mature it becomes top-heavy, like the huge multinational business organisations we see in the world today. When organisations balloon like this, they inevitably take on a life of their own, draining resources from the planet. Natural law demonstrates that an organisation dedicated simply to material accumulation will eventually crumble under its own weight, but, unfortunately, not before it has caused enormous destruction.
The essence of the 54th Shadow’s success at material accumulation lies in its ability to create relationships that further its own material resources. In the modern world, this is about business. In business, success often arrives through the development of fruitful relationships — these can be within the business itself, with other agencies such as the media or with clients. Word of mouth still remains one of the most powerful tools for ensuring the successful transformation of a business, and a great problem generated by the 54th Shadow concerns the frequency of its transmission. Greed or desperation is an energy field that can be sensed by others, and as such it engenders distrust and closes down opportunities that might otherwise have been fruitful. There is a fine line between greed and Aspiration, the 54th Gift. Greed is really aspiration without trust. Because all frequencies attract similar frequencies, greed cannot really trust in its own allies since they are sure to be equally self-serving.
The 54th Shadow does not know how to attract the attention it needs to rise up within the hierarchy, even though it thinks it knows. Greed is an energy that will compromise its own integrity in a flash to get what it wants, and this is its downfall. In order to get recognition, greed must mature enough to become ambition, which does not have the same sense of desperation that goes with greed. Ambition may also be self-serving, but it has evolved enough to realise the pitfalls of pure greed. Greed in itself can lead to material success, if it pushes and pushes. However, such success cannot evolve into the higher aspect of aspiration and so stays in a low frequency loop based on material accumulation that will eventually backfire. We all know the phrase “Money can’t buy you happiness,” and this epitomises the biofeedback loop created by excessive greed. As with all the Gene Keys, true happiness lies in continual transcendence.
Genuine ambition has a built-in genetic urge to keep transcending. This is why the affluence of the western world is beginning to naturally transform into a more spiritual aspiration. However, greed itself is based on fear, which fuels the need for ownership and the accumulation of material possessions. Because of the fear at its roots, greed cannot afford to acknowledge anyone outside its immediate circle of support. It acts in direct competition with other groups or organisations and if successful, draws resources away from others, even when it has more than enough.
The 54th Gene Key is a member of the codon group known as the Ring of Seeking, which is the great pressure codon inside human DNA. Each of the six Gene Keys within this group drives an aspect of our human evolutionary movement. It is interesting to note how variations in frequency reorient the flow of energy through our DNA. For example, at lower frequencies all this genetic pressure is externalised through the 54th Shadow as the urge to seek and accrue material wealth. However, at a higher frequency the very same dynamic is sublimated and internalised to become the urge for meaning and purpose. There is nothing inherently wrong with the urge to seek material wealth, but it is a path that inevitably leads to disappointment, aloneness and misery. For many who attain material success, it acts as the trigger to seek something higher, but for many others it remains an addiction whose promise of fulfilment in the future prevents them from enjoying the beauty that surrounds them in the present moment.
The repressive side of this Shadow is quite simply about the repression of ambition. These people may begin things with ambition and ardour but then often become disillusioned and give up. The wonderful drive behind this Gene Key thus becomes stymied and leads to passivity. This is a nature that is haunted by the fear of never being able to attain its goals, so it decides that it is better not to even begin the journey. The result is usually deep depression. The other side of this is reflected in people who deny their material needs and seek their spiritual nature to the detriment of their physical nature. This is a profoundly physical Gene Key and has to begin its journey of transformation from the foundation of the physical realm and the physical body.
The reactive side of this Gene Key manifests as an obsession with material accumulation. These are the people whose greed becomes an expression of their rage. Their greed continues feeding itself, being an insatiable urge that never escapes its own low level of frequency. It can possess these people so completely that they become blinded by their need to own more and make more money. Such people lack one vital thing in life — the feeling that their lives are of benefit to others. Their greed closes down their hearts making them incapable of true relationships. Thus they often become materially successful but can only see other people in terms of possession and ownership. Inevitably such natures try to control others through their power and their anger, and as such never lead truly fulfilled lives.
When the ancient Chinese named the 64 archetypes that we now know as the Gene Keys, they did so through the medium of their cultural milieu. In the case of the 54th Gene Key, they named it The Marrying Maiden. The precise wording of the I Ching concerning this hexagram refers to a concubine marrying a man who already has another wife. The resulting text concerns the human need to understand how to align harmoniously within the existing family hierarchy. At the highest level, this image epitomises the 54th Siddhi. You have to gain the trust of higher forces through continual aspiration. Only after sustained effort (which is natural to the 54th Gene Key) does the spontaneous eruption of higher consciousness and ascension naturally occur.
When the 54th Shadow transforms into a higher frequency, the 54th Gift of Aspiration is born. Aspiration here refers to the energy to aspire to something beyond the material realm. Aspiration contains within it the seed of all higher consciousness. At the Gift level, aspiration has to do with working with others for the benefit of others. This Gift concerns the way in which energy is invested. At the Shadow level, any accumulated energy went back into the drive to accumulate more, with no other real purpose. At this higher level of frequency, accumulated energy is recycled and used to support people lower down in the hierarchy. In this way, a truly healthy model is created. The roots support the branches, twigs and flowers and the fruit fertilises the roots. The 54th Gift is aware that all systems in nature are interconnected and therefore cutting off energy from one area will ultimately deplete your own resources.
The 54th Gift aspires to a higher vision of prosperity. It still operates within its own community or organisation, but it knows that the secret of real growth and expansion (the 53rd Gift) lies in mutually cooperative models between different groups or organisations. Aspiration allows you a much broader vision of how to create prosperity for everyone. Here we see ambition moving beyond the personal and into the communal. These people want their entire community to thrive in order that they can draw more and more people up the hierarchy away from the self-destructive patterns of the lower frequencies. The by-product of this cross-fertilisation with other communities is exponential growth for everyone. Today the 54th Gift is more in evidence as more and more high-level businessmen and women begin to think in these new holistic business terms. However, this new phenomenon is just being born into the world. People are only now realising that businesses with a holistic perspective can be even more successful than greed-driven businesses.
This shift in perspective from self-serving to community-serving is giving birth to a whole new paradigm in business itself. For the first time since the industrial revolution, people are asking what the real purpose of business is. Instead of being an end in itself, business is being seen as a means to create a better and more sustainable world. Through networking with other businesses at a similar higher frequency, enormous change is possible in our world. As these so called cultural creatives begin to work together and dovetail their energies and resources, they open up entirely new vistas that could potentially transform our entire planet. When enough people with aspiration overcome their individual fear and competitiveness, they will create a deep and lasting equilibrium in the global economy. The real urge behind aspiration is to seek out this higher harmony, and in the material world this means moving money from places where there is too much to places where there is not enough.
The Gift of Aspiration has some other fascinating qualities connected to the transformation of energy into more rarefied frequencies. At a genetic level, the 54th Gift has to do with the way in which memory is transferred and stored through the liquid of our cells. Memory itself is deeply affected by frequency. The 54th Shadow remembers only the ancient genetic fear of extinction if its fails to rise up in the hierarchy. This fear is physically transferred through subtle pheromones released by everyone under the spell of the Shadow frequency. The more successful someone is at the Shadow level, the more people in the world they frighten. The moment you operate out of fear or greed, your odour changes and you lose the trust in the relationship. The 54th Gift also transfers its higher frequency through the medium of physical presence, but in doing so it immediately put others at ease. You can smell a supportive energy just as easily as you can smell fear. Thus the 54th Gift has its own biofeedback loop that creates trust wherever it goes.
Because the 54th Gift attunes to a higher communal vision, it only attracts people who resonate with this same subtle frequency. Therefore, it is essential that people with this Gift meet people face to face at the beginning of their relationships and that they do their business in the flesh. The 54th Gift has a deep instinctive understanding of money and energy through this genetic resonance to the liquid nature of memory. Wherever energy or money is kept in a liquid state and allowed to flow between people and organisations, prosperity is engendered. When it is frozen or amassed for too long it prevents further expansion. The same laws that apply within the human body also apply to society and economics.
As the energy of the Gift of Aspiration reaches higher frequencies it becomes more spiritual. Thus these people also understand energy flow and transformation as taught by various yogic systems and disciplines. Ancient models such as the Chinese system of Feng Shui are instinctive to the 54th Gift and do not even need to be studied. The flow of prosperity is directly proportional to the flow of energy at all levels within your life, beginning with your own body, which is the foundation of all journeys to higher consciousness. The 54th Gift is the base plate for all systems of alchemical transformation from lower states of frequency into higher modes of consciousness, and as such it is an extremely powerful and influential gift.
The 54th Siddhi is a relatively well-documented Siddhi compared to many of the other 64. It is one of the Siddhis that is actually triggered through the continual pressure of aspiration. This is the Siddhi of seekers. Through research into the 64 Gene Keys and the associated science of hologenetics, it has been found that a disproportionate number of mystics and enlightened sages have the 54th Siddhi as one of their Prime Gifts. Perhaps the best known of these is Paramahansa Yogananda, one of the great mystics of the 20th century, who had this Siddhi as his Life’s Work. The 54th Siddhi concerns the notion of Ascension — the continual alchemical transformation of matter into spiritual essence. Here the base energy of ambition is experienced at its highest frequency and becomes the continual pressure to keep ascending up the hierarchy. At these levels however, we are no longer talking about social or material hierarchy, but the spiritual evolutionary ladder which consciousness itself ascends on the return to its own source.
One of the common allusions to the 54th Siddhi concerns the Hindu concept of kundalini — the so-called serpent power lying coiled at the base of the spine. The goal of most transformational yogic systems is the awakening of this primal energy, which is said to rise up and activate each of the higher centres or chakras as it ascends through the human body. Many people have discovered to their detriment how dangerous premature or forced awakening of kundalini is to the human nervous system. Some people have indeed suffered severe psychological disorders because of the terrific currents of energy that such sustained yogic practice can unleash. Most yoga systems have accommodated to this danger over the centuries by offering step-by-step guidance to such meditations with a great deal of physical preparation and cleansing early on. With this 54th Siddhi, as we have seen at all levels, there is a need for deep grounding within the material realm.
What is so interesting about this Siddhi is not its manifestations, which have been very well documented, but the way it has spiritually conditioned so many people. There exists enormous confusion in the world concerning spiritual paths, especially now that the West has become such a melting pot for all the great mystical cultures and traditions. There is a particular path for every single person, and any other path than your own, especially at higher levels, can cause delusion and can even be dangerous. Every single person who has attained a siddhic state of realisation speaks through their specific Siddhis. However, if the sage is speaking through a Siddhi that is not a part of your own genetic makeup, you can easily become confused. Anyone who has attained a state of realisation knows this dilemma. It is impossible not to realise it. Thus the great sages attempt to convey the energy behind their state rather than its trappings.
The 54th Siddhi of Ascension is a very particular path. It concerns the transformation of the gross currents within the body into more and more refined currents. It is the essence behind many of the great tantric and alchemical yogic systems. However, in order to work with these systems, you must have the necessary aspiration. This is not something that should be forced. Aspiration is a predetermined energy that carries the seed of the final flowering within it. Any other energy will not carry this same seed. This is not to say that people cannot have heightened experiences of consciousness through such systems. They can. But only if you have the seed of this Siddhi already within you at a genetic level can you attain the final permanent flowering through these kinds of techniques.
True ascension is activated automatically through the lower frequency of aspiration. At a certain point a spontaneous physical transformation begins to wrack the body. Techniques at this stage are over and done with. The process of ascension takes over and you are absolutely helpless to stop or interfere with it. All fluid memory must be erased — personal, cultural, and genetic — it all has to be burned from the body. The kundalini energy has often been likened to a fire. Actually it is more like liquid fire, as the water molecules within the physical body are vaporised to create a steaming process in which spiritual essence is refined. After a certain period of time — sometimes spent in intense physical agony — stillness reigns over the body and you experience the purity of consciousness without thought. Even at this stage the steaming process continues as the physical body becomes more and more translucent.
Ascension is an incredibly physical sequence of events. It has nothing whatsoever to do with modern systems involving visualisation or cerebral meditation. It usually follows many years of seeking by someone whose very path is to seek and aspire to higher planes. So many people have been conditioned to seek higher consciousness through these kinds of routes, but they truly do not belong there. Neither does the seeking itself activate the ascension process, since it is merely the manifestation of a totally mysterious and intensely felt urge to know more. For those who do not belong on this path, it is a truly dangerous one. For those who do, it is effortless and spontaneous. One aspires, and sooner or later, one ascends — it really is as simple as that.