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action plan 232–52

    exercises 237–8, 242–3, 245–6

    GROW model 232–3

    listing of steps process 236–7

    momentum, keeping 237

    networking 246–52

    personal brand 243–6

    planning tools 232–3

    reality of current situation 234–6

    vision, creation of 233–4, 242–3

    your plan exercise 237–8

adult gap year 70–3

age 7–8 see also over-50 demographic

    adult psychological and social development 56–7

    discrimination 25–7

    ‘eternal youth’ notions 29–31

    mindset and 28–9

    myths about older people 9–15

    negative age descriptors 27

    pension 7, 10

‘agency’ over life 16

American Association for Adult Development and Aging 140

Andrews, Professor Molly 30, 77–8

anxiety 259

    tips for dealing with 260–1

Applewhite, Ashton 27

    This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism 27

‘asset-based community development’ 151–2

Australian Human Rights Commission 31

    Willing to Work 2016 report 31

Australian Institute of Management 12, 31

brain plasticity 175–7

    ageing 176

    mindset ‘growth’ 176–7

Brandon, Bridget 80–1

Bridges, William 268

    Transitions 268

Brown, Tim 185

Browne, Millie 13

Bruner, Jerome 77

Buckingham, Marcus 108

business start-ups 44–8

    expectations, knowledge of 218

    Managing a Small Business in Australia: The Complete Handbook 215

    market evaluation 217

    strengths, self-knowledge of 217

    superannuation, use of 217–18

    technology 218

    thinking before spending 217

    time, proper valuation of 218

    tips for 215–18

Carbone, Joe 66–7

Carstensen, Laura 21

    A Long Bright Future 21–2

Casals, Pablo 177

The Centre for Volunteering in New South Wales 49, 219

Cézanne, Paul 18

Child, Julia 18

childhood interests 124–5

    exercise 125–8

choice 276–7

Claire, Judith 101

Clifton StrengthsFinder 118

commitment 272–6

Courts, Karynne 134–5


    future, looking at 56–73

    past, looking at 74–88

    storytelling 76–88

‘crystallised’ intelligence 13

de Bono, Edward 206

    Six Thinking Hats 206

decisions 193–208

    broader context, looking at 204

    collage 197–9

    confirmation bias 204–5

    covering all angles 206–7

    decision-making tips 203–7

    evolving process 207

    exercise 194–6

    fresh angles 205–6

    multiple possibilities 204

    no decision, dangers of 207–8

    obstacles, overcoming 207

    postponement 193

    power of three 199–202

Deloitte Access Economics 12

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu 66

design thinking 185–6

digital nomads 69

DISC (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Conscientiousness) 118, 119

discrimination against older Australians 25–7, 31, 52, 220

    gender gap 26–7

Doidge, Norman 176

    The Brain That Changes Itself 176

dreams 74–5, 277–9

Dweck, Carol 176–7

    Mindset: How You Can Fulfil Your Potential 176

emergency financial planning 145

encore careers 37–40

    age and 45

    meaning 37–8

entrepreneurship 44–8

    ‘necessity’ 45

    ‘opportunity’ 45

    social 50–2

exercises 5

    archaeological dig 125–8

    brand audit 245–6

    changing environments 242

    context questions 173–4

    decoding your story 84–6

    drawing threads together 194–6

    essential you 138–9

    initial questions 92–3

    job-card shuffle 167–70

    life and work snapshot 90–2

    lots of jobs 164–6

    lots of questions 158–62

    money and more 156

    practicalities 231

    questions to think about 97–8

    reflections 35

    research questions 159–62

    ‘satisfying life’ mind map 63–5

    three futures 189–90

    your experiments 191–2

    your networks 251–2

    your personal vision 242–3

    your plan 237–8

    your skills 115–18

    your story 79–84

    your strengths 108–10

    your talents 107

    what interests you 98

experiments 175–92

    brain plasticity 175–7

    design thinking 185–6

    exercises 189–92

    table 192

    work experiments and investigations 177–85

expertise/mastery 131–2

Figgis, Jane 38

finances 143–50

    challenge to norms 147

    couples 146–7

    exercise 156

    expert tips 145–7

    insurance 145

    planning 146

    preparation for emergencies 145

    priorities 146

    risk management 147

    superannuation 146

financial remuneration 141

flexible workforces 66–7

‘fluid’ intelligence 13

Freedman, Marc 15

Fritz, Robert 58, 232

    Path of Least Resistance 232

‘gig economy’ 67

giving back 48, 218–19

    social entrepreneurship 50–2

    volunteering 48–9, 218–19

Gladwell, Malcolm 33–4, 131

    Outliers: The Story of Success 131

    What the Dog Saw 33–4

Gratton, Lynda 68, 151

    The 100-Year Life 151

GROW (Goal, Reality, Obstacles/Options, Way forward) coaching model 232–3

Handy, Charles 215

    The Age of Unreason 215

    The Second Curve 215

Heath, Chip and Dan 204

    Decisive 204

Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) 118, 119

Highlands Ability Battery 119–20, 121

Hoogstad, Valerie 49, 219

hope 34

Hudson, Frederic 57

Huffington, Arianna 44

Huffington Post 44

identity see status/identity

IDEO 1285

inner critic 253–4

    tips for dealing with 254–6

insurance 145

intergenerational collaboration 69–70

intergenerational harmony 279–80

interviews 226–9

    acting positively 229

    anger management 228

    answering questions 227

    appearance 226–7

    asking questions 228

    homework, doing 226

    preparation 229

    SARB story format 230

    storytelling 229–31

    tricky questions 229

    what not to discuss 228

    your age, dealing with 228

Isele, Elizabeth 45–6

Jacobs, Suzy 249–51

job seeking 52–5, 219–23, 238–40

    interviews 226–9

    résumés 223–6

    storytelling 229–31

    strategy 221–3

jobs list 166

Johnson, Richard P. 140–1

journey jobs 114–15

Journeys without maps 9, 15–16

joy, sparking 128–31

Kane, Anne-Marie 224–6

Kasunic, Victoria 264–7, 269

knowing yourself 90–104

    essential information 95–7

    exercises 90–3, 97–8

    interests and firelighters 98

    passion from within job 99–100

    purpose, sense of 100–4, 2

knowledge economy 67–9

Kondo, Marie 128

    The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up 128

Langer, Ellen 28–9

late bloomers 18, 33–4

    ‘conceptual’ talents 33

    ‘experimental’ talents 34

life and work stages, redefining 21–5

life course, new 19–21

life expectancy 1, 10, 20, 56

    personal growth and development 56–7

limiting beliefs 262

    tips for dealing with 262–4

LinkedIn 247–9

    tips 248

‘lump of labour’ fallacy 11–12

McCallum, Kate 143–5

McCourt, Frank 18

    Angela’s Ashes 18

Marks & Spencer 14

mind maps 63–5

Monash University 12

Money for Jam 23

Mosley, Michael 29

my satisfying life mind map 65

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) 118, 119, 121

myths about older people 9–15

National Seniors Australia 52

networking 246–52

    exercise 251–2

    LinkedIn 247–9

    tips 250–1

neuroscience 176–7

O’Neill, Michael 52

over-50 demographic 4–5

    call to action 15–16

    chronological age, relevance of 11

    cognitive decline myth 12–13

    commitment 11

    differences 9–10

    employers 14

    ‘lump of labour’ fallacy 11–12

    mindset and 28–9

    myths 9–15

    percentage in workforce 12

    reinvention of work 18–36

    research on personal development 56–7

    retirement pressure 13–14

    stereotyping and discrimination 25–8

    studies 12–13

passion 99–100

pension 10

personal brand 243–4

    brand audit 245–6

    emotional disposition 245

    exercise 245–6

    model 244–5

    physical appearance 244–5

    practical skills 244

    values and beliefs 244

personal environments 240–2

    exercise on changing 242

planning tools 232

portfolio careers 55, 69

    portfolio options 214–15

Price, Bambi 216–18

procrastination 256–7

    tips for dealing with 257–9

Productive Ageing Centre 2013

report 25

project planning 232–52

    exercise 237–8

    model 232–7

    networking 246–52

    personal brand 243–6

    personal environments 240–2

psychometric assessments 118–21

    use of 121–3

purpose 100–4

‘rapid prototypes’ 185–8

reflections 83–4, 196–7

reinvention of work 5, 38

    encore careers 37–40, 45

    flexibility and adventure 211

    like-minded people, hanging out with 212

    perspective, keeping 212–13

    practicalities 210–31

    taking time 210–11

    tips 210–15

    upskilling or re-skilling 213–14

research 158, 179

    exercise 158–62

    job-card shuffle 167–70

    jobs exercise 164–6

    questions exercise 158–64

    ‘showstoppers’ 172

    work and life role models 167

re-skilling 213–14

résumés 223–6

    achievements, focus on 225

    dates or photos 225

    old ways of thinking 224–5

    personal development, investment in 226

    succinctness 225

    tips 224–6

Resumes for Results 224

retirement 1, 7–8, 13–14, 36

    social construct, as 21

risk management 147

Roberts, Alex 152–4

Roget, Peter Mark 13–14

role models for work and life 167

Rorschach inkblot test 119

Rukeyser, Muriel 76–7

Ryan, Susan 26–7

Sagmeister, Stefan 70

same–same-but-different career 41–4

Sanders, Harland 18

satisfaction levels table 92

Scobie, Claire 230–1

Scott, Andrew 151

    The 100-Year Life 151

self-belief 34

Seligman, Martin 108

‘senior moments’ 12–13

Seniorpreneurs 216

‘seniorpreneurs’ 44–8

‘serial mastery’ 68

She Business 249

‘showstoppers’ 172, 253–71

    anxiety 259–61

    case studies 269–71

    fear mechanism 264–6

    flight or fight reaction 265

    inner critic 253–6

    limiting beliefs 262–4

    procrastination 256–9

    psychology of 264–6

    tips for dealing with 266–7

    transitions 267–71

skills 105, 114–15

    categories 116

    exercise 115–18

    formal/technical 116

    generic/transferable 116

    psychometric assessments 118–21

    table 116–18

    upskilling or re-skilling 213–14

social entrepreneurship 50–2

social media 247 see also LinkedIn; networking

socialisation 141

start-up businesses 24–5, 44–8, 217–18

    tips for 215–18

status/identity 141–2, 150–6

stereotyping 25–8, 220–1

Stiles, Dori 119–21

stories, value of 76–88

    achievements and accomplishments 84–6

    common elements of life stories 78–9

    decoding your story exercise 84–6

    interview context 230–1

    narrative 82

    reflections 83–4

    non-dominant hand, using 82–3

    your story exercise 79–83

    your timeline 79–82

Storyworks 80

strengths 105–6, 107–8, 110–11

    exercise 108–10

    overusing 112

    psychometric assessments 118–21

    relevant weaknesses, ignoring 113–14

    self-knowledge 217

    table 109


    external markers 58

    internal model 59

    personal meaning of 58–62

superannuation 146

    business start-up and 217–18

Sydney Morning Herald 68

talents 105, 106–7

    exercise 107

    psychometric assessments 118–21

TED talks 70

    ‘The Power of Believing You Can Improve’ 176

10,000 hours of practice 131–2

time management/structuring 141

transitions 267–71

    endings 268

    neutral zone 268–9

    new beginnings 269

‘unretirement’ 2, 22–3

upskilling 213–14

usefulness 142

values 132–7

    table 134

Vespa, Scarlett 243–5

vision 233–4

    your vision plan 242–3

Vita Needle 14

volunteering 48–9, 218–19

Volunteering Australia 49, 219

weaknesses, ignoring 113–14

Wilder, Laura Ingalls 13

Wordstruck 230


    adult gap year 70–3

    context 172–4

    digital nomads 69

    experiments and investigations 177–85

    financial remuneration 141

    five functions of 140–2

    flexibility 41–2, 66–7

    industry sectors 66

    intergenerational collaboration 69–70

    job seeking 52–5

    knowledge economy 67–9

    life and 62–3, 167

    older Australians 8

    portfolio careers 69

    practicalities 210–31

    purpose and, questions about 159–61

    reimagining 18–36

    reinvention of 9, 210–31

    roles, changing 74–6

    socialisation 141

    stages, redefining 21–5

    status/identity 141–2, 150–6

    time management/structuring 141

    trends in 66–73

    types of 37–55, 210

    usefulness 142

work experiments and investigations 177–85

    design thinking 185–6

    doing the job 184–5

    imagining 177–8

    informational interviews 182–3

    research 179

    shadowing 183–4

work/life accomplishments table 85

workforce participation 12

The WorkPlace 66–7