In both Lemuria and Atlantis, a communal society with shared storehouses and warehouses assured that everyone worked at what best suited them. Therefore, scientists and artists were relieved of the necessity to earn money, and freely focused their efforts on contributing to knowledge and aesthetic development. The accomplishments of Lemurian and Atlantean priest-scientists, with unlimited facilities and thousands of years to develop their technology, exceeded those of our relatively short civilization. The ability of these skillful inventors to develop and use their minds in a way that most scientists today cannot comprehend contributed to their amazing achievements.
At least twenty years of extremely demanding study and meditation were required to bring the intuitions and intellects of potential priest-scientists into harmony. During this time, the candidates not only studied the physical sciences, but also expanded their awareness and improved their psychic abilities. They learned to trust their intuition, in addition to the suggestions of their logical brain.209 Focusing on understanding the natural laws, the Lemurians constructed a sophisticated type of windmill as a source of energy.
They also discovered that their mineral-rich land contained magnetic and radioactive rocks, which, when properly used, offered energy.210 Ancient writings and carvings tell us that in volcanic regions the Lemurians found strange, powerful stones from the center of the Earth. When they placed one of them in water, it pushed the water away from it. They attached one of the stones on the bottom of a raft and, as the water moved away from the powerful object, the raft moved forward. Another stone, which seemed to have magnetic properties, was capable of turning wheels if there was some sort of metal on the outside of the wheel. A different stone or mineral, similar to the magnetic one, provided a continuous light.211 Since we have not discovered duplicates of these unusual stones, references to them are difficult to interpret.
Using their highly developed skills, the Lemurians and the Atlanteans succeeded in obtaining energy from a wide variety of other sources, including the sun, the mind, the Earth’s magnetic field, and sound. Conscious of the necessity of preserving the environment, their beloved sun proved to be the most beneficial. Throughout their long history, both civilizations worshiped the large body in the sky as a source of light, heat, and life. It was their symbol for the Creator, the one all-powerful mass of energy with feelings and love, which they believed formed the universe and everything in it. Before long, perhaps with the help of visiting extraterrestrials,212 the Atlanteans perfected a magnificent crystal that enabled them to acquire efficient energy from the sun.
Edgar Cayce refers to the first important crystal in Atlantis as the Tuaoi stone. Initially, Atlanteans amplified the light its six sides received from the sun to enhance their meditation and contemplation, and communicate with the spiritual realm. After thousands of years, as the people became more materially oriented, priest-scientists perfected the Great Crystal that, when properly controlled, magnified and directed the energy it collected. With this source of infinite power, the Atlanteans acquired the ability to travel in the air and on and under the water.213
I remember the extensive use of crystals for power. I remember the building of the Great Crystal, which was pyramidal in shape. I remember the use of the Great Crystal for communication and warfare as well as for energy production. I remember the point-to-point transmission of electricity without wires through the land, from one pyramid to another.
Innumerable people recall the Great Crystal, even though they have never heard of Edgar Cayce, who describes it in detail. To build the huge, multifaceted “firestone,” Atlantean scientists placed a large piece of precisely cut quartz crystal in the peak of a building that served as a solar type converter. In this exposed location, close to the heavens, the facets of the crystal focused energy from the rays of the sun, just as parabolic mirrors do today. A movable dome over the top of the complex quartz stone allowed skillful engineers to control the amount of exposure to the light from above. Atlanteans lined the crystal’s building with a nonconducting material similar to asbestos.214 Cayce describes a central power station on the ground which provided the energy from the Great Crystal that enabled Atlanteans to overcome gravity.
The Cayce readings have been interpreted to suggest that rays or beams of energy from the Great Crystal sent the power to receptor crystals, which rekindled it. From there the force could be used to run an electrical or thermal engine in a vehicle or other mechanical device.215 It offers one of several examples of the Atlanteans’ ability to transmit power without lines.216 Cayce also refers to the Great Crystal obtaining energy from the stars, something that astronomers have recently explained. From various sources in the heavens, quasars and pulsars transmit strong electromagnetic radiation in the form of light, heat, and radio waves.
As a result of some regression sessions without the use of hypnosis, I could view the past. Not that I really saw full-colored pictures, but merely knew certain details and remember them. Here is what I saw—it certainly isn’t the absolute truth, because this type of memory is very “colored.” Still, I think it adds something.
One of the things I was aware of was those energy towers in Atlantis. On the ground they had the shape of a pyramid, but from the top emerged a thin, very tall antenna. High above the ground there was another pyramid-like object built inside this antenna, much smaller though, and above that the antenna emerged again. The height of such an antenna exceeded 100 meters. All around there was a glow of some kind, a purple light that made it a living thing.
The towers were used to exchange and intensify energy in its widest sense, making it possible to even amplify thought, so everybody throughout Atlantis could “tune in” and “hear.”
—wim roskam, the netherlands
Information about how to construct the crystal disappeared during disastrous catastrophes that agitated our planet’s surface and totally destroyed the country. Only a select few in Atlantis were allowed access to the full picture of information, for the authorities hid technical secrets from the people so as to maintain power over them. Few of these scientifically oriented people heeded the dire warnings of the coming disaster, and those who did leave were among the last to go. They departed hurriedly and usually separately, traveling to different places. Even if they had some technical knowledge, without the necessary tools it was impossible for them to reconstruct any one scientific process, especially another Great Crystal. As centuries passed, all knowledge of it slowly vanished.
The Atlanteans had solar-charged crystal flashlights that projected a blue-white light to combat the darkness after sunset. The bulbs never grew hot. To turn them off, one moved a lightweight cover, which sealed in the power.217 Since the Great Crystal produced more energy than the Atlanteans could ever consume, they may have developed solar cells that will last forever, similar to those we recently perfected. A copper material (copper indium gallium diselenide) in the batteries contains atoms that are diffused to light-damaged areas of the cells and effectively heal them, continuously extending a battery’s life.218
The Bermuda Triangle, which includes the site of Poseidia in the Bahama Islands, is a large area that stretches from Puerto Rico to Bermuda to Miami, Florida, and then back to Puerto Rico. Many ships and low-flying planes have permanently disappeared without any explanation in the Bermuda Triangle. If their radios are operating, pilots sometimes report that their engines are losing power, that their compasses spin counterclockwise, and that other navigational equipment is behaving erratically or has ceased to function. Suddenly the travelers discover that they and their ships or planes are in a dense fog.
Perhaps a powerful crystal from Atlantis, hiding beneath the water, occasionally catches the sun’s rays and transmits energy at the moment when a motorized vehicle is passing above. Reports of disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle are not as prevalent as they were years ago, when instruments were less sophisticated, which may indicate that either today’s modern equipment is strong enough to combat the unknown culprit, or whatever was causing the difficulties has lost some of its power.
Straight through the Earth, almost directly opposite the Bermuda Triangle, is the Devil’s Sea, an area with many of the characteristics of the Bermuda Triangle. The Devil’s Sea, considerably larger than its counterpart, extends from the southeast coast of Japan to the northern tip of the Philippines and to Guam. Apparently a mysterious force also affects navigational equipment in the Devil’s Sea, for ships and planes also vanished there, especially during World War II. Following the war, a Japanese research vessel that was sent to search for an explanation for the many losses permanently disappeared without a trace.219 Perhaps energy from Lemuria is still present on the ocean floor in this strange region.
Many believe that, to more easily enter other dimensions, the Atlanteans attempted to create a powerful interdimensional portal in the area of the Bermuda Triangle. This offers another possible explanation for the communication problems and mysterious disappearances in that area. Portals are doorways to other dimensions. They enable a person to move through the curtain and sense what is happening in another period of time. Perhaps lack of comprehension of the deadly power of this enterprise contributed to the Atlanteans’ doom, just as the Montauk Project was abandoned when our scientists were unable to control their unusual experiments.220 Rumors abound that the United States has continued to secretly research the technology of interdimensional doorways. Rumors on the Internet report that scientists at Los Alamos, with the assistance of extremely high-powered holographic technology, have successfully created an entrance to other zones of time and place. Hopefully, knowledge that the Atlantean priest-scientists’ experiments with their advanced technology were at least partially responsible for the destruction of their country will provide an incentive for our scientists to proceed cautiously until their spiritual development is comparable to their technical capabilities.
Quartz crystal was readily available in volcanic Atlantis, and many people, including Egerton Sykes, believe Atlanteans carved the life-size crystal skull, which Anna Mitchell-Hedges found in 1927 under the ruins of a temple in Belize. The age of the Mitchell-Hedges skull is undetermined because radiocarbon dating does not test quartz. After thoroughly studying it, scientists at Hewlett-Packard laboratories in Santa Clara, California, concluded that the people who made the skull were from a civilization which possessed a crystallographic ability equivalent to ours.
Before working with a chunk of crystal, modern sculptors always take into account the orientation of its molecular symmetry, since if they use lasers and other high-tech cutting methods and carve against the grain, the piece will shatter. The Mitchell-Hedges skull was carved against the natural axis of the original block of crystal. To compound the strangeness, Hewlett-Packard could find no microscopic scratches on the object to show it was formed with metal instruments. The scientists estimate that, if it was roughly hewn out with diamonds and then meticulously finished and polished with a mixture of silicon sand and water, the exhausting job would require man-hours adding up to about 300 years of effort. The skull was carved from clear crystal with piezoelectric properties, so it has a positive and negative polarity. It is capable of carrying an electric current from top to bottom or in the reverse direction.221 Because the Mitchell-Hedges skull most closely resembles a female head, it is often referred to as “she.” The object is strikingly beautiful, with a movable lower jaw and a network of prisms, lenses, and light-pipes that give life to her face and eyes. The realistic skull exhibits strange faculties. Sensitive people sometimes see an aura around her; others sense a sweet-sour odor. At times she seems to produce sounds like tinkling bells or a faint choir of human voices.
Initially, skilled persons probably used the head to stimulate and amplify their psychic abilities, but sensitive persons say her power also assists them in healing. If it is hung over a fire, when the firelight shines up through the passageways and focuses out from the lifelike skull’s eye sockets, it produces a dramatic effect. The object would have provided a very effective way to control people, since its movable jaw offers unlimited opportunities to a person with the skills of a ventriloquist.
The Mitchell-Hedges skull is not the only crystal skull. An old Native American legend says there are thirteen ancient crystal skulls which contain important information about the origin, purpose, and destiny of the human race, as well as answers to questions about the universe. They believe that one day, when the human race is sufficiently morally and spiritually evolved, all the skulls will be brought together for their collective wisdom.222 Many skulls have appeared which are said to have Central American origins, but a new type of test, performed in England in 1996 in preparation for a BBC documentary, determined that only two of the five skulls the scientists tested are ancient. Anna Mitchell-Hedges declined the invitation to include her skull in the program.
The results of the tests of their age were not made public, but “Max” was one of the skulls a BBC associate revealed was carved more than 5,000 years ago. Max was originally from Guatemala, and found his way to Texas via a Tibetan healer. Max has an exceptionally strong ability to transmit energy. Skilled people, utilizing crystals and sounds of toning, employ his power to energize small imitation crystal skulls that they use for healing.223 Sha-Na-Ra, another skull which proved to be as old or older than Max, weighs over thirteen pounds. His previous home was in an ancient temple in the buried ruins of a city in Mexico. Sha-Na-Ra has an angular head with slanted eyes and prominent cheekbones.224
Skulls that were carved within the last five years are easy for experts to recognize, but there are other crystal heads which may have Atlantean origins, since their age has not been determined. Two clear quartz crystal skulls were found in Guatemala, as well as an amethyst skull, which was discovered in 1912.225 A skull from Central America, which is smoky quartz, has a pointed cranium and is referred to as “ET” because it has the features of an extraterrestrial.226 The Rose Quartz Crystal Skull, which is reported to reside near the border of Honduras and Guatemala, is the only skull that compares to the craftsmanship of the Mitchell-Hedges skull.227
Skilled craftspeople are making crystal skulls today from silicon quartz and they are available from a variety of sources. An artist in Brazil carves crystal skulls today that are available at the Gaila Goddess Specialty Shop at the Shambala Meditation and Training Center in Manchester, New Hampshire.228 Some of the more recently produced skills have proved to be very useful to their owners, especially for healing. A few of the more recently carved skulls are especially powerful because they were crafted from crystal that was programmed in some way long ago. The following communication from the Netherlands offers an example:
Ohr Gesher is a newly carved skull, but the crystal from which he was carved has Atlantean memories. His name means “light.” From what he told me, he was made to serve as some kind of library and also as a generator of some kind. When I first meditated with him I saw complete corridor-like structures with light in them. The light was a golden color. He’s a bit of a mental little fellow and will not accept any thoughts that are below Christ-consciousness.
Ohr Gesher told me that his mission is to connect the old and the new, and the young and the old, on as many levels as possible. He just came to me, so we still have a lot to learn from each other.
—galimai, the netherlands
Highly developed people who practice scrying believe they successfully obtain information from ancient crystal skulls or skulls made from age-old crystal. To follow this procedure, scryers intensely focus and concentrate in a dark, quiet place with only the light of a candle. Placing their hands on either side of the head, they look into its depths, projecting their minds into it with their gaze. The skull slowly becomes cloudy and the scryer perceives pictures deep within it. One problem is that they do not know if the information from the crystal head concerns the past, present, or future.
Crystal skulls have the power of light and dark within them. We have to be careful or we may absorb the negative as well as the positive. They are libraries of knowledge, for as they absorb all, they can return all if we have the keys to access it. Tone was used in Atlantis to gain admittance to the skull’s libraries, and it can be used now if we know how to do it. However, our energy frequencies have changed over time, and few people today are capable of the necessary focus and are as in tune with the elemental forces of creation as those who once worked with the crystal skulls.
—heather robb
Scientists at the U.S. National Bureau of Standards first discovered quasi-crystal in 1984. They reported that the strange stone possessed the same type of order usually associated with a crystal, except its atoms were arranged in a pattern that is physically impossible for any crystalline substance. Crystals can have only twofold, threefold, fourfold, and sixfold symmetry. Quasi-crystals have fivefold symmetry, which cannot be assembled to completely fill space.229
Atlanteans programmed quasi-crystals telepathically, using the energy of their minds. The result is something like a computer. With the assistance of the powerful stones they had access to mental time travel to explore the nature of the universe.230 If they had a mental image of a desired destination, such as a geographical landmark, it was possible for their minds to go to any location in their present day, and also to journey in the past and the future.231
Some years ago in Norway, I met a man working with crystals, and he told me that some crystals have small triangles engraved on the faces. He said these are very precious because this is encoded information (he talked about a link with Atlantis). He said the triangles “come and go, you see them if you are ready to.” He showed me some crystals with very tiny triangles on their faces. He said you should always look very carefully when buying crystals and choose these.
When I went home, I was curious and looked at my crystals. In fact, most of them had triangles. A couple didn’t, and one or two (especially one) was literally covered with all sorts of triangles (from very small to bigger, overlapping each other.)
Holographically encoded quasi-crystals which receive psycho-electric programming are referred to as recorder crystals. When properly encoded with intense concentration and meditation, recorder crystals assume their own personality and are very powerful, especially for healing. See appendix I for one intuitive person’s experience with a powerful crystal she believes priest-scientists worked with in Atlantis.
I was an Atlantean priest who taught in the temples. The classrooms were similar to mini-amphitheaters and I stood on a platform, facing the students who were reclining on pillows on the floor. When class began, each student took out their most precious possession—a Knowledge Crystal. Intensely concentrating, with the crystal in their hands, they absorbed and recorded the complex information I sent to them. Teaching and learning were such a joy.
—michael fess
Dolores Cannon is a hypnotist who helps others explore experiences in previous incarnations with the goal of improving their present lives. In Jesus and the Essenes, Cannon offers a fascinating recollection of a very large recorder crystal which may have come from Atlantis. From the past life reflections of a girl from an isolated rural area who only had a minimum education, she received information about an amazing crystal in the library of the Essenes. The Essenes were a secret society of spiritual scholars who flourished in the Near East during the first century b.c. and perhaps for long before that time. They are most widely known as the probable authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Dolores Cannon’s patient described being a student in the school of the Essenes, and working in the library, where a huge crystal that was about two feet in diameter rested on a pedestal. The stone was shaped like a pyramid and seemed to change color. A waist-high wall surrounded the crystal, for it expelled so much more energy than was sent to it that it burned anyone who touched it.
In the library the students were taught to focus on an elderly professor, who was the only person who had the ability to come close to the powerful stone. He used the force he received from them to obtain knowledge from the crystal, telling the students they were not evolved enough to be exposed to this information; that once great damage was done by unenlightened people who gained access to it. The girl reported that she was told the powerful crystal had been with the Essenes for as long as anyone could remember and its origins were unknown. They thought it came to their land in a boat. Atlantis is a logical possibility.
The girl had never heard of the Essenes and knew nothing about the ancient Near East but, after carefully checking historical records with the minute details she received from her patient about the Essenes’ daily life and surroundings, Dolores Cannon is convinced that the girl’s report of the pyramid-shaped crystal is authentic.
The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt offers another example of the skills the Atlanteans exhibited as they attempted to record knowledge for us. Edgar Cayce states many times that when they anticipated the destruction of their land, Atlanteans traveled to Egypt and built the pyramid to preserve information. The building displays its builders’ superior knowledge of mathematics, geometry, astronomy, and technology at a level we are just achieving. Its 2,500,000 granite and limestone blocks, some weighing seventy tons, occupy thirteen acres, or the equivalent of seven square blocks of Manhattan.
Those who planned this huge building had the ability to express their exceptional mathematical and astronomical data in structural form. The geometric design, which is all on the basis of the mathematical ratio of pi, accurately incorporates the sun’s distance from the Earth, the weight of the Earth, its circumference at the equator, and other knowledge of our planet which our scientists rediscovered relatively recently. It is as if the builders, realizing that written records, tools, and machinery do not survive, used this building to display the level of their skills. Incorporation of their amazing understanding of the Earth’s dimensions suggests that those who designed the Great Pyramid wished to let us know that their advanced race once inhabited our planet.232
Like a trick birthday candle that is difficult to blow out, so unanswered questions about the elaborate pyramid at Giza continue to disturb investigators. Contemporary archaeologists are unwilling to accept Cayce’s construction date of approximately 10,000 b.c., but evidence that the unique building is older than they believe continues to appear. The recent discovery of the inaccuracy of radiocarbon dating, as described previously, also adds numerous years to the antiquity of this and other prehistoric sites.
In addition to its age, there is the problem of how the immense building was constructed. Cayce makes it plain that Atlantean mechanics went to Egypt to offer advice for creating the mechanical tools for cutting the stones.233 Contemporary attempts to demonstrate that thousands of laborers spent innumerable years cutting boulders into precisely accurate blocks and piling them up to make the pyramid prove to many that this is not the way it was constructed.
After carefully studying Egyptian technology, engineer and laser technician Christopher Dunn believes that when they built Egypt’s Great Pyramid, craftsmen successfully used ultrasonics to penetrated granite. The quartz embedded in granite vibrates sympathetically with the high-frequency ultrasonic waves and does not resist the cutting action.234 Perhaps Aarth-Elth, a young Atlantean whom Cayce says moved to Egypt and worked to develop mechanical appliances to cut stone,235 was involved in perfecting ultrasonic tools.
Cayce mentions that the pyramid builders, as they traveled upon the river in Egypt, learned the correct chants to overcome the force of gravity and lift heavy stones. Stories from all over the world tell of waves of sound lifting and raising heavy objects. Priests in Chaldea are said to have lifted the great stones at Baalbek with repeated and harmonious chants. At Tiahuanaco in Bolivia, narratives portray builders employing the sound of trumpets, and the walls of the Greek city of Thebes were supposedly constructed to the tones of Amphion’s lyre. Legends report the builders of Stonehenge overcame gravity with drums, songs, and the clash of cymbals.236 German travelers in Tibet depict monks using drums, trumpets, and chants to defy gravity and move heavy blocks up a hill, and accounts of visitors to India describe monks who rose in the air with the assistance of sound plus the power of their minds. Babylonian tablets reiterate that sonic energy can lift weighty objects.
More recently, sonic levitation was employed in a space shuttle. Sound waves securely held glass in suspension while it was experimentally melted and shaped into a delicate lens. This remarkable act is possible because in the space vehicle, due to the absence of gravity, less intense sound is required for levitation. Once this process is perfected, optical engineers will successfully create thinner, more complicated lenses with fewer layers of material.237
Scientists have learned the effect of the energy of sound on plants. When they played recordings of high pitched tones to crops of wheat, the vibrations significantly stimulated the plants to greater growth. Pulsations from people stamping and dancing on the land improved the growth of a variety of other plants. Varied species of flowering plants that were continuously subjected to different types of music reacted differently. Some grew toward rock music, others died.238
Ultrasonic vibrations above our hearing range enable skilled technicians to map ocean bottoms, increase molecular motion in liquids, generate heat, crack solids, and sterilize surgical instruments. Ultrasound is a well-known diagnostic technique that provides physicians with images of internal organs, and often offers successful therapeutic treatment. As we relearn and employ the power of sound waves, it is possible to believe the Atlanteans may have had the ability to harness it to move large rocks.
One situation for which the Atlanteans used the energy of sound has not been fully explored. A member of a former Nobel Prize-winning team told author and scientist Murry Hope that he recalls his days as a priest-scientist in “the Old Country” where he was engaged in advanced work on sonics. He said he did not pursue that line of scientific inquiry in this lifetime because it was too dangerous and he believes the world is not ready for it.239 We know that very strong vibrations of ultrasonic waves are capable of killing animals and people. Equally powerful infrasonic vibrations below man’s hearing have similar powers.240
Cayce also reports that in Mexico the Lemurians combined with others from Peru, Egypt, and Atlantis to build pyramids and temples, and that the lifting power of gases enabled them to construct the large structures of heavy stone.241 Megalithic pyramids on numerous Pacific Islands, similar to the one on Tahiti on which stone altars once stood,242 continue to remind us that the Lemurians and their descendants also found ways to overcome the force of gravity.
Scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla offers an example of how the highly developed minds of the Atlanteans enabled them to surpass us in their technology. Tesla (1856–1943), who invented alternating current, also explored the possibilities of electromagnetism, including its use to access other dimensions. It is thought that his knowledge was one of the sources of top-secret U.S. research with time and space, including the Philadelphia Experiment and the experiments at Montauk. Descriptions of Tesla’s lethal Scalar Wave technology have a striking resemblance to Edgar Cayce’s Atlantean death rays, which will be depicted in chapter 14.
To devise a new invention, Tesla first pictured in his mind what he wished to construct. In this solely visual state he corrected the device, turned it on to see if it worked well, and completed it in every detail. Only then did he make the drawings and diagrams. The final step was to actually build his invention, if there was money. Tesla’s creations never failed because they were already designed and tested in his head. Einstein is reputed to have worked in a similar manner.
Although he was a genius, the establishment discredits most of Tesla’s work and many of his inventions remain secret. His concepts of antigravity, time travel, flying discs, thought machines, ozone generators, and electric submarines were too much for the conservative scientific community of the early twentieth century. When he died, most of his papers mysteriously disappeared.
Edgar Cayce tells us that an abundance of Atlanteans returned to this planet in the twentieth century. Thanks to the wisdom and effort of many of them, our technology improved tremendously. However, he often cautions them to beware of developing radioactive forces as they had done in the past. He offered his observations on the dangers of breaking up the atom in 1935 before that was officially accomplished and became public knowledge.243 As we follow in the footsteps of the Atlanteans, our physicists are expanding their minds and acquiring the ability to efficiently utilize solar energy, the Earth’s magnetism, and the power of sound. Hopefully, we will simultaneously develop the ability to live in harmony and use this plentiful energy to benefit all humanity without destroying ourselves and our beloved Earth.
209. Andrews, Atlantis: Insights from a Lost Civilization.
210. Cerve, Lemuria.
211. Ibid.
212. Montgomery, The World Before, p. 79.
213. Cayce, Readings 2072–10.
214. Cayce, Readings 440–5.
215. Donato, “Cayce’s Masers,” Atlantis Rising, Number 32, p. 61.
216. Cayce, Readings 262–39.
217. Hope, The Ancient Wisdom of Atlantis, p. 110.
218. Boston Globe, August 30, 1999.
219. Winer, The Devil’s Triangle, p. 210.
220. For more information see The Montauk Project by Preston B. Nichols. For four decades, from 1943 to 1983, secret research at the abandoned U.S. Air Force base at Montauk, Long Island, focused on attempts to manipulate space and time. Initially they used a computer and technology that ITT developed that could pick up the electromagnetic functions or thoughts of human beings. As they experimented with moving and materializing objects, they often manipulated time without understanding why or how. The scientists came to realize that their work was doing irreparable damage to the people involved and the project was discontinued.
221. Morton and Thomas, The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls, p. 47.
222. Ibid., p.2.
223. Isabelle, Crystal Skull Handbook, p. 32.
224. Morton and Thomas, Ibid., p. 92.
225. Ibid., p. 93.
226. Ibid., p. 210.
227. Ibid., p. 93.
228. The Shambala Meditation Center at 865 Second Street in Manchester, New Hampshire, contains a large temple, a healing center, and a specialty shop. It offers a wide variety of lectures and classes. Many years ago, a Maya priest gave Susan Isabelle, the founder and director of the center, an ancient crystal skull, telling her he knew she would understand how to use it. He said its name was El Aleator (Lord of the Tones). Susan believes the skull is one of the ancient thirteen crystal skulls programmed so long ago. With tones and energy Susan uses El Aleator to activate the newer crystal heads from Brazil until some of them actually pulse in her hand. Some of the crystals take on a color frequency for specific uses in healing. These activated skulls are very effective in healing as they gradually change the new owner’s energy field, making the person more aware and energetic.
Lemurian seed crystals are also available at the specialty shop, and classes and groups have formed around the Lemurian crystals and crystal skulls. Students of Lemuria and those interested in the skulls have discovered the group consciousness enhances the experience for all. Using the Lemurian crystals in circlular formation, the groups have discovered an automatic linkage occurs in which each participant is “locked in at the heart center” one to another, forming a strong electromagnetic, energetic field and consciousness within the group. Gateways are formed and participants have experienced blue globes of light within the room and Lemurian consciousness contacts have occured. Their messages, psychically received, have spoken of their concern for the earth. The desire of the Lemurian consciousness as expressed within the group is to help us care for the earth. Actual photographs of the globes of light are available at the Shambhala Temple for all to see the light manifestations.
229. Hope, The Ancient Wisdom of Atlantis, p. 105.
230. Ibid., p. 106.
231. Carrie Blakley.
232. Atlantis: Insights from a Lost Civilization offers more information about the Great Pyramid.
233. Cayce, Readings 1177–1.
234. Dunn, The Giza Power Plant, p. 87.
235. Cayce, Readings 1177–1.
236. Michell, The New View Over Atlantis, p. 204.
237. Raloff, Science News, November 28, 1987.
238. Tompkins and Bird, The Secret Life of Plants.
239. Hope, The Ancient Wisdom of Atlantis, p. 111.
240. Donato, A Re-examination of the Atlantis Theory, p. 153.
241. Robinson, Edgar Cayce’s Story of the Origin and Destiny of Man, p. 124.
242. Sykes, Atlantis, Vol. 21, No.1.
243. See Atlantis: Insights from a Lost Civilization for further information about nuclear energy in prehistory.