I am a little girl. I live in Atlantis. I’m playing with some children in a grassy space like a park with houses close around it. The sky is getting dark, but I know it isn’t nighttime. I’m running around having fun, and then I notice that the ground is rolling and shaking. Two big, sharp noises frighten me and I start to cry, but my father comes racing out of the house, grabs my hand and says, “Come with me.” Ashes and dust are falling down like rain and the smoky air is hard to breathe. I realize some volcanoes exploded.
We run out to the street and it’s full of screaming people all racing with us to the water. My father has a small boat, which is still there. After I get in, he rows us away from the heaving ground. Lots of people are swimming in the water and some manage to climb into our little boat and others desperately hang on to the sides. Hot coals from the volcano keep falling on us and burn our skin, so we go farther out to where we can hardly hear the terrified shouting people on the land. Suddenly a huge wave is coming, taller than a building. It tips over our boat. I hit my head on something as I fall into the water and I sink deeper, deeper . . .
This is my story. It helps me to understand why I have always been so apprehensive and uncomfortable swimming in deep water that’s over my head or riding in a boat on a lake or the ocean. Perhaps it also offers an explanation for my unpleasant tendency toward sea sickness.
In those days of Atlantis, we knew about reincarnation. We knew the physical body is only used for a brief moment before it is replaced with another. I could have gone with others to Egypt before Atlantis sank. I was given that choice. But I decided to stay to the end, to experience the last moment of Atlantis with those who could not leave. I knew I would be reincarnated into Egypt for my next lifetime, and yes, this happened, and I lived many lives there.
I especially remember the very last day in Atlantis, the very last moments when the land turned to yellow mush like quicksand as it sank beneath me. Those terrifying last moments are as clear to me today as they were thousands of years ago. The sinking happened so quickly, there was hardly time to think, to feel. Yet, my last thought was that of horror when the land went down under my feet.
When I was a small child in this lifetime, I remember being asleep in my crib when an earthquake struck and my parents picked me up and quickly carried me out of the room. At that moment, as the house trembled, the feeling was the same as when the earth sank beneath me in Atlantis. I don’t think anyone ever forgets this. I am very glad I don’t live today in an earthquake-prone area. I would have to leave. I could not repeat over and over the feelings of my last moments in Atlantis.
—barbara wolf
In 50,722 b.c., as the Atlanteans searched for a means of destroying the dangerous large animals that were eating their crops and their children, they began to experiment with obtaining energy from natural sources. Desperately, the priest-scientists combined numerous chemicals and created powerful explosives, but these dangerous weapons were difficult to control.264 One day, when they aimed them at the animals’ homes on the ground, the tremendous blasts triggered terrible earthquakes that led to Atlantis cracking and splitting into five smaller islands.265
In 28,000 b.c., when Atlantean scientists tuned the crystal too high, it suddenly turned into a deadly, destructive force. The tumult from earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and floods that followed devastated Atlantis once again until only three islands remained, one of which was Poseidia in the Caribbean. Plato adds that a string of lesser islands connected the Atlantic Ridge to the American continent.
When I read about Atlantis I sense this strange pain, of a land in distress, of people running for their lives, and I feel a terrible sadness for this place that was so loved by its citizens.
About 10,000 b.c., something happened that dramatically changed the climate on our planet. The warm northern lands of Siberia became intensely cold, and the glaciers on the European and North American continents rapidly melted. As a result of the cataclysmic weather and geological upheavals at that time, forty million animals, including woolly mammoths, saber-toothed cats, mastodons, dire wolves, great ground sloths, giant cave bears, and antique bison died on the North and South American continents, and many more in Europe failed to escape nature’s wrath. The Chilam Balaam, one of the three remaining books of the Maya, describes the face of the heavens tilting, and the great tempest that arose and darkened the face of the sun and blew everything to the ground.266 What a horrible time for the human beings who lived on our planet.
Just as a furious fire destroys a forest of tall, stately trees, so this savage natural event completely eliminated advanced civilizations as well as the animals. Lemuria and Atlantis suffered terribly. Beautiful homes and pyramid temples cracked and collapsed, and the waters of the ocean swept over both lands. Plato tells us “the island of Atlantis was swallowed up by the sea and vanished.”267 In the Motherland of Mu, the catastrophe happened so suddenly that 64 million people died as the doomed island went “down, down, down.”268 Memories of this frightful time lie deep in the unconscious of many individuals today.
Twice Mu jumped from her foundations: it was then sacrificed by fire. It burst while earthquakes violently shook it up and down. By kicking it, the wizard that makes all things move like a mass of worms sacrificed it that very night.
—codex cortesianus (see chapter 4)
Churchward proposes that the granite under the continent of Mu was interlaced with pockets of volcanic gases. Initially, the chambers which supported Mu were very near the surface of the land and isolated from those below, but violent earthquakes and volcanic action in the depths of the Earth opened passages from the lower caverns to those above. The tremendous pressure on the higher chambers as gases rose from below obliterated the cavern’s roofs and completely broke up the land. At the same time, the gases burst into flames and engulfed the Motherland.269
Wishai S. Cerve adds that as tectonic plates moved, a remnant of submerged Lemurian land was pushed up against the western portion of the American continent. He points out that as one nears the Pacific coast in western California, the soil changes. As a result, redwoods, certain wildflowers, and ferns that are difficult to grow in the eastern portion of the state flourish there in the wild without cultivation.270 Edgar Cayce also refers to remains of Lemurian land in lower California.271
Some researchers suggest that the combination of violent earthquakes, overpowering tidal waves, and rapidly rising ocean levels that killed most of the people on our planet in 10,000 b.c. were indirectly responsible for the cannibalism and infanticide people once practiced in the South Pacific Islands. When disaster struck, lucky survivors scrambled to higher ground but, as the land continued to shake and the ocean waters rose, those who survived were forced to crowd together on the remaining fertile land. The expanse of sea between them and other islands continued to increase and they were trapped, often without inadequate food. To survive they resorted to eating humans.272
It is impossible to reflect on the changed state of the American continent without the deepest astonishment. Formerly it must have swarmed with great monsters: now we find mere pigmies, compared with the antecedent, allied races. If Buffon had known of the gigantic sloth and armadillo-like animals, and of the lost Pachydermata, he might have said with a greater semblance of truth that the creative force in America had lost its power, rather than that it had never possessed great vigour. The greater number, if not all, of these extinct quadrupeds lived at a late period, and were the contemporaries of most of the existing sea-shells. Since they lived, no very great change in the form of the land can have taken place.
What then has exterminated so many species and whole genera in 10,000 b.c.? The mind at first is irresistibly hurried into the belief of some great catastrophe: but thus to destroy animals both large and small, in South Patagonia, in Brazil, on the Cordillera of Peru, in North America up to the Bering’s straits, we must shake the entire framework of the globe.
—charles darwin273
Scientists have several theories as to what was responsible for the disastrous event of 10,000 b.c. The most probable is that a terrific shock provoked the planet’s axis to shift, and this disturbed the stability of the hot, thick liquid that lies beneath its surface. Inevitably, in vulnerable places, the fragile crust crumpled.
The ancient belief that comets, or huge stars in the sky with tails, were predecessors of a disturbance in the heavens (the gods were angry) is once again attaining credibility. Scientists are becoming increasingly aware that the Earth’s surface is extremely exposed to a comet, or “dirty snowball,” like the one that broke into twenty-one pieces and smashed into the face of Jupiter in July 1994. Each of the chunks of that comet had the force of several nuclear bombs. If pieces of a comet or remains of an exploded star landed in one of our oceans, in addition to the damage of the impact, the heat would evaporate immense amounts of water. This water, plus the liquid from the rapidly melting outer layer of the foreign body as it sped into our atmosphere, would produce heavy rains for several days. As debris from the pieces of the comet that crashed on the land sent immense clouds of dust into the sky, the sun’s light would fade, and darkness would prevail.
Only those human beings who sought refuge in underground caves or lived high in the mountains escaped the massive tidal waves, and many of them died of starvation before plants were able to grow again. Ships at sea may have provided a temporary safe refuge and a means of finding areas where needed food was available, but even these lucky people were soon reduced to living in extremely primitive conditions. The story of Noah and his ark is repeated in legends throughout the world.
German physicist Dr. Otto Muck believes that at the time of the final sinking of Atlantis, an asteroid several miles in diameter plunged into the Atlantic Ocean off the eastern coast of the United States. The huge holes where pieces of the hot, destructive demon penetrated the Earth’s crust near the Carolinas are quite visible today on the ocean floor, and photographs taken from the air show that hundreds of elliptical craters, called “Carolina Rings,” pockmark Georgia, Florida, Virginia, Maryland, and North and South Carolina. Muck estimates that when it smashed into us, the rapidly moving asteroid was as strong as 30,000 hydrogen bombs.274
The Earth is a small, frail sphere compared to the larger planets. Its crust is only five to thirty miles thick. The oceans of hot magma inside it are constantly in motion and, if the activity of this liquid is disturbed, it swings around and contributes to the planet’s instability. Muck believes the shock of the asteroid’s impact was so strong that our globe, which is like a giant top, wobbled on its axis, instigating the shattering earthquakes, gigantic waves, and long-lasting, damaging volcanic action.
A plausible theory explaining the demise of Atlantis suggests that, as a result of the tremendous jolt when this fast-moving body from space hit our planet, cracks developed on either side of the Atlantic Ridge. Red-hot magma from inside the Earth shot up at terrific speed through those spaces and melted the bottom of the land and, as the island crumbled, the beautiful country sadly sank into the sea. Lemuria may have suffered a similar fate.
Agitation of the Earth’s axis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and floods offer the outward, physical explanations for the sinking of Atlantis, but another source of the catastrophic devastation lay in the thoughts and inclinations of the people. Their lack of affection for our lovely world, their selfish aspirations, and their immorality were contributing factors.
I have the memory of being the wife of one of the priests of science, a specialist in what we call electronics nowadays, who understood the workings of the Great Crystal. He was one of a group of twelve miscreants who fiddled with the settings, being a portion of the cause of the downfall of Atlantis.
—kathleen keith
Interest in scientific achievement gradually supplanted compassionate relationships, the sharing of resources, and the harmony with nature that had characterized life in Lemuria and Atlantis for thousands of years. A class society evolved in both countries, in which the priest-scientists were extremely powerful, not always to the benefit of humanity.
From what I have seen of Mu, and from a channeled drawing that I was privileged to research, Mu was a battle of light versus dark. One part of the civilization was a farming community that was spiritual/religious, and dark energies dominated the rest of the society. Their collapse was destined if they never resolved their differences, which they did not. They had very little contact with each other.
The priest-scientists initially used their minds to access hidden spheres with the goal of benefiting others. The result was a remarkable technology blended with a spiritual base. The magician in the following experience is typical of those in the later days of Atlantis and Lemuria, who used their advanced information to obtain wealth and power at the expense of others. Although the Lemurians did not descend to the same level of corruption and evil as the Atlanteans, Llasa records portray a wealthy class in Mu who adorned themselves with fine clothes and jewels and lived in magnificent palaces.275
What I recall about my time in Atlantis is that I was a very powerful magician who was totally removed from humanity. I see a huge white tower with windows all around that look out on a land surrounded by sea. In this tower I experimented on life and abused my power horribly.
The actions of the priest-scientists were a factor in the unpleasant situation before the catastrophe of 10,000 b.c., but the behavior of the people in Atlantis also contributed. During most of their long history, Atlanteans and Lemurians practiced the Law of One. They were compassionate in their relationships with others and lovingly cared for the Earth with respect and consideration. Gradually, as the emphasis on technology increased and focused on scientific achievement, they lost respect for nature and tried to assume control over it. Natural resources became something to be used for their own benefit.
When technology assumed a leading role in their lives, it had a dehumanizing effect. People became obsessed with acquiring additional things and moved to the cities, where tangible objects were more readily available. Toward the end many people spent more and more time focusing on facts and possessions. They substituted machinery for mental tools in a manner similar to our dependence on calculators and computers. As they further fragmented their awareness into the physical, they lost respect for what they could not perceive with their five senses and all that lies beyond the third dimensional environment. The spiritual quality of life became unimportant to them. As they separated from their Creator and searched elsewhere for love, moral standards declined; anger, greed, hate, and envy increased; and crime was prevalent. Sexual orgies, robbery, and murder were common events. The Sons of Belial treated the “things” as slaves.
Intense, vivid dreams helped me to learn and understand some of my past lives. One of the most interesting of these recollections involved my being a “thing” in Atlantis.
My first wife, Hanna, remembered being my mother in Atlantis (although that wasn’t what she said the first time we discussed the matter). She remembered that in Atlantis she was married to a rich and powerful man, but she had an affair with one of the “things” who worked as houseboys. When she got pregnant, she wasn’t sure whether the father was her husband or the houseboy, but unfortunately it turned out that the houseboy was the father, a fact which was revealed when I was born and I was obviously part simian (not fully human, part ape).
Her husband had the houseboy executed, and she (my mother) was supposed to be put to death, too, but it was finally decided that we should be exiled to the wilderness, where it was presumed the two of us would not survive for long. I remember living in the forest in Atlantis with that human mother and having an intuitive knowledge which enabled me to look after her for many years, but one day she got sick and died.
After she was gone, I continued to live in the wilderness, but I was lonely and soon ventured into an Atlantean city. A number of people there seemed to know more about me than I knew about myself. I even met a judge who had spoken out against executing my mother. I was much more intelligent than people expected me to be, and that judge helped me to seek training as a mathematician. I spent the balance of my life doing theoretical work that was highly regarded. I clearly remember the dominant pure-human Atlanteans using their mental powers to manipulate many of the “things.”
What was weird about this particular dream and past life was that, in addition to my first wife Hanna, I have met five or six people who remembered their roles in that Atlantean story without my having to prompt them. A good friend in Denver recalled that he was the executed houseboy, and another friend in New York remembered being the judge.
A correspondent suggests that dissension between the virtuous Children of the Law of One and the immoral followers of Belial contributed to the problems in another way.
I remember classes in the temple in Atlantis. We were taught spirituality and Cosmic Law which were the principles of the Children of the Law of One, but they were watered down and we weren’t encouraged to remember them. We also learned the tenets of the Sons of Belial. The students who adopted the principles of the Sons of Belial got the easiest tests. If those who wished to follow the Law of One didn’t change their minds, they were harassed both physically and mentally until many of them died or went insane. The final result was that the good people who should have been involved in the management of the Great Crystal never had the opportunity.
Invariably, the portrayal of the last days of Atlantis focuses on the corrupt, immoral state to which many of the people had fallen and asserts that it was at least partially responsible for the fate of the land. Plato describes the change in the people: “The portion of divinity in them became weak . . . they lost their comeliness, through being unable to bear the burden of their possessions, and grew ugly to look upon, in the eyes of him who has the gift of sight.” He writes that “Zeus, the God of gods . . . marked how this righteous race was in evil plight, and desired to inflict punishment upon them.” Cayce agrees that many of the inhabitants of Atlantis were so sinful that the elements combined to bring a conclusion to their dreadful actions.276
It is difficult for modern science to explain how the energy of emotions and thoughts have any effect on the forces of nature, but indigenous people knew and understood this concept. When rain was needed, shamans supervised specific melodious dances, chants, and prayers, and their strength drew energy from clouds. As the clouds dissolved, moisture fell to the thirsty land and people below. Societies maintained elaborate planting ceremonies during which they danced on the earth and even kissed it. As they danced they chanted, for they knew the combination of love, vibration, and sound was beneficial to the newly planted, living seeds, and to their beloved planet.
I am a carpenter and my father and grandfather were carpenters. My grandfather told me that long ago carpenters used their minds, he said “hypnotism,” to move heavy objects.
This carpenter’s statement emphasizes how little we understand about the powers of the mind. Some people are capable of moving small objects without touching them, and others know how to produce enough energy to bend forks and spoons. We realize that a focused mind, utilizing meditation and visualization, can sometimes relieve health problems as well as the unpleasant symptoms of stress.
Edgar Cayce tells us that thoughts are things or deeds, and they may become miracles. When many individuals concentrate on an identical desire or aspiration, the thought acquires additional power, and their intention gradually becomes reality. It is said that if you focus on a thought or feeling for at least seventeen seconds, without introducing a contrary image or emotion, your intention will be manifest in the physical world.
How is this possible? The process of creation starts with a thought or a conception. Thoughts are energy that travels through the atmosphere. As the currents of energy from our minds move around us, they give off signals. We know that thoughts are contagious between people and can produce mass hysteria. If a group of furious individuals assemble, their animosity creates a field of energy that affects others and soon the situation turns into an angry mob. In this same way unfavorable energy travels from this planet throughout the cosmos and disturbs the universe. In the final period of Atlantis, the unfavorable vibrations resulting from crime, immorality, and conflicts between groups of people over treatment of the “things” was extremely strong. As Plato and Cayce tell us, overpowering negative thoughts and actions disturbed the natural forces. A catastrophe sent the fertile land and the people who dwelt on it into the greedy ocean. If we are not careful, there is always the danger that our universe will choose to do with us as it did with Atlantis and Lemuria, wrinkle the Earth’s skin like a dog with fleas, and destroy our civilization.
264. Cayce, Readings 621–1 and 419–1.
265. Cayce, Readings 877–26.
266. Hatt, The Maya, p. 14.
267. Plato, Timaeus.
268. Troano Codex.
269. Churchward, The Lost Continent of Mu.
270. Cerve, Lemuria, p. 214.
271. Cayce, Readings 1473–1.
272. Brown, The Riddle of the Pacific, p. 54.
273. Darwin quote from chapter 8 of The Voyage of the Beagle;
274. Muck, The Secret of Atlantis, p. viii.
275. Churchward, The Lost Continent of Mu.
276. Cayce, Readings 5750–1.