Select Bibliography

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Agar, Herbert, Land of the Free (Boston, 1935)

Alden, John R. The American Revolution, 1775–1783 (New York, 1954)

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Allen, Herbert, John Hancock, Patriot in Purple (New York, 1948)

Anburey, Lieutenant T., With Burgoyne from Quebec (S. Jackman, 1963)

Anderson, Fred, A People’s Army: Massachusetts Soldiers and Society in the Seven Years’ War (Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 1984)

Anderson, Troyer, The Command of the Howe Brother (New York, 1936)

Andrews, Charles, The Colonial Period of American History (New Haven, Connecticut, 1934–8, 4 vols)

Aptheker, Herbert, The Negro in the American Revolution (New York, 1940)

Bailyn, Bernard, The Ideological Origins of the America Revolution (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1967)

——The Ordeal of Thomas Hutchinson (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1974)

Bass, Robert, The Swamp Fox (New York, 1949)

Becker, Carl, The Eve of the Revolution (New York, 1920)

——The Declaration of Independence (New York, 1922)

Belcher, Henry, The First American Civil War, 1775–1778 (New York, 1911, 2 vols)

Bemis, Samuel, The Diplomacy of the American Revolution (Washington, 1935)

Bernière, Ensign Henry de, Narrative of Occurrences, 1775 (Boston, 1779)

Boatner, Mark, Encyclopedia of the American Revolution (New York, 1976)

Bobrick, Benson, Angel in the Whirlwind (New York, 1997)

Bowler, R. Arthur, Logistics and the Failure of the British Army in America, 1775–1783 (Princeton, New Jersey, 1975)

Bowman, Allen, The Morale of the American Revolutionary Army (Washington, DC, 1943)

Brinton, Crane, The Anatomy of Revolution (New York, 1938)

Buell, Augustus, Paul Jones, Founder of the American Navy (New York, 1900, 2 vols)

Bullock, Charles, The Finances of the United States from 1775 to 1789 (Madison, 1895)

Burgoyne, The Dramatic and Poetical Works of Lt.-Gen. J. Burgoyne (London, 1808, 2 vols)

Butterfield, L. H., ed., Adams Family Correspondence (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1963–73, 4 vols)

Calhoon, Robert, The Loyalist Perception (New York, 1989)

Callahan, North, Henry Knox (New York, 1958)

Calloway, Colin The American Revolution in Indian Country (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1998)

Carter, Clarence, ed., The Correspondence of General Thomas Gage (New Haven, Connecticut, 1933, 2 vols)

Chinar, Gilbert, Honest John Adams (Boston, 1933)

Clinton, General Sir Henry, The American Rebellion, ed. William Willcox (New Haven, Connecticut, 1954)

Coleman, Kenneth, The American Revolution in Georgia, 1763–1789 (Athens, Georgia, 1958)

Commager, Henry Steels, Documents of American History (New York, 1934, 2 vols.)

——and Richard Morris, The Spirit of ’76 (Indianapolis, Indiana, 1958)

Coupland, Reginald, The American Revolution and the British Empire (New York, 1930)

Curtis, Edward, The Organisation of the British Army in the American Revolution (New Haven, Connecticut 1926)

Davidson, Philip, Propaganda and the American Revolution, 1763–1783 (Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 1941)

Donne, Bodham, ed., Correspondence of King George III with Lord North (London, 1867, 2 vols)

Dull, Jonathan, The French Navy and American Independence (Princeton, New Jersey, 1975)

Egerton, Hugh, Causes and Character of the American Revolution (Oxford, 1923)

Ferrie, Richard, The World Turned Upside Down (New York, 1988)

Fischer, David Hackett, Paul Revere’s Ride (New York, 1994)

Fisher, Sydney, The Struggle for American Independence (Philadelphia, 1908, 2 vols)

Forbes, Esther, Paul Revere and the World he Lived in (Boston, 1942)

Fortescue, Sir John, A History of the British Army, Vols. Two and Three (London, 1910–11)

Franklin, Benjamin, Writings, ed. Albert Smyth (New York, 1905–7, 10 vols)

Freeman, Douglas, George Washington: A Biography (New York, 1948–54, 6 vols)

Frey, Sylvia, The British Soldier in America (Austin, Texas, 1981)

Freidenwald, Herbert, The Declaration of Independence (New York, 1904)

Fuller, J.F.C. Decisive Battles of the USA (1942)

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Glover, Michael, General Burgoyne (London, 1976)

Goss, Elbridge, The Life of Colonel Paul Revere (Boston, 1891, 2 vols)

Gottschalk, Louis, Lafayette and the Close of the American Revolution (Chicago, 1942)

Granger, Bruce, Political Satire in the American Revolution (New York, 1960)

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