The record of the religious writers analyzed shows that for many, many thousands of years man has been projecting his current knowledge onto his inner realities, his outer realities and the universe in general. If one analyzes the Bible, the Koran, the sacred writings of India, the Vedas, the Upanishads, one sees that man has been trying to deal with his origins by means of what, today, we call “projection.” His projection of his own knowledge onto the universe, onto his own origins and onto his future end is, then, the ultimate simulation.
When we simulate that of which we have no knowledge, we project our current knowledge into the unknown, into our own ignorance, into regions in which we either do not yet have knowledge or cannot have knowledge.
In this book, we have analyzed past simulations of God. In a future book we will consider how we in modern times, with all our current scientific knowledge, can project a new image of God, the ultimate simulation of the Star Maker, of that which creates everything we perceive both inside ourselves and outside in the universe. Such a simulation may take several volumes. The outlines of it are currently in preparation.
One can spend several lifetimes determining not only the current status of scientific knowledge on all subjects including man himself but the current status of those theories of projection which ultimately will afford us more mastery of our future in spite of the indeterminacy dictated by the universe. Our hopes in this area are best expressed by the best of scientific theory in modern physics, modern astrophysics, modern astronomy, the sciences of the inner life, the biological sciences, the sciences of the construction of theories, and so forth.
One could make a small beginning on the ultimate simulation by projecting what we know of our own bodies onto the universe. In this simulation one would make sloppy analogies between the nuclei of atoms of our bodies and the suns of the universe, the stars. One could then say that a galaxy was a large multi-atomic molecule with 100 billion atoms in its structure. The next molecule over would be the next galaxy. The body of the universe would thus be the order of 5 billion light years in extent. There may then be a gap of a number of millions or billions of light years before we reach the next body, the next entity.
In this view the patternings of function within the universe would proceed very slowly. A single thought in this immense organism may take five billion years to cover the whole of the particular organism. The thoughts of such a being are as far beyond us as we are beyond the thinking of the ants, the bacteria or the viruses.
Such an ultimate simulation of God seems worthy of our modern science and our theoreticians and others of those who wish to integrate science as we know it and construct guidelines for future research into the unknown. In a sense this is an inspirational model for science. This may be the way many scientists are operating. In effect they are saying that no matter what metaphors we use, those metaphors must prove themselves to be appropriate by being tested against experimental reality, experientially perceived with the best thinking of which man is capable.
In the construction of such simulations of the universe, such simulations of God, we must throw out the nonsense, the non-knowledge posing as knowledge from the past. We can no longer afford to allow our emotions to do the projections. Our best intellect is the only tool we have worthy of this task. The whole status of our being must be based upon such endeavors; else we will destroy ourselves and our planet, even as hundreds of thousands of planets have been in some way destroyed before ours.
In our microcosm we may be a reflection of that organism which is our universe. We may be in communication (by at present unknown means) with this huge intelligent entity constructed of suns, of planets, of galaxies. If we are in connection and if this entity has some correspondences to us, then we need no longer simulate God; we have at last an entity worthy of our investigative activities.