
9/11 attacks, 23, 102

1857 War of Independence, 18, 33

1989 Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 52

Abdullah, Farooq, 91

Abdullah, Omar, 91

Adityanath, Yogi, 143–144, 159, 178

Adivasis, 24

BJP and, 54

education and, 52

NRC and, 178

Singh on, 68

affirmative action, 52, 107

Afghanistan, 26, 66, 72, 88

CAA and, 130, 149

Africa, 69

Agence France-Presse, 114

Ahomiya Hindus, 118

Ahomiya Muslims, 118

Aligarh Muslim University, 140

Al Jazeera, 114

All Assam Students’ Union, 123

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, 190

Amarnath Yatra, 26, 90, 90–91

Amazon, 184

Ambani, Mukesh, 84

Ambedkar, B. R., 11, 147, 153, 155

Anandamath (Chattopadhyay), 42

Annihilation of Caste (Ambedkar), 11

Ansari, Tabrez, 96, 110

Arabic language, 12, 14, 33, 36

Arendt, Hannah, 99, 178

Armed Forces Special Powers Act, 26

Arunachal Pradesh, 129

Assam, 15–16, 51, 86, 98, 11–23, 125–130, 178

Assam Accord, 122

Assamese language, 118

Assam Public Works, 123

assimilation, 86

Associated Press, 58, 62, 114

Aurangzeb, 167

Australia, 69

Awadhi, 37

Axomiya, 16

Ayemenem, 16, 20, 75

Ayodhya, 51, 106, 109, 154

Azad, Chandrashekhar, 52

Azadi, 1–2, 43

BJP and, 143

Kashmir and, 110, 140–142

The Ministry and, 26, 141–142

Babri Masjid mosque, 51, 106, 133

Baganiya, 16

Bahujan Samaj Party, 107

Bai, Rasoolan, 40

Bajrangi, Babu, 160, 177

Balakot, Pakistan, 57

Baldwin, James, 79–80

Bangalore, 156

Bangladesh, 12, 105, 109, 120, 123, 131

CAA and, 130, 149, 179

Bareilly, 187

Baroda, 40

Bastar, 28, 54, 55

Bayer, 133

BBC, 114

Bengali language, 12, 42, 118–121

Berger, John, 71

Bhagwat, Mohan, 101, 111

Bharadwaj, Sudha, 52, 55

Bharatiya Janata Party, 77, 102, 105–107, 159

2014 elections and, 103

2019 elections and, 3, 48–49, 61, 62, 74, 94

Adivasis and, 54

Assam and, 123

Ayodhya and, 51, 106

Azadi and, 143

coronavirus and, 185

Dalits and, 54, 107

Delhi pogrom and, 177

demonetization policy and, 49

Gujarat massacre and, 23

Kashmir and, 60, 113, 117

in Madhya Pradesh, 184

The Ministry and, 157

Muslims and, 54, 60

RSS and, 100–101, 108–109, 139

in Uttar Pradesh, 143

in West Bengal, 131, 144

Bhide, Sambhaji, 53

Bhim Army, 52, 155

Bhojpuri, 37

Bible, 16, 111, 188

Bihar, 85, 107, 177

Bi, Kauser, 53

Black Africans, 147, 148

Bodos, 118

Bollywood, 4, 59, 93, 156, 157

Bolsonaro, Jair, 184

Booker Prize, 76

Border Security Force, 60

Brahmaputra, 119, 124

Brahminism, 73, 146

Brahmins, 11, 35, 52, 73, 102, 146

Braj Bhasha, 37

Brazil, 66

Britain, 97

British Airways, 44

British Empire, 8–10, 33–34, 53, 59, 83–86, 117–119, 148

British Residency, 17

Buddhists, 129, 130

Cachar, 118

caste, 183, 185, 189

Ambedkar on, 11

anti-caste struggle, 155, 179

Gandhi on, 73–74

The God of Small Things and, 151

Hindu nationalism and, 107–108, 146–148, 150

language and, 34–36

Catalonia, 97, 104

Central Reserve Police Force, 60

Chattopadhyay, Bankim Chandra, 42

Chhattisgarh, 55

Chile, 97, 104

China, 120, 183, 191

Christianity, 34, 146

Christians, 15–17, 63, 136

CAA and, 130, 132

Hindu nationalism and, 73, 148

Travancore Christian Succession Act, 76

Citizenship Amendment Act, 130–132, 139–140, 149

Christians and, 130, 132

Dalits and, 155

Muslims and, 155, 178

protests and, 4, 155, 178, 183

climate change, 69, 99, 113, 152

Communist Party, 43

Communist Party of India (Maoist), 28, 67

Communist Party of India (Marxist), 75

Congress Party, 50, 54, 105, 122, 147, 184

coronavirus, 180, 181–191

borders and, 2

fascism and, 3

in the United States, 182–183, 188, 190

lockdown and, 5, 185–188

rupture with the past, 1

Curry, Marshall, 112

Dabholkar, Narendra, 72

Daesh (ISIS), 67

Dakhani, Wali, 39–40, 161

Dalit Camera: Through

Un-Touchable Eyes, 153

Dalits, 127, 132, 146

2019 elections an, 63

activism of, 53

Ambedkar and, 147

Bhima–Koregaon victory and, 52–53

BJP and, 54, 107–108

CAA and, 131, 155

education and, 52

English language and, 11

Indian state and, 9

Islam and, 153

lynchings and, 20, 72, 107, 152

The Ministry and, 152, 154

Modi and, 153

NRC and, 178

Danish language, 15

Dar, Adil Ahmad, 57–58, 90

Deccan Plateau, 32, 33

Delhi, 10, 18, 53, 85, 96, 137, 180

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, 190

BJP in, 144

Bolsonaro in, 184

coronavirus lockdown and, 188

independence celebration in, 83

Jama Masjid, 155, 167

Jamia Millia Islamia University, 140, 176

Khari Boli and, 33

pogroms in, 4–5, 137, 175–177, 184

Red Fort in, 93

Shaheen Bagh, 140

The Ministry and, 29, 44

Trump in, 4

voting in, 66

Delhi Assembly, 184

Delhi University, 19

Devanagari script, 10, 35–36

Dhaka, 120

Dhawale, Sudhir, 53

Disturbed Areas Act, 27

The Doctor and the Saint, 73, 145

Doordarshan, 20

Dussehra, 154

East Bengal, 119, 120

East India Company, 33

East Pakistan, 12, 120, 122

Ekbote, Milind, 53

Elgar Parishad, 52–54

Eliot, T. S., 135–136

“The End of Imagination,” 22–23, 77–78

English language, 7–11, 13–22, 43, 45, 125

The Ministry and, 26–30

Europe, 10, 34

coronavirus in, 190

fascism in, 73, 100–101, 111, 158

racism in, 73

fascism, 47, 67, 72, 95, 150–151, 158–159

caste and, 146

European, 73, 94, 100–101, 158

mob violence of, 137, 175–176

RSS and, 73, 94, 100–101, 144

US, 112

feminism, 141, 179. See also women’s activism

Ferreira, Arun, 52

fiction, 1, 29, 70–72, 75, 79, 137–138, 145, 150–151, 158, 167

First Anglo-Burmese War, 118

Foreigners Tribunals, 122, 127, 130, 132

Forest Advisory Committee, 113

France, 50, 97, 133, 135, 189

Gadling, Surendra, 53, 55

Gandhi (Attenborough), 147

Gandhi, Indira, 120–122

Gandhi, Mohandas, 5, 73–74, 145, 147–148

Gates Foundation, 107

Geneva Convention, 64

Germany, 100–101, 106, 132–133, 139

Ghazipur, 188

Goalpara, 125

The God of Small Things, 13, 68

Ammu, 76–77, 151

Booker Prize and, 76

caste and, 151

Comrade K. N. M. Pillai, 76

criminal charges and, 76–77

critique of the Left in, 76, 151

Esthappen, 170

Hindu nationalism and, 21–22

Kalyani, 76

Kolkata reading from, 7

The Ministry and, 28, 79, 81

setting of, 16, 20–21, 75

Velutha, 76–77, 151

Godhra, 23

Gogoi, Justice Ranjan, 123, 128

Golwalkar, M. S., 131–132

Gonsalves, Vernon, 52

Goods and Services Tax, 104

Gorakhpur, 187, 188

Guardian, 49, 114

Gujarat, 95, 102, 164

2002 massacre in, 23, 38–41, 43, 103, 159–161, 177

Trump in, 184

Hajela, Prateek, 128

Harlem, 66

Haryana, 24, 85, 130, 152

Hindi language, 10, 16, 18–19, 45, 112

canon of, 37

Gujarat massacre and, 23

Hindus and, 2, 36–38

The Ministry and, 14, 25, 28, 33, 37

Hindi Nationalism (Rai), 35

Hinduism, 34, 73, 101, 147, 152, 153, 154, 155

Hindu nationalism, 145, 155, 184. See also Gujarat; RSS

2019 election and, 3

Assam and, 128

assassinations and, 72, 156

capitalism and, 103–104, 151

caste and, 146, 150

demonetization and, 104

fascism and, 144, 148–150, 151–152, 158

Golwalkar on, 132

in Assam, 126

Kashmir and, 62, 88, 113, 143

language and, 2, 12, 21, 100

Pakistan and, 101, 136, 149

RSS and, 73, 94, 100–101, 139

slogans of, 41–42, 101, 136, 162–163, 177, 178

terror networks of, 50–51

Hindus, 136

in Afghanistan, 179

Anandamath and, 42

Aryan identity and, 148, 158

in Assam, 118, 120, 121, 126, 128, 130

in Bangladesh, 149, 179

CAA and, 130, 133

Delhi pogroms and, 176, 184

Gujarat massacre and, 23, 103

Hindi and, 2, 36

in Jammu and Kashmir, 87

in Kashmir, 88

Kumbh Mela and, 51

The Ministry and, 28, 30, 32, 154–155

NRC and, 178

in Pakistan, 149, 179

police violence and, 143

in Tripura, 129

Urdu and, 33, 35

vigilante violence and, 4–5, 60, 72, 94, 102, 106, 110–111, 137, 152–154, 184

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, 50

Hindustani language, 2, 40

Hitler, Adolph, 73, 145

Hollywood, 19

Hong Kong, 97, 104

House Un-American Activities Committee, 65

Houston, 112, 117, 133

Hussein, Saddam, 25, 152

Hyderabad, 70, 86

Hyderabad House, 4

IG Farben, 133

Illegal Migrants (Determination by Tribunal) Act, 122–123

Independence, 30

Independence Day, 83, 93

Indian Air Force, 62

Indian Army, 59, 60, 63

Kashmir and, 86–87, 157

The Ministry and, 27

RSS and, 102

Indian Constitution, 10, 20, 83, 84, 93, 99, 108, 140

Indian Express, 47, 61

Indian Parliament, 5, 83–84, 86, 95, 112, 139, 144, 157, 183

indigenous people. See also Adivasis

in Assam, 126

displacement of, 24, 118

diversity of, 100

eastern and central India, 16

Hinduism and, 34

The Ministry and, 154, 155

protests by, 97

Singh on, 68

in Tripura, 129

Instrument of Accession, 83–84, 86–87, 108

Intelligence Bureau, 60

International Committee of the Red Cross, 64

In Which Annie Gives It Those Ones, 19

Iran, 67

Iranian Revolution, 43, 140

Iraq, 25, 66, 80–81, 97, 152

Islam, 146, 152–153, 165, 167

caste and, 34

Dalits and, 153

Hussain and, 25

Kashmir and, 88

Pakistan and, 22

Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 12

Israel, 85, 110, 133

Italy, 100

Jafarabad, 177

Jahan, Ishrat, 53

Jaish-e-Mohammad, 58, 61

Jama Masjid, 167

Jamia Millia Islamia University, 140, 176

Jammu and Kashmir, 59–60, 87, 108, 114, 129

assimilation and, 86

siege of, 3, 83–84, 92, 99, 180

Jammu and Kashmir Police, 60–61, 91

Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Act, 2019, 84, 112

Jammu city, 89

Jammu massacre, 87

Jawaharlal Nehru University, 51

Jews, 73, 100, 132, 167

Jharkhand, 110

Kabul, 26

Kaithi, 35

Kalburgi, M. M., 72

Kali, 9

Karnataka, 50, 130

Kashmir, 9, 96–97

2019 election and, 3

azadi and, 110, 140–142

BJP and, 60, 117

ecology of, 84, 113

fiction and, 79–80, 167

Hindu nationalism and, 62, 88–89, 113, 143

Hindus in, 88

Indian Army in, 86–87, 157

Indian migrant labor in, 91

international law and, 64

militarization of, 60, 89, 138

The Ministry and, 26–27, 79, 137–138, 141–142, 151, 167–172

misogyny and, 85

Modi and, 57, 59, 62–63, 90–93

Muslims in, 88–89

nuclear war and, 57

Pakistan and, 57–58, 59, 64, 86–88, 92, 116

protests in, 43, 141

siege of, 83–87, 91–94, 98–99, 108–109, 113–116, 139, 180

silencing of, 85, 112–114, 138, 141

Kashmiri language, 26, 43

Kashmiri Pandit Sangharsh Samiti, 88–89

Kashmir Valley, 58, 87, 88, 108, 143, 169

Kathakali, 17

Kayasthas, 35

Kerala, 15, 16, 43

The God of Small Things and, 21, 75–76, 151

Khalid, Umar, 51

Khan, Imran, 64

Khan, Syed Ahmed, 36

Khan, Ustad Faiyaz, 40

Khari Boli, 33

Khattar, Manohar Lal, 85

Kipling, Rudyard, 17

Kolkata, 7, 9, 15

Kolse-Patil, Justice, 52, 53

Kottayam, 17

Krishen, Pradip, 19

Kumar, Kanhaiya, 142

Ladakh, 84, 129

Lalung, 118

Lankesh, Gauri, 50, 72, 156

Latin, 15, 17, 26

Latin America, 8, 69

Lawrence, Sir Henry, 17–18

Lebanon, 97, 104

Lebensraum, 111

Libya, 66

London, 8, 129

Lord Ram, 96, 106, 109, 110, 154–155

Loya, Justice Brijgopal Harkishan, 95, 177

Lucknow, 18, 187

MacDonnell, Sir Anthony, 36

Madhav, Ram, 94

Madhya Pradesh, 184

Madras, 74

Maharashtra, 47, 53, 147

Maithili, 37

Malayalam, 15, 17–18, 20–21, 23, 43

Malik, Satya Pal, 114

Mallya, Vijay, 49

Manipur, 86, 129

Maoists, 54, 71, 110

Marathi, 23

Marenbon, Dr. John, 136

Meenachal River, 75

Meghalaya, 129, 178

Meghalaya Residents Safety and Security Act, 129

Mexico, 72

Miller, Arthur, 65

The Ministry of Utmost Happiness

2002 Gujarat massacre and, 38–41, 161, 162

Amrik Singh, 27, 170–172

Anjum, 24, 28–30, 38, 41, 43, 45, 81, 137, 152–153, 161–167

Azadi and, 26, 141–142

BJP and, 157

Dalits and, 152, 154

Dasgupta, Biplap (Garson Hobart), 80

D.D. Gupta, 80

Dr. Azad Bhartiya, 25, 28, 165

Garson Hobart, 26, 40, 141–142, 170–173

Gayatri Mantra and, 43–45

The God of Small Things and, 28, 79, 81

Hazrat Sarmad, 167

Hindus and, 28, 30, 32, 154–155

indigenous people, 154–155

Jahanara Begum, 30–31

Kashmir and, 79, 137–138, 141–142, 151, 167–172

language and, 29–33, 37–38

Language Map of, 29

Lankesh and, 156

Maryam Ipe, 27

Miss Jebeen, 168, 170

Mulaqat Ali, 30–33, 38

Musa Yeswi, 26–27, 167–171

Muslims and, 152, 154

Nagaraj Hariharan, 27

Pakistan and, 151

Revathy, 28, 166

Saddam Hussain, 24–25, 44–45, 152–153, 164–166

Tilotamma, 26–27

translation and, 13–15, 29

Ustad Kulsoom Bi, 161, 163

Zainab, 24, 43–44, 161

Zakir Mian, 38, 41, 43, 161–162

Ministry of Defense, 63

Mishing, 118

Mishra, Kapil, 177–178

Miya language, 119, 128

Mizoram, 86

Modi, Narendra

2019 elections and, 3, 48, 62–63, 66

Adityanath and, 143, 159

ascent of, 102–103

assassination charges and, 53, 72

cabinet of, 144

coronavirus and, 5, 185–189

Dalits and, 153

Delhi pogroms and, 176

demonetization policy of, 48–49, 63, 103–104

“Father of the Nation” title and, 5

in Gujarat, 23, 103, 159–161, 164

“Howdy, Modi,” 112, 117

Kashmir and, 57, 59, 62–63, 90–93

Kashmiris in India and, 61

lynchings and, 111

“Make in India” and, 49–50

masks of, 4

NRC and, 129–130

on graveyards, 159

on secularism, 100

Pakistan and, 57, 61–62, 65, 90, 144

protests and, 143–144

RSS and, 94, 102–103, 105, 139, 145

Sardar Sarovar Dam and, 97

Trump and, 3–5, 112, 133

Modi, Nirav, 49

Morrison, Toni, 136

Mufti, Mehbooba, 91

Mughal Empire, 33, 167

Mumbai, 49, 53

Munda, Birsa, 155

Muralidhar, S., 177

Muslims, 96, 127, 142, 148–149

2002 Gujarat massacre and, 177

2019 elections and, 63

Anandamath and, 42

in Assam, 118–123, 126, 128

in Ayodhya, 106

BJP and, 54, 60

CAA and, 4, 130–132, 140, 149, 155, 178, 183

coronavirus and, 185, 188–189

Delhi pogroms and, 4–5, 137, 175–177, 184, 188

Devangarai and, 35–36

disenfranchisement of, 109–110

Gandhi and, 147

graveyards of, 29, 81, 136–137, 160

Gujarat massacre and, 23, 103, 159–160

Indian state and, 9

in Jammu and Kashmir, 87

in Kashmir, 88–89

in Ladakh, 129

lynchings and, 20, 52, 60, 72, 94, 137, 160

Muzaffarnagar massacre and, 103

The Ministry and, 28, 29, 30, 32, 152, 154

in Naroda Patiya, 160

NRC and, 178

police violence and, 143

protests and, 143

RSS and, 73, 100–101, 109, 131–132, 139

segregation and, 137

Urdu and, 2, 33, 37–38

Mussolini, Benito, 73, 94, 145

Muzaffarnagar, 103

My Seditious Heart, 79

Nagaland, 86, 129

Nagari Pracharini Sabhas, 35

Nagpur, 53, 106

Nariman, Justice Rohinton Fali, 123

Narmada River, 98, 112

Naroda Patiya, 160, 177

Natal Legislative Assembly, 148

National Anthem, 176

National Awards, 20

National Conference, 91

National Crime Records Bureau, 107, 111

National Intelligence Agency, 60

National Population Register, 130, 178

National Register of Citizens, 51, 98–99, 109, 117–118, 121–133, 178

National Relief Fund, 188

NATO, 68

Navlakha, Gautam, 52, 55

Naxalites, 54

Nazis, 101, 112

Nehru, Jawaharlal, 87

Nellie massacre, 121–122

Nepal, 105, 188

Neruda, Pablo, 45

New Delhi, 25, 62, 88, 89, 179

Jammu and Kashmir and, 84, 92

New York, 182

New York City, 66, 112, 114

New York Times, 62, 114

North India, 33, 60, 62

North-Western Frontier Province, 87

North-Western Provinces, 36

nuclear tests, 22, 77

nuclear weapons, 57, 60, 63, 64, 67, 77–78, 151

Nuremberg Laws, 132, 139

Old Delhi, 24, 30, 32, 81, 154, 161, 167

Ootacamund, 16

“Operation Green Hunt,” 69

Orissa, 19

Pakistan, 62, 105

CAA and, 130, 149

East Bengal and, 120–122

Hindu nationalism and, 101, 136, 149

Hindus in, 149

Kashmir and, 57–58, 59, 64, 86–88, 92, 116

The Ministry and, 28, 151

Modi and, 57, 61–62, 65, 90, 144

nuclear tests and, 22, 77

Partition and, 86, 149, 187

RSS and, 101, 109

United States and, 120

Pakistan Army, 91, 120, 122

Pandits, 88–89

Pansare, Govind, 72

Parliament, 109, 130

Partition, 32, 85–87, 120, 149, 187

Patel, Keshubhai, 23

PEN America, 65, 72

People’s Democratic Party, 91

People’s Union for Civil Liberties, 55

Persian language, 12, 30–31, 33, 35–40, 43

Peshwa regime, 53

Phule, Jotiba and Savitribai, 147, 155

Poonch, 87

Portugual, 8

Prasad, Chandra Bhan, 11

Prosser, Simon, 1

Public Safety Act, 139

Pulwama, 57–61

Pune, 47, 52–53, 110

Punjab, 18, 177

Punjabi language, 23, 25, 28

The Quint, 111

Raees, Abdul, 153

Rai, Alok, 35

Rao, Varavara, 52

Rashtriya Janata Dal, 107

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, 12, 73–74, 94, 108–109, 145

Assam and, 122

BJP and, 139

Delhi pogrom and, 177

Gandhi and, 147

Gujarat massacre and, 23

on lynching, 111

Modi and, 94, 102, 102–103, 105, 145

Muslims and, 100–101, 109, 131, 132, 139

NRC and, 131

nuclear tests and, 77

Pakistan and, 101, 109

Raut, Mahesh, 53

Ravan, 154–155

Ravidas, Sant, 147, 155

Rawat, Bipin, 114

Reliance Defence Limited, 50

Reliance Industries, 84

Reporters Without Borders, 72

Republic Day, 183

Research and Analysis Wing, 60

reservation, 52, 107

Reserve Bank of India, 49

Reuters, 62, 103

Right to Information Act, 72

River Indus, 12

Roy, Mary, 15–17, 76

Saibaba, 55

Salwa Judum, 54

Samajwadi Party, 107

Sanatan Sanstha, 50

Sanders, Bernie, 183

Sangh Parivar, 102, 148

Sanskrit, 12, 35–36, 43, 44–46

Sardar Sarovar Dam, 98, 112

Saudi Arabia, 133

Sawant, Justice, 52–53

Sen, Dr. Binayak, 54–55

Sen, Shoma, 53

Shah, Amit, 95, 114, 130, 144, 178

Shaheen Bagh, 140, 144

Shahjahanabad, 155

Shakespeare, William, 17, 29, 45, 135, 165

Sheikh, Sohrabuddin, 53

Shillong, 15–16, 178

Shiva, 90

Siemens, 133

Sikhism, 146

Sikhs, 27–28, 34, 130

Singh, Hari, 86–87

Singh, Manmohan, 68

Sinhala language, 12

Sonowal, Sarbananda, 123

Sontag, Susan, 12

South Africa, 119, 147–148

South India, 16

South Vietnam, 88

Spain, 8

Sri Lanka, 12

Srinagar, 141, 180

Sultana, Rehna, 128–129

Supreme Court, 24, 61, 76, 106, 123–124, 160

Syria, 66, 72

Tablighi Jamaat, 189

Taliban, 60, 66

Tamil language, 12, 17

Tamil Nadu, 16–17, 153

Tehelka magazine, 160

Thakur, Anurag, 178

Third Reich, 132, 139

Tibet, 85

translation, 12–13, 23–25, 28, 45, 70

Travancore Christian Succession Act, 76

Trump, Donald, 3–5, 85, 112, 184

Turkey, 66

United Nations, 180

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 69

United Nations Security Council, 69

United Progressive Alliance, 50, 54

United States, 3–4, 52, 65–68, 102, 111, 117, 133

Congress of, 112

coronavirus in, 182–183, 188, 190

The Ministry and, 26, 171

Pakistan and, 120

racism in, 73

South Vietnam and, 88

Taliban and, 60, 66

Unlawful Activities Prevention Act, 53, 95

Urdu, 2, 23

Anjum and, 24

Azadi in, 43

Devangarai and, 35–38

The Ministry and, 14, 25, 28, 30–33, 38–39

Muslims and, 37–38

Pakistan and, 12, 38

partitioning of, 33

poetry and, 32, 38–40

slogans in, 43

Uri, Jammu and Kashmir, 59

Uttar Pradesh, 33, 38, 103, 130, 178, 188

BJP in, 105, 107, 143–144, 159

Vajpayee, Atal Bihari, 77

Varthaman, Abhinandan, 62, 64

Verma, Parvesh, 178

Vishwa Hindu Parishad, 106

Washington Post, 114

Welsh language, 16

We or Our Nationhood Defined (Golwalkar), 131

West Bengal, 131, 144

What the Fields Remember, 122

Wilson, Rona, 53, 55

women’s activism, 4, 43, 102, 140, 144, 178

World Health Organization, 185

Yemen, 72

Zafar, Bahadur Shah, 34