December 14th, 2016
Las Vegas, Nevada
Pickett forced herself to go back to the buffet to get all three of them a helping of bread pudding. She was so nervous, she wasn’t hungry, but Robin was on the phone with Will and his people and Sarge was on the phone with Andor at the police headquarters, trying to have someone dig into the file and pull out the informant’s name who vanished.
So bread pudding seemed to be a task she could handle for them at the moment.
She was convinced they had figured out the entire scheme.
It was logical that Bob Steven would try to defend their names and the money they had gotten. So more than likely he had hired the sniper who killed Cinda at the storage unit.
And since he died in the battle in Melita’s basement, he was clearly in charge there.
So now, to really finish this off, they needed to capture Heather alive. Pickett was pretty convinced that wasn’t going to happen. But Mike and his men, with the detectives were sure going to try to make it happen.
And if they did get Heather alive, this could finally be done.
Pickett carefully fixed up three dishes of bread pudding, putting just the right amount of rum sauce over each one, then carried them back to the table.
She wasn’t sure she could eat any of hers, but waiting was easier with a fork in her hand.
Sarge smiled and thanked her. “Andor is digging. Said it shouldn’t take too long.”
At that moment Robin hung up. “Three of the major players in the scam of the Hughes properties died in the raid. Two unnamed others considered major players were never found and the money was never found.”
Pickett nodded and started into her bread pudding, letting the sweet and familiar taste calm her some.
Both Sarge and Robin did the same.
“Anyone have any idea how much was skimmed?” Sarge asked between bites.
Robin shook her head. “Guesses run from three hundred million into the billions, but all that is Bigfoot country. No one really knows for sure. All anyone knows is that a skim operation was taking place and they shut it down.”
Pickett laughed. “Heather’s storage unit sure confirms a lot about the fact that the skim happened.”
“It does at that,” Robin said.
At that moment Sarge’s phone rang. He glanced at it and nodded, then clicked it on and said, “Hi, Mike.”
Pickett and Robin watched as Sarge nodded, then said, “Great news. Keep her protected.”
Sarge hung up. “They captured Heather alive.”
Pickett said, “Yes!”
“Fantastic!” Robin said, laughing.
“If they can get her back here and under protective custody,” Sarge said, “we might just get a few more answers on this.”
Pickett frowned at Sarge. “You still think there are more people than Bob Steven and his men trying to shut this down?”
“I do,” Sarge said, nodding. “With billions on the line and reputations to protect, if any of the major players are still alive, they are going to make sure Heather never says a word.”
Pickett pushed her unfinished bread pudding away.
What next? She wasn’t sure she wanted to know, actually.