Chapter Thirty-five


The next few days were spent cleaning up the mess in the attic. They found Bindi’s body still lodged in the wall and the four of them took her to a field outside of New Orleans and gave her a proper burial after the law was finished with their investigation.

Emily didn’t talk much about the fact that she was now immortal. Dixie tried to broach the subject on several occasions but was shut down. Perhaps it was just her way of coming to terms with the truth of her new existence. Lathan was at her side most of the time, and the one thing Dixie could be thankful for was that her friend was loved.

As for Dixie, she wrangled with her own mortality on a daily basis. Her life was near perfect. She had her best friend living with her and the love of the most extraordinary man she’d ever known. He could protect her from anything and his loyalty was unwavering. The only problem was, she’d grow old and eventually die. Blake would forever appear to be twenty-five.

Blake wasn’t the only issue. There was her best friend, Emily, who would also be perpetually young. Dixie was the only one who would have to watch as her hair turned grey and the skin on her face wrinkled.

“I’m ready to spend eternity with you, my love.” She wrapped her arms around Blake and focused on the swirling color in his eyes.

“And the only thing I want is for you to see Heaven someday.” He smiled back at her.

“You are my Heaven. Don’t make me beg.”

Blake chuckled and then leaned back, favoring her with his sideways grin. “We have a lifetime to argue about this.”

That was the way all their conversations on the matter of her mortality went, but he could make her young forever. He could stop her from dying and leaving him and Emily. After all, he’d already crossed the line just by being with her.

It didn’t stop Dixie from asking. She wouldn’t give up. One day he’d cave, and then they could be together forever.