This book has been a heap of fun to write. All praise and credit to my editor, Mandy Brett, who is required personnel on any razor gang. Apart from being handy with a red pen, she is a top chick.

Huge gratitude to Michael Heyward and all at Text Publishing for the vision behind this book. Your belief in me and the scope of my work is a blessing. Jess Horrocks is responsible for the gorgeous layout and graphics. I don’t know if you are a rebel, Jess, but you are undoubtedly a legend.

Thanks also to my agent, Jacinta Dimase, for holding my hand and never letting go.

Special thanks to the students in Michael Grose’s Year 12 Australian History class at Northcote High School who agreed to road test this book. Cheers to Principal Kate Morris and Veep Nick Murphy for letting me roam around your classrooms without so much as a lifejacket.

Much love, as always, to my family, who guide and support me in everything I do.

Last but never least, thank you to my gem of a husband, Damien, and our children Bernie, Noah and Esther. You guys are keepers.