For a violin, a flute and an echo.

The stride of a girl

Has caressed the lane,

Has passed through the gate.

In the park at Nevons

The grasshoppers sleep.

White frost and hailstones

Introduce autumn.

And the wind decides

Whether leaves will fall

Or the nests first.


Quickly! Memory ignores

Who showed him this face,

This wide stare, this spillage,

This swaying as of a jellyfish

Above deep time.

It is like the vervain

Each summer cut to the ground,

The season of earth’s seeding.


The window and the park,

The plane tree and the roof

Discharged loads of bees,

From pollen to honeycomb

From the swarm to the flower.

A free gliding bird

Hovering for his food

Flung down words

Like a hearty sailor.

When the bed closed

On my whole wearied body,

Fair eyes turned

From their work to me.

The needle glittered;

And I felt the thread

In the treasure of fingers

That edged the batiste.

Ah! Far off is that time.

The years of growing,

And no father for my arm!

Spreading all her gifts,

The beloved stream

Came to my need.

Poplars and guitars

Revived at evening

To celebrate this marvel

In which heaven had no part.

A prairie reaper

Rising, bending,

Roused the swallows,

Endlessly silent.

Its keel stuck

In the slime of the islet,

A boat lay dead.

The hour between school and night,

The bramble gripping them,

A mixture of rascals

Ran, cruel and deaf.

The mist veered over them,

Icy and maternal.

On the bamboo of the jungles

They had been modeled,

Dear bobbing reeds!


The invalid gardener smiles

At the thought of the lost tools,

Of the dead wood multiplying.


The estate divided

By the will of a dead man,

Has crushed and destroyed

The lawn and the trees,

The sleeping idleness,

The shadowy space

Of my park at Nevons.

Since one must give up

What one cannot keep,

Which becomes something else

Whether or no the heart wills—

Roundly forget it,

Then beat the bushes

To seek without finding

That which must cure us

Of the unknown ills

We bear with us everywhere.