Camp Lac Igam

Book 2


The Huldra Hostility



Table of Contents


Chapter One: "Oi em a pooka,"

Chapter Two: He was a target waiting for an arrow

Chapter Three: " You cannot save him now, Shylock."

Chapter Four: "Looks like Shy is our wolf howler,"

Chapter Five: “I heard the laughing again… coming from the trees.”

Chapter Six: Mission: rescue and return

Chapter Seven: “Trolls, reds, goblins, and worse… She gathers them”

Chapter Eight: Sunshine and chocolate chip cookies had been taken from the world

Chapter Nine: “We will be OK without the axe.”

Chapter Ten: A fire was lit in his belly that wouldn’t go out anytime soon

Chapter Eleven: It was like the air itself held the hint of wrongness.

Chapter Twelve: A glare of glory in his eyes

Chapter Thirteen: “They are waiting for something or someone”

Chapter Fourteen: He knew in his heart that he was right

Chapter Fifteen: “Shylock, that was a hábrók.”

Chapter Sixteen: “What if the moon is not out?”

Chapter Seventeen: It was more like a symphony of flight

Chapter Eighteen: Mostly troupes of trolls, and gaggles of goblins

Epilogue: That moment of dreams where lucent thought overcomes sleep



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